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    « on: May 28, 2013, 04:44:21 PM »

    <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1hHUnKaPZ4" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1hHUnKaPZ4</a>

    OP Update 06/06/13:
    +Project M tutorial
    +PAL codes
    +Updated commonly asked questions
    cBlissKit v1.5:
    +Added Riivolution Kit.
     - the XML uses the exact same Gecko format. [No ''_en'' , loads codes from sd:\codes\]
    +Fixed Wario.
     - Wario has his 12 costumes back.
    OP Update 05/30/13:
    +New code and a fixed code.
    +Download button on top.
    +Updated Info.
    +What to replace to use other CSS, SSS, Result.
    +Commonly asked questions section.
    +Official cBliss Character Recolors Project

    What is cBliss?
    It sets the max number of costumes for all characters to 10.
    That means all character now have up to 10 fitCharacterXX.pac
    165 new costumes in total.

    What does 'cBliss' stand for?
    Costume Happy!

    Wario looses 2 costumes.

    How does it work?

    It uses 4 fairly simple codes:
    Characters have 10 Costumes [All Chars][ASF1nk]
    06AD817c 00000070
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    33FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF1FFF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    000013FF 00000000
    000013FF 00000000
    13FF0000 13FF13FF
    00000000 00000000
    00000000 13FF0000
    This code makes it so the game tries to load 10 costumes for each character if the costumes exist.

    Costume Color offset FIX [ASF1nk]
    06455334 0000001C
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    00000000 00000000
    This code Fixes the order of the costumes to go in order of the .pac and .pcs files.

    New Wario's own Costume offset [12 Costumes] [ASF1nk]
    07200d34 0000001C
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 070A090B
    0C000000 00000000
    This code writes the 12 costume offsets for Wario in an empty space in memory.

    All Roster has Costume Offset FIX. v2 [ASF1nk]
    04455460 80455334
    04455470 80455334
    04455480 80455334
    04455490 80455334
    044554A0 80455334
    044554B0 80455334
    044554C0 80455334
    044554D0 80455334
    044554E0 80455334
    044554F0 80455334
    04455500 80455334
    04455510 80455334
    04455520 80455334
    04455530 80455334
    04455540 80455334
    04455550 80455334
    04455560 80455334
    04455570 80455334
    04455580 80455334
    04455590 80455334
    044555A0 80455334
    044555B0 81200d34
    044555C0 80455334
    044555D0 80455334
    044555E0 80455334
    044555F0 80455334
    04455600 80455334
    04455610 80455334
    04455620 80455334
    04455630 80455334
    04455640 80455334
    04455650 80455334
    04455660 80455334
    04455670 80455334
    04455680 80455334
    04455690 80455334
    044556A0 80455334
    044556B0 80455334
    044556C0 80455334
    044556D0 80455334
    This code simple points all of the character's costume offsets to the Costume Offset FIX, and Wario's points to his new one.

    For a more in-depth look at the codes please ask.

    Which cosmetics do I need?
    Everything is already provided for you in the Kit!
    But what is needed is:
    Character Select Portraits [CSPs]
    Battle Portraits [BPs]
    Result Screen Portraits [RSPs]
    StockIcons [CSS] [SSS and Result ones are optional]

    Which files do I need?
    You will need the FitCharacterXX.pac & FitCharacterXX.pcs for the new costumes.
    Yes! You will need both the .pac [uncompressed] and .pcs [compressed] files.
    There are few special apples though:
    -Peach needs an entry.pac for each costume.
       FitPeachEntry06.pac - FitPeachEntry09.pac
    -Pokemon Trainer needs a final.pac for each costume.
       FitPokeTrainerFinal05.pac - FitPokeTrainerFinal09.pac
    Peach's and PT's extra files are already provided in the kit!
    -Kirby Hats.
       Kirby hats are optional and will not freeze. If a new costume gets swallowed the hat would be the default for
       that character.

    How do Characters that skip over a costume work?
    Character like Mario, Link, Yoshi, etc. skip over a certain team color costume because they use their default costume for that team color instead.
    In cBliss this will be no more.
    ALL characters now use:
    FitChar01.pac/pcs as Red Team
    FitChar02.pac/pcs as Green Team
    FitChar03.pac/pcs as Blue Team
    Characters that skip a costume will need that costume filled in and they will use that new costume as their new team color.
    For example:
    Mario in vBrawl skips over FitMario01.pac, because he uses FitMario00.pac for Red Team.
    Mario in cBliss needs FitMario01.pcs and FitMario01.pcs for use as Red Team costume.

    How does Mr. Game & Watch work?
    Mr. Game & Watch still loads his costumes from FitGameWatch00.pac & FitGameWatch00.pcs.
    You will need to add the costumes via CLR.
    Courtesy of me, the kit provides a cBliss ready Game & watch.

    So why only 10 costumes?
    Because of how the cosmetics work.
    For example:
    Mario's CSPs start at MenSelchrFaceB.001 [001]
    While DK's start at MenSelchrFaceB.011 [011]
    If we were to give Mario 11 costumes he would requiere the use of FaceB.011 but guess what! it is already in use by DK.
    tl;dr: Overlap on IDs, that's why.

    How does Wi-Fi work?
    Playing online with another cBliss user is flawless.
    Playing a none cBliss user there is a few things to note:
    -New costume Team Color works fine. You will see the new costume, he will see the default one.
    When the no user picks a Team Color you filled in you will see the default costume for that color not the new one.
    -cBliss user cannot pick any new costume or the opponent will freeze. [Exception is new Team Color Costume]

    Selecting RANDOM?
    Random will also load the new costumes so be careful to have all the costumes in place.
    Also careful using Random on Wi-Fi versus a player that doesn't use cBliss.

    So what does the kit include?
    -ALL the cosmetics needed.
    -Peach's entry.pacs.
    -Pokemon Trainer's final.pacs.
    -cBliss ready Mr. G&W.
    -List of Costumes needed for each character.
    -4 A2 Fox recolors so you can test right to way.
    -cBliss .GCT

    Troubleshoot HALP!!!
    -Beeeeeeeeeeeeep = your hack is bad
    -Silent Freeze = game is trying to load a file and couldn't find it. Make sure you named everything correctly and replaced the correct costume. Also make sure you have both the .pcs and .pac.

    While testing every single character and downloading a lot of hacks from the vault, I noticed people don't know how to properly save the character .pac files.
    This was recurring problem and gave way to many freezes.
    For those of you that don't know .pac files are uncompressed and .pcs files are LZ77 compressed.
    So how do you know if you downloaded from a person who has no clue?

    Notice the same file size. That is wrong!
    .pac files should have a larger file size since they are uncompressed.

    Notice the significant file size difference between the .pac and .pcs files.

    Awesome BrawBox feature, saves both the .pac and .pcs properly in one go.
    USE IT!

    What to replace to use your own CSS/SSS/Result
    Yes you can use your own CSS/SSS/Result with this.
    Always be wary of your filesize limits:
    sc_selcharacter.pac = limit 3.79 MB
    sc_selmap.pac = limit 1.14 MB
    Here is what to replace:
    -char_bust_tex_lz77 [CSPs]
    -MiscData[90] [StockIcons]

    -MiscData[40] [StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer1_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer2_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer3_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]
    -PAT= MenSelmapPlayer4_TopN [On MiscData[20]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]

    -MiscData[120] [StockIcons]
    -PAT= InfStockface_TopN__0 [On MiscData[110]] [Pattern File for StockIcons]

    -cBliss & Project M-
    1. Open PM's 2.5b gct on GCTedit.
    2. Copy codes on the TXT square to notepad.
    3. Using the search function [ctrl+f] in notepad, search for the following:
    Search for ''804553AC'' [Chard] 1 match replace with 80455334
    search for ''804553B8'' [Squirt] 1 match replace with 80455334
    search for ''804553C4'' [Ivy] 2 matches replace with 80455334
    4. Notice how when searching for Ivysaur you get 2 matches.
    1 match will be along the other 2 pokemon.
    The other match will be by itself and will look like this:

    06585E00 00000010
    22FF1B1E 000019C6
    804553C4 80000000  

    You need to delete those 3 lines.

    5. Now we search for Wario.
    Search for ''455334'' You will get 1 match.
    Delete the ''04455334 02060007'' along with the 5 lines below it.

    04455334 02060007
    04455338 070A0308
    0445533C 090B0109
    04455340 05000001
    04455344 01030302
    04455348 02050804

    Those 6 lines should be gone.

    6. To finish with the codes add the cBliss codes at the bottom of the text file.

    7. Copy the Battle Portraits  and choose to replace all [pf\info\portrite\InfFaceXXX.brres]

    8. Copiey the Result Portraits and choose to replace all [pf\menu\common\char_bust_tex\MenSelchrFaceBXXX.brres]

    9. Using BrawlBox open PM's Common5.pac and replace the sc_selcharacter with the one from cBliss.

    10. Leave sc_selmap alone.

    Here is a text file for Wi-Fi safe P:M with cBliss


    New Wario's own Costume offset [12 Costumes] [ASF1nk]
    07200d34 0000001C
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 070A090B
    0C000000 00000000

    Characters have 10 Costumes [All Chars][PAL][ASF1nk]
    06AD3F9c 00000070
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    33FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF1FFF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF33FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    13FF13FF 13FF13FF
    000013FF 00000000
    000013FF 00000000
    13FF0000 13FF13FF
    00000000 00000000
    00000000 13FF0000

    Costume Color offset FIX [ASF1nk] [PAL][ASF1nk]
    06456054 0000001C
    05000001 03020103
    08040205 02060007
    03080109 0C000000
    00000000 00000000

    All Roster has Costume Offset FIX. v2 [ASF1nk] [PAL][ASF1nk]
    04456180 80456054
    04456190 80456054
    044561a0 80456054
    044561b0 80456054
    044561c0 80456054
    044561d0 80456054
    044561e0 80456054
    044561f0 80456054
    04456200 80456054
    04456210 80456054
    04456220 80456054
    04456230 80456054
    04456240 80456054
    04456250 80456054
    04456260 80456054
    04456270 80456054
    04456280 80456054
    04456290 80456054
    044562a0 80456054
    044562b0 80456054
    044562c0 80456054
    044562d0 81200d34
    044562e0 80456054
    044562f0 80456054
    04456300 80456054
    04456310 80456054
    04456320 80456054
    04456330 80456054
    04456340 80456054
    04456350 80456054
    04456360 80456054
    04456370 80456054
    04456380 80456054
    04456390 80456054
    044563a0 80456054
    044563b0 80456054
    044563c0 80456054
    044563d0 80456054
    044563e0 80456054
    044563f0 80456054

    Commonly asked questions
    Will cBliss work on Dolphin?
    -Yes, using the proper method.
    Will cBliss work on Riivo?
    Can I replace the CSPs?
    -Yes, careful with filesize.
    Do PSAs work on this?
    Do .rel Ported characters work on this?
    Does cBliss work with Stage Expansion?
    Does cBliss work with Project M?
    Is anyone else getting random freezes?
    -Yes on Riivolution, I can only guarantee cBliss working flawlessly on Gecko.

    That's it for now, hope I didn't forget anything. Enjoy!

    « Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 04:42:54 AM by ASF1nk » Logged

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    « Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 04:49:08 PM »


    I am going to dig in and adjust this to the nth power.

    I'm no longer around. If you really need to get my attention, send a PM

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    « Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 04:49:50 PM »

    I want you to marry me.
    Right here, right now.

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    « Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 04:51:49 PM »

    extra slot and now this? what is your next thread going to be? 7 players per match?

    Not all people have the luxury of being able to buy things whenever they want.

    Some people are barely scraping by in the economy.
    Modding has made you guys so spoiled.

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    « Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 05:00:32 PM »

    just wow, dude this is just amazing, finally when those noobs make threads or ask on how to have more texture slots on characters, we can give them a good answer (or at least point them here)

    i really thought this wasnt possible but, again, you proved me otherwise

    SSJ - The guy that can, but won't.

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    « Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 05:01:20 PM »

    This is... Very impressive I gotta say.

    While this might not be too useful for random Wifi... It will be nice for Wifi against friends.

    I can finally use all these mods I didn't have room for originally.

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    « Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 05:04:14 PM »

    Very nice, dunno if it works on riivolution or not, I'll test it.

    This will work well with how many Luigi and Toon Link hacks I have.
    « Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 05:05:05 PM by MANSTA8 » Logged

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    « Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 05:14:36 PM »

    Recyclable wario slots? I'm a fan.

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    « Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 05:19:38 PM »

    this + filepatch 3.5.3= 525 extra costumes Im srs here

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    « Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 05:21:06 PM »

    this + filepatch 3.5.3= 525 extra costumes Im srs here

    Not all people have the luxury of being able to buy things whenever they want.

    Some people are barely scraping by in the economy.
    Modding has made you guys so spoiled.

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    « Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 05:22:47 PM »

    Finally, no more dropping textures I like for newer textures I also like.

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    « Reply #11 on: May 28, 2013, 05:27:00 PM »

    Which Wario slots are dropped? 10 and 11?

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    « Reply #12 on: May 28, 2013, 05:32:17 PM »

    *bows down to ASF1nk*

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    « Reply #13 on: May 28, 2013, 05:35:06 PM »

    -Should work on Riivo if you don't mind adding ~330 paths.

    -525 costumes? AWESOME

    -No glitches just have all the files both .pcs and .pac and make sure they are correctly compressed or uncompressed.

    -Yes 10 and 11 get dropped.
     It was either Wario drops 2 or he keeps 12 and rest get up to 7 costumes only.

    I should have mentioned Random will also load the new costumes so be careful if you don't have them on the sd card yet.

    And currently you need to add all of the new .pac and .pcs for ALL characters should post of a way to only get the ones you want soon.

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    « Reply #14 on: May 28, 2013, 05:39:59 PM »

    So what would happen if Random loads oh let say for example FitMario07 but there is nothing there?

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