« Reply #7935 on: March 14, 2015, 10:00:28 PM » |
itman i know you said only those enemys could be used but what about the assist trophys can they be used?
You can use assist trophies...but if the assist trophy that you ported over comes out while playing with that character, your gfx will be lost for the remainder of the match and until you back out of the CSS. Which is why I don't quite recommend them, despite it being such a small chance. I didn't know about the SSE stages being able to be ported over, that's great. And to get more room for ef files, you can: A. Combine, or B. Use more than one By combine, I mean you can use "ef_kuribo" for example, to hold the gfx of multiple characters (as many as you have room for), and then just that ef file for both. By use more than one, I mean you can physically import another ef file and have two in your moveset.
« Reply #7936 on: March 14, 2015, 10:26:08 PM » |
You can use assist trophies...but if the assist trophy that you ported over comes out while playing with that character, your gfx will be lost for the remainder of the match and until you back out of the CSS. Which is why I don't quite recommend them, despite it being such a small chance. I didn't know about the SSE stages being able to be ported over, that's great. And to get more room for ef files, you can: A. Combine, or B. Use more than one By combine, I mean you can use "ef_kuribo" for example, to hold the gfx of multiple characters (as many as you have room for), and then just that ef file for both. By use more than one, I mean you can physically import another ef file and have two in your moveset. that's fine because i usually dont play with items on anyway.
quote from Nepgear: i can do many things, just nothing particularly well.
« Reply #7937 on: March 15, 2015, 04:45:35 AM » |
Well damn.. wasn't expecting such a long and helpful response. Thanks a lot Itman! I'm honestly not that great when it comes to particulars (for reference, never used the PSA program before) so I fear this may be flying over my head a bit, so please forgive any stupid questions I may ask. First off, how can you tell right off the bat if a psa is going to have gfx conflicts? I've tried looking inside all my fit(character).pac files and the vast majority of them have the name of the base character (eg a PSA over link reads ef_link) but some of these ones don't produce gfx issues (Eg One I know off the top of my head - Roll over Zelda against Zelda works fine) and some definitely do (Lloyd over Wolf vs Wolf has quite a few) - Basically is there a way to tell just be looking at these, or is the only way to know to test in game? Also it helps me to kinda wrap my head around what I'm actually doing - so basically by changing the ef_(character) to ef_(enemy/sse/whatever) the gfx will be attributed to that enemy rather then the character, and the editing of the subarticles is basically the path the game loads the gfx (eg Lloyd's Demon Fang gfx could load as coming from the Primid gfx [if I chose to do that] and the game thinks it's loading a gfx associated with the sse enemy, whose graphics are actually now Lloyd's for that articular action)? Do I kinda grasp this, or am I not understanding how this works? It's confusing but makes some sense. Also, I'm not that familiar with the difference between subarticles and articles (Which you said you'd tackle at a later date) - Will I need to worry about these a lot? Also (sorry I'm rather annoying) but I didn't quite grasp this part: By combine, I mean you can use "ef_kuribo" for example, to hold the gfx of multiple characters (as many as you have room for), and then just that ef file for both. By use more than one, I mean you can physically import another ef file and have two in your moveset.
For the 'Combine' part, how do you tell what amount of gfx the ef_(enemy/etc) can hold? And for the 'Use More Than One', I'm confused as to where you import the other ef_(etc) file. Again, sorry for the huge amount of questions! Don't feel rushed to respond or anything - I'm going to bookmark this and have a ton of Uni work to do anyway so no rush.
"You need a reason to fight. But it cannot be an ideal. If you fight for ideals, the only thing you can save are ideals. There is no way you can save people" - Archer, Fate Stay/Night (Unlimited Blade Works) You know, in a weird sense, Brawl Modding has saved my life. So thank you to everyone involved in this community! 
« Reply #7938 on: March 15, 2015, 12:47:20 PM » |
I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned earlier in this topic, maybe a 100 times even, but I'm having a hard time finding it in the 532 pages of responses. I heard in order to add custom SFX for cloned characters, you have to use and replace the soundbank of a boss and redirect it to have the clone play the sounds. How does one do this when there aren't 100 bosses in the game? And what about custom announcer calls & victory themes?
There's also a little issue I'm having where random on the CSS shows the custom franchise icon for my clone and the name Sonic above it's icon. And when entering the stage result screen, the franchise icon of my clone is behind the card that shows the results. I can tell because it looks find until the card appears.
Please forgive me if these questions have been discussed already! I'm really having a hard time finding info.
« Reply #7939 on: March 15, 2015, 12:48:56 PM » |
Well damn.. wasn't expecting such a long and helpful response. Thanks a lot Itman!
I'm honestly not that great when it comes to particulars (for reference, never used the PSA program before) so I fear this may be flying over my head a bit, so please forgive any stupid questions I may ask.
First off, how can you tell right off the bat if a psa is going to have gfx conflicts? I've tried looking inside all my fit(character).pac files and the vast majority of them have the name of the base character (eg a PSA over link reads ef_link) but some of these ones don't produce gfx issues (Eg One I know off the top of my head - Roll over Zelda against Zelda works fine) and some definitely do (Lloyd over Wolf vs Wolf has quite a few) - Basically is there a way to tell just be looking at these, or is the only way to know to test in game?
Also it helps me to kinda wrap my head around what I'm actually doing - so basically by changing the ef_(character) to ef_(enemy/sse/whatever) the gfx will be attributed to that enemy rather then the character, and the editing of the subarticles is basically the path the game loads the gfx (eg Lloyd's Demon Fang gfx could load as coming from the Primid gfx [if I chose to do that] and the game thinks it's loading a gfx associated with the sse enemy, whose graphics are actually now Lloyd's for that articular action)? Do I kinda grasp this, or am I not understanding how this works? It's confusing but makes some sense.
Not all PSAs were made to use the base character's GFX (though they might use the character's ef_file). The Roll over Zelda probably has common GFX instead of Zelda's proper ones. So, when using Roll against Zelda, no GFX glitches will occur. The ef_file will deload after finishing the fight, but Roll will still use the common GFX. Though her SFX file (if shared with Zelda) will still be affected. Lloyd over Wolf uses many Wolf proper GFX (but modified), so facing Wolf might give you some GFX glitches.
Before someone attacks me: No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States. America is a continent and deal with it. I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.
« Reply #7940 on: March 15, 2015, 01:18:32 PM » |
Well damn.. wasn't expecting such a long and helpful response. Thanks a lot Itman!
I'm honestly not that great when it comes to particulars (for reference, never used the PSA program before) so I fear this may be flying over my head a bit, so please forgive any stupid questions I may ask.
First off, how can you tell right off the bat if a psa is going to have gfx conflicts? I've tried looking inside all my fit(character).pac files and the vast majority of them have the name of the base character (eg a PSA over link reads ef_link) but some of these ones don't produce gfx issues (Eg One I know off the top of my head - Roll over Zelda against Zelda works fine) and some definitely do (Lloyd over Wolf vs Wolf has quite a few) - Basically is there a way to tell just be looking at these, or is the only way to know to test in game?
Also it helps me to kinda wrap my head around what I'm actually doing - so basically by changing the ef_(character) to ef_(enemy/sse/whatever) the gfx will be attributed to that enemy rather then the character, and the editing of the subarticles is basically the path the game loads the gfx (eg Lloyd's Demon Fang gfx could load as coming from the Primid gfx [if I chose to do that] and the game thinks it's loading a gfx associated with the sse enemy, whose graphics are actually now Lloyd's for that articular action)? Do I kinda grasp this, or am I not understanding how this works? It's confusing but makes some sense.
Also, I'm not that familiar with the difference between subarticles and articles (Which you said you'd tackle at a later date) - Will I need to worry about these a lot?
Also (sorry I'm rather annoying) but I didn't quite grasp this part: For the 'Combine' part, how do you tell what amount of gfx the ef_(enemy/etc) can hold? And for the 'Use More Than One', I'm confused as to where you import the other ef_(etc) file.
Again, sorry for the huge amount of questions! Don't feel rushed to respond or anything - I'm going to bookmark this and have a ton of Uni work to do anyway so no rush.
Basically, look at the ef file -- like click the models and look at the textures and such. Anything in there that is different than the original character's = needs to be ported. Roll needs to be ported, it has several things in there like the pink tornado (air side B) and the buster shot and such. Most PSAs need to be ported in the end. To be safe, I would test them out though. So like, if you open up the Roll PSA's ef file, and then compare it side by side with (in this case) Zelda's PSA's ef file, you'll see how different they are. The conflictions are weird, like when I was first doing them, I noticed sometimes the first match I'd do wouldn't have the two characters conflict (or maybe I just didn't notice), but afterwards they would. I think it depends on which one is loaded first, so if you select Zelda first, and then select Roll, Roll should have the messed up gfx. The ef files load simply by selection on the CSS (before even entering a match), so that's why gfx porting is so important. Yes, you understand what's going on.  You're just changing the ef file to something else that an existing character doesn't use, so they won't conflict. Since enemy ef files exist in game and can be loaded like normal.
« Reply #7941 on: March 15, 2015, 04:09:54 PM » |
I was using a simple clone I made (Vivi over Lucas), and I noticed that if there is a battle involving 2 or more players as Vivi, all the special attacks would invisible, but they could still contact with an enemy. However, if playing Vivi and Lucas there are no problems. Is this a similar to GFX glitches without porting effects from SSE enemies/ stages or assist trophies?
« Reply #7942 on: March 15, 2015, 05:36:16 PM » |
Has any one got a lone Zero Suit samus clone working? I can't get any of the Samus/Zelda clones working. and mind you i have a ton of clones. am i missing anything new to make them work?
« Reply #7943 on: March 20, 2015, 12:49:15 PM » |
Has anyone had any success with multiple Giga Bowsers for Bowser's final smash? Modifying his fighter data to have more colour slots didn't seem to have any effect (he still loads slot 00). I know PM has this feature, but I don't think I've seen anyone backport it to vbrawl, and I'm sure with the tools BrawlEx has it must be possible in some way.
« Reply #7944 on: March 20, 2015, 09:53:13 PM » |
Has any one got a lone Zero Suit samus clone working? I can't get any of the Samus/Zelda clones working. and mind you i have a ton of clones. am i missing anything new to make them work?
Cloning the alone variants of them should be the same as any other character. Cloning both transforming characters together requires a little bit of extra work: If you just want the alone variant of the character, then you can clone them exactly the same way you'd clone any other character. For cloning both characters, you'll need to do a little bit more with the config files.
Start by cloning both of the characters as you would normally. For this example, I'll say I'm going to clone Zelda and Sheik as ZeldaEx and SheikEx into slots 3F and 40. The one main thing that's different is that there's only 1 ExModule to work with: ft_zelda-sheik.rel. This module can be configured similarly to the regular ExModules, except that there are two spaces in section[8] for both Zelda and Sheik's ids. In this case, I'm going to be changing those ids to 3F and 40. After configuring the ExModule, you can name it to something like ft_zeldaex-sheikex.rel and place it in your modules folder. From here, you can configure your Fighter Config files to point to the FitZeldaEx and FitSheikEx resources. After configuring the Fighter Config files, open them back up with a hex editor and change the both of the module reference strings to "ft_zeldaex-sheikex.rel". Finally, open up the Slot Config files for both characters and change the Edit Flags (@0x0C) to 0x00000001, and change the Slot Characters (@0x10) to 0x0000003F and 0x00000040 for Zelda's Slot Config and 0x00000040 and 0x0000003F for Sheik's Slot Config. After that, you should be ready to go.
To Summarize: - Acquire fighter resources, config files, and the 1 ExModule file. - Configure both character ids and the module id of the ExModule. - Configure the Fighter Config files to point to the fighter resources. - Manually change the 2 Fighter Config files to reference the 1 ExModule file. - Manually change the Slot Config files to point to both of the new fighters in either order of your choice.
One final thing to note: If you're going to clone Bowser and GigaBowser together, you'll need to make one additional change: When you're configuring the fighter config files, be sure to check the "Merge Motion/Etc" check box. Additionally, you'll need to use the merged Bowser and GigaBowser MotionEtc.pac files from the downloads section on the main page.
Also, if you want to use Giga Bowser alone, he will work with his normal files, but he won't have his attack effects as they are loaded from Bowser's moveset file. The same download link I just mentioned also has a modified GigaBowser moveset file that has Bowser's effect file added into it. Use this moveset file instead if you want the attack effects to show up.
Has anyone had any success with multiple Giga Bowsers for Bowser's final smash? Modifying his fighter data to have more colour slots didn't seem to have any effect (he still loads slot 00). I know PM has this feature, but I don't think I've seen anyone backport it to vbrawl, and I'm sure with the tools BrawlEx has it must be possible in some way.
Right now there isn't a way to have multiple costumes for Giga Bowser as the game internally restricts him to 1 costume. It's on my todo list though. For the most part, I already know what needs to be changed. It's just a matter of finding time to get it into the next update.
« Reply #7945 on: March 20, 2015, 10:04:03 PM » |
Has someone made a succesful Bowser clone?
And is there a way to change his Final Smash so said clone doesn't transform?
Before someone attacks me: No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States. America is a continent and deal with it. I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.
« Reply #7946 on: March 20, 2015, 11:49:31 PM » |
Is there still a limit for the sc_selcharacter filesize? Are there ways around it?
« Reply #7947 on: March 21, 2015, 11:28:09 AM » |
Is there still a limit for the sc_selcharacter filesize? Are there ways around it?
There's both filesize limit and file storage limit. Even if your sc_selcharacter has lower filesize, if you have too many stuff there the game will freeze. This is annoying as we are not able to add more CSPs to the CSS and/or Stock Icons.
Before someone attacks me: No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States. America is a continent and deal with it. I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.
« Reply #7948 on: March 21, 2015, 12:41:46 PM » |
Ah, i feel a little dumb. i got it working, and that post helps explain how to make a transforming clone. This will be important to a specific character i want working.
« Reply #7949 on: March 22, 2015, 12:15:37 PM » |
Right now there isn't a way to have multiple costumes for Giga Bowser as the game internally restricts him to 1 costume. It's on my todo list though. For the most part, I already know what needs to be changed. It's just a matter of finding time to get it into the next update.
Ah, okay cool. I'll be looking forward to the next update, no rush though of course and thanks for getting back to me on that!