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Author Topic: The Brawl Expansion Project  (Read 3108116 times)
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    « Reply #8520 on: March 17, 2016, 02:16:22 AM »

    What do we know about STGCHARAROLL.pac, and how it decides what characters to show?

    Would there be any way to successfully add a character to the Fighters lineup? If so, what's the process?

    Myself, I'm trying to understand the ordering of the Fighter textures in this file.

    It's not lining up cleanly to any of the 4 lists. There's no gap between Ice Climbers and Marth like you'd expect from the Fighters list, but ZSS is after Pit and there's gaps for the 'planned 7' towards the end of it like the Fighters list has. Hell, it doesn't even match the ordering in sc_selcharacter.pac.
    « Last Edit: March 17, 2016, 02:47:24 AM by Tiberious » Logged

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    « Reply #8521 on: March 17, 2016, 01:25:36 PM »

    that pack should work with  a reg sd card and no sdhc code
    as its only 800mb
    Okay, I tried this and actually got it to work! I mean, the characters didn't seem to have the proper voice/sound clips, but I think that's more a technical issue with modding the game in general, right?

    Since I think it's been narrowed down to something to do with the SD card, is there any way to get it to properly work with my SDHC card? In addition, any idea why it wasn't working with Waluigi before?


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    « Reply #8522 on: March 18, 2016, 01:33:45 AM »

    Okay, I tried this and actually got it to work! I mean, the characters didn't seem to have the proper voice/sound clips, but I think that's more a technical issue with modding the game in general, right?

    Since I think it's been narrowed down to something to do with the SD card, is there any way to get it to properly work with my SDHC card? In addition, any idea why it wasn't working with Waluigi before?
    I personally use an SDHC with my pack, you can feel free to try using it as a base and see if the problem persists there. If it doesn't, I'd say work from that as a base. If it does, then I'd say it's something wrong with the particular card you're using, and not the fact it's an SDHC card.

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    « Reply #8523 on: March 19, 2016, 03:14:08 PM »

    Okay, I finally managed to figure it out.

    There's a slight bug where certain effects/projectiles will bug out if a clone and its base character coexist in a match. Is this to be expected or did I goof again?

    Either way, thanks for the help, you guys!

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    « Reply #8524 on: March 19, 2016, 03:27:38 PM »

    Okay, I finally managed to figure it out.

    There's a slight bug where certain effects/projectiles will bug out if a clone and its base character coexist in a match. Is this to be expected or did I goof again?

    Either way, thanks for the help, you guys!
    Yes, it is to be expected.
    You'll need to fix that by changing some GFX IDs in PSA.
    That's from the PSA and not the Clone Engine itself, so you didn't do anything wrong.

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    « Reply #8525 on: April 12, 2016, 10:16:29 AM »

    We finally have a workaround for the "Using the BX CSS Roster Expansion will prevent Final Smash music for Luigi, Peach, and Dedede from playing" glitch although it's not ideal.

    Final smash music is stored as seq instead of the normal strm type in smashbros_sound.brsar. Brawlex's CSS Roster Expansion allows other seq files to play properly (like the Starman music) but not final smash music. Diddy Kong made the enable SEQ hacking - SEQ music bypass hack which solves this problem. It is possible to change the seq references to a strm file in smashbros_sound.brsar with Brawlbox and a little hex editing. He also wrote a nice guide for making these kind of changes: http://smashboards.com/threads/how-to-change-the-item-jingles-in-brawl-not-that-this-community-gives-a.349060/

    Conveniently, Smash Custom Music already has the final smash brstms (although you now have the ability to chose whatever .brstm you want)!
    Dedede: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24019
    Peach: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24017
    Donkey Kong: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24018
    Luigi: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24016

    Some important things I want to emphasize:
    1. You'll need to replace your .iso's smashbros_sound.brsar with an edited one (preferred), use File Patch Code 4.1 or above (possibly unstable), or use Riivolution.
    2. Replacing the final smash brstm files with ones already in Brawl will use up some of your space for music.
    3. I had one PSA (Flame Orbitar Pit) play Donkey Kong's Final Smash music after making this edit so I changed the PSA to fix the inappropriate sound.

    See the SEQ music bypass hack information on the Brawl Vault download page for more benefits and drawbacks. You can manually edit the .brsar if you want to do things differently than Diddy Kong.

    Note: Probably incompatible with SoundBank Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]
    « Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 04:27:32 PM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8526 on: April 12, 2016, 01:42:38 PM »

    Good to see a workaround has come about however I'll probably want to keep my setup gecko compatible for now. It's a shame we can't identify and fix why certain seq files play properly with BrawlEx while final smash songs do not, I feel like this info could be used to apply a proper fix in the future.

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    « Reply #8527 on: April 12, 2016, 08:53:26 PM »

    filepatch 4 actually works(regular file patch plus replacing whole brsar by phantom wings)
    but it freezes after going back in game
    <a href="http://youtu.be/Nd8tuNpjeiE" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtu.be/Nd8tuNpjeiE</a>

    has anyone got a ported yoshi to a brawl ex character
    « Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 08:54:34 PM by Don Jon Bravo » Logged

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    « Reply #8528 on: April 13, 2016, 09:40:57 AM »

    I should also mention that I've been reporting problems to the Dolphin Emulator issue tracker about errors that are more common with brawl mods. Since Brawlex setups usually have a large number of mods, problems are more likely to be encountered. Important changes that resulted from this:

    4.0-8706 (TextureCacheBase: Change CalculateLevelSize to match D3D/OGL sizes) reduces lag with textures that significantly differ from the power of two rule. Also prevents BSOD on Windows in extreme cases.

    4.0-9139 (Fix a few asserts in the VertexShaderGen) Better AB11 implementation with shaders. This significantly reduced the assert messages (panic alerts) Dolphin raises.

    Usually the most recent Dolphin development builds give the best Brawlex experience unless they're completely broken. The two mentioned builds were pretty significant milestones though.

    Unrelated, I want to see if I can do anything about fixing Captain Falcon's beta .rel. Supposedly this video is good for learning how to use dolphin debugger with no prior debugging experience however the link is down https://www.twitch.tv/internetexplorer6/c/1814114. Does anyone have an alternative? I'll post this in a new thread too since I'm unlikely to find an answer here. PPC ASM doesn't scare me.
    « Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 06:16:51 AM by ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8529 on: April 15, 2016, 08:47:33 AM »

    We finally have a workaround for the "Using the BX CSS Roster Expansion will prevent Final Smash music for Luigi, Peach, and Dedede from playing" glitch although it's not ideal.

    Final smash music is stored as seq instead of the normal strm type in smashbros_sound.brsar. Brawlex's CSS Roster Expansion allows other seq files to play properly (like the Starman music) but not final smash music. Diddy Kong made the enable SEQ hacking - SEQ music bypass hack which solves this problem. It is possible to change the seq references to a strm file in smashbros_sound.brsar with Brawlbox and a little hex editing. He also wrote a nice guide for making these kind of changes: http://smashboards.com/threads/how-to-change-the-item-jingles-in-brawl-not-that-this-community-gives-a.349060/

    Conveniently, Smash Custom Music already has the final smash brstms (although you now have the ability to chose whatever .brstm you want)!
    Dedede: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24019
    Peach: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24017
    Donkey Kong: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24018
    Luigi: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24016

    Some important drawbacks I want to note:
    1. Direct edits to the smashbros_sound.brsar are not compatible with Gecko codes so you'll need to edit the .iso or use Riivolution.
    2. Replacing the final smash brstm files with ones already in Brawl will use up some of your space for music.
    3. I had one PSA (Flame Orbitar Pit) play Donkey Kong's Final Smash music after making this edit so I changed the PSA to fix the inappropriate sound.

    See the SEQ music bypass hack information on the Brawl Vault download page for more benefits and drawbacks. You can manually edit the .brsar if you want to do things differently than Diddy Kong.

    hmmm interesting. we can probably fix the gecko issue honestly.  if i remember its just simply not mapped to find those files. same with THP vids. i'll see what i can do.

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    « Reply #8530 on: April 15, 2016, 09:20:15 AM »

    hmmm interesting. we can probably fix the gecko issue honestly.  if i remember its just simply not mapped to find those files. same with THP vids. i'll see what i can do.

    Editing the .iso is no problem for me but I know a lot of people don't want to do it. Regardless, I'll still look forward to some new Gecko codes!

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8531 on: April 15, 2016, 01:10:12 PM »

    Hi there, me again. Can anybody point me to the file that the results screen loads its marks/franchise icons from? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

    I'm trying to add a series icon for Mega Man. It works during the actual game, but crashes the results screen.
    « Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 01:13:53 PM by Dustinvgmaster » Logged

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    « Reply #8532 on: April 15, 2016, 01:44:20 PM »

    \private\wii\app\RSBE\pf\stage\melee\STGRESULT.pac -> MiscData[110]

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8533 on: April 15, 2016, 02:44:10 PM »

    \private\wii\app\RSBE\pf\stage\melee\STGRESULT.pac -> MiscData[110]
    I figured about as much, but all I see that seems like it has to do with the marks are the model files. Adding one of those doesn't seem to fix the crashing.

    Am I missing something obvious?

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    « Reply #8534 on: April 15, 2016, 10:28:08 PM »

    Does Kirby hats for clones work yet. I want to make some

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