Erm... DSX8, one thing...
Try doing this with that dissidia model:
Material Tool -> To all -> Flag5 = 0
Maybe that fixes those horrible black squares in the background ._.
hmm... i just tried that... and yet it still didnt fix them... it didnt even change flag5 at all... even when i input it as a 0, it still stays as 1 in brawlbox.... so imma have to manually edit those in BB.
You take stage request...
depends on how they look really... ^^''
I didn't know Kit requested that o.o
I thought she did it by herself.
lol she was having trouble making it as a stage... so she requested me to do it... and now me and her r adding ALOT of more stuff to it... so now its become a COLLAB!!! =D
with my importing technique's, and her animations... we're gonna bomb!