well, here's a stage preview!!! also by me and Stallion!
well, here is our next stage, which every1 would LOVE to enjoy!!! I have already made it go over the file size limit once already w/o knowing it, but thats been fixed now.
changes to be made and fix:
-Fix the lightning bolts and make them look more better in the background
-Change the sky to a more storm looking theme.
-Fix the collisions a bit more
-Add shadows to the stage
Anyways, there will be quite a few versions of this stage!!!
Version 1 - Stormy
Version 2 - Calm b4 the storm (just has snow falling slow, but with no lightning and flash's)
Version 3 - No storm (no snow, lightning, or flash's of lightning.)
Version 4 - Alternate Sky background with 2 different lighting on the stage.
expect this stage in bout a week, or less!!!