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    « Reply #135 on: December 21, 2010, 11:07:50 PM »

    Yeah. You'll be able to import rigged characters.

    Newbie Kitten
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    « Reply #136 on: December 22, 2010, 02:51:23 AM »

    Alright. How far did you make it? Did anyone ever finish a full converter?

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #137 on: December 22, 2010, 06:51:31 AM »

    Alright. How far did you make it? Did anyone ever finish a full converter?

    the relocation table is my problem...
    more like IDK now to decide the differences between the data's...

    of course Tongue
    it'll do more than that even Cheesy

    shoot I mean blend can handle everything the MDL0 does, and more
    but yea...

    it's the back conversion that has me :/
    apperently it's easier to read an MDL0 than it is to write one...

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
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    « Reply #138 on: December 22, 2010, 07:06:22 AM »

    hey BJ...

    I've figured out something with the offsets...
    I'm looking at them quite differently now...
    take a look at this:

    the reason there's a line through the last 2 boxes is because that's how I used to look at them...

    so thit's the new way now...
    can you gather anything from that??

    and btw, this confuses me:
    00 00 00 48 00 00 00 03
    FF FF 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 3D 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 BF 3C 00 00 26 90
    00 38 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 BF 4C 00 00 72 10
    00 39 00 00 00 02 00 03 00 00 BF 5C 00 00 74 90

    notice the order...

    I think the cyan block is the offset index...
    but the 2nd one still confuses me as there's 2 '03' instances :/
    as well as 2 '01' instances in the magenta block

    IDK for sure, but I think the indexes are read bacwards
    (num_offsets -= 1)
    which would make the last read be the 'FF FF' index...
    even though that index does contain data,
    I think everyone has been reading the indexes forward,
    and compairing them to the number of offsets...

    my words are getting messed up and I'm thinking too fast XD
    but it's an idea that seems to explain that last part...
    « Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 08:05:19 AM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

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    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #139 on: December 22, 2010, 09:27:14 AM »

    apperently Pharrox was also working on dae to mdl0 conversion...

    and I can read C++ better now Cheesy

    everything is starting to make sense now Cheesy


    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Newbie Kitten
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    « Reply #140 on: December 22, 2010, 11:20:30 AM »

    Woah column data? I've never seen that before. My instincts tell me that can't be how it is running...

    Brawl Mod God
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    « Reply #141 on: December 22, 2010, 11:29:18 AM »

    What's that relocation table for

    apperently Pharrox was also working on dae to mdl0 conversion...

    As stated in the OP

    and I can read C++ better now Cheesy
    everything is starting to make sense now Cheesy

    It'd better Im srs here

    It's gonna be freakin' insane to build the bone structure... and everything in the mdl0 is linked to one another by an id... gonna have to use lots of variables in mah codez
    « Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 11:48:06 AM by BlackJax96 » Logged

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #142 on: December 22, 2010, 02:18:15 PM »

    What's that relocation table for
    I just pulled some random data is all...
    but I think it's Pachi's verts :/
    As stated in the OP
    didn't notice that...  I see what you did there ...
    It's gonna be freakin' insane to build the bone structure... and everything in the mdl0 is linked to one another by an id... gonna have to use lots of variables in mah codez
    including the relocation table XD

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #143 on: December 22, 2010, 02:19:32 PM »

    Woah column data? I've never seen that before. My instincts tell me that can't be how it is running...

    I'm afraid I didn't catch that Tongue

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #144 on: December 22, 2010, 03:12:43 PM »

    yo  Grin

    check my progress on the import Cool
    MDL0 to DAE conversion is coming along well  AWESOME 2.0!

    I still need to get to the verts though :/
    but I will Wink

    triple post Shocked
    *watches for bahnhamma*
    « Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 03:13:48 PM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Brawl Mod God
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    « Reply #145 on: December 22, 2010, 04:30:17 PM »

    Here I posted. You can post moar Tongue
    Tell me how you converted it when it's done btw
    (Where you read the bytes and where you put them in the xml and stuff)

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #146 on: December 22, 2010, 04:31:53 PM »

    Here I posted. You can post moar Tongue
    Tell me how you converted it when it's done btw
    (Where you read the bytes and where you put them in the xml and stuff)

    look at my template XD
    it's supposed to tell you that Tongue

    I can help if you mis-understand something though Wink

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #147 on: December 23, 2010, 06:27:28 AM »

    well I've gotten the vert data to export in the debug info
    link: http://tcll5850.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=gotopost&board=python&thread=74&post=364

    and I figured out how the modifier works  AWESOME 2.0!

    the modifier is only for 8bit or 16bit conversions
    here's the vector conversion code:

    def vec(dtyp,mult): #decide the type of conversion to use
                if dtyp==0 :return ui( fr.read(1) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point ui8
                if dtyp==1 :return si8( fr.read(1) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point si8
                if dtyp==2 :return ui( fr.read(2) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point ui16
                if dtyp==3 :return si16( fr.read(2) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point si16
                if dtyp==4 :return fl32( fr.read(4) ) #floating point fl32

    'fr' is the mdl0
    'dtyp' is the data type
    'mult' is the modifier (multiplier)

    when calling the code:
    data_type = ui( fr.read(4) )
    modifier = ui( fr.read(1) )

    X = vec(data_type,modifier)
    Y = vec(data_type,modifier)
    Z = vec(data_type,modifier)

    btw, this is for any vector (verts, normals, and UV's)

    and yes, I comment like that in the code constantly
    « Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 06:47:56 AM by Tcll » Logged

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Angel Kitten
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    « Reply #148 on: December 23, 2010, 07:33:07 AM »

    hey BJ...
    you were talking about animation converters...

    collada and directx(ascii) support animations,
    and of course blend

    I suppose I could write a converter for those...
    blend files will have to be library-linked to be imported...
    DAE and X files will have to be injected...

    I brought that up because I need them...

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

    Brawl Mod God
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    « Reply #149 on: December 23, 2010, 12:39:49 PM »

    I figured out how the modifier works  AWESOME 2.0!

    the modifier is only for 8bit or 16bit conversions
    here's the vector conversion code:

    def vec(dtyp,mult): #decide the type of conversion to use
                if dtyp==0 :return ui( fr.read(1) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point ui8
                if dtyp==1 :return si8( fr.read(1) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point si8
                if dtyp==2 :return ui( fr.read(2) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point ui16
                if dtyp==3 :return si16( fr.read(2) ) / ( float(2)^mult ) #fixed point si16
                if dtyp==4 :return fl32( fr.read(4) ) #floating point fl32

    'fr' is the mdl0
    'dtyp' is the data type
    'mult' is the modifier (multiplier)

    when calling the code:
    data_type = ui( fr.read(4) )
    modifier = ui( fr.read(1) )

    X = vec(data_type,modifier)
    Y = vec(data_type,modifier)
    Z = vec(data_type,modifier)

    btw, this is for any vector (verts, normals, and UV's)

    and yes, I comment like that in the code constantly

    Holy -blam!- so I can use that in reverse to write the floats for the verts/normals/uvs in the hex?

    hey BJ...
    you were talking about animation converters...

    collada and directx(ascii) support animations,
    and of course blend

    I suppose I could write a converter for those...
    blend files will have to be library-linked to be imported...
    DAE and X files will have to be injected...

    I brought that up because I need them...

    Ok heck yeah do eet!

    Btw, I got this collada loader to help me... I got it to read all the verts, materials, bone structure, etc from the xml!!!!!1

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