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    « Reply #615 on: January 28, 2016, 03:50:47 PM »

    I think I get what he means, though. If something is "Deleted", you'll think it was because there's a newer version or it stole someone else's idea. If something's "Reported" and just removed from the general search, than people will know that it's still valid, but the average person won't go looking for it. So for people like Ebola or me, to just remove the Reported entries from the regular search would make it so that we'd be happy, and others would be happy about the decluttering, but it means that the 2 of us, and others like us, will know that they're still valid, but that they just have broken links or something.

    And as for this,
    No. The point of programming is to automate tasks so that humans don't have to do them. If we took your approach, there'd be no point in having any program involved at all.

    Furthermore, we're not interested in "grading" reports by severity. We do not want to represent any type of infraction as something you can "get away with." We have rules, and we expect our submitters to follow all of them. If you break any of our rules, get caught, and don't resolve the issue in a timely manner, then you don't respect our rules or standards and we don't want your content on our site.

    And nothing is deleted forever, so anyone who decides they'd like to follow the rules can update their deleted entry and petition to have it reinstated. There's never a point of no return.

    I see 3 problems with that.

    The first is regarding broken images. Most of the broken images are because people uploaded the hacks with working images, and then left the site forever without the knowledge that the images would eventually get deleted, because few people actually know about Imgur's timers on their pictures and stuff.

    The second is regarding broken downloads. The same thing happens, only at least in that case, the hack just takes up unnecessary space.

    And the third is regarding things like hacks that freezes the Wii, because those are "valid reports", but they're not actually part of the submission rules to the Vault in the first place. So reports aren't really for stating which hacks are against the Brawl Vault submission rules; they're mostly about whether or not they're 100%, which is irrelevant entirely to the submission rules in the first place.

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    « Reply #616 on: January 28, 2016, 04:10:08 PM »

    Test post please ignore.

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    « Reply #617 on: January 28, 2016, 04:30:52 PM »

    You know the average user is not going to do that.

    True, but this will become an inconvenience to us few users who know the vault well enough to search for old entries when we want to add them. Some of those entries are reported for various reasons. I've made an archive of the stuff I want to eventually add but if the automated deletion of all reported entries is implemented future users will not have access to those entries.

    There's already a way to see active reports without needing to create a new tag for it.
    How, exactly, would it do that? Would we hide entries with the "Broken"/"Unresolved Reports"/"Whatever" tag from search results? Because that's the only way to reduce clutter.

    But here's the thing: if we did that, it would be no different from deleting the entry, because that's all deleting does. It hides the entry from search results. It's still accessible via direct link, and it's never gone forever.

    All a new tag does is create a functional duplicate of "Deleted."

    Maybe a hypothetical example will better explain what I'm trying to say:
    I saw a Link called "Scarf Link" that I wanted to download but it was reported for something along the lines of "scarf is too big" and "broken images." The character is fine to play as and the scarf issue was overstated. I didn't have the room for him at first but I now want to download this hack months later.

    It sounds like this character will be automatically deleted now and the submitter is no longer active to fix the reports. Instead of deletion, I'm suggesting moving "Scarf Link" to an "Unresolved Reports" section.

    When I click on Brawl Vault -> Characters -> Link, he (along with all the other reported characters) should not show up in this section. Since I know the name of this specific Link I can perform a search for "Scarf Link" and I will be able to find him in the "Unresolved Reports" section. The way I perform my search is to google "scarf link site:forums.kc-mm.com". I use this method to find all of my hacks but I don't believe "deleted" entries show up in this manner.

    "Scarf Link" doesn't show up in Brawl Vault -> Characters -> Link due to the reports but I can still find the character if I want him. He had a popular Youtube video so many people will still want to download "Scarf Link."

    In short, what I'm asking for removes reported entries from Brawl Vault -> Characters -> Link but still allows me to search for what I want. Either allow the users to easily access the deleted entries via a google search or give us an easily accessible "Unresolved Reports" section.

    And it sounds like windhunter7 wants the links to remain the same if a character is moved or deleted.
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 04:40:39 PM by ebola16 » Logged

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    « Reply #618 on: January 28, 2016, 04:42:30 PM »

    If something is "Deleted", you'll think it was because there's a newer version or it stole someone else's idea. If something's "Reported" and just removed from the general search, than people will know that it's still valid, but the average person won't go looking for it.
    I provided a link earlier that lets you pull up every deleted and reported entry without needing a separate tag for it.

    will know that they're still valid, but that they just have broken links or something.
    An entry with a broken download isn't valid.

    The first is regarding broken images. Most of the broken images are because people uploaded the hacks with working images, and then left the site forever without the knowledge that the images would eventually get deleted, because few people actually know about Imgur's timers on their pictures and stuff.

    The second is regarding broken downloads. The same thing happens, only at least in that case, the hack just takes up unnecessary space.
    A report is a report. It doesn't matter what the report is. If picano had more foresight when first setting up the Vault, maybe we could do something more nuanced here, but we can't, so there's not really a point talking about it. As things stand, something is either reported or not -- it's a binary state. We have to operate from that. And we're not going to appoint you or anyone else as a "gatekeeper" who decides which reports are worthy of deletion.

    And the third is regarding things like hacks that freezes the Wii, because those are "valid reports", but they're not actually part of the submission rules to the Vault in the first place. So reports aren't really for stating which hacks are against the Brawl Vault submission rules; they're mostly about whether or not they're 100%, which is irrelevant entirely to the submission rules in the first place.
    You are correct that "your entry should work" is not expressly written in the rules, but is kind of assumed.

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    « Reply #619 on: January 28, 2016, 05:11:01 PM »

    Actually I may have been mistaken. windhunter7, this will be useful for you too. Apparently "deleted" marked entries CAN be searched by googling: "[character name]" site:forums.kc-mm.com

    This makes marking the reported issues as "deleted" less of a concern for me as long as the download link ,BV link, and Google searchability remain intact.

    Though I think it would still be good for users to have a more obvious way to access others' automatically deleted entries.

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
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    « Reply #620 on: January 28, 2016, 05:15:39 PM »

    Deleted entries are still accessible via direct link. If the "Scarf Link" video has a direct link to the entry on BrawlVault, that link will still work even if the entry is deleted.

    And you can filter any BV search to show deleted entries by appending "&Moderated=-1" to the URL. This isn't surfaced to normal users because the vast majority of the time, it is not useful and would only be confusing.

    And if you don't think that sounds confusing, let me tell you, I work in web dev for a living, and I know from experience that people will get confused by anything. I am not just making things up as an excuse to not do them or whatever; I have close to four years of work experience informing my opinions.

    Also, we have a system for dealing with bad reports even if the owner of the entry isn't around to resolve it. You can challenge that report, and our staff will look at it and remove it if they deem it necessary. Did you challenge that bad report you saw? Did you use the procedure we already have in place to prevent the problem you think exists?
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 05:19:04 PM by Vyse » Logged

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    « Reply #621 on: January 28, 2016, 05:25:42 PM »

    Deleted entries are still accessible via direct link. If the "Scarf Link" video has a direct link to the entry on BrawlVault, that link will still work even if the entry is deleted.

    And you can filter any BV search to show deleted entries by appending "&Moderated=-1" to the URL. This isn't surfaced to normal users because the vast majority of the time, it is not useful and would only be confusing.

    And if you don't think that sounds confusing, let me tell you, I work in web dev for a living, and I know from experience that people will get confused by anything. I am not just making things up as an excuse to not do them or whatever; I have close to four years of work experience informing my opinions.

    Also, we have a system for dealing with bad reports even if the owner of the entry isn't around to resolve it. You can challenge that report, and our staff will look at it and remove it if they deem it necessary. Did you challenge that bad report you saw? Did you use the procedure we already have in place to prevent the problem you think exists?
    Then all my concerns are resolved. I'm used to seeing "deleted" as synonymous with "broken link" but that will no longer be the case. I'll make that trade to avoid clutter though. It's also possible that I overestimated the number of people that will want to look at future deleted entries. I now approve.

    Thanks for your replies!

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
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    « Reply #622 on: January 28, 2016, 05:33:03 PM »

    I provided a link earlier that lets you pull up every deleted and reported entry without needing a separate tag for it.
    An entry with a broken download isn't valid.
    A report is a report. It doesn't matter what the report is. If picano had more foresight when first setting up the Vault, maybe we could do something more nuanced here, but we can't, so there's not really a point talking about it. As things stand, something is either reported or not -- it's a binary state. We have to operate from that. And we're not going to appoint you or anyone else as a "gatekeeper" who decides which reports are worthy of deletion.
    You are correct that "your entry should work" is not expressly written in the rules, but is kind of assumed.

    My whole viewpoint is that I just don't want them to be tagged "Deleted", as I may use them for stuff like recolors in the future(Where they're "Broken" for not having preview pics, whereas I would have them), and "Deleted" looks like they had their Vault pending failed because of plagiarism. So all I ask is that instead of tag them as "Deleted", just do like Ebola's asking, which I agree with, which is to move them to "Unresolved Reports", which even sounds like a classy title. Not to mention that over 50% of the hacks in the entire Vault have no preview pics, because of users who left and didn't know that their images would get removed, so if someone went around "Reporting" every single one of those with "No Preview Pics", they'd be deleting over 50% of the entire Vault, including model imports. All I want is for these auto-deleted hacks to not have the red dot with the "Deleted" tag, to differentiate those deleted hacks from the hacks that are deleted from the pending-deletion hacks. That's all I want, is to be able to tell which ones are "deleted" from plagiarism, and which ones are deleted for retarded stuff like "Scarf is too big". In fact, if I went and did that with the entire Vault, not only would about 70% be removed from lack of previews, but more than 50% of the remaining 30% would be removed because I would report them as "Crummily done". Well, I got news for you. Not knowing that your preview images will eventually get removed is something that's "crummily done", not something that plagiarizes or something, so it shouldn't outright get deleted. Because if this happened, then we'd only have less than 25% of the Vault left, and it would basically be only model imports.(And only ones that aren't "Crummily done")

    Is it really THAT hard to just change the tag to something other than "Deleted"? Because that's ALL that I'm asking you to do.

    Deleted entries are still accessible via direct link. If the "Scarf Link" video has a direct link to the entry on BrawlVault, that link will still work even if the entry is deleted.

    And you can filter any BV search to show deleted entries by appending "&Moderated=-1" to the URL. This isn't surfaced to normal users because the vast majority of the time, it is not useful and would only be confusing.

    And if you don't think that sounds confusing, let me tell you, I work in web dev for a living, and I know from experience that people will get confused by anything. I am not just making things up as an excuse to not do them or whatever; I have close to four years of work experience informing my opinions.

    Also, we have a system for dealing with bad reports even if the owner of the entry isn't around to resolve it. You can challenge that report, and our staff will look at it and remove it if they deem it necessary. Did you challenge that bad report you saw? Did you use the procedure we already have in place to prevent the problem you think exists?

    And I am quite familiar with how the "Deleted Hacks" works, as I had some of them bookmarked, before I removed the bookmarks, and the only reason that I removed the bookmarks was because I thought that "Deleted" meant that they were plagiarizing or something, so I'd never even download it.

    I have close to four years of work experience informing my opinions.

    You do realize this has nothing at all to do with coding, right?

    Also, I am quoting you here in the first post that you made to this topic:
    If you have any suggestions for changes to BrawlVault, or if you have any bugs to report, please post them here.

    And, well, that's what I'm doing, is being persistent about suggesting a change to Brawl Vault. I mean, seriously, all I want is to actually know if a hack didn't pass the pending state or not, as making recolors to the Vault of some of my favorite characters might involve those "Deleted" hacks. And I'm a coder too, you know, so I know how easy it is; basically, you just copy and paste the part that has to do with the "Deleted" tag, and change the name to something like "Unresolved Reports" and change what it's referring to. So I know it's easy, and you're getting a huge complaint from me, and I'd stop complaining if you'd just do the simple task. I mean, it's far less work than the program that automates the deletion of the hacks, I can tell you that much. Besides which, have you never heard the saying "The Customer is always right"? Well, I'm the customer, asking for something simple, and I'm the equivalent of a "Regular", too.(i.e. Someone who visits here and actually does stuff literally all the time)

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    « Reply #623 on: January 28, 2016, 08:39:34 PM »

    The short version of this post is that I'm just not going to make a new status for this. Making a functionally identical status to Deleted has no purpose because we can just use Deleted. We do enter a deletion reason whenever we delete something, so what I'm going to do is make that visible to everybody (currently it's only visible in logs, which only staff and entry owners can access) so that people will know the entries were deleted for unresolved reports and not any other reason. If that doesn't make you happy then you can just stay angry.

    Now I'll go through this point by point.
    "Deleted" looks like they had their Vault pending failed because of plagiarism.
    That you automatically assume that is your fault and no one else's.

    so if someone went around "Reporting" every single one of those with "No Preview Pics", they'd be deleting over 50% of the entire Vault
    Did you know that 67% of statistics are made up on the spot?

    That's all I want, is to be able to tell which ones are "deleted" from plagiarism, and which ones are deleted for retarded stuff like "Scarf is too big".
    First, do not use the word "retarded" that way.

    Second, in the interest of transparency, I will start surfacing the deletion reasons that we already enter when deleting an entry. Right now, those reasons are stored only in the log, which is accessible to staff and entry owners only. Entries that get automatically deleted due to this process will have that entered as the reason, and you will be able to see that and know whether there was plagiarism involved, etc.

    Is it really THAT hard to just change the tag to something other than "Deleted"?
    No. But creating a new status for this isn't worth the additional complexity. People shouldn't have to learn the difference between "Deleted" and "Unresolved Reports." "Deleted" alone does everything we need.

    You do realize this has nothing at all to do with coding, right?
    It has to do with making an intuitive user interface, which is absolutely part of software development. Whether the actual programming is difficult is not the question; the issue is and always was that it's not worth forcing users to learn additional information about how the Vault works in exchange for the little gain that we get.

    Besides which, have you never heard the saying "The Customer is always right"? Well, I'm the customer
    You are not a customer. If you were paying me, we'd be having a different conversation. As things are, I have no obligation to do anything. I am a volunteer.

    And, well, that's what I'm doing, is being persistent about suggesting a change to Brawl Vault.
    Being open to suggestions is not the same as accepting them without question.
    « Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 08:42:36 PM by Vyse » Logged

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    « Reply #624 on: January 28, 2016, 08:48:00 PM »

    Did you know that 67% of statistics are made up on the spot?

    Just FYI(Just sayin'; I ain't arguin' anymo'es), the percentages that I was saying were because I have literally bookmarked the entire Vault(Of Every Character Hack; I didn't bookmark every stage, sound effect, etc., only characters and SOME of the other classifications), and then un-bookmarked the ones that I don't need bookmarked(Still have about 2-4 thousand left to sort through), so I have seen, literally, the entire Vault. I admit, though, it was techincally a guess, but it was a guess based on me seeing the entire thing.

    And yes, if you can tell me where to access the logs(When they become available), I'd be as happy as a clam! Happy Face (If not happier)

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    « Reply #625 on: January 28, 2016, 09:21:19 PM »

    And yes, if you can tell me where to access the logs
    You will not be able to access the entire log for entries you don't own. Just the deletion reason.

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    « Reply #626 on: January 28, 2016, 09:41:17 PM »

    ??? I'm confused, though; I thought this:

    We do enter a deletion reason whenever we delete something, so what I'm going to do is make that visible to everybody (currently it's only visible in logs, which only staff and entry owners can access) so that people will know the entries were deleted for unresolved reports and not any other reason.

    meant that anyone can look at them when they're available. Or am I confused about something?

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    « Reply #627 on: January 28, 2016, 10:38:48 PM »

    The deletion reason will be visible separate from the entire log for the entry.

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    « Reply #628 on: February 01, 2016, 11:20:52 AM »

    Hello folks, I'm here for an announcement.

    About two months ago, Project M went down for fear of legal repercussions of their modding. It was decided then to temporarily ban new P:M - related submissions from BrawlVault, to give some time for things to cool down a bit and for the former P:M members to submit their works to the Vault. Three weeks ago, we started discussions on how to handle these submissions from now on.

    This concerns files from P:M 3.6 and their edits, but also files from the leaked 3.61 dev build, and their edits.
    The decision has been made that all the aforementioned files will be treated like any other submissions on BV. What that means is:

    • We do not believe that such files released on BrawlVault consist of a credible enough legal danger to either us, the submitters, or the original authors. At least not more than any other BV submission.
    • Submitting edited files from both 3.6 and 3.61 is allowed for everyone, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors, as per usual.
    • Former P:M members are free to upload their own work. Starting on the 15th of February, other users will also be able to re-upload those (unedited) works if they are missing from the Vault, with proper credit.
    • Like any other BV submission, permission from original authors is not required to reupload or edit these files. Neither the submitter nor the BV staff are obligated to remove a submission with proper credit given just because the original authors ask them to. Although the latter are free to talk it out with the submitters if they disagree with their work being submitted on the Vault, the removal is left up to the submitter's discretion.
    • Packs including P:M content follow the same rules as any other packs. They must include some of the submitter's own work. They must include a ReadMe with credit to the authors of all the included hacks.
    There was miscommunication on my part when we closed up P:M submissions, and it was unclear that authors could still submit their own works during the "no P:M submissions" period. This is why we're giving them two more weeks in case my statement was interpreted the wrong way. After that, anyone can submit P:M files that aren't on the Vault.
    P:M related entries that were still in wait of approval will resume being published on the Vault starting today.
    « Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 11:26:35 AM by Miacis » Logged

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    « Reply #629 on: February 01, 2016, 12:09:27 PM »

    What happens if someone uploads content before the original creator?

    « Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 12:55:02 PM by Nanobuds » Logged

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