« on: March 14, 2014, 05:33:11 PM » |
This is for users who want to have an On Hit Cancel system for their PSAs. This method will allow your character to interrupt their attacks into a Tilt, a Smash, a Special, or a Grab (Ground only). If you want your system to be more specific, then you can remove some of the Allow Specific Interrupts from the coding. Put the following coding in the GFX/SFX/Other Tab of the specified Sub Actions/Attacks. X= Frame Collisions start on. Y= Amount of Frames the Collisions last for. Jab (Attack11, Attack12, Attack13, Attack100Start, Attack100, AttackEnd) Side Tilt (AttackS3Hi, AttackS3S, AttackS3Lw) Up Tilt (AttackHi3) Down Tilt (AttackLw3) Dash Attack (AttackDash) Side Smash (AttackS4Hi, AttackS4S, AttackS4Lw) Up Smash (AttackHi4) Down Smash (AttackLw4) Neutral Air (AttackAirN) Forward Air (AttackAirF) Back Air (AttackAirB) Up Air (AttackAirHi) Down Air (AttackAirLw) Ground Neutral Special (If it has collisions) Air Neutral Special (If it has collisions) Ground Side Special (If it has collisions and doesn't leave the ground) Air Side Special (If it has collisions) Ground Up Special (If it has collisions and doesn't leave the ground) Air Up Special (If it has collisions) Ground Down Special (If it has collisions) Air Down Special (If it has collisions) Even though the coding appears similar, there are certain IDs that need to be used to prevent spamming of the same attack on the specified attack.