« Reply #301 on: January 15, 2011, 07:44:48 PM » |
Well, here's what I've noticed from the material properties chunk so far:
00000200 - Length FFFF71A0 - MDL0 Offset 00000000 - Shader ID 03 - Flag 00 - Res. 0 (Always 0?) 00 - Res. 1 (Always 0?) 00 - Res. 2 (Always 0?) 00 - Ref. 0 - There seems to be one non-FF value for each texture used. FF - Ref. 1 FF - Ref. 2 FF - Ref. 3 FF - Ref. 4 FF - Ref. 5 FF - Ref. 6 FF - Ref. 7 0000000000 00000061FE 00000F61F6 00000461FE 00000F61F7 00000E61FE 00000F61F8 00000061FE 00000F61F9 00000C61FE 00000F61FA 00000561FE 00000F61FB 00000D61FE 00000F61FC 00000A61FE 00000F61FD 00000E6127 FFFFFF - Unknown? (Leonardo has "FFFFD2" here, and Roll has "FFFFED".) 00000000 00000000 - Filler
00000061FE FFFFF061F6 E378C06128 03F04061C0 28F8AF61C2 08FEB061C1 08F2F061C3 081FF06110 0000006111 000000
00000061FE FFFFF061F7 0038C06129 3BF3BF61C4 0806EF0000 00000061C5 081FF00000 0000006112 0000000000 000000
All byte sets in green seem to be common in the models. What I mean, is that from all of the values I've checked from other models (Pikachu, Leonardo, Roll, Amy, and Eevee so far), they all seem to be the same.
« Reply #302 on: January 15, 2011, 08:14:25 PM » |
BLib has a dae import/export class that is mostly done, but won't work with blender. It properly exports texture coords and bones/skins to Maya/Max. For the sake of example, here's the decoded 'Shader0' from FitPikachu00: ----Block 0----
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 F6 00 00 04 - KSel[0] (Swap Mode) = ?4 [S1=0,S2=1]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 F7 00 00 0E - KSel[1] (Swap Mode) = ?E [S1=2,S2=3]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 F8 00 00 00 - KSel[2] (Swap Mode) = ?0 [S1=0,S2=0]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 F9 00 00 0C - KSel[3] (Swap Mode) = ?C [S1=0,S2=3]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 FA 00 00 05 - KSel[4] (Swap Mode) = ?5 [S1=1,S2=1]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 FB 00 00 0D - KSel[5] (Swap Mode) = ?D [S1=1,S2=3]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 FC 00 00 0A - KSel[6] (Swap Mode) = ?F [S1=2,S2=2]
61 FE 00 00 0F - BP Mask 0x0F
61 FD 00 00 0E - KSel[7] (Swap Mode) = ?E [S1=2,S2=3]
61 27 FF FF FF - IREF = 0xFFFFFF
---Block 1---
61 FE FF FF F0 - BP Mask 0xFFFFF0
61 F6 E3 78 C0 - KSel[0] (Sel Mode) = 0xE378C? [C0=C,A0=1C,C1=D,A1=1C]
(Enable tex/color/coord map 0 for stage 0, disable stage 1)
61 28 03 F0 40 - TRef[0] = 0x03F040 [TM0=0,TC0=0,En0=1,CC=0,TM1=7,TC2=7,En1=0,CC1=0]
61 C0 28 F8 AF - ColEnv[0] = 0x28F8AF [D=F,C=A,B=8,A=F,Bias=0,Op=0,Clamp=1,Shift=2,Dest=0]
61 C2 08 FE B0 - ColEnv[1] = 0x08FEB0
61 C1 08 F2 F0 - AlpEnc[0] = 0x08F2F0 [RS=0,TS=0,D=7,C=5,B=4,A=7,Bias=0,Op=0,Clamp=1,Shift=0,Dest=0]
61 C3 08 1F F0 - AlpEnc[1] = 0x081FF0
61 10 00 00 00 - Cmd[0] = 0x000000
61 11 00 00 00 - Cmd[1] = 0x000000
61 FE FF FF F0 - BP Mask 0xFFFFF0
61 F7 00 38 C0 - KSel[1] (Sel Mode) = 0x0038C?
61 29 3B F3 BF - TRef[1] = 0x3BF3BF
61 C4 08 0F EF - ColEnv[2] = 0x080FEF
00 00 00 00 00 - NOP
61 C5 08 1F F0 - AlpEnv[2] = 0x081FF0
00 00 00 00 00 - NOP
61 12 00 00 00 - Cmd[2] = 0x000000
There are three code blocks. GPU display lists must align to 16-byte blocks, which is why they are padded with zeros at the end. Technically, they could all be executed in one batch, but because they have been separated in such a manner it's possible they are used individually. These commands directly control the Texture Environment (TEV) and the processing of each stage (up to 16). IMPORTANT! THESE COMMANDS REFERENCE TEXTURE, TEXCOORD AND COLOR MAPS USED IN MATERIALS! This is why you can't just swap out 'shaders'. Materials define the texture layers for a polygon which includes texture coordinates, texture matrices and color sets. Even though you may be using a texture coordinate with an ID of 12, it's been assigned to layer 0 in the material. The 'shader' must then enable coordinate 0 with respect to the material layout. So, these structures closely regulate the texture environment while processing textures on a material. The material sets global rendering options such as transparency and clipping, while the 'shader' sets fine-tuned options in the color pipeline to simulate shaders.
« Reply #303 on: January 15, 2011, 08:21:41 PM » |
Aha, that helps clear things up a bit. 
« Reply #305 on: January 19, 2011, 09:22:36 PM » |
wut do u guys gotta figure out about the mdl0 at this point? Or are you guys at the point of just converting to other formats now....srry not up to date lol...
edit: i might re-make ur mdl0 template(to know a bit more about the mdl0) in c#, if you mind just reply...I wont be using the source(cuz i dunno xml) just a reg mdl0 file.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 09:33:20 PM by TheShyGuy »
« Reply #306 on: January 20, 2011, 03:22:15 PM » |
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 05:50:42 PM by Tcll »
« Reply #307 on: January 22, 2011, 09:56:19 PM » |
I dunno for sure if this is possible, but to help avoid any glitches with trans N perhaps you should have an option that allows to select the character that you're exporting the mdl0 to. I mean like, the program sets up the new model's bones, polygons etc to work SPASIFICALLY with X character. Even if X character used to be on Y character.
« Reply #308 on: January 22, 2011, 10:59:58 PM » |
What you'll have to do is set up the bone structure in 3ds max before converting. Just put the transN bone in the correct place and convert. And you'll still have to do some glitch fixing in the PSA.
« Reply #310 on: January 23, 2011, 09:15:55 AM » |
Wow, I can see why no one wants to help you.
"but I've asked the famous and knowledgable people, and they're being a bunch of losers..."
Do you actually expect to get help with that attitude?
« Reply #311 on: January 23, 2011, 09:40:08 AM » |
Wow, I can see why no one wants to help you.
"but I've asked the famous and knowledgable people, and they're being a bunch of losers..."
Do you actually expect to get help with that attitude?
that part wasn't really stated with an attitude, but I see how it coulda been mistaken... sry...
the famous and knowledgable are Pharrox, Kryal, Bero, and RTB ^that's how I ment it 
sry bout the mis-understanding...
the thing that P's me is it's been months with no progress :/ (maybe weeks, but feels like months)
« Reply #312 on: January 23, 2011, 09:42:56 AM » |
Well, its not like brawlbox was made in a week ya know? I understand wanting progress, but you cant expect fast paced work considering this has never been attempted before....i think.
« Reply #313 on: January 23, 2011, 09:57:24 AM » |
Well, its not like brawlbox was made in a week ya know? I understand wanting progress, but you cant expect fast paced work considering this has never been attempted before....i think.
but it has... those 4 people (2 of them for fact) know the MDL0 format... once I learn how to read the format, I'll be able to write to it...
but there is one outstander who I'd like to contact...
William Hahne
he has a better converter (mesh-wise) than Pharrox
« Reply #314 on: January 23, 2011, 10:16:05 AM » |
Wait...there are converters that already xist? LINK PLZ!!!!