Also, there's different kinds of people y'know. There's a reason when when you sort by highest rated on a porn site the material is better than the most viewed. There's a difference between everyday porn watchers like you and I and porn connoisseurs that actually take the time to rate the material.
As to vyse's reply to my post, it sounds like you're against ratings in general. Kind of a matter of opinion...
I don't think it's a matter of disliking rating in general, but of finding them innappropriate depending on the userbase.
To expand a bit on your porn metaphor, there is not much cults of personality regarding the producers/actors as there is here. Like, I don't think you'll see a whole lot of people rating a movie 5 stars
just because it was made by/played by Dirk Focknats. Or
just because it has 69s in it.
Sre, there are overal dominant tastes, but that's far from what we have here on KCMM.
However, can you imagine someone 5-staring a Vegeta hack without even trying it? Or 5-staring even a bad, old PSA from SDoom, that makes him cringe every time he sees it in his Vault, again,
just because it's SDoom and he made Cloud? Likewise, can you see people 1-staring anything that has "Shadow" in its name?
I can definitely picture all of these here. We've had a lot of cults of personality, and they're still going. Hackers don't share their stuff for money like porn directors, they do it for free. So there's always a part of pride and ego here. More or less depending on the personnalities, but hackers always have very dedicated fans.
I'd say the "teams" thing really did help make this a widespread phenomenon, by putting the spotlight only on some small groups competing for the number of fans and attention they get, but that's kinda straying off-topic.
Not sure if my (long-winded) development makes sense to you guys, but the basic idea is that we don't have such a community that'd be mature enough to try stuff before rating, but would rather rate on looks, author, and personal manga/VG preferences than actual quality.
The very way you try hacks also guarantees that result. When you finish watching a video, that "Like" button is right under the vid. You can spontaneously rate it on what you just tried.
When you finish testing a hack on your Wii (if you started your console just to test ONE hack), do you think most people would specifically go back to the BV page to rate it? I don't. I think they'd rate only before the download, or (at best) after opening it in BB.
Also, as Vyse mentionned, there's another reason we don't like ratings systems: they're a ressource hog.
And ressources hogs are'nt very cool unless they provide aMAzing benefits for the community.