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Author Topic: The Complete N00B's Guide to Brawl Hacking  (Read 942507 times)
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« Reply #705 on: August 06, 2014, 02:59:40 PM »

did you NOT read above?
that was some help posts in figuring out your problem and the solution to it
yes I put the hacks in wii/app/RSBE/pf/fighter/then the fighter codename loaded up both riivlution and gecko os and it didn't work

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    « Reply #706 on: August 06, 2014, 04:20:54 PM »

    I just downloaded Pikezer's hack, and I can't seem to get it to work. I even reformatted my SD card and reinstalled Homebrew Channel, along with deleting my old SSBB save in case it may have been corrupt. I tried running it through Gecko, and it just gives me All the normal characters you start the game with, and the stage select screen has a bunch of copied Hannebro(Or however it's spelt) and Pokemon Stadium 2's. Anyone know what my problem is?
    you may have some bad GCT in gecko

    try this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1tqgefs873139a/rsbe01.gct

    in any case, it may be a good idea to contact the uploader of the hack and ask what the full setup needs to look like,

    There are also region specific things which either dont work, break, or act weird when used in other regions

    like a PAL announcer call wont work on american and vice versa

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    « Reply #707 on: August 06, 2014, 04:40:18 PM »

    you may have some bad GCT in gecko

    try this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1tqgefs873139a/rsbe01.gct

    in any case, it may be a good idea to contact the uploader of the hack and ask what the full setup needs to look like,

    There are also region specific things which either dont work, break, or act weird when used in other regions

    like a PAL announcer call wont work on american and vice versa

    Okay, I'll definitely give this a try, and Contact him. Thanks! You're the best man!

    Post Merge: August 06, 2014, 04:59:36 PM
    That GCT fixed the stage select, made it the games Vanilla again. I'll try and get ahold of Pikezer for sure.
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 05:00:11 PM by mezoya » Logged

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    « Reply #708 on: August 06, 2014, 05:39:46 PM »

    I have a mac so Gct files don't work and even when I use the right file my wii doesn't sense it

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    « Reply #709 on: August 07, 2014, 12:55:10 PM »

    I have a mac so Gct files don't work and even when I use the right file my wii doesn't sense it
    please make sure the files are in the right place

    GCT in

    <sd card> -> codes

    the mod should also be in the right spot


    <sd card> -> private -> wii -> app -> RSBE -> pf -> fighter -> diddy -> fitdiddy00.pcs

    the wii is expecting the files to be in very specific folders with very specific names or it "won't notice it"

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    « Reply #710 on: August 08, 2014, 07:30:37 AM »

    Um does this work the same for usb loader gx?

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    « Reply #711 on: September 07, 2014, 02:24:40 PM »

    it actually is possible to use sfx hacks with gecko. there is a soundank replacement code. i know its a bit late to post this, and somebody probably beat me to it, but this is the code needed to do sfx hacks

    Replacement SoundBank Engine v1.20 [InternetExplorer, Dantarion]
    80000000 80406920
    80000001 805A7D18
    045A7D00 805A7D18
    8A001001 00000000
    065A7D28 00000015
    2F525342 452F7066
    2F736678 2F25642E
    7361776E 64000000
    045A7D10 919B6600
    C21C8370 0000003C
    9421FF80 BC610008
    3C60805A 60637000
    94230008 7C611B78
    3B5A0007 3C60805A
    60637D00 9343FFE0
    38800000 9081000C
    90810010 93610014
    90810018 3880FFFF
    9081001C 38610020
    90610008 3C80805A
    60847D18 7F45D378
    3D80803F 618C89FC
    7D8903A6 4E800421
    38810020 7F63DB78
    38A00000 38C00000
    3D80805A 618C7900
    7D8903A6 4E800421
    2C030000 40820114
    3C60805A 60637D00
    8081FE90 9083FFD0
    7F64DB78 3884FFFD
    3CC05257 60C65344
    38840004 81240000
    7C093000 4082FFF4
    7C9B2050 9083FFC0
    3D2090E6 61290F10
    81290000 7D244B78
    7C862378 38C60008
    80A4002C 7C842A14
    38840008 3CE0805A
    60E77D00 8167FFE0
    38840008 80A40000
    7CA53214 80E50000
    7C075800 4082FFEC
    7D244B78 80C50024
    7CA43214 38A50008
    80E50000 38A50008
    7F63DB78 38630009
    80C50000 7CC43214
    38E7FFFF 81430000
    91460008 81430004
    91460014 81430008
    91460018 3863000C
    38A50008 2C070000
    4181FFD0 3C60805A
    60637D00 8083FFD0
    80A3FFC0 7C852050
    7F66DB78 7CE62A14
    89070000 99060000
    38C60001 38E70001
    3884FFFF 2C040000
    4181FFE8 38600000
    2C030000 3CA0805A
    60A57D00 9065FFF0
    3C20805A 60217000
    80210008 B8610008
    38210080 7D8903A6
    4182000C 4E800421
    48000008 7CE33B78
    60000000 00000000
    C21C8658 00000007
    3E00805A 62107D00
    8230FFF0 2C110000
    40820010 7CE33B78
    3B200000 41820014
    4E800421 3A400001
    9250FFF0 60000000
    60000000 00000000

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    « Reply #712 on: October 26, 2014, 03:04:23 PM »

    alright crap had to format my sd card for some reason. now i set it up just the way it was before and when i start brawl through gecko it wont work.
    basically after a while of using textures and psas i got tired of always checking if single things worked now when i got the last mod out of about 5 without testing and it required code manager i put the codes in a seperate .gct from the RSBP01 file put the texture and moveset in as normal but it then stopped working. so yeah unable to play modded. any idea whats going on?

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    « Reply #713 on: December 23, 2014, 03:05:39 AM »

    Whats the SFX id?
    for who? sfx ID is either a hexadecimal number of a sawnd intstallation or target

    or  a decimal number to name a sawnd file in the gecko modlauncher (BRSTM copier can identify this for you)

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    « Reply #714 on: January 04, 2015, 08:58:54 AM »

    Complete noob question: does rsb(x) mean rsbe?


    The announcer sings the pokemon song Cheesy

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    « Reply #715 on: January 06, 2015, 10:34:16 PM »

    you may have some bad GCT in gecko

    try this one https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1tqgefs873139a/rsbe01.gct

    in any case, it may be a good idea to contact the uploader of the hack and ask what the full setup needs to look like,

    There are also region specific things which either dont work, break, or act weird when used in other regions

    like a PAL announcer call wont work on american and vice versa

    Hey, do you think you could remake that link and add an unrestricted camera hack? Your code seems to be the only one that seems to work for my Wii Smiley


    The announcer sings the pokemon song Cheesy

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    « Reply #716 on: January 09, 2015, 12:28:39 PM »

    Complete noob question: does rsb(x) mean rsbe?

    what they mean, is instead of them listing every combination that last letter can be, they just put X (like in algebra math)

    X = either E, P, or J


    if you are using american brawl, its RSBE, if japanese, RSBJ, if european version, RSBP

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    « Reply #717 on: January 29, 2015, 08:26:46 PM »

    Noob question. If I'm currently using Nebulon's brawl for all brawlex package (found here http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=71453.0) and I want to add in a character (yoda) from another package that I found. How would I do that?

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    « Reply #718 on: April 15, 2015, 04:12:45 PM »

    So I was following this on my vWii (Wii version on WiiU) and I ran into a problem.  In my private folder (old and new) there is nothing for the brawl characters. I was hoping you would know about how to work around this or if there is anything I could do. When I tried, I couldn't even save a custom stage to the SD card. If anybody knows about this, please do help

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    « Reply #719 on: April 16, 2015, 01:02:02 PM »

    So I was following this on my vWii (Wii version on WiiU) and I ran into a problem.  In my private folder (old and new) there is nothing for the brawl characters. I was hoping you would know about how to work around this or if there is anything I could do. When I tried, I couldn't even save a custom stage to the SD card. If anybody knows about this, please do help
    the game doesn't make folders it doesn't need, the game (without hacking) only needs the AL RP and ST folders

    mods use a user-created ddirectory, you need to create the PF/fighter/xxx folders yourself on the computer (right click -> new -> folder) also, unless you are using riivolution from homebrew or already installed on the wiiU, you cannot use an SD card larger than 2 GB or brawl will say the device in the slot cannot be used

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