Hi! If you're brand new to Brawl hacking (or Wii hacking in general), then this is the guide for you. You've probably seen some of the cool hacks around the Internet, and were wondering how you could use them on your Wii. This guide will show you everything, from how to load Homebrew all the way to creating or editing hacks yourself. From start to finish, it should probably take about 30-60 minutes to set everything up. If you have any problems, go ahead and post in the help forum. In order to make the tutorial a little easier to read, I've enclosed a lot of the reference material in spoilers. Click on the "Show Spoiler" button to see these lists.
*Note* There's always a very, very small chance you may brick your Wii. (In other words, break it beyond repair.) This has never happened to me or anyone that I know. Follow the instructions in this tutorial carefully, and nothing should go wrong. However, if something like that happens, neither I nor anyone who helped in creating the tools in this tutorial will be held responsible. If you have any doubts about running hacks on your Wii, don't do it.1. Popular Homebrew Loading OptionsIn order to use Brawl hacks such as textures, models hacks, or PSAs, you first have to have some method of loading Homebrew. All of these methods require an SD Card. To see if your SD Card is compatible, check here:
http://wiibrew.org/wiki/SD/SDHC_Card_Compatibility_Tests. If you already have Homebrew installed, skip to #2.
*Note* If your Wii has been updated to version 4.3, one of the methods below WILL NOT WORK. In order to check what System Menu you are on, go to Options > Wii Settings and check in the top right corner of the screen. It should say "Ver. _._U", "Ver. _._E", or "Ver. _._J", depending on which region you are in.
A. Homebrew ChannelThe Homebrew Channel (HBC) is the most popular way to load Homebrew. It's a channel that you can install to your Wii. (Unlike other methods, you don't have to run this each time you want to load Homebrew. Once you run it, it's installed on your Wii until you uninstall it. You can uninstall it like any other channel on your Wii.) This is the recommended method for most people to use.
1. Go to this site:
http://bootmii.org/download/ and download the latest version of the HackMii Installer. The latest version of HackMii (0.7) WILL WORK with Wii System Menu 4.3.
2. Extract it to your computer using a program like WinRAR (
3. Back up all of the data on your SD Card to your computer by cutting and pasting all of the files to somewhere on your computer.
4. Format your SD Card using the instructions below.
1. Open up My Computer.
2. Right-click on the drive that contains the SD card and select Format....
3. Under File system make sure you select FAT.
4. Click "Start" and let the process finalize.
5. After the formatting is finished proceed to the next step.
Mac OS
1. Open up Disk Utility
2. Find your SD card in the navigation.
3. Go to the Erase tab.
4. Change the Volume Format to MS-DOS (FAT).
5. Click "Erase" and let the process finalize.
6. After the formatting is finished proceed to the next step.
1. Open up a terminal.
2. Execute the command "mkfs.vfat /dev/<location of your SD card>".
3. Caution not to reformat your hard disk. Think hard before formatting /dev/sda1, for example.
4. After the formatting is finished proceed to the next step.
5A. If you are on System Menu 4.3, see step 5B. If you are on Wii System Menu 3.0 - 4.2, go to
http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ and download the version of Bannerbomb for your System Menu. Extract it to your computer.
5B. If you are System Menu 4.3, use Smash Stack instead. Download this file:
http://wiibrew.org/w/images/4/4e/Smashstack.zip and extract it to your computer. Move ALL of your custom stages from Brawl onto your SD Card and then from there, back them up to your computer.
6. Copy the "private" folder from whichever tool you used and put it on the root of your blank SD Card. (Ex. X:\private, where X is the letter of the drive your SD Card uses.
7. Copy the "boot.elf" file from your HackMii installer folder and put it on the root of your SD Card.
8. Your SD Card should look like this (Image from WiiBrew):

9. Turn on your Wii, but don't put your SD Card in yet.
10A. If you used BannerBomb and you are on System Menu 3.0 - 4.1, go to Options > Data Management > Wii > Channels > SD Card. If you are on 4.2, go to the SD Card menu from the Wii menu. Put in your SD Card and select "Yes" when a pop up appears asking to load boot.dol/elf.
10B. Put your SD Card into the Wii, launch Brawl through the Disc Channel, and go to the Stage Builder.
11. When the HackMii installer shows you what can/can’t be installed, hit continue. Go to Homebrew Channel > Install the Homebrew Channel. Hit “Yes.”
12. You can install DVDX and BootMii if you want, but those are optional and not needed for Brawl hacking.
13. Exit the HackMii Installer, take out your SD Card, and delete everything off of your SD Card. (You don't need any of that stuff anymore.)
14. Create a new folder on your SD Card called "apps".
15. Place the folder(s) for the Homebrew app(s) you want to run inside of that folder.
16. Make sure that the .dol or .elf file for the Homebrew you want to run is named "boot.dol" or "boot.elf".
B. BannerBombThis method only works with System Menu 3.0 - 4.2. You must load BannerBomb every time you want to load hacks. However, this does not install anything on your Wii.
1. Go to
http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/ and download the file for your System Menu.
2. Extract it to your computer using a program like WinRAR (
3. Format your SD Card using the instructions above.
4. Copy the private folder and move it to the root of your blank SD Card.
5. Put the boot.dol/.elf that you want to run on the root of your SD Card.
6. Your SD Card should look like the picture above.
7. If you are on System Menu 3.0 - 4.1, go to Options > Data Management > Wii > Channels > SD Card. If you are on 4.2, go to the SD Card menu from the Wii menu. Put in your SD Card and select "Yes" when a pop up appears asking to load boot.dol/elf.
C. Smash StackThis method WILL work with ANY System Menu, including 4.3. Like BannerBomb, you will have to run this every time you want to load Homebrew. It does not install anything on your Wii. You will need the Brawl disc for this, but you probably already have it if you want to use Brawl hacks.
1. Download Smash Stack from here:
2. Extract it to your computer using a program like WinRAR (
3. Format your SD Card using the instructions above.
4. Move ALL of the custom stages from Brawl onto your SD Card and then back them up onto your computer.
5. Copy the "private" folder from the Smash Stack folder and put it on the root of your blank SD Card.
6. Put the boot.dol/.elf that you want to run on the root of your SD Card.
7. Your SD Card should look like the picture above.
8. Put the SD Card in your Wii, load Brawl though the Disc Channel, and go to the Stage Builder.
2. Homebrew ApplicationsOnce you have some form of Homebrew loading set up, you'll need some Homebrew apps to use. The Homebrew listed below are some of the most useful ones for Brawl hacking.
A. Gecko OSThis will allow you to load codes for most any Wii game. It is definitely needed if you plan on using the File Patch Code, a popular method of loading Brawl hacks. You can either use this or Riivolution to load files.
1. Download Gecko OS here:
2. Extract the file to your computer.
3. Go to Gecko1931 > Gecko1931 > HBC > Gecko1931.
4A. If you are using the Homebrew Channel, copy the last "Gecko1931" folder and paste it into your "apps" folder.
4B. If you are using any other method, copy the "boot.elf" file out of the "Gecko1931" folder and paste it into the root of your SD Card.
5. Create a folder on the root of your SD Card called "codes".
6. Download the Code Manager here:
7. Extract it somewhere on your computer. I've included a basic .txt file for using the File Patch code. (NTSC-U only though. PAL and NTSC-J users will have to create their own, sorry.)
8. Open the Code Manager. Look to where it says "Game ID". Fill this in with the ID of the game you are making the codes list for. (Ex. Brawl's ID is RSBE01 for NTSC-U, RSBP01 for PAL, and RSBJ01 for NTSC-J) Go to where it says "Game Name" and type in the name of the game.
9. Find the codes that you want to use. A couple of good sites to check out are
http://geckocodes.org/ and
10. To add a code, click on "Add a code/comment/category" and type in a name for the code. It should appear in bold. Click on it, then copy and paste the code into where it says "Code contents". Make sure to click "Store modifications" after you paste in the code.
11. When you are done adding codes, go to File > Save as TXT File. Then, make sure your SD Card is in the computer and click "Export to GCT". Select the drive for your SD Card and click on "Store".
Important Codes for Loading Brawl HacksIf you have an NTSC-U Wii/Disc, use this code:
File Patch Code v3.5.1: [Phantom Wings]
E0000000 80008000
225664EC 00000000
0401BFE0 4858BE20
065A7E00 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37C18
4BE52531 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52521 38A00068
60E47C18 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA74DB9
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524E5
38610008 4BA742E1
7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
040223E0 48585BC0
065A7FA0 00000028
80010044 3C608001
6063581C 7C001800
4082000C 7FDDC850
3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
4BA7A424 00000000
0401CD0C 4858B1F4
065A7F00 00000038
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7DD51 4BA74E04
80780008 2C030000
41820014 8118000C
7C634214 7C7B1850
48000008 8078000C
4BA74DE0 00000000
043EE9D8 48000014
043EEBD4 48000014
043D8B9C 48000018
043E9B4C 38600000
043E9D38 38600000
043D8C80 60000000
80000000 80406920
80000001 805A7C00
8A001001 00000000
045A7C10 2F525342
045A7C14 452F7066
80000001 805A7B00
8A001001 00000000
065A7B10 0000000F
2F525342 452F7066
2F736F75 6E642F00
041C6CE0 483E0D20
065A7A00 00000028
9421FF80 BC410008
3C60805A 60637B1F
4BE52931 B8410008
38210080 4BE52995
4BC1F2C4 00000000
065A7900 00000078
9421FF80 7C0802A6
9001000C BC810010
9421FF00 7C872378
54B2BA7E 7CD33378
38800000 9081000C
90810010 90610014
90810018 3880FFFF
9081001C 38610020
90610008 7CE43B78
38A00080 4BE529F5
38610008 4BA752A1
60000000 80210000
B8810010 8001000C
7C0803A6 80210000
4E800020 00000000
043E399C 481C3F04
065A78A0 00000010
80BC0020 7CA59214
3A400000 4BE3C0F4
065A78D0 00000018
800302A4 2C130000
41820008 7E609B78
3A600000 4BE3420C
041CDF7C 483D9884
065A7800 00000098
818C0014 9421FF80
BC410008 3D009034
61089D94 7C034000
4082003C 7C882378
3C60804D 60630000
3C80805A 60847B00
7CC53378 38C04200
80E40080 2C070000
40820014 60000000
480000B9 2C030000
41820010 B8410008
80210000 4BC26724
70A501FF 3868FFFF
3C80804C 6084FFFF
7C842A14 38A04001
38A5FFFF 8C040001
9C030001 2C050000
4082FFF0 B8410008
80210000 4BC2670C
141CCF90 483DA770
065A7700 00000048
9421FF80 BC410008
7FE3FB78 3C80805A
60847B00 38A00000
38C04000 480001E5
90640080 807F0008
907A0014 907A005C
907A0074 B8410008
80210000 807F0000
4BC25854 00000000
E0000000 80008000
If you have a PAL Wii/Disc, use this code (*Note* Does not load music):
PAL - Functional for standard textures, causes crashes/glitches with CSPs:
File Replacement v2.1a PAL [Phantom Wings, Y.S.]
225683EC 00000000
C201C3A8 00000017
38A00067 38810020
3862E8F8 3D80803F
618CD148 7D8903A6
4E800421 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
3D80803F 618CD148
7D8903A6 4E800421
38A00068 3882E8F8
38610020 9421FF80
BC410008 38610088
3D808001 618CCE7C
7D8903A6 4E800421
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
48000034 B8410008
38210080 3D80803F
618CD148 7D8903A6
4E800421 38610008
3D808001 618CC50C
7D8903A6 4E800421
7C7C1B78 3D808001
618CC3AC 7D8903A6
4E800420 00000000
C201CF94 00000007
2C030000 41820018
3D808002 618C5BFC
7D8903A6 4E800421
48000008 8078000C
3D808001 618CCF98
7D8903A6 4E800420
60000000 00000000
043EEE04 48000014
043EF000 48000014
043D8FC8 48000018
043E9F78 38600000
043EA164 38600000
043D90AC 60000000
80000000 80409728
80000001 805A99C0
8A001001 00000000
065A99D0 00000008
2F525342 502F7066
E0000000 80008000
If you have an NTSC-J Wii/disc, use this code:
File Patch Code v3.5.1 (NTSC-J) [Phantom Wings, Ported by ‚ׂë]
E0000000 80008000
2256606C 00000000
0401BFE0 4858B9A0
065A7980 00000070
38A00067 38810020
3CE0805A 60E37798
4BE52525 38A0007F
3883FFE8 38610020
4BE52515 38A00068
60E47798 38610020
9421FF80 BC410008
38610088 4BA75239
7C7C1B78 2C030000
4082000C 38210080
4800001C B8410008
38210080 4BE524D9
38610008 4BA74761
7C7C1B78 4BA74668
04022360 48585C40
065A7FA0 00000028
80010044 3C608001
6063550C 7C001800
4082000C 7FDDC850
3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
4BA7A3A4 00000000
0401CD0C 4858AD74
065A7A80 00000038
2C030000 4182000C
4BA7E1D1 4BA75284
80780008 2C030000
41820014 8118000C
7C634214 7C7B1850
48000008 8078000C
4BA75260 00000000
043EEA50 48000014
043EEC4C 48000014
043D8C14 48000018
043E9BC4 38600000
043E9DB0 38600000
043D8CF8 60000000
80000000 80406490
80000001 805A7780
8A001001 00000000
045A7790 2F525342
045A7794 4A2F7066
80000001 805A7B00
8A001001 00000000
065A7B10 0000000F
2F525342 4A2F7066
2F736F75 6E642F00
041C6D58 483E0CA8
065A7A00 00000028
9421FF80 BC410008
3C60805A 60637B1F
4BE524A5 B8410008
38210080 4BE52509
4BC1F33C 00000000
065A7900 00000078
9421FF80 7C0802A6
9001000C BC810010
9421FF00 7C872378
54B2BA7E 7CD33378
38800000 9081000C
90810010 90610014
90810018 3880FFFF
9081001C 38610020
90610008 7CE43B78
38A00080 4BE52569
38610008 4BA752A1
60000000 80210000
B8810010 8001000C
7C0803A6 80210000
4E800020 00000000
043E3A14 481C3E8C
065A78A0 00000010
80BC0020 7CA59214
3A400000 4BE3C16C
043DBB64 481CBD6C
065A78D0 00000018
800302A4 2C130000
41820008 7E609B78
3A600000 4BE34284
041CDFF4 483D980C
065A7800 00000098
818C0014 9421FF80
BC410008 3D009034
61089D94 7C034000
4082003C 7C882378
3C60804D 60630000
3C80805A 60847B00
7CC53378 38C04200
80E40080 2C070000
40820014 60000000
480000B9 2C030000
41820010 B8410008
80210000 4BC2679C
70A501FF 3868FFFF
3C80804C 6084FFFF
7C842A14 38A04001
38A5FFFF 8C040001
9C030001 2C050000
4082FFF0 B8410008
80210000 4BC26784
141CD008 483DA6F8
065A7700 00000048
9421FF80 BC410008
7FE3FB78 3C80805A
60847B00 38A00000
38C04000 480001E5
90640080 807F0008
907A0014 907A005C
907A0074 B8410008
80210000 807F0000
4BC258CC 00000000
E0000000 80008000
B. RiivolutionThis app works like the File Patch code, but it can be used for any game and any file. The only downside is that it is a little more complicated than the File Patch code. You can either use this or the File Patch code to load files for Brawl.
*Note* For Riivolution, ALL files must be named EXACTLY as they are on the ISO. (Ex. For the file "mu_menumain_en.pac", you must remove the "_en" to use it with the File Patch code, but you must keep it to use it with Riivolution.1. Download the latest version of Riivolution from here:
2. Extract it to somewhere on your computer.
3. Download the File Patch XML for Brawl here:
http://rvlution.net/riivolution/images/5/5c/SSBBfiles.xml. (This is so that you can place files where they would go if you were using the File Patch code, since most people provide instructions based on that.)
4. Copy the "riivolution" folder out of the "apps" folder on your computer and paste it into the "apps" folder on your SD Card.
5. Create a folder on the root of your SD Card called "riivolution" and copy and paste the File Patch XML into there.
6. If you want to use codes along with Riivolution, follow the steps below. (Skip to step 14 if you've already followed the instructions for Gecko OS above.)
7. Create a folder on the root of your SD Card called "codes".
8. Download the Code Manager here:
9. Extract it somewhere on your computer.
10. Open the Code Manager. Look to where it says "Game ID". Fill this in with the ID of the game you are making the codes list for. (Ex. Brawl's ID is RSBE01 for NTSC-U, RSBP01 for PAL, and RSBJ01 for NTSC-J) Go to where it says "Game Name" and type in the name of the game.
11. Find the codes that you want to use. A couple of good sites to check out are
http://geckocodes.org/ and
12. To add a code, click on "Add a code/comment/category" and type in a name for the code. It should appear in bold. Click on it, then copy and paste the code into where it says "Code contents". Make sure to click "Store modifications" after you paste in the code.
13. When you are done adding codes, go to File > Save as TXT File. Then, make sure your SD Card is in the computer and click "Export to GCT". Select the drive for your SD Card and click on "Store".
14. Go to here:
http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=6124ef087d03b5a9819d3eb78bf1479d79557004672710560cf82e11d2b2bd8465b36d064e4faac5a2a7740380de0aff and download the file for your disc region.
15. Extract it onto your computer and move both files to the "riivolution" folder on the root of your SD Card.
C. Homebrew BrowserThis app is useful for finding, downloading, and updating Homebrew easily on your SD Card. It only works with the Homebrew Channel.
1. Download the Homebrew Browser here:
2. Extract the file to your computer.
3. Copy the "homebrew_browser" folder and paste it into the "apps" folder on your SD Card.
3. Downloading and Using Brawl HacksNow that you have Homebrew set up and an app to load files with, you'll need files to load. Where can you find files? Right here of course! Look around the forums and BrawlVault to find hacks that you like and download them to your computer. All files must be named correctly in order for them to work. Look at the lists below for where to put the files and what to name them. This list works for both the File Patch code and Riivolution, as long as you used the File Patch XML for Riivolution. (Replace the (X)'s in the file locations with the proper SD drive location and disc region.
CharactersCharacters belong in the following location:
(X):\private\wii\app\RSB(X)\pf\Fighter\(Character Name)\
Here are the names for each character:
Character Colors by File Number:The transforming characters (Zero Suit Samus/Samus, Wario/Wario Man, Bowser/Giga Bowser, Pokemon Trainer/Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard) all need .pac files along with .pcs files for textures to work correctly.
StagesNormal stages belong in the following location:
SSE stages (NOT MODEL SWAPPED STAGES, only the actual SSE stages) belong in:
You'll know if a stage is an actual SSE stage because it's file name will be a bunch of numbers. (Ex. 420101.pac)
Stage Names:MusicMusic only works with File Patch code versions over 3.1 (and Riivolution of course).
Songs belong in:
A full list of songs and what to name them can be found here:
(Not made by me, but I forgot who made it... Sorry!)
*Note* If your music sounds like static, or the song cuts off randomly and a new song starts, or the song doesn't sound like it should, first try defragmenting your SD Card. If that doesn't work, back up everything on your SD Card and then format it.
Sound EffectsSound effects can ONLY be used with Riivolution. The most stable File Patch Code (3.5.1) DOES NOT support sound effects.The file "smashbros_sound.brsar" is the file used for sound effects in game, such as character/announcer voices. This file is often edited for completely new characters. It belongs in:
MenusMost hacks for the menus are in the mu_menumain.pac, sc_selcharacter.pac, and sc_selmap.pac files.
The mu_menumain.pac file belongs in:
(X):\private\wii\app\RSB(X)\pfmenu2\ (Not a typo. Create a new folder in your RSBE folder called "pfmenu2" for the mu_menumain.pac.)
The other files above belong in:
System FilesThe system files that are most commonly edited are common3.pac and common5.pac
All of the common_.pac files belong in:
Strap LoadersThis is the screen that appears before the opening movie which reminds you to wear the wrist strap/don’t hit people. It’s very popular to edit. It belongs in:
Rel FilesThese files allow you to replace a stage in Brawl with a stage that uses a different Brawl stage as a base. For example, if somebody created a stage based off of Final Destination, you could use a rel file to load it over Hanenbow instead. They belong in:
For help in naming or creating rel files, visit this page:
4. Making Brawl HacksOk, so you have Homebrew installed and know how to load Brawl hacks. Now, you can learn how to make them.
Making Textures1. Download BrawlBox, an essential tool for anyone who wants to make any type of Brawl hack. The latest version can be found here:
2. Extract BrawlBox to somewhere on your computer.
3. You will need Brawl's original files to base your hacks off of. All of the files except for the movies can be found here:
4. Download whatever files you need. They are located in the same way they are placed on the SD Card. (Ex. If you want to download Captain Falcon's main file, go to Data Partition > fighter > captain > FitCaptain00.pac.)
5. Open the file in BrawlBox. If you want to make a simple texture hack, right click on where it says "TextureData[0]" and click on "Export All". Create a folder wherever you want to export the textures to and click Ok.
6. Open the textures in an image editor (Ex. Paint.NET, downloadable here:
http://www.dotpdn.com/downloads/pdn.html, or GIMP, downloadable here:
http://www.gimp.org/downloads/) and edit them as you wish. Save the edited files over the original files.
7. Open the original file in BrawlBox, right click "TextureData[0]" and click on "Replace All". Find the folder where you have all of your edited files and click Ok.
8. Click on the + sign next to "ModelData[0]" and then the + sign next to "3DModels(NW4R)". Right click the MDL0 (Ex. FitCaptain00) and click on "Preview". If you can't see anything, try zooming out by pulling the mouse wheel backwards. To move around, hold the right mouse button and move the mouse. You'll be able to see what your texture looks like on the character/stage. Exit the preview when you are done looking.
9. Go to File > Save As and save the finished file to wherever you want. If you are making characters, make sure to save as a .pcs file (.pac is optional, unless you are making a texture for one of the transforming characters listed above). If you are making stages, make sure to save as a .pac file.
CSPs (Character Selection Portraits)If you download a character and you receive a picture file along with it, this is what it is supposed to be used for. CSPs are the pictures of the character that appear on the Character Selection Screen. Note that these are completely optional and don't have to be used along with the character. Here's how to put them into the game.
1. Download the original common5.pac from the link above and open it in BrawlBox.
2. Expand (Click the + button next to) "sc_selcharacter_en" and then "char_bust_tex_lz77".
3. Each of the "MiscData[_]" files contain the CSPs for a different character. Expand the MiscData and then expand the "Textures(NW4R)" within them. Click on each TEX0 file to see the original CSPs for that character.
4. Expand each of the MiscDatas until you find the character you want. Choose the color that you have the file set over and then right click the TEX0. Click on "Replace", and then find the image that came with the downloaded file (or your own image if you are making CSPs). When you are done, save the common5.pac file and put it in your SD Card.
5. If you are using an sc_selcharacter.pac file (Ex. A custom CSS), you'll have to do the following steps for your CSPs to appear.
6. Open your common5.pac in BrawlBox. Expand "sc_selcharacter_en" and right click on "char_bust_tex_lz77". Click "Export" and save it to your computer.
7. Now open up the sc_selcharacter.pac file you downloaded in BrawlBox. Expand it and find "char_bust_tex_lz77". Right click it and hit "Replace". Find the "char_bust_tex_lz77" you exported from your common5.pac.
8. Save the sc_selcharacter.pac file and put it on your SD Card.
Finally got a chance to read this and i must say it's very easy and newbie friendly
But might want to add this in:
Hey here's something you can add to the guide for people who can't seem to figure it out. Its a list I made that corresponds every csp with it's file.
MenSelchrFaceB.001 - FitMario00
MenSelchrFaceB.002 - FitMario06
MenSelchrFaceB.003 - FitMario03
MenSelchrFaceB.004 - FitMario04
MenSelchrFaceB.005 - FitMario05
MenSelchrFaceB.006 - FitMario02
Donkey Kong
MenSelchrFaceB.011 - FitDonkey00
MenSelchrFaceB.012 - FitDonkey04
MenSelchrFaceB.013 - FitDonkey01
MenSelchrFaceB.014 - FitDonkey03
MenSelchrFaceB.015 - FitDonkey02
MenSelchrFaceB.016 - FitDonkey05
MenSelchrFaceB.021 - FitLink00
MenSelchrFaceB.022 - FitLink01
MenSelchrFaceB.023 - FitLink03
MenSelchrFaceB.024 - FitLink05
MenSelchrFaceB.025 - FitLink06
MenSelchrFaceB.026 - FitLink04
MenSelchrFaceB.031 - FitSamus00
MenSelchrFaceB.032 - FitSamus03
MenSelchrFaceB.033 - FitSamus01
MenSelchrFaceB.034 - FitSamus05
MenSelchrFaceB.035 - FitSamus04
MenSelchrFaceB.036 - FitSamus02
MenSelchrFaceB.041 - FitYoshi00
MenSelchrFaceB.042 - FitYoshi01
MenSelchrFaceB.043 - FitYoshi03
MenSelchrFaceB.044 - FitYoshi04
MenSelchrFaceB.045 - FitYoshi05
MenSelchrFaceB.046 - FitYoshi06
MenSelchrFaceB.051 - FitKirby00
MenSelchrFaceB.052 - FitKirby04
MenSelchrFaceB.053 - FitKirby03
MenSelchrFaceB.054 - FitKirby01
MenSelchrFaceB.055 - FitKirby02
MenSelchrFaceB.056 - FitKirby05
MenSelchrFaceB.061 - FitFox00
MenSelchrFaceB.062 - FitFox04
MenSelchrFaceB.063 - FitFox01
MenSelchrFaceB.064 - FitFox02
MenSelchrFaceB.065 - FitFox03
MenSelchrFaceB.066 - FitFox05
MenSelchrFaceB.071 - FitPikachu00
MenSelchrFaceB.072 - FitPikachu01
MenSelchrFaceB.073 - FitPikachu02
MenSelchrFaceB.074 - FitPikachu03
MenSelchrFaceB.081 - FitLuigi00
MenSelchrFaceB.082 - FitLuigi05
MenSelchrFaceB.083 - FitLuigi01
MenSelchrFaceB.084 - FitLuigi03
MenSelchrFaceB.085 - FitLuigi04
MenSelchrFaceB.086 - FitLuigi06
Captain Falcon
MenSelchrFaceB.091 - FitCaptain00
MenSelchrFaceB.092 - FitCaptain04
MenSelchrFaceB.093 - FitCaptain01
MenSelchrFaceB.094 - FitCaptain02
MenSelchrFaceB.095 - FitCaptain03
MenSelchrFaceB.096 - FitCaptain05
MenSelchrFaceB.101 - FitNess00
MenSelchrFaceB.102 - FitNess05
MenSelchrFaceB.103 - FitNess04
MenSelchrFaceB.104 - FitNess02
MenSelchrFaceB.105 - FitNess03
MenSelchrFaceB.106 - FitNess06
MenSelchrFaceB.111 - FitKoopa00
MenSelchrFaceB.112 - FitKoopa04
MenSelchrFaceB.113 - FitKoopa01
MenSelchrFaceB.114 - FitKoopa03
MenSelchrFaceB.115 - FitKoopa05
MenSelchrFaceB.116 - FitKoopa06
MenSelchrFaceB.121 - FitPeach00
MenSelchrFaceB.122 - FitPeach05
MenSelchrFaceB.123 - FitPeach01
MenSelchrFaceB.124 - FitPeach03
MenSelchrFaceB.125 - FitPeach02
MenSelchrFaceB.126 - FitPeach04
MenSelchrFaceB.131 - FitZelda00
MenSelchrFaceB.132 - FitZelda01
MenSelchrFaceB.133 - FitZelda03
MenSelchrFaceB.134 - FitZelda05
MenSelchrFaceB.135 - FitZelda02
MenSelchrFaceB.136 - FitZelda04
MenSelchrFaceB.141 - FitSheik00
MenSelchrFaceB.142 - FitSheik01
MenSelchrFaceB.143 - FitSheik03
MenSelchrFaceB.144 - FitSheik05
MenSelchrFaceB.145 - FitSheik02
MenSelchrFaceB.146 - FitSheik04
Ice Climbers
MenSelchrFaceB.151 - FitPopo00
MenSelchrFaceB.152 - FitPopo01
MenSelchrFaceB.153 - FitPopo03
MenSelchrFaceB.154 - FitPopo04
MenSelchrFaceB.155 - FitPopo02
MenSelchrFaceB.156 - FitPopo05
MenSelchrFaceB.161 - FitMarth00
MenSelchrFaceB.162 - FitMarth01
MenSelchrFaceB.163 - FitMarth02
MenSelchrFaceB.164 - FitMarth04
MenSelchrFaceB.165 - FitMarth05
MenSelchrFaceB.166 - FitMarth03
Mr. Game&Watch
MenSelchrFaceB.171-176 - FitGameWatch00
MenSelchrFaceB.181 - FitFalco00
MenSelchrFaceB.182 - FitFalco05
MenSelchrFaceB.183 - FitFalco03
MenSelchrFaceB.184 - FitFalco01
MenSelchrFaceB.185 - FitFalco02
MenSelchrFaceB.186 - FitFalco04
MenSelchrFaceB.191 - FitGanon00
MenSelchrFaceB.192 - FitGanon04
MenSelchrFaceB.193 - FitGanon03
MenSelchrFaceB.194 - FitGanon02
MenSelchrFaceB.195 - FitGanon01
MenSelchrFaceB.196 - FitGanon05
Meta Knight
MenSelchrFaceB.211 - FitMetaKnight00
MenSelchrFaceB.212 - FitMetaKnight04
MenSelchrFaceB.213 - FitMetaKnight01
MenSelchrFaceB.214 - FitMetaKnight02
MenSelchrFaceB.215 - FitMetaKnight03
MenSelchrFaceB.216 - FitMetaKnight05
MenSelchrFaceB.221 - FitPit00
MenSelchrFaceB.222 - FitPit04
MenSelchrFaceB.223 - FitPit01
MenSelchrFaceB.224 - FitPit02
MenSelchrFaceB.225 - FitPit03
MenSelchrFaceB.226 - FitPit05
Zero Suit Samus
MenSelchrFaceB.231 - FitSZeroSuit00
MenSelchrFaceB.232 - FitSZeroSuit03
MenSelchrFaceB.233 - FitSZeroSuit01
MenSelchrFaceB.234 - FitSZeroSuit05
MenSelchrFaceB.235 - FitSZeroSuit04
MenSelchrFaceB.236 - FitSZeroSuit02
Captain Olimar
MenSelchrFaceB.241 - FitPikmin00
MenSelchrFaceB.242 - FitPikmin04
MenSelchrFaceB.243 - FitPikmin01
MenSelchrFaceB.244 - FitPikmin05
MenSelchrFaceB.245 - FitPikmin02
MenSelchrFaceB.246 - FitPikmin03
MenSelchrFaceB.251 - FitLucas00
MenSelchrFaceB.252 - FitLucas04
MenSelchrFaceB.253 - FitLucas01
MenSelchrFaceB.254 - FitLucas03
MenSelchrFaceB.255 - FitLucas02
MenSelchrFaceB.256 - FitLucas05
Diddy Kong
MenSelchrFaceB.261 - FitDiddy00
MenSelchrFaceB.262 - FitDiddy05
MenSelchrFaceB.263 - FitDiddy04
MenSelchrFaceB.264 - FitDiddy06
MenSelchrFaceB.265 - FitDiddy02
MenSelchrFaceB.266 - FitDiddy03
Pokemon Trainer
MenSelchrFaceB.271 - FitPokeTrainer00
MenSelchrFaceB.272 - FitPokeTrainer01
MenSelchrFaceB.273 - FitPokeTrainer02
MenSelchrFaceB.274 - FitPokeTrainer03
MenSelchrFaceB.275 - FitPokeTrainer04
MenSelchrFaceB.281-285 - See 271-275
MenSelchrFaceB.291-295 - See 271-275
MenSelchrFaceB.301-305 - See 271-275
King Dedede
MenSelchrFaceB.311 - FitDedede00
MenSelchrFaceB.312 - FitDedede06
MenSelchrFaceB.313 - FitDedede02
MenSelchrFaceB.314 - FitDedede05
MenSelchrFaceB.315 - FitDedede03
MenSelchrFaceB.316 - FitDedede04
MenSelchrFaceB.321 - FitLucario00
MenSelchrFaceB.322 - FitLucario01
MenSelchrFaceB.323 - FitLucario04
MenSelchrFaceB.324 - FitLucario05
MenSelchrFaceB.325 - FitLucario02
MenSelchrFaceB.331 - FitIke00
MenSelchrFaceB.332 - FitIke05
MenSelchrFaceB.333 - FitIke04
MenSelchrFaceB.334 - FitIke03
MenSelchrFaceB.335 - FitIke02
MenSelchrFaceB.336 - FitIke01
MenSelchrFaceB.341 - FitRobot00
MenSelchrFaceB.342 - FitRobot06
MenSelchrFaceB.343 - FitRobot05
MenSelchrFaceB.344 - FitRobot04
MenSelchrFaceB.345 - FitRobot03
MenSelchrFaceB.346 - FitRobot02
MenSelchrFaceB.361 - FitPurin00
MenSelchrFaceB.362 - FitPurin01
MenSelchrFaceB.363 - FitPurin04
MenSelchrFaceB.364 - FitPurin03
MenSelchrFaceB.365 - FitPurin02
MenSelchrFaceB.371 - FitWario00
MenSelchrFaceB.372 - FitWario01
MenSelchrFaceB.373 - FitWario05
MenSelchrFaceB.374 - FitWario02
MenSelchrFaceB.375 - FitWario04
MenSelchrFaceB.376 - FitWario03
MenSelchrFaceB.377 - FitWario06
MenSelchrFaceB.378 - FitWario07
MenSelchrFaceB.379 - FitWario09
MenSelchrFaceB.380 - FitWario08
MenSelchrFaceB.381 - FitWario10
MenSelchrFaceB.382 - FitWario11
Toon Link
MenSelchrFaceB.401 - FitToonLink00
MenSelchrFaceB.402 - FitToonLink01
MenSelchrFaceB.403 - FitToonLink03
MenSelchrFaceB.404 - FitToonLink04
MenSelchrFaceB.405 - FitToonLink05
MenSelchrFaceB.406 - FitToonLink06
MenSelchrFaceB.411-416 - Blank
MenSelchrFaceB.431 - FitWolf00
MenSelchrFaceB.432 - FitWolf01
MenSelchrFaceB.433 - FitWolf04
MenSelchrFaceB.434 - FitWolf02
MenSelchrFaceB.435 - FitWolf03
MenSelchrFaceB.436 - FitWolf05
MenSelchrFaceB.451 - FitSnake00
MenSelchrFaceB.452 - FitSnake01
MenSelchrFaceB.453 - FitSnake03
MenSelchrFaceB.454 - FitSnake04
MenSelchrFaceB.455 - FitSnake02
MenSelchrFaceB.456 - FitSnake05
MenSelchrFaceB.461 - FitSonic00
MenSelchrFaceB.462 - FitSonic05
MenSelchrFaceB.463 - FitSonic04
MenSelchrFaceB.464 - FitSonic02
MenSelchrFaceB.465 - FitSonic01
5. Downgrading Your WiiWarning: The following tutorials are the most likely parts of this guide to cause permanent damage to your Wii if not followed properly. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and if you have any doubts whatsoever, don't do it.DO NOT UPDATE YOUR WII. I repeat: Do NOT update your Wii! The most recent updates (4.2 and 4.3) have done NOTHING to improve the Wii. Their only purpose was to try to wipe out Homebrew. As such, certain Homebrew applications may not work if you update your Wii.
If you have updated your Wii and a certain Homebrew app doesn't work, downgrade to a more stable version using these tutorials (The tutorials don't only work for the menu versions specified, but it's recommended that you use the tutorial that corresponds with your system menu.):
3.3 or 3.4 to 3.2I believe this one came from somewhere on GBATemp, but I have not been able to relocate the source, so I'm not sure who to credit. Just note, I did not make the downgrade tutorial.
4.2 or above to 4.1I honestly Highly advise that anyone using 4.2 ditch it imeadiately! I say this not because 4.2 is a bad version but rather because it offers no added to functionality AT ALL!! It was nothing but an attack on Homebrew both legit and piracy related!
I appologize for the wait as my system was turned into a paper weight by the 4.2 update. Fortunately I was able to recover it with a Nand programer. I love that damn mod chip. I was able to install a copy of bootmii boot2 back into the nand with the nand flasher and from there fully recover the system menu.
Now for the information all have been waiting for.
It's a simple task really here is the download containing everything you will need.
This download is just Over 76MB So It May Take Awhile! It took me 9 minutes with Low End Cable Internet to download... Also took about the same to upload though. This pack works for NTSC-U. Use at your own risk for the other regions!
http://www.mediafire.com/?tw2nmzkmnjk1. (skip this if you already have the HBC and bootmii IOS or boot2 installed on the system) use your preffered exploit to launch the Hackmii installer and install the latest version of bootmii and the HBC. (I personally prefer not to update my HBC as it does cause compatability issues with many of the older apps because of the new Title ID. All apps still function but many will fail to load back into the HBC.) I Recomend BannerBombv2 for this. I can be downloade here. You will also find the instructions on how to use it here. I will not be answering questions on this.
http://bannerbomb.qoid.us/index.new.phpgo here to find the latest version of Team Twiizers Hackmii installer.
http://bootmii.org/2. Copy the contents of the download to the root of your SD card. I advise that you use a fresh SD card for this.
3. From the HBC run the Cboot2 installer. This will install a custom version of the bootmii ppc executable file to the SD card.
4. Launch bootmii. Either boot2 or IOS version will work. Instead of loading bootmii you should see in the top left the words cBoot2 dol loader or something similar. After a brief time a version of wad manager will boot.
5. From the cBoot2 loaded wad manager App install CIOSv9.wad followed by IOS60.wad then the System Menu Wad for your region. I have inluded System Menu 4.1 for all three regions.
Thats it. Now you will be on system menu 4.1 with an old version of Waninkoko's CIOS installed. From here install the latest version of Waninkoko's CIOS and any other hacks you may want. I've also included Start patch 4.1 for all three regions. I advise installing at the very least the disk update check block patch. As an added bonus I've also included a CSM theme for NTSC users on System menu 4.1 that can be installed with the included mymenuify app.
6. What to Do If a Game/Channel Requires a Wii System Update
"I just bought [insert name of new game here]! And it says I HAVE to update my Wii! I HAVE to play it!"
"I want to go on the Wii Shop Channel, but it says I have to update my Wii!"
^^^ If either (or both) of the above are you, follow this section carefully, and you'll be able to play the game/use the channel without having to update your Wii.
A. Disc Updates for System Menus 4.0 and AboveIf you have a Wii on versions 4.0 - 4.3, use the Preloader app to patch the system to skip disc update checks easily. This first tutorial only fixes DISC updates. If you want to access the Wii Shop Channel, use the third tutorial below.
1. Download the most recent version of the Preloader (.30) here:
2. Launch the app through one of the methods explained above. If you're using the Homebrew Channel, rename the .dol file "boot.dol" and place it in a folder called "Preloader" in the "apps" folder of your SD Card. (In other words, your SD Card should look like apps > Preloader > boot.dol)
3. Follow the instructions in the Readme. (Press + to install the Preloader.) Once it's finished installing, you can delete these files off of your SD Card.
4. Use the information found
here to create a hacks.ini file. Copy and paste the codes for your system menu into Notepad, then when saving, change "Save as type" to "All files", then name the file "hacks.ini". Place it in the root of your SD Card.
5. Turn on the Wii. The Preloader should launch automatically. Enable the hacks that you want. It is extremely important to enable the "Skip Disc Update Check" if you want it.
6. Once that it is finished, you can delete the Preloader off of your Wii by running the install tool again and hitting - instead of +. You can also leave the Preloader if you want to keep it there. Now, whenever you try to play a game that has a system update on it, it should skip the check, allowing you to play the game without updating your Wii.
7. If the game doesn't seem to be working correctly (refuses to load), run Gecko OS with the disc in the Wii. If the game requires a certain IOS to play, Gecko OS will alert you to that and install it for you. This will not update your entire Wii system menu, but rather just the IOS that is needed.
B. Disc Updates for System Menus Below 4.0If you are on a system menu below 4.0 and have bought a new game that requires a system update, follow this tutorial.
1. Download the 3.3/3.4 to 3.2 downgrade file located here
2. If you are not on system menu 3.2, follow the readme instructions and downgrade to it. Make sure that all of the files in the "Put onto SD Card" are on your SD Card.
3. Load the Starfall app and read the instructions carefully. (Press B + 1, not B + 2)
4. Make sure to apply the "Skip Disc Update Check" patch.
5. After it's done, you can remove these files from your SD Card.
6. If a certain game doesn't seem to be working correctly (refuses to load), run Gecko OS with the disc in the Wii. If the game requires a certain IOS to play, Gecko OS will alert you to that and install it for you. This will not update your entire Wii system menu, but rather just the IOS that is needed.
C. Wii Shop Channel Updates for All System MenusThis tutorial will show you how to update your Wii Shop Channel so that it can be accessed without updating the entire system.
1. Download the latest version of WiiSCU (0.25) here:
2. Extract the folder and place it in the "apps" folder of your SD Card if you're using the Homebrew Channel. (Make sure that your SD Card looks like apps > WiiSCU > boot.dol/icon.png/meta.xml)
3. Run WiiSCU and select the Wii Shop Channel.
4. When it's finished, you can delete the file off of your SD Card.
Done. Now please people, STOP UPDATING THE WII JUST BECAUSE A GAME/CHANNEL WANTS YOU TO. These are very simple workarounds for that.
6. Other TutorialsHere are some links to other useful tutorials. These are probably more in depth or easier to understand than parts of this post. I've attempted to put them in a relative order from easiest to hardest. If you think there's a good tutorial that I should add to this list, please tell me.
Easy TutorialsThese tutorials are easily understandable, even to people who don't know very much about the topic.
How to Install BrawlBox on a Mac/LinuxTexture Hacking GuideRiivolution GuideStage GuideBCSM-GUI (Tool for Making BRSTMs)Custom CSS/SSSAnimation PrinciplesModel Swapping, Glitch Fixing, and Bone HexingAutomatic Polygon DeleterMaking THP'S (Brawl's Movie Files)How to Make Practice Stage Based Stages Work with Final Destination2D StagesHow to Fix Multiple MDL0 Headers in One BRRESAdvanced TutorialsYou might need a little prior knowledge to understand parts of these tutorials, but they are extremely useful to more experienced hackers.
MK64's Vertex Hacking Method Without PatchingTexture FormatsMDL0's From Other GamesPSA GuideAnimation TutorialsDas Donkey Vertex Box 2.0 English TutorialGFX Swapping, Vertex Hex Swapping, and Dual Colored EyesAdvanced Vertex HackingWell, that's all for now. If you need me to add or clarify anything, please tell me. Thanks for reading!