Q:What is DiY exactly?
A: DiY Stands for "Do it Yourself." Its pretty much exactly that. This project is dedicated to cracking open Project M (here by called PM for short), and making it more customizable, providing you a clean slate to make your own BeX packs and builds.
Q: Is there any way I can help you with the development of the pack?
A: Yes! There is lots of things you can do to help us. I currently only do coding, as i have little time do to work, I'm a pretty busy girl. That being said ANY help is appreciated, be it compiling the config files for extra costumes or just reporting bugs you find, its very much appreciated
Q: I would like to join this project and help with development!
A: Great! Please send me a private message, explaining what it is you would like to do for the project. Some idea's are placing sound files for clones, cosmetics for the extra costumes, editing fighter configs to work with a few psa settings (I.E Samus has crawl, mewtwo/link have rapid jab) It will greatly speed up developement.
Q: I found a bug! What now?!
A: Please leave as detailed a report as you can in this thread, I will add it to the known bugs list.
Q: How often will this thread be updated?
A: This thread will be checked daily and updated as it needs to be. be it a new bug or an update in whatever our team finds.
Q: Can I make a pack with this?
A: Of course! As long as you give credit to the team and include a link to this page. Lots of hard work went into this project, please respect that.
Q: I'm sold!! Shut up and take my money! (No seriously, do you accept donations?)
A: Absolutely not, Brawl hacking should be free, thus said this is a non profit project, and we will not accept any donations.
Q: What happened to the old thread? What if i need something in it?
A: It's still around, you can find it
Q: Will Ty be coming back to the project?
A: Currently, he's unavailable for an indefinite amount of time. I Wouldn't be surprised if he pops his head on from time to time. He's more then welcome to jump aboard should he come back.