« Reply #810 on: September 30, 2013, 02:14:55 PM » |
How big is her file size? So far, her file size is 278KB. Will you be able to also fit a Samus psa (at least a defualt one?) in the Samus slot? So far, Samus works just fine without any edits.
« Reply #813 on: September 11, 2015, 04:06:39 AM » |
Wow, [censored] me, I thought this was dead a loooong time ago. XD
Personally I'd love one, but it's up to you.
« Reply #814 on: September 11, 2015, 04:23:10 AM » |
nah.. It never died, specially since I've been working on it off and on in secret since 2013. Maybe I should get a couple more attacks in and adjust the Grab before I do this release.
« Reply #815 on: April 05, 2016, 09:13:09 AM » |
....hmmm... expect som'in...
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 09:24:09 AM by Ӄit ßallarɖ »
« Reply #816 on: April 05, 2016, 10:17:13 AM » |
Holy crap. I forgot about this thread.
« Reply #817 on: April 05, 2016, 12:15:17 PM » |
Been sitting on this long enough. Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tspr25eon7fqp3c/Kit%20-%20Moveset.rar?dl=0
This is Kit Ballard 0.58a. No, those arn't random numbers for the version =p This is an Alpha build. Meaning Many things don't work as intended and are bound to change (Like Final Smash and Grab are going to change for sure). Also I know Attack11 and 12 (A -> A) looks funny. I plan on fixing them.
With my Pc turning belly up last year, all work (This and anything else I wanted to do) came to a rather annoying, and dramatic, halt. With me being unable to work on this properly, as my laptop is ill-suited to run BrawlBox at 60 Fps and I know for a fact Dolphin is out of the question, I've (finally) decided to let you guys play around with what's done, at the very least. If I can ever, somehow, get the funds to replace my busted ass Pc, I will return to all my projects.
Leme know your thoughts and NO you are not aloud to modify, upload, or what ever with this pack as your own OR as a collab. When I get my pc replaced, I plan on returning to this project. This project isn't "Dead", persay, but more "stalled" due to what happened with my Desktop Pc. If you want to reskin, that's cool, but you are not releasing it, at least not for now. Sorry if this paragraph sounds so mean, it's just I've dedicated myself to this, and I want to finish it with minimal help (Thank you a ton to KingJigglyPuff for his PSA work though). It's a kink in my honor, I guess.
« Reply #818 on: April 05, 2016, 12:19:44 PM » |
You're welcome. Hopefully, we'll be able to get Kit finished someday.
« Reply #819 on: April 05, 2016, 12:49:23 PM » |
You're welcome. Hopefully, we'll be able to get Kit finished someday.
Agreed Jiggy. You put up with so much from my pickyness, I'm thankful to have a great team mate to work with. ^_^
edit: Oh I think I should tell how her B's work.
Standing/Air N-B: Hold Button to create a 1 Damage/tick vacuum vortex. release to slam the blade into the ground for a final hit. If held too long, she'll start taking damage herself. (Based on Dust: Elysian Tail)
Side-B: Phantom Edge. Has Spike potential. Can go 3 different directions. Also, When used, Kit will be classed as Airborn. Tilting Up will make her phase upwards. Tilting Down will have her phase down. Phasing down into the ground will have her skid to a stop.
Ground Up-B is techincally not in. It's currently a recycled Air Up-B. Air-Up-B: No damager Launcher. Able to move after but loose jumps and unable to use Phantom Edge (if that's in this version). Air-Down-B: Blade Dive. She'll mostly stop her momentum and dive blade first into the ground. She will not cancel out of it, so make sure you don't miss the ground.
I don't recall if i even did a Ground-Down-B for this build...
Final Smash: The attack is getting reworked, but for the moment, there is an annoying chance of missing if you use the attack too close to someone. It's an "On Hit" Final Smash, so try not to miss. At least it still looks BA: Should be about it.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2016, 02:38:05 PM by Ӄit ßallarɖ »
« Reply #820 on: April 13, 2016, 10:44:06 PM » |
Are you using Brawlbox or Maya to make the animations?
« Reply #821 on: April 14, 2016, 06:41:05 AM » |
Kit's been using BrawlBox this whole time, if I recall correctly.
« Reply #822 on: April 14, 2016, 02:33:02 PM » |
Yup. Brawlbox. Version 0.65c if memory serves correctly (My laptop isn't linked to the BrawlBox's files, so I don't know which version I was using off the top of my head)
edit: For some odd reason I also have version 0.63 and 0.65 on here <,> Me and disliking deleting older versions lol
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 02:34:35 PM by Ӄit ßallarɖ »
« Reply #823 on: April 14, 2016, 04:01:38 PM » |
Couldn't you use the new version?