Lol This is the the same project. We are collaborating on it. I've updated a few things in the download as well to clerify it in a couple readme.txt as well as a true credits list wich we've been lacking. Things I actually wanted to add since the beginning, that should have ben there. tho pyotr rushed the release a bit before i was fully ready, still fixing it. I'm not even credited in most builds and only pyotr has ever been callabed.
So a quick rundown of new terms of use.
1) if used for a project, keep it open source to the public.
3) Collab both me and pyotr when using it.
Most of it is pretty common sense, I don't think we've had issues with before. Rule 1 is simply because of how much time went into making this Dx because PM kept every one of their codes on lock down for the "gold release," it was very difficult to strip out and add what was needed. I want it easier for the next generation to build off of, if that makes sense.
We didn't even "officially" get the codes. they were leaked.
Post Merge: January 09, 2017, 09:52:45 PM
I hope no one minds about my post here, if you see this post I'm going to be uploading a pack of fixes for PM+BrawlEx Very soon, so I'll link the fixes in this post. which includes bowser getting his victory theme back and Roy's Awakening recolor being restored. This post is mostly meant for Sirkura to have and test for crashes so that this build can be fixed for people that don't really like the inconsistencies in it.
PMEX fixes: this link got drowned in the page count xD sorry :3 i'll check it now ^^