Weak Attacks:A ComboSnake’s Neutral A Combo seems like a decent fit.
Forward TiltSnake’s Forward Tilt works fine here as well.
Up TiltSamus’ Up Smash (though slightly weaker) could work fine for his Up Tilt.
Down TiltSamus’ Down Tilt would work fine here.
Running ASnake’s Running Attack could look pretty cool here.
Smash Attacks:Forward SmashBoba Fett releases a giant fireball right in front of him. This traps the enemy for a little bit and then launches them. Size and power are determined by how long it is charged. Taking mariofan1138's suggestion, Instead of a fireball, he could throw a thermal detonator and have it explode right in front of him using Snake's grenade throw animation. This would have the same effect as the fireball would have.
Up SmashBasically Snake’s Up Smash, only the rocket would come from Boba Fett’s jetpack. Taking mariofan1138's suggestion here too, the missile could travel in an arc and land in front of him instead of going directly up and down.
Down SmashSamus’ Down Smash would work fine.
Specials:Neutral B Boba Fett fires his laser gun rapidly. Basically Fox’s Neutral B.
Forward B Boba Fett fires a player-controlled missile from his jetpack. It can control and behave just like Snake’s Forward B.
Up B Pretty much ROB’s exact Up B.
Down B Boba Fett uses his wrist-mounted flamethrower. Acts pretty much the same as Charizard/Bowser’s Neutral B attacks.
Grabs:GrabThis is very similar to Link’s grab, except he uses his wire instead of a chain. It can also be used as a recovery move in the same way as Link’s.
Forward ThrowBoba Fett Flies forward a little bit, while dragging the enemy on the ground with his wire. This racks up some damage, but has little knockback.
Back ThrowBoba Fett throws his enemy behind him, then blasts him with a laser, like Fox’s Back Throw.
Up ThrowBoba Fett throws his enemy above him, then blasts him with a laser, like Fox’s Up Throw.
Down ThrowBoba Fett slams the enemy into the ground and then blasts his with his flamethrower, similar to Charizard’s Down Throw.
Aerial Attacks:Neutral ASamus’ Aerial Neutral A works fine here.
Forward ASamus’ Aerial Forward A works fine here too.
Back ASnake’s Aerial Back A dropkick fits here nicely.
Up A Boba Fett shoots his wire directly upward. This could behave like Zero Suit Samus’ Up B, in that it pulls the enemy down.
Down ABoba Fett fires his laser directly downward. This might have the speed, power, and knockback of Falco’s laser. It could also freeze Boba Fett in the air for a split second, like Lucario’s Aerial Down A.
Final Smash:Boba Fett summons the Slave 1 and enters a mode similar to Snake’s Final Smash, allowing you to fire large laser bursts onto the battlefield.
Special Traits / Other:Boba Fett can slide down walls, much like the Zero PSA.
For his run, Boba Fett can fly forward with his jetpack.
For his rolls, Boba Fett could dash in a direction with his jetpack.