Not sure if it's just me or not, but sometimes, animations in latest version look different from how they are in older versions (0.73 and below) and in the game. This can range from some minor clipping to limbs going ape[censored] instead of properly going from one pose to another. This is very annoying because there are several features and fixes in latest version that are not present in older versions, but i can't just safely make animations without having to fix something.
Its been a while, huh? Would have uploaded this video on Youtube if it would actually work for me. All Metal Face needs now is item animations, 2 victory animations and taunts. I also found his original Xenoblade voice (English AND Japanese). There are less lines i could use, but its still good to have. And there are differences between his XC and SSB4 voices (his voice is lower and has more noticable filter in XC, especially during his fights). This means that now i can focus on K. Rool, so, expect more progress on him soon. This isn't the only animation made of course. Based off Zangief's standing animation. Cape doesn't moves because physics do it.
Progress: K.Rool's model is finally finished and ready to animate and stuff. His blunderbuss is ready too: There are more things done for Metal Face too.
1. All recolors are available except for Sm4sh model's recolors thanks to Nebulon. As you can see, those red lines no longer are separated. This is because i found no way to make them move without interrupting with each animation. This isn't too bad, but i would like them to be more accurate. Also, upgraded model has its own team colors thanks to cBliss. 2. All attacks are done except for slip get up attack and slow ledge attack. I recently found his animations in Xenoblade's files, so, some of them will need to be remade. For example, his jab. I want it to be more like his auto-attack whatever or Last Resort (one where he uses both of his arms to inflict Strength Down as far as i remember). Right now, its kinda weird. Another attack that needs to be remade is Down Smash, which i want to be more like Murder Screw. Current animation has him spin too much and it just looks weird. Other attacks that need to be remade or slightly changed are: -Side Smash. Needs to be more like Dead Way. -Ground Down B. Needs to be less like his landing animation and more like Killing Claw (or Last Resort...don't remember which one, but i think you know what im talking about). -Aerial Down B or Up B. One of them needs to be more like Eagle Slice (or was it Super Spin?), which doesn't belongs to Metal Face, but its owner is very close to him. Right now, they look very similar in terms of animations. -All attacks and misc animations that have Metal Face transform into jet form need to be fixed because they aren't accurate enough to how that is supposed to look like (for example, waist shouldn't be visible at all and thumbs should be sticking out). Transition between both forms also needs to be changed to be more accurate to the source. -All claw attacks need to be slowed down to make claw trails move properly. Right now, instead of going smoothly, they look jagged or something (for example, instead of U, its V). But since i don't want to change his frame data, i will use codes to increase animation speed without changing animations. Another things i want to change about claw attacks is how his fingers are posed. In Xenoblade, they very rarely move sideways. As far as i remember, they move this way when he prepares to kill X, when he is trying to crawl away from Shulk after getting his arm sliced off, when reminding party of how he killed X, every time he tries to crush anyone with his hands and when he moves a lot during cutscenes. -Final Smash. Metal Face already uses Grand Shot for his Neutral B, so, i could either do something he never did in Xenoblade or use his unused animation or attack. Its basically that attack that Master Hand, Crazy Hand and Ridley have that i can't describe except it stars with him rushing towards whoever he wanted to attack. Its kinda boring though. 3. Version with proportions left intact will be available since its very easy to do. If you didn't notice, Metal Face in this mod has different proportions that are close to Project X Zone 2's (but i started this mod before Metal Face was revealed). Compare: As you can see, original model is a lot thinner and yet its also wider, its hands and head are smaller, cannon is longer (its cut off here, but it is longer) and pelvis is bigger. I resized those since then his head would look too small (he is a lot taller than Marth and yet his head is a lot smaller and Marth is one of the "realistic" human least when compared to others), but i didn't want his torso to look too small either.
If possible, I'd like to be a tester for Metal Face. I'm running Project M, but since these characters are built for that game, it shouldn't be an issue.
You made a thread? That's great, I remember we talked a while ago when I made your Ridley moveset work in Brawl
I've got my own projects to kind of keep me busy, but I will definitely look into making the new PSAs work in Brawl and be Brawl balanced. CF is one of my mains, and I can use Ganondorf pretty well. I can use your Ridley extremely well, so if it's in the same ball park then I should be fine for testing, but since I'm sure you won't have a shortage for PM testers, I could act as a Brawl version tester/balancer/bug finder if needed. If not, I understand. I'm going to follow this thread for sure!
We don't have any Brawl testers, so, that would be appreciated. None of the characters here are in "same ball park" if i understand you correctly, but if you can use CF and Ganon, then it doesn't matters.
Added grab attack and Massacre Lotus or whatever its called (taken from...someone who should not be mentioned) as Down Throw to Metal Face. Unlike original attack, it doesn't instantly kills for obvious reasons. Instead, it deals high damage (17%), but its also very slow and knockback growth isn't high. He either laughs or uses one of randomly chosen lines during this throw. Note: framerate on the .gif is 20fps. And mii post image in the background was not intentional.
If you want, I can send you my own K. Rool stuff (maybe A attacks and all) and if you like anything you can use it and credit me. ^_^
Im not sure if i can use any of your stuff. Boxing gloves would be kinda pointless, i wouldn't be able to use any animations, we already have a blunderbuss model, i wouldn't be able to use any of your alts and i don't remember if your K. Rool had his jetpack.
OP under construction (among things to do are spoilers, banners for each character, full moveset list, etc) and everything is subject to change due to various reasons. Movesets, for example, can get very noticable changes depending on what fits the character better or whats more balanced.
Since i felt that stuffing all of this into my PM Ridley mod thread would be difficult to handle, i decided to make a new thread. Below are characters that have any progress done and will be finished in next year with one exception. Size comparisons use orthographic...perspective...whatever to make sure angle doesn't makes X character or Y character look bigger or smaller and models have size that their FitCharacter.pac use in attributes. They are put in such poses to make sure they don't clip into each other and because they are more likely to be in similar pose than with arms spread or something. K.Rool isn't standing like this because its impossible for now. And yes, those mods are meant to be used in PM, but should work in vBrawl. ...and sorry for the whole "K instead of C" thing. Couldn't do anything about it.
King K.Rool Developers: BaganSmashBros, Álvaro_WS (model), jaystring (rigging), drogoth232 (not sure yet) Priority: top priority Recolors: N/A What's done: custom model and textures for K.Rool and his Blunderbuss Size comparison: Current moveset: Specials:
Neutral B - launches a cannonball from his Blunderbuss. Can be charged. Cannonballs can't be absorbed, but they can be reflected and they are affected by gravity. If charged for too long, Blunderbuss explodes, dealing high knockback to opponent and high damage to K.Rool.
Side B - throws his crown like a boomerang. Crown can hit twice (when it goes forward and when it goes back to K.Rool). Can't be used until crown is back to his head. If it goes off-screen, it just appears on his head. Can be reflected.
Down B - N/A
Up B - uses his jetpack to recover. Can be interrupted with any attack. If he doesn't deactivates it in time, it malfunctions and shocks him (and whoever is touching him) before exploding. Deals 11% total to K.Rool and opponents.
Final Smash - uses his Blunderbuss to pull opponents closer, then starts shooting random projectiles (spiked cannonballs, normal cannonballs, freezing gas, paralyzing gas, toxic gas, water, etc). At some point, his Blunderbuss starts overheating, which causes it to malfunction and explode.
Screenshots: N/A Base character used for him will be Toon Link because he has a boomerang (crown toss), arrows (cannonballs), Final Smash i need and TL is a semi-clone already. K.Rool is kinda similar to Little Mac from SSB4. He is far better on the ground than in the air and his attacks are fast and yet still powerful. But i wouldn't say he is exactly like him. He is heavier, bigger and a bit slower, his ground attacks aren't that [censored]ing good compared to aerial attacks, his recovery isn't useless, he has strong projectiles and he can freeze, paralyze, bury and poison his opponent with his throws. His ground jump is surprisingly high for someone like him, but air jump is a lot worse and he has high falling speed. His running speed is high, but his dash attack and grab are slow.
(Fake?) Kraid Developers: BaganSmashBros, Frayark (model and possibly animations) Priority: mid/high Recolors: normal (green scales, red eyes and yellow/white skin), red team (red scales, orange eyes and grey skin), blue team (dark blue scales, blue eyes and blue skin), purple (purple scales, orange eyes and red skin), orange (orange scales, green eyes and yellow skin) and gold (everything is gold except for eyes and mouth). What's done: model Size comparison: N/A Current moveset: N/A Screenshots: N/A Not sure why exactly i want to make this guy, but he really needs some love. I haven't seen him appear anywhere since Zero Mission and it was like what, 2005? Since i can't really show the model right now (i don't have it and i think its not finished yet), here is what Frayark is using as a base for the model: Kraid is not going to win any race anytime soon, but he certainly can break bones. While he is slow, he is very strong and abuses light and heavy armor. His recovery is also bad, but you have to launch him first and he is heavier than Bowser. He also has strong projectiles that can't be absorbed. Im sure PM and even Brawl are bad places for such characters, but i want to be able to handle even this kind of [censored].
Metal Face Developers: BaganSmashBros Priority: low Recolors: normal (black body with red lines and gold parts), red team (red body with blue lines and gold parts), green team (green/jade body with red lines and gold parts), blue team (blue body with red lines and gold parts), silver (silver body with red lines and gold parts), normal (upgraded, black body with red lines and gold parts), red (upgraded, same as red team), green (upgraded, same as green team), blue (upgraded, same as blue team), gold (upgraded, with gold body, green lines and red parts). What's done: default colors of normal Metal Face, upgraded Metal Face and SSB4 Metal Face (model taken from Models Resource and ripped by ThatTrueStruggle, but i can remove it if i can't use it), all attacks except for Down Throw and most of get hit animations. Size comparison: Moveset: Specials:
Neutral B - charges up energy on the tip of his cannon. Takes a while to fully charge up (not sure how much exactly). While charging, if B is pressed, he shoots a fast projectile with mediocre knockback that can be absorbed and reflected. Charging it doesn't makes projectile stronger until its fully charged. When fully charged, he releases all of the energy in form of a powerful beam that deals 30% and very high shield damage. Beam lasts for 60 frames, but damage is reduced by 5% with each 10 frames until it reaches 5%. Can be absorbed, but not reflected. Based on his Grand Shot attack.
Side B - leans back, takes a few steps forward, slashing his opponent with his long claws 3 times, then dashes forward. Has low priority since none of hitboxes on this attack deal more than 3%. Taken from one annoying boss from another fighting game with similar design to Metal Face. If used in the air, he goes into his jet mode and dashes forward. It is a good horizontal recovery, but useless as vertical recovery.
Up B - goes into his jet mode and flies up. Similar to Charizard's, but hit multiple times and goes higher. You can make him move forward or back a bit, but its not very useful as horizontal recovery thanks to Metal Face's high falling speed.
Down B - charges up energy in his claws, then smashes the ground. Can hit only if opponent is on the ground (there still is a hitbox on his hand before he touches the ground). Hits mutiple times, with last hit paralyzing like ZSS' Paralyzer. In the air, its same as aerial Side B except aimed down.
Final Smash - charges up and releases energy in form of a powerful beam like with Neutral B, but it hits multiple times and its a lot stronger. This is mostly a placeholder for now, but it might stay.
Yes, im serious about this thing. It all started when i had nothing to do and was tired of working on Ridley (something i've been doing for a whole year). And yes, even if you know about Xenoblade Chronicles' plot, it still possible for him to be smaller. Base character used for this guy is ROB because...well, at first, i wanted to use his laser beam for neutral B, but its trail disappeared too quickly and i couldn't fix it. This guy is a very large (bigger than anyone else) heavyweight with high falling speed. This is a very bad combination, so, getting hit just once might not end well. Fortunately, he is actually rather fast and yet he is strong. Something between Captain Falcon and Ganondorf in terms of speed and attack power. His attack range is high, but only claws are disjointed. He also has a chargeable projectile (well, it doesn't changes at all until you fully charge it and then it becomes Grand Shot) and his recovery specials go very far, but only in one direction and all end with him in helpless state.
Progress on each character will be posted here. There will be no speciffic time when i do it for obvious reasons and it depends on how fast things go with development. Beta testers are welcomed because sometimes, i can't balancing and i can't test any of those guys on Wii/WiiU. To be a beta tester, you must answer 4 questions:
Can you handle large and heavy character with high falling speed (like Ganondorf and Captain Falcon)? This is to make sure you understand how things go.
Do you know all of the basic ATs like l-cancelling and wavedashing?
Wii/WiiU or Dolphin?
Do you want to test only K.Rool? Only Kraid? Only Metal Face? Any character? Only 2 out of 3?