No one's taking shots at anything. It was a question.
Anyway, it plainly says Brawl Vault on the FB page. And everything from every team that shows up on our front page also gets crossposted to the FB page. It's not just about us, because, again, teams are not that big a deal.
Jack made that banner entirely on his own, but I imagine his <b>motivation was to show off good stuff that's available on Brawl Vault without regard to team distinctions</b>.
Simple. I don't have any idea which team came up with what. It's plain to see that if someone finds a good texture, you're going to wind up finding it in BrawlVault. The Vault has everything from every team inside. I had no intentions to offend or take a side or anything.
Besides, we give publicity on our blog homepage AND our facebook page at the expense of what? What have we asked any of our featured teams in return?