Well, for Mewtwo, we're going to do these for the versions:
Melee Version - Use Project M's Mewtwo Moveset
Brawl Version - Use Mewtwo's new Moveset, which means the project won't be 100% finished and final until after Spring 2015 (not like it was ever going to be final before then)
WiiU Version - Use Mewtwo's new Moveset, which means the project won't be 100% finished and final until after Spring 2015 (not like it was ever going to be final before then)
So, the Melee Version will probably be released quicker, other than the balancing part with all of the newcomers.
use little mac for the actuall beta but test those too and tell me if they freeze if those do then use the origonal and then i'll make some mobile adjustments

Wait, does the PSA have Special Moves? Also I just wanted to know which one
doesn't freeze, so I can put it in the Private Build.

I still don't have Photoshop yet...

But I'll get it eventually, and when I do, I'll update Mario and release his PSA, which is actually already done with a V1 (It's the old one that came with recolors and CSPs).