Thanks for posting Lillith! I previously used the unstable BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x anyway so this is perfect for me! I can confirm the character select screen (CSS) portion of BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition (RSBE.Ver) works with both a real Wii and Dolphin. In my current setup shown below, I am able to use 101 CSS slots!
Important notes regarding BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition (RSBE.Ver):
1. This is based on BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x and has its limitations. There will be significant lag on real Wiis when loading character selection portraits. This problem is minor on Dolphin Emulator though.
2. There are 2 versions of bx_fighter.rel included in the download on JOJI's website. One is for using special characters (ex. Warioman) and the other does not use them. I haven't tested the special character version but it seems to modify some of the incomplete slots for characters not included in the final roster. This can cause problems if you've already repurposed those slots with elevated config files. The non-special character version had no problem with my elevated config files.
3. Now that a large number of movesets can be used in Brawl, there isn't much room for character names announced by the announcer. I've already replaced all of the Wiimote SFX and some unused sounds for 100 announcer names. I foresaw running out of space so I decided to remove them. I did this by redirecting or replacing the announcer names, "The Winner Is..", and team color names with blank audio files. I plan on seeing if the SoundBank Expansion System v1.4 works with announcer names in the future.
4. The "Ready to fight" bar is definitely in the way now so you may want to check out
How to move the "Ready to Fight" bar offscreen5. If you plan on using the Fake slot for characters, the corrupted path bug is still around but the path has changed:
* Bowser - for some reason Bowser is unaffected by this bug. The Fake slot works as expected.
* Mr. Game and Watch - Rename your .pcs to FitFighterEDEx.pac
The extension change is important. Brawlex expects a .pcs named as a .pac
Place FitFighterEDEx.pac in ...\fighter\Gamewatch\FitGameWatchfightereeex\FitFighterEEEx.pacfighteredex
If you care about transforming or P:M All-star mode, place the normal Fake .pcs AND .pac in their expected locations too.
* All other characters - Rename your .pcs to FitFighterEDEx.pac
The extension change is important. Brawlex expects a .pcs named as a .pac
Place FitFighterEDEx.pac in ...\fighter\*\Fit*Fakefighteredex
Replace * with the character's name.
If you care about transforming or P:M All-star mode, place the normal Fake .pcs AND .pac in their expected locations too.
Images (The sideways names are an experiment unrelated to Brawlex. I wanted to include names without obscuring images. I simply changed sc.selcharacter.pac -> MiscData[30] -> 3DModels -> MenSelchrCname4_TopN -> Bones -> MenSelchrCname4_TopN -> nameNEn's rotation to (0,0,-90) and translation to (8.5,2,-0.3)).
Max potential slots adapted to my setup:

Current setup (101 moveset slots exceeds the previous max of 100 moveset slots!):

I'm liking what I see so far and this is going to be my new default setup!