So, as some of know, I've been successful in loading custom content in Smash U. Dantarion and I are the only people that have been working on the game. If you have any specific questions that aren't in the FAQ, post them here, and I'll answer it if it's impossible for you to find out on your own.
The music was the easy part, and the format has been downloadable on Brawl Custom Music for most of this year (same format in both 3DS and Wii U music). I will write a BRSTM to Smash NUS3Bank converter for
less porting of songs, since that's exactly what I implemented into BCM. Important music notes are below:
Audio notes for Smash U
The music and SFX format for Smash U/3DS is Namco's IDSP variant of Nintendo's DSP ADPCM codec. These IDSP files are all stored in NUS3Bank archives. The music archives contain only 1 IDSP file, but the SFX, Announcer, Palutena's Guidance, and Starfox conversations have multiple IDSP streams contained in one archive. I'm working on a script in Python to inject these NUS3Banks, but I would be more than happy to give specs to someone that wants to work on a GUI for this.
The song IDs are mostly retained from Brawl, so they've been adding onto it. The only huge difference is that Snake's sound ID (S) is now Megaman's.
My Music tables are editable, and there are slots for menus as well. I was able to add a 2nd song to the Results Display Screen table, so I currently have it swapping between the default song, and the new SSB Credits remix with equal probability. The only problem is that it doesn't show up in the My Music display menu, but it takes effect. The music tables are also editable for Master Hand/Master Core in Classic mode. If you delete those table entries, it'll select a normal Final Destination song, and play it without changing music, even when changing from Master Hand all the way to Master Fortress.
Song titles are editable, as well as source games, and sound test descriptions for EVERY song. We don't have to worry about shared source games like we do with Brawl. I would need help creating a GUI for this.
I can edit textures
I did a model swap, placing Chrom's model from Robin's final smash over a Marth slot. It sort of worked, and there's a lot to fix.
One big thing I need to learn about is the model format, and I'm reading RandomTBush's maxscript for importing Smash U models into 3dsmax. I want to start off small, and test vertex hacks. If anyone wants to help out with this, we can work on a vertex injector.
12/13/2015 Notes:
My personal current to-do list, and help is welcomed:
BRSTM to NUS3Bank script
Finish offline NUS3Bank inserter/appender
Add extra SFX clips to voice/SFX NUS3Banks, then load through animcmd/sound.bin files
Add and display song titles, source game, and descriptions for additional song slots (involves sound/config/bgm_property.mpb, ui/message/sound.msbt, and param/ui/ui_sound_db.bin)Finish patch resource modifier to load any custom file with proper flags
GUI for managing music files, My Music settings, and song titles, etc.
Update Smash Custom Music website to generate sound.msbt file based off template lists
To be done by someone:
Convert models to editable format, modify, then reinsert (use
RTB's maxscript as a reference)
Finish subroutine hash table for PSA related stuff (use
dantarion's site and
Sammi Husky's tool as current reference)
Figure out stage collision data
Animations (.omo files)
GUI for texture editing (for now needs texconv2.exe, but hoping to move to non-SDK tools)
Documentation at OpenSA Wiki I have a lot of clarifying to do on stuff, since I've mainly been writing scripts with no looking back, just to make sure I can get things working. If anyone has any specific questions, let me know and I'll answer as well as I can.