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Author Topic: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress  (Read 53566 times)
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    « on: December 12, 2010, 11:10:11 PM »

    DivineOverlord Marth V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword

    Was 90% done with this back in August, after 4 months, I have finally decided to release my personal PSA. There are five movesets in my personal PSA and each mode has their own fighting style of elemental usage.  Since Marth is my favorite character, I had to put this moveset on him!!!! XD.. Now, here is a straight forward list of changes. I'll make a Balanced version today (12.13.10), just for fun. It will consist of reduction in hit box, damage, and range of attacks. That should be interesting hehe

    Remember this is just version 1.0, not the final version so try not to be harsh lol

    o   Moveset     o
    1st Mode: Hydro Plasma Mode---UP Taunt
    2nd Mode: Flaming Meteor Mode----Right Taunt
    3rd Mode: Divine Light Mode----Left Taunt
    4th Mode: Dark Lust Mode----Down Taunt
    5th Mode: Elemental God Mode--- Activated upon 100% of damages
    General effects
    -   Faster
    -   100 Jumps
    -   Weights 140 (same as me XD)
    -   Longer sword
    -   Various effects dependent on current mode

    1st Mode: Hydro Plasma Mode moveset

    Main Feature: Uses aura, plasma, thunder, and water elements.
       Blue slash effect
       AAA: Combination of aqua slashes
       Up A: Spiral Slash
       UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
       Down A: multi-sword thrust
       Side A: Bubble slash
       Charge Up A: Freezing Thunder Slash Followed by Aqua Sphere
       Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and Aura flags
       Charged Side A: Sword of Plasma

       Neutral B 0st charge: Sea of Rage
       Neutral B 1nd Charge: Plasma Barrier

       Neutral B 2nd Charge: Water Burst

       Neutral B 3rd Charge: Tsunami

       Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
       Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of aura
       UP B: Same with aura graphics
       Down B: Counter with Aqua Ball
       Air attacks have been changed.

    2nd Mode: Flaming Meteor Mode

       Main Feature: Uses the power of fire to summon meteors and to attack with fire elements.
       Red slash effect
       AAA: Combination of fire slashes
       Up A: Heavy Flame Slash
       UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
       Down A: multi-sword thrust
       Side A: Explosive slash

       Charge Up A: Flaming fire slash followed by a meteor shooting upwards.
       Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and fire flags
       Charged Side A: Sword of Fire
       Neutral B 0st charge: Summon Meteor
       Neutral B 1nd Charge: Burning Barrier

       Neutral B 2rd Charge: Fire Ball
       Neutral B 3rd Charge: Meteor of Time

       Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
       Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of fire
       UP B: Same with fire graphics
       Down B: Counter with a burst of fire
       Air attacks have been changed

    3rd Mode: Divine Light Mode

       Main Feature:  Uses the power of Light and stars to attack.
       Yellow slash Effects

       Special Wait affect: Heal (2HP per  4 seconds)
       AAA: Combination of Light element slashes
       Up A: Holy Slash
       UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
       Down A: multi-sword thrust
       Side A: Divine slash

       Charge Up A: Purifying slash followed by Stars of Fate.
       Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and electric  flags
       Charged Side A: Sword of Light
       Neutral B 0st charge: Celestial Slash
       Neutral B 1nd Charge: Divine Protection

       Neutral B 2rd Charge: Feel the Power of Light!
       Neutral B 3rd Charge: Soul Crush, Purgatory Cross!

       Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
       Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Light
       UP B: Same with Light graphics
       Down B: Counter by throwing Holy Water (3 hits – damage varies)

       Air attacks have been changed

    4th Mode: Dark Lust Mode

       Main Feature:  He uses Darkness elemental power.
       Purple slash effects

       Special Wait affect: You can’t hurt me.
       AAA: Combination of powerful darkness element slashes
       Up A: Dimensional Slash
       UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
       Down A: multi-sword thrust
       Side A: Evil slash

       Charge Up A: Dark burst of energy emitted from sword followed by Death hole.
       Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and dark flags
       Charged Side A: Sword of Darkness!

       Neutral B 0st charge: Omega Hell Slash
       Neutral B 1nd Charge: Dark Protection
       Neutral B 2rd Charge: Feel the Power of Darkness!
       Neutral B 3rd Charge: Release Dark Souls!

       Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
       Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Darkness
       UP B: Same with dark graphics
       Down B: Counter by Strong dark slash
       Air attacks have been changed

    5th Mode: Elemental God Mode

       Main Feature: He combines all modes in one for the power of creation and destruction.
       Rainbow Slash effects
       AAAA: Combination of  four elemental slashes
       Up A: 5th Dimensional  Slash
       UP-SIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
       Down A: multi-sword thrust
       Side A:  Feel my Power! (throw’s a huge elemental sword)
       Charge Up A: Elemental slash followed by Elemental Meteor.
       Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and Random flags
       Charged Side A: Sword of Destruction
       Neutral B 0 charge: Eternia Slash (Gracefully throws sword-long range)

       Neutral B 1st Charge: Ethereal Guard
       Neutral B 2rd Charge: Ether Strike
       Neutral B 3rd Charge: Ethereal Purgatory-Open God Realm.

       Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
       Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Elements
       UP B: Same with elemental graphics
       Down B: Counter by releasing a burst of power

       Air attacks have been changed

    Here is the download link to my vault where the PSA is located XD

    here are some videos I found on youtube

    by aximili999
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQEI_KVgvEA" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQEI_KVgvEA</a>

    by cyberdarkdragon1 AKA cyberdark
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NML_9IGirUk" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NML_9IGirUk</a>

    « Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 06:52:54 PM by DivineOverlord » Logged

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    « Reply #1 on: December 12, 2010, 11:12:25 PM »

    You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

    On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

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    « Reply #2 on: December 12, 2010, 11:15:22 PM »

    You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

    On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

    I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

    Smash Attack 2.65: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=17599
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    « Reply #3 on: December 12, 2010, 11:18:44 PM »

    I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
    You will!? O.o.......

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    « Reply #4 on: December 12, 2010, 11:28:47 PM »

    I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
    You will!? O.o.......

    Yeah, I've been taking notes on his moveset from final fantasy 7, crisis core, and dissadia, and how I can relate it to brawl. anyways, to this topic, if a balanced version is desired, I'll need feedback on what needs to be toned down damage wise Tongue

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    « Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 11:30:46 PM »

    A freakin mazing!!

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    « Reply #6 on: December 13, 2010, 12:57:38 AM »

    Yes a balanced version would be nice.

    Oh is there a way to make it so when you taunt. it will change the costume. i say this would be perfect for that.

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    « Reply #7 on: December 13, 2010, 01:23:12 AM »

    Yes a balanced version would be nice.

    Oh is there a way to make it so when you taunt. it will change the costume. i say this would be perfect for that.

    There probably is a way, yet no one has discovered it. :/

    - oh what moves do you think should be balanced damage wise?

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

    Smash Attack 2.65: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=17599
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    « Reply #8 on: December 13, 2010, 01:41:28 AM »


    Reading this, it's something i SOOOO want to fight against. I'm downloading this and fighting it when i can Cheesy

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    « Reply #9 on: December 13, 2010, 02:58:32 AM »

    dont know yet. havent tested it yet

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    « Reply #10 on: December 13, 2010, 04:53:48 AM »

    I found a "glitch". The character doesn't do his TurnRunBrake, instead he stops in place sitting still in one of his run frames, but just move forward and you're out of it. Other than that, the moveset is great.
    « Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 04:56:14 AM by KingJigglypuff » Logged

    I don't take requests.

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    « Reply #11 on: December 13, 2010, 05:19:55 AM »

    You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

    On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

    I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
    People don't like overpowered Sephiroths.

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    « Reply #12 on: December 13, 2010, 05:33:30 AM »

    Well, some people might, Hollow, but it's better to make Sephiroth balanced...

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    « Reply #13 on: December 13, 2010, 05:42:02 AM »

    I like him overpowered AWESOME 2.0!

    And Data, that depends per person.
    « Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 05:44:58 AM by Pride » Logged

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    « Reply #14 on: December 13, 2010, 06:18:30 AM »

    I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

    I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

    Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

    P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.
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