I Get the same problem every time you try to edit common3.pac it just freezes O_o
I Have asked like 2-4 time but i still don't know
I've edited common3 before (just replacing brres files with other ones from Brawl Vault). The issue I ran into was I tried to just wing it and see what happens. I didn't expect it to lock up at the strap menu.
I have a basic idea of how to fix my issue though. I think I have to play with the bones. Joy.
What have you tried to edit?
Not sure how often these are read..i need some help with some questions
1)As far as i could tell theres 2 main types of hacks skins and psa, from my reading it seems like u cant play online with psas and certain skins does that mean you cant play at all if someone on ur roster has those skins or u cant chose a char with a modded skin.
2)I have seen a few different mod setups which is the best I just want to be able to play with friends online.
3)Do the skins that dont disconect you show then?
4)It seemed like a PSA replaces a character because i saw things like naruto/scizor over X im assuming that means you can no longer play that character its over?
I think thats all for now thanks im brand new hopefully I can buy my sd card tomorrow to start trying it out
Edit/What size sd card X) thanks again
PSAs are alternate movesets. Textures just make the character look different. Some PSAs just modify a character's attacks like making Samus's fire attacks do Ice damage instead. Others completely change the character such as turning Toon Link into Skull Kid with a completely different moveset. A texture is something like making Marth look exactly like Lyndis without changing his attacks. The only difference is appearance.
Just so you know, you can mix them. If you put a PSA on Marth that changes a few of his moves (such as making them a bit stronger), then you could still put a Lyn texture over Marth.
1. I don't use wifi, so I can't help you much there. I do know that some mods say they are wifi tested and safe, so you can look for those. The ones that don't say it are usually "maybes" as far as I know.
2. I use Brawl Plus with Gecko and it runs nicely. Again, I can't help much with wifi issues.
3. Can't help you.
4. As I said before, some PSAs just alter a few attacks, while others change the character completely. If Toon Link is changed to Skull Kid, then that means Toon Link was completely replaced with Skull Kid. As long as Skull Kid is in the game, it's impossible to play as Toon Link.
There is one exception to that rule. rel files. Mewtwo is a good example.
Mewtwo is designed to go over Lucario. But some people liked Lucario, so they decided to put Mewtwo with his new moveset over Ness. This can only work if they also make something called a rel file. Without that file, the game locks up as soon as it tries to spawn Mewtwo in a match. I don't know enough people here to recommend anyone, but if you really want to replace a character with a character other than the default (Mewtwo over Ness instead of Lucario), you'd need to get someone to make a rel file for it. Just a fun fact.
I believe the best size is 2GB. I've heard that more than that can crash the game.