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Author Topic: How to achieve the cBliss effect in BrawlEx  (Read 44807 times)
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    « Reply #60 on: September 07, 2014, 06:53:51 PM »

    What is odd is that Peach's hex file is so much different than Mario's that I do not know where to start editing... I cannot find it neither in Wario's file nor on G&W's...
    Are you sure you're looking at the right files? The CSSSlot Config files all have the same exact format. The Fighter Config files can just be edited in the Config Utility tool. Those don't need to be touched in a hex editor.

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    « Reply #61 on: September 07, 2014, 07:05:51 PM »

    xD  How dumb. I was looking at the Fighter files... That solved everything. Now to test them in-game!

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    « Reply #62 on: September 12, 2014, 03:50:51 PM »

    Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Now I can have 8 costumes on each character for Project Super Smash 4!!! Cheesy
    Also, one question: Which program are you using to edit the CSSSlotConfig? I'm trying with HxD, but it's way too different for me. Can someone help?
    « Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 03:54:16 PM by Junior64570 » Logged

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    « Reply #63 on: September 16, 2014, 04:31:08 AM »

    Thanks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Now I can have 8 costumes on each character for Project Super Smash 4!!! Cheesy
    Also, one question: Which program are you using to edit the CSSSlotConfig? I'm trying with HxD, but it's way too different for me. Can someone help?

    The bit that says OC, replace that with your costume numbers in there, For example..


    The OC is added after your numbers, remember that or the game will crash


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    « Reply #64 on: October 30, 2014, 09:54:34 PM »

    So after putting it off for a while, I figured it was finally time to give ten costume slots to each of the default characters, and I decided to use the stock files in the first post. I did a few (Mario, Link, Marth, several others) and they worked perfectly fine. Then I came to Peach and Bowser, and simply cannot get them to work. I've tried with the stock files from this thread and edited files from PW's "Configs Templates" folder, but no luck. It isn't the method I'm using to load the game (Gecko, Riivo, and Dolphin all freeze) or the costumes I chose (I've even tried renaming default costumes). No matter what, the game silent freezes upon selecting a stage if I pick a costume above 06 for those two. Is there anything special about Peach and Bowser specifically that I could be missing?

    Edit: I also have the FitPeachEntry files, to clarify. Does Bowser have anything similar to those I'm missing?
    « Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 09:59:41 PM by Strange Matter » Logged

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    « Reply #65 on: October 30, 2014, 09:59:20 PM »

    So after putting it off for a while, I figured it was finally time to give ten costume slots to each of the default characters, and I decided to use the stock files in the first post. I did a few (Mario, Link, Marth, several others) and they worked perfectly fine. Then I came to Peach and Bowser, and simply cannot get them to work. I've tried with the stock files from this thread and edited files from PW's "Configs Templates" folder, but no luck. It isn't the method I'm using to load the game (Gecko, Riivo, and Dolphin all freeze) or the costumes I chose (I've even tried renaming default costumes). No matter what, the game silent freezes upon selecting a stage if I pick a costume above 06 for those two. Is there anything special about Peach and Bowser specifically that I could be missing?
    For Peach, you need to be sure that all her costume files have an Entry file, but I'm not sure why Bowser would be freezing. If you're using it with Project M, you might need to give him some extra Giga Bowser costume files, but otherwise, he should work just like any other character.

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    « Reply #66 on: January 20, 2015, 04:05:04 PM »

    Hi there!

    I downloaded your stock files, although I'm still thinking about doing it myself. Just a few quick questions:

    - Does Wario still have 12 costumes, or only 10 now?
    - I got 2 different CSSSlotConfig folders in the download. One of them is called 'CSSSlotConfiig (cbliss order)', whereas the other one is just 'CSSSlotConfig'. Does the cbliss folder one match the cbliss sc_selcharacter.pac file included in the orginal cbliss download (i.e portrait 00 = default, 01 = red team, 02 = green team, 03 = blue team, 04-09 = rest). I just want to know if I should start a whole new sc_selcharacter.pac file, or if I can use the cbliss pac file as a template/guide.

    Thanks for the files and tutorial! They're going to help a lot

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    « Reply #67 on: January 20, 2015, 04:22:59 PM »

    Hi there!

    I downloaded your stock files, although I'm still thinking about doing it myself. Just a few quick questions:

    - Does Wario still have 12 costumes, or only 10 now?
    - I got 2 different CSSSlotConfig folders in the download. One of them is called 'CSSSlotConfiig (cbliss order)', whereas the other one is just 'CSSSlotConfig'. Does the cbliss folder one match the cbliss sc_selcharacter.pac file included in the orginal cbliss download (i.e portrait 00 = default, 01 = red team, 02 = green team, 03 = blue team, 04-09 = rest). I just want to know if I should start a whole new sc_selcharacter.pac file, or if I can use the cbliss pac file as a template/guide.

    Thanks for the files and tutorial! They're going to help a lot

    It's been a while since I've looked at them. Tongue

    Wario does still have 12 costumes, and I think the two CSSSlotConfig folders are the same. One of them was just the CSSSlot by itself in case people already had the Fighter Config, and one of them was zipped with the Fighter Configs in case they wanted to download them both together.

    And yes, you can use the files that came with cBliss as a base. I arranged them to match the cBliss portraits. If you're using the BrawlEx CSS expansion, though, you have to modify the sc_selcharacter PhantomWings provided. You can just export the char_bust_tex from the cBliss sc_selcharacter and import it into it, though, which only takes a second.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any more question. Smiley
    « Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 04:32:02 PM by ShinF » Logged

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    « Reply #68 on: January 20, 2015, 04:34:05 PM »

    So it is arranged to match the cbilss portrait order? Awesome - that'll help a lot!

    A few more I just though of:

    - I never touch Game and Watches files. So long as I don't move any of it's config files (I'll check the phantomwings graphic to find out what his id is), I should be fine right?
    - I need to include all the extra files for some specific characters that came with the cbilss download, don't I? Things like Peach's entry files, and pkmn trainer's final smash files, etc.

    Otherwise, I think I'm set! Thanks so much for getting back to me Kirby Dance

    "You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal. If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals. There is no way you can save people" - Archer, Fate Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works)

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    « Reply #69 on: January 20, 2015, 04:42:50 PM »

    So it is arranged to match the cbilss portrait order? Awesome - that'll help a lot!

    A few more I just though of:

    - I never touch Game and Watches files. So long as I don't move any of it's config files (I'll check the phantomwings graphic to find out what his id is), I should be fine right?
    - I need to include all the extra files for some specific characters that came with the cbilss download, don't I? Things like Peach's entry files, and pkmn trainer's final smash files, etc.

    Otherwise, I think I'm set! Thanks so much for getting back to me Kirby Dance
    Yeah, you'll need things like entry files and such for characters who have them for every costume. Game & Watch has also been expanded to use 10 costumes. I think cBliss already comes with a set of FitGameWatch00 files with 10 costumes, so he'll work just the same as he does with cBliss as well.

    Any time. Smiley

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    « Reply #70 on: January 20, 2015, 05:00:29 PM »

    I think I'm all covered. Thank you very much! I'll let you know if I run into any difficulities

    Post Merge: January 21, 2015, 04:34:12 PM
    I always forget if it post merges automatically, so sorry if this is a double post.

    Ganondorf, Wolf, ROB, Toon Link and Sonic are the characters that can have more then 10 costumes. Is the maximum number they can have 12, given the fighter config has that many options to select?

    Also, where do I insert the new textures? Do they go in the same file part (eg. Misc Data 19) or somewhere else. And what about Result Pictures and Battle Pictures?
    « Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 05:43:12 PM by Persona-Aya » Logged

    "You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal. If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals. There is no way you can save people" - Archer, Fate Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works)

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    « Reply #71 on: January 30, 2015, 04:16:07 PM »

    Sorry for being annoying, but I'm stuck. I made a topic in the help section, but I figure maybe the OP (ShinF) might know the answer, so I'll try here too.

    How do you make Battle Portraits for the last two costumes (No. 11 & 12) for the characters who have 12 costumes? The ones I tried to make are crashing my game, and are the only issue I need to fix up

    "You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal. If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals. There is no way you can save people" - Archer, Fate Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works)

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    « Reply #72 on: January 30, 2015, 04:27:02 PM »

    Sorry for being annoying, but I'm stuck. I made a topic in the help section, but I figure maybe the OP (ShinF) might know the answer, so I'll try here too.

    How do you make Battle Portraits for the last two costumes (No. 11 & 12) for the characters who have 12 costumes? The ones I tried to make are crashing my game, and are the only issue I need to fix up
    Just to make sure it's the Battle Portraits and not something else, is it a beep freeze or a silent freeze?

    I've personally never tried going over 10, but I think you would just continue numbering it the same way you do for other costumes. Like, I think Ganondorf's starts at 191, so you'd go up to 120 for his first ten costumes and then costumes 11 and 12 would be 121 and 122. Theoretically, at least.

    Also, just to be sure, when you set up the CSS Config files, you did use 0A and 0B for the extra costumes, right?

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    « Reply #73 on: March 01, 2015, 08:25:08 PM »

    Hi there! I'm back, but with a new query:

    So I followed the tutorial on the first page to give a brawlex clone 10 costumes, and I thought I did everything right, but something went weird.

    Basically, all the texture assets loaded fine - All 10 Character Select Portraits, Battle Portraits and Result Screen Portraits loaded fine for each character and correctly for each character. However..

    For some reason, the actual costumes don't load for the extra costumes added on (slots 7-10). Instead, the default costume (No.1) is loaded anytime the additional slots are. And I have no clue as to why. The costume files (in this case, FitMarisa06-FitMarisa09 pac and pcs files) are all correctly named, are different costumes (so not copies of the first costume).

    Any ideas?

    "You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal. If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals. There is no way you can save people" - Archer, Fate Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works)

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    « Reply #74 on: March 01, 2015, 08:28:27 PM »

    Hi there! I'm back, but with a new query:

    So I followed the tutorial on the first page to give a brawlex clone 10 costumes, and I thought I did everything right, but something went weird.

    Basically, all the texture assets loaded fine - All 10 Character Select Portraits, Battle Portraits and Result Screen Portraits loaded fine for each character and correctly for each character. However..

    For some reason, the actual costumes don't load for the extra costumes added on (slots 7-10). Instead, the default costume (No.1) is loaded anytime the additional slots are. And I have no clue as to why. The costume files (in this case, FitMarisa06-FitMarisa09 pac and pcs files) are all correctly named, are different costumes (so not copies of the first costume).

    Any ideas?

    Hmm, I've seen that error happen when I forgot to check the costumes in the Fighter Config file. Maybe double check that?

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