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Author Topic: Materials Collab Thread  (Read 52763 times)
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    « Reply #75 on: February 25, 2011, 09:34:55 AM »

    what does that mean exactly?
    u mean it controlls team colour? id think u meant that though...
    or like sonic's pink layer?

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    « Reply #76 on: February 25, 2011, 09:40:13 AM »

    what does that mean exactly?
    u mean it controlls team colour? id think u meant that though...
    or like sonic's pink layer?
    all I know is super scope has a value of 255, 255, 0 (yellow).  I'm seeing what happens when I change them now

    EDIT: nothing happened, those values appear to be a coincidence :/ sorry
    « Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 09:48:58 AM by LordNOaH » Logged

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    « Reply #77 on: June 30, 2011, 11:31:37 AM »

    Found this:
    If flag 3 is set to 2, the material will not be affected by fog.  If set to 1, it will.
    Should be useful to stage makers.
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 11:32:50 AM by LordNOaH » Logged

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    « Reply #78 on: June 30, 2011, 11:34:25 AM »

    Nice bump.

    OK. I changed the Flag of Ness' first shader to 6 and.......
    Basically, it made Ness all black like Dark Link and any instance where he would have an overlaying color made him flash white.

    See for yourself.

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    « Reply #79 on: June 30, 2011, 11:50:35 AM »


    So its usually all black, but it appears to grab the latest overlay sometimes.  and I had one instance where he had black pixels all over but his actual texture was visible.
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 12:06:32 PM by LordNOaH » Logged

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    « Reply #80 on: June 30, 2011, 02:36:04 PM »


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    « Reply #81 on: June 30, 2011, 03:18:07 PM »

    So its usually all black, but it appears to grab the latest overlay sometimes.

    That's like what happened when I tried to give emerald Falco normal Falco eyes.


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    « Reply #82 on: July 01, 2011, 11:26:43 AM »

    Found something pretty useful
    Flag6- Red
    Flag7- green
    Flag8- Blue

    collectively these values control color.
    not sure what they'd do over a normal texture
    works over black and white as far as I can tell
    very nice find Cheesy

    that would be the diffuse RGB values.

    meaning I could implement that into my dark green thunder and finally release my DPv3 Cheesy

    glad I didn't release my beta here yet ^_^

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    « Reply #83 on: July 01, 2011, 07:39:52 PM »

    Well, I'm not positive thats what they do..
    all I know is super scope has a value of 255, 255, 0 (yellow).  I'm seeing what happens when I change them now

    EDIT: nothing happened, those values appear to be a coincidence :/ sorry
    ut it definately has something to do with color, as changing one lightens, as PAVGN noted, and the highest values I see on each of them are 255, which really couldn't be anything else.  And hopefully I'll have some examples of what flag3 can do by tomorrow.

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    « Reply #84 on: July 02, 2011, 06:13:31 AM »

    so this is what's for current info on materials:

    flag3: Shader
    flag4: ??
    Type: Settings
    flag5: ??
    flag6: R
    flag7: G
    flag8: B

    Flag3 - shader parameters
    -0 ???
    -1 light/glow
    -2 cell shade
    -3 lambert
    -4 metal
    -5 reflective
    -6 environ.
    -7 phong
    -8+ ???

    Type - normal settings
    -0 normals 2
    -1 normals -1
    -2 normals +1
    -3 normals 0

    the node structures and material-shader structures are a pain -.-*
    they usually start with '61 FE ######(0 or F)' though (BP registers)
    « Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 06:14:25 AM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
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    « Reply #85 on: July 02, 2011, 08:53:46 PM »

    I'll start experimenting with flag4 tomorrow, if I were to guess what it does now, I'd say visibility settings behind/in front of other models.

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    « Reply #86 on: July 02, 2011, 09:15:16 PM »

    I'll start experimenting with flag4 tomorrow, if I were to guess what it does now, I'd say visibility settings behind/in front of other models.

    Good idea, I have yet to see layer/depth in the material nodes yet.

    You know what I really like on my stack smash?
    Texture updates.

    @Zephiel: “your” Stack Smash?

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    « Reply #87 on: July 02, 2011, 10:41:48 PM »

    that unk value in the modset looks suspicious >_>

    but it's prbly been taken care of in 064 already

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
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    « Reply #88 on: July 12, 2011, 08:35:24 AM »


    may I suggest another move to the programming board

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

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    « Reply #89 on: July 12, 2011, 09:24:58 AM »

    I've been playing with materials2, or whatever you fancy people call it now, and I see that some of the nodes are identical to each other.

    first node
    00 00 02 00 FF FF 2E 80 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

    second node
    00 00 02 00 FF FF 2E 80 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

    third node
    00 00 02 00 FF FF 2C 80 00 00 00 01 02 00 00 00

    The first and second are identical all the way through, but the third node's differences don't stop with the first line, it has a lot of different values.

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