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Author Topic: Kurosaki Ichigo Version 1.1 (fixed side B + more)..For Bleach Fans out there =]  (Read 22934 times)
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    « on: December 27, 2011, 07:17:50 PM »

    Hey Everyone.

    It's been ages since I last made a PSA but my skills have not decreased XD. Today, I bring you Kurosaki Ichigo! I worked on this for 3 whole days and I pretty much did 94% of this psa lol. There are tons of new animations and specials for you to use! I added in custom slash edits (common3.pac and textures) so you can change the color of his "B (non-final smash) Special" otherwise it will be dark pink!

    Now lets go on to the moveset changes.


    Here is a video if you don't feel like reading today Tongue
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ThVffOEI90" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ThVffOEI90</a>

    He overall weights the same as Marth; same speed, movement velocity etc.
    Below is his walk animation. His Down taunt, win, guard and evade animations have be changed as well. Awesome Face

    Normal Attacks

    A: Basic Ichigo Slash 1

    AA: Basic Ichigo Slash 2

    AAA: Basic Ichigo Slash 3

    Side A: I don't know what to call it but is basically a strong Ichigo slash using both hands. lol

    UP A: Upward Ichigo slash

    Down A: Low Ichigo Slash

    Smash Attacks

    Side Smash: Death Peirce- a very deadly move at the tip.

    Down Smash: Vast Spiritual Power.

    UP SMASH: Hollow Ichigo's craze attack (I have no idea whats it called, just my description lol)
    spins sword wildly in the air, very powerful!

    Special Attacks

    B speical: Getsuga Tenshō

    SIDE B: Super fast sword combo  6 slashes per use

    Down B: Counter Ichigo Style new animations  Awesome Face

    UP B: Flash Step Upward

    Air Attacks

    so far just forward air is changed:

    Throw Attacks

    Hasn't been changed yet for the lack of Ideas. If you have some post feedback here!

    Final Smash: Enhanced Dark Getsuga Tenshō!
    His final smash allows Ichigo to tap into his Hollow powers via Hollow Mask and grants him the ability to use Dark Getsuga Tensho 5 times. After that, his mask will still remain but out of power.

    Download Link


    « Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 09:24:24 PM by DivineOverlord » Logged

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    « Reply #1 on: December 27, 2011, 08:06:03 PM »

    looks good love bleach! Going to give feed back Laugh
    Edit: tried it out!
    So ichigo over is ok. I say ok because ichigo in his bankai is fast. He felt really slow for ichigo. I also think some his attacks don't come on time.
    NB-It's cool but for a final charge He should have higher knock back and a bit of more damage.
    Sb- i feel like i could barley land that. So i suggest to adjust it so the range is better.
    I played with the balanced version btw.
    This over all is cool just take my suggestions into considerations. I like it and I hope I can Really like it for next version.
    « Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 08:41:54 PM by Ikuto » Logged

    You can Adress me as Near, Nate, River(s) or famously known as Ikuto.
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    « Reply #2 on: December 27, 2011, 09:01:38 PM »

    looks good love bleach! Going to give feed back Laugh
    Edit: tried it out!
    So ichigo over is ok. I say ok because ichigo in his bankai is fast. He felt really slow for ichigo. I also think some his attacks don't come on time.
    NB-It's cool but for a final charge He should have higher knock back and a bit of more damage.
    Sb- i feel like i could barley land that. So i suggest to adjust it so the range is better.
    I played with the balanced version btw.
    This over all is cool just take my suggestions into considerations. I like it and I hope I can Really like it for next version.

    12-27-11@8:00pm reuploaded to fix a tiny problem with side B
    a little more range and stops projectiles.

    haha dang it, I'll make his attacks faster for aaa hold up.

    12-27-11@8:25pm reuploaded to fix side B and made the slowww attacks faster
    « Last Edit: December 27, 2011, 09:24:43 PM by DivineOverlord » Logged

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    « Reply #3 on: December 28, 2011, 05:51:41 AM »

    Ichigo feedback

    Like someone said N-B full charge should have more knockback it barely moves the oponents also isnt there a way you can make it have priority so it doesnt stop and slowdown whenever it hits something or has an alternetive make it like it hitted something the attack ends?
    N-B the really weak one where we hit nb and let go in a second needs to come out much slower since while we edje guard we can just spam it and the oponent will never get back to the stage dont know if you can tell what i mean here.

    well up B should totally be the one he uses on the SSF2 since its marth one with insisivility in the middle for now here is a video reference of the up B check this 
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtwDLt2JIB4" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtwDLt2JIB4</a>
    at 00:19 you can see the up B im talking about

    Side B its a nice move but i would bring KJP Flash step back maybe use this animation in the neutral aerial and make him float if the first hit connects so he can land all hits in the air

    Down B nothing to say its a clean move and i like the animation

    Up smash-same here i like it alot xD

    side smash-great killing move.

    Down Smash- this one gfx needs to be changed since it messes with alot of ichigo moves like the get up attacks get an huge sword glow and if anyone has rel ports the rel ports will have huge sword glows aswhell and i think you can do better with some comon gfx since this attack gfx looks wierd just my opinion on changing the gfx also in the upper video there is a down smash at 00:30 wich would be the best IMo  its a nice animation and a simple gfx

    tilts look nice nothing to say about them

    FS i would prefer the FS to be timmed and not by getsuga charges  i think it would be like 30-40 seconds of ichigo being invincible and having that getsuga charge.
    I found out alot of bugs with this first for some reason i got hit and the camera didnt zoom in and whenever i went there where ichigo mask scatered along the stage making a path and they were there until the match ended  lol also if he dont use the 5 dark getsugas when we die we comeback and we can use them while he dont have the hollow mask lol  thats why if it was by time would be better since we can save the 5 charges to when its most vital  like grabing another FS lol Tongue


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    « Reply #4 on: December 28, 2011, 06:49:09 PM »

    ^ Gracias, for the feedback so far. I am not sure about the side B idea though since his evades forward and back are flash steps lol. I didn't notice that glitch with the final smash. I think that's a good idea though to have it last the same length as Wario's final smash and having it grant Ichigo invincibility until it runs out of time. We'll see how it goes. [side note - I am stunned at how many downloads it got in one day but very few feedback lol!]
    « Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 06:50:18 PM by DivineOverlord » Logged

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    « Reply #5 on: December 28, 2011, 10:25:58 PM »

    i thought him keeping the mask was on purpose lol i like that he keeps it on personally
    could some of his smash attacks from the first one come back the one like the down smash. i also liked the floating he could do with his hollow powers in the first one. I feel as tho the up b needs to go higher if that has not been mentioned yet.

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    « Reply #6 on: December 29, 2011, 04:43:21 AM »

    ^ Gracias, for the feedback so far. I am not sure about the side B idea though since his evades forward and back are flash steps lol. I didn't notice that glitch with the final smash. I think that's a good idea though to have it last the same length as Wario's final smash and having it grant Ichigo invincibility until it runs out of time. We'll see how it goes. [side note - I am stunned at how many downloads it got in one day but very few feedback lol!]

    also is it possible during the FS animation he does the animation of putting the mask like in the anime?
    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ82ZBsuHcY" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ82ZBsuHcY</a>
    from 20 to 30 seconds i think this animation would look epic xD ,also maybe make ichigo keep FS aura so no other FS appear during those 30-40 seconds since during kjp FS sometimes characters used theyr FS while mine wasnt over

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    « Reply #7 on: December 29, 2011, 12:31:05 PM »

    also is it possible during the FS animation he does the animation of putting the mask like in the anime? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ82ZBsuHcY from 20 to 30 seconds i think this animation would look epic xD ,also maybe make ichigo keep FS aura so no other FS appear during those 30-40 seconds since during kjp FS sometimes characters used theyr FS while mine wasnt over

    very good. I didn't notice that glitch haha. I rarely play brawl, I just make the moveset/animations. I'll update it soon

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    ok ok

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    « Reply #8 on: December 29, 2011, 12:36:58 PM »

    "Finally done with ICHIGO PSA!-Inuyasha next Cheesy"

    Awesome Awesome Face
    I love Inuyasha! Can't wait to play with him xD

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    « Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 12:41:34 PM »

    DO are you still able to help mariodk with gotenks?

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    « Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 12:41:48 PM »

    "Finally done with ICHIGO PSA!-Inuyasha next Cheesy"

    Awesome Awesome Face
    I love Inuyasha! Can't wait to play with him xD

    haha cool, same here. I've been waiting forever for someone to make a vertex for him.
    I already made the gfx for wind scar, meiudo portal-ish blade move, and blades of blood for his specials. Cheesy but it probably won't be out till the first week of january.

    @AnImAiNe - oh yeah, haha. I'll try exchange pk thunder with ghost graphics tonight.
    « Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 12:42:45 PM by DivineOverlord » Logged

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

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    Lol Kitten
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    ok ok

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    « Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 12:44:38 PM »

    Take your time xD
    No rush or anything lol xD

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    « Reply #12 on: December 29, 2011, 12:49:31 PM »

    haha cool, same here. I've been waiting forever for someone to make a vertex for him. I already made the gfx for wind scar, meiudo portal-ish blade move, and blades of blood for his specials. Cheesy but it probably won't be out till the first week of january. @AnImAiNe - oh yeah, haha. I'll try exchange pk thunder with ghost graphics tonight.
    awesome Cheesy
    also DO did you saw the Gotenks moveset previews i made video for on youtube?  still alot stuff to do but i can say he is like 40-50% done right now

    also like a video of this moveset?
    after i have tried since its looks really awesome

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    « Reply #13 on: December 29, 2011, 12:51:41 PM »

    "Finally done with ICHIGO PSA!-Inuyasha next Cheesy"

    Awesome Awesome Face
    I love Inuyasha! Can't wait to play with him xD
    i know who he is but i never really liked the anime maybe becuase the way the character are i dont know but im glade to see ichigo being almost done Tongue

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    « Reply #14 on: December 29, 2011, 01:09:22 PM »

    awesome Cheesy
    also DO did you saw the Gotenks moveset previews i made video for on youtube?  still alot stuff to do but i can say he is like 40-50% done right now

    also like a video of this moveset?
    after i have tried since its looks really awesome

    Oh I haven't seen that video yet.where is it?

    i know who he is but i never really liked the anime maybe becuase the way the character are i dont know but im glade to see ichigo being almost done Tongue

    yup. I just wonder what throws he will have. Maybe I can make a throw where he stabs a character and spins them in the air like his up smash.

    Just a Financial Analyst that loves SSBB Cheesy

    Smash Attack 2.65: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=17599
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