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Question: What's your honest opinion on my Neptunia's "IF" moveset?
It's nearly perfect! - 2 (66.7%)
Very enjoyable - 0 (0%)
Good and fun - 0 (0%)
Could use some work - 1 (33.3%)
Do better... - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 3

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Author Topic: My Hyperdimension Neptunia's "IF" Moveset?  (Read 6937 times)
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    « on: July 23, 2018, 04:18:02 PM »

    I've been unable to do anything modding related the past three and half months. Since about a week ago, I've been going back at it with a new computer. Thing is I don't have my "Resources" from my inaccessible hard drive of my old computer to do anything super advanced.

    I mean I can still make some descent movesets occasionally, but if I want to get creative.....anyway!

    What do you think of my latest moveset? does it need some more work? Should I do another one from the franchise?

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