Heres the program. Not the best but its good enough...if anyone wants to suggest anything go ahead... to use:
open texture up in BrawlBox and export the MDL0 to the start up folder of this program.
open it in HxD and search for(in hex) 00 00 00 d.
Look at the offset and convert that to decimal.
close hxd.
rename the MDL0 to input.mdl0
open my program
in the top left corner put the numbers in the box next to topN offset - hit go(not really needed)
go to the choices tab...self explanatory
when you find your number/choice go to main. Go under advanced and put your number in.
press either up/down
and boom you moved some bones.
I will make a tut on how to do it manually incase the choices aren't good enough for what you need....when i remember how it works lol. I made this program before i stopped hacking so yehh i can't remember everything but i will hopefully make it better with suggestions and help.
- i put a tutorial(months don't bother reading it...unless you want to...) in the read me tab. It tells a bit about how to do it through plain hexing.
- sorry for the wait...had laptop issues lol