lol I finally got my feedback. XD well here it goes.
I loved the new a combo, it brilliant and suits him well. XD
forward tilt still seems to not have enough range, but it's perfect in damage and knockback.
the down tilt is pretty good too, very standard and easy to use.
the up tilt I enjoyed alot and was a great move to juggle the opponent.
the down smash I feel doesn't have enough range to be effective. The damage and knockback is great, but it's hard to really pull off in competitive battles.
the forward smash is perfect in my opinion. I enjoyed this powerful attack with good startup lag. It balances out the move.
the up smash is very good too. I have no complaints on this one.
the netural b is great, has good distance and is very reliable when edge guarding and also when your in the right spot, in the air it's great too.
the side b is a bit odd in animation and maybe gfx I'm not too sure, but it's not bad. But I feel like it could improve. At least I know I can put a sfx from sonic heroes on that one too. XD
the up b is great too, fast, moderate damage and can still attack and use other stuff like the glide.
down b special, I still love this move and the gfx seem better here too so that's a plus, it's just too bad it had to be the spin dash look and not the actual dig. But I still like it. I do think though this move could use some more power and maybe knock them upwards.
the dash attack is great too. No complaints.
I think you should make the up taunt a bit longer so I can put a good taunt clip on there. XD but the other two are good and pretty cool.
the glide animation is great but... Idk it seems harder to use especially since his second jump never gets him high enough and it's hard to use the up special and then the glide afterwards. I actually preferred it how it was useable in the air and gave him more horizantal recovery then vertical. But maybe that's where the skill and adaptation needs to come into play. XD the run animation is great, and the throws are so much better here now. XD you've improved so much that it's incredible.
and just a random note, maybe you should go back to Mecha Sonic and fix him up now that you've learned so much more.
Post Merge: August 31, 2012, 09:18:47 PM
lol I forgot the air attacks. XD I thought they were great, but the netural air and the down air seem too similar to me.