My antivirus keeps reporting the DL for Melee Peach's Castle as a Trojan.
then turn it off cause it clearly doesnt have a trojan mate
That's because there's a giant turtle king sending people into paintings and eating cake while kidnapping a princess inside =3
O wait

lolwat o.o
It's released!?!?
*downloads at the speed of light*
yesh, it is released!!

The stage was too big, platforms isn't animated and the stage look strange without shadows. And tree was inversed.
But good job about the port.
Same for me.
yeah i kno, i do plan on re-vampiing it and release it in 2 weeks with better textures, animated platforms, and smaller

Hey, I rip stuff for Mewtwo2000, KTH, and a bunch of people all the time. If you want stages to import, I'll provide them. I have several already ripped I can give you, if you'd like. I am ripping Battlefield right now, on the hopes I can get you to make that one as well. Stages are much easier to rip than characters, so, yeah.
I know GameWatching wants to make Battlefield himself, but you cannot beat an import.
yeah, he actually wanted to send me the battlefield models to me so that i can make it as a stage, but he hasnt done that yet. glad u sent it to me via pm tho