So, what's the changelog for this version? Because there were four very annoying glitches that persisted in 0.77 and 0.76, one of which was only glitchy in those versions and NOT a glitch in previous versions.
The glitch that was not in previous versions but is in the newer ones is the most annoying, and that is that if you attempt translating vertices that are rigged to more than one bone, they don't translate properly. The vertices will explode, moving all in different directions, and then if you press Ctrl+Z it doesn't even undo it properly. And you can't translate them back, either; they can ONLY move away from the model. And attempting to scale vertices will also cause this same glitch.
The second glitch would be that some models(I don't know what causes this, but it happens with some models), if you attempt to re-rig something 100% to one bone that it's rigged to(For example, if a head is rigged to the HeadN bone and the NeckN bone, and you want to rig it 100% to the HeadN bone), you can use the +'s and -'s fine, that won't do anything(Except that, because the other bones in the list are still in the list, glitch number one will still happen); but, if you attempt to write in the value 100 in the top box for the weight, it WILL look fine in BrawlBox, but the model will get destroyed in-game, although I can't say for sure if it's the UVs, the materials, the shaders, or a combination. The model will end up rigged perfectly fine, but it will look really weird. Two examples that happened to me are in the spoiler below.
Sometimes, in the preview window, (This particular glitch didn't happen in earlier versions, btw) certain models will turn either green, blue, or black, kind of randomly. I'm not certain as to what causes this, but based on how it happened to any of my "No Purplish Tint Sonic" models, where I edited the materials and also removed the color nodes, I think it has something to do with the color nodes.
Another glitch is that sometimes(Not always, but it is rather common), if you re-rig vertices, and then save and exit, if you re-open, the vertices that you re-rigged will be in different, randomized locations, but the model looked fine before. Fixing it, the only way to fix it is, in itself annoying, because you have to get out of the Weight Editor, unselect everything, then select the vertices that you re-weighed, translate them somewhere else, then translate them back. If you do this, when you save, exit, and re-open, they're fine, but this is really annoying, especially since it could cause the other glitch, if, when rigging, you don't rig everything to one bone.
There's this fifth glitch too, but I don't find it very annoying, because you can just use version 0.71 and it works fine, glitch-free. But in the later version of .76 or .77, if you use the Add New Object button or whatever it's called, with the same settings as in .71, the entire model will get messed up.
P.S. Now that Blender importing is literally perfect, these glitches aren't necessary to fix, but they still are annoying glitches, and I would like them to be fixed, if possible.
So, even though I fixed it by doing it a different way, it did happen to the Groose model that I used here(If you need to, I can provide the DL): here, in this different model(An edited Eevee model), you can definitely see what it did to the body: