« Reply #9270 on: January 06, 2013, 01:28:08 PM » |
Hm... That opens up some new possibilities for me...
The thing that pisses me off about Project: M the most is that Sheik's chain doesn't tether ledges anymore. WHY THE NERF? :/ If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
« Reply #9271 on: January 06, 2013, 11:19:35 PM » |
Where do you animate articles?
Also... you had Naruto jump out of the technique with the clones still attacking... that was with the ike model?
that was olimar since its not possible over Ike if animetion ends on Ike the animetions ends also on the sword but on olimar its possible to make alot of stuff on cuz of pikmin´s animetions dont end then olimar´s animetions ends its possible to make naruto´s Side-B in SSBF2(that also kinda olimar´s) and rasengan article over pikmins but i have not PSAed them yet so idk it will work or not so i can only hope
I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later
« Reply #9272 on: January 07, 2013, 02:20:08 AM » |
that was olimar since its not possible over Ike if animetion ends on Ike the animetions ends also on the sword but on olimar its possible to make alot of stuff on cuz of pikmin´s animetions dont end then olimar´s animetions ends its possible to make naruto´s Side-B in SSBF2(that also kinda olimar´s) and rasengan article over pikmins but i have not PSAed them yet so idk it will work or not so i can only hope
Thats what I was asking about in the first place... If you did one animation with Olimar + Pikmin, whats stopping you from doing more? I wasn't asking for the psa exactly... I just want the model (preferably shippuden) with clones over pikmin. You said I had to wait for you to get Shadow Clones to work... whats not working about it? Or was that the Specials and stuff you mentioned? Cause tbh, the only thing I want personally is a Naruto over Olimar and Shadow Clones over Pikmin. Rasengan can be done via GFX and if I can get Sage mode on there to fit, then thats perfect for me.
The thing that pisses me off about Project: M the most is that Sheik's chain doesn't tether ledges anymore. WHY THE NERF? :/ If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
« Reply #9273 on: January 10, 2013, 10:47:45 AM » |
shippuden/sage is not made yet only young naruto and there is no filesize for sage+tailed aura+normal naruto at same time the Fitpikminxx.pac/pcs is really low filesize limit i had to lower young naruto´s texture to get filesize for him cuz of it seems i needed to have 2x of naruto´s textures: textures for naruto and textures for clones for some reason the clones can´t use naruto´s texture so i had to put textures in the pikmins´s texturedata[0]
and clones/specials(the clone/rasengan part) is not PSAed yet rasengan is a GFX on the clone article while the clone is invisible and the GFX is on the clone´s boneset instead of naruto´s so it possible to make a rasengan article like as in SSBF2 and moving while naruto do other stuff
also still having problems with luffy cuz i it seems if i just edit 1 single code in PSA for marth´s Fitmarth.pac i can´t open it in brawlbox so i have to redo anything in brawlbox since i can´t copy/paste and last time i PSAed with brawlbox only (the newest version) the PSA got alot of bugs,froze at CSS or then select stage so maybe i am needing to wait to next brawlbox for luffy
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 10:57:01 AM by Mariodk »
I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later
« Reply #9274 on: January 10, 2013, 11:27:29 AM » |
shippuden/sage is not made yet only young naruto and there is no filesize for sage+tailed aura+normal naruto at same time the Fitpikminxx.pac/pcs is really low filesize limit i had to lower young naruto´s texture to get filesize for him cuz of it seems i needed to have 2x of naruto´s textures: textures for naruto and textures for clones for some reason the clones can´t use naruto´s texture so i had to put textures in the pikmins´s texturedata[0]
and clones/specials(the clone/rasengan part) is not PSAed yet rasengan is a GFX on the clone article while the clone is invisible and the GFX is on the clone´s boneset instead of naruto´s so it possible to make a rasengan article like as in SSBF2 and moving while naruto do other stuff
also still having problems with luffy cuz i it seems if i just edit 1 single code in PSA for marth´s Fitmarth.pac i can´t open it in brawlbox so i have to redo anything in brawlbox since i can´t copy/paste and last time i PSAed with brawlbox only (the newest version) the PSA got alot of bugs,froze at CSS or then select stage so maybe i am needing to wait to next brawlbox for luffy
mariodk i can open marth.pacs in brawlbox i did them before if you need them in brawlbox i can try on my pc i know my way around the freezes 
« Reply #9275 on: January 10, 2013, 12:29:06 PM » |
shippuden/sage is not made yet only young naruto and there is no filesize for sage+tailed aura+normal naruto at same time the Fitpikminxx.pac/pcs is really low filesize limit i had to lower young naruto´s texture to get filesize for him cuz of it seems i needed to have 2x of naruto´s textures: textures for naruto and textures for clones for some reason the clones can´t use naruto´s texture so i had to put textures in the pikmins´s texturedata[0]
and clones/specials(the clone/rasengan part) is not PSAed yet rasengan is a GFX on the clone article while the clone is invisible and the GFX is on the clone´s boneset instead of naruto´s so it possible to make a rasengan article like as in SSBF2 and moving while naruto do other stuff
also still having problems with luffy cuz i it seems if i just edit 1 single code in PSA for marth´s Fitmarth.pac i can´t open it in brawlbox so i have to redo anything in brawlbox since i can´t copy/paste and last time i PSAed with brawlbox only (the newest version) the PSA got alot of bugs,froze at CSS or then select stage so maybe i am needing to wait to next brawlbox for luffy
You can wait. I'm done waiting. If you're having so many issues with Luffy then I think I'm just gonna try and do it on my own cause its been entirely too long and you keep having issues. I've asked you 3 times to just send me what you had and you keep posting reasons why its not working. Thats not what I asked for. I asked for what you had. But don't worry about it. I found a backup copy of the Luffy folder I had so I'm gonna work off that. You don't have to send me anything. Also the latest brawl box .67B messes up .pacs a lot. You should use .67 As far as Naruto goes, I just wanted you to send me the model. Just Naruto over Olimar with clones over the Pikmin. Thats all I wanted. But don't worry about that either. I'll get that some other way as well.
The thing that pisses me off about Project: M the most is that Sheik's chain doesn't tether ledges anymore. WHY THE NERF? :/ If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
« Reply #9276 on: January 10, 2013, 05:10:24 PM » |
You can wait. I'm done waiting. If you're having so many issues with Luffy then I think I'm just gonna try and do it on my own cause its been entirely too long and you keep having issues. I've asked you 3 times to just send me what you had and you keep posting reasons why its not working. Thats not what I asked for. I asked for what you had. But don't worry about it. I found a backup copy of the Luffy folder I had so I'm gonna work off that. You don't have to send me anything. Also the latest brawl box .67B messes up .pacs a lot. You should use .67 As far as Naruto goes, I just wanted you to send me the model. Just Naruto over Olimar with clones over the Pikmin. Thats all I wanted. But don't worry about that either. I'll get that some other way as well. Yeah Kagemaru, i agree with you on this, Luffy has been taking too long and the animations are all done and it's just PSAing that Luffy needs finished. and i think the next BrawlBox update might be a long time from now. and BB 0.67B messes up, i did not know that?
« Reply #9277 on: January 11, 2013, 03:03:11 PM » |
 atleast i got that to work only use 1 animetion total for take hat on back/head: code it the animetion run backwards then take hat on the head right now using marth´s model changers but they work xd i love that animetion skip frame code i discovered used it on Gotenks(down-B),vegeta(FSes),luffy(this taunt),SMBZ mario v4(the SMW cape glide)(preview of that as soon i got the moving/fly upward limit part to work right)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 03:49:21 PM by Mariodk »
I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later
« Reply #9278 on: January 11, 2013, 04:28:39 PM » |
omg, u can run animations backwards? O_o
« Reply #9279 on: January 11, 2013, 04:31:21 PM » |
omg, u can run animations backwards? O_o
already done it on vegeta´s air FS xd since if press one of the way you control the animetion to run backward or forward or just stay still
I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later
« Reply #9280 on: January 11, 2013, 04:33:03 PM » |
Super Buu(Mario Absorbed) over Mario(with SMBZ v4 version) one slot
« Reply #9281 on: January 11, 2013, 05:05:33 PM » |
Super Buu(Mario Absorbed) over Mario(with SMBZ v4 version) one slot And this too  I would like to enter with this one if it's not too late. And this also: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=30564 (just for the sake of shinyness >.>)
NNID: Cha0sKnight 3DS FC: 4768-7680-2509
« Reply #9282 on: January 11, 2013, 05:06:49 PM » |
the shiny for mario it be really easy the other model not sure(cuz of filesize)
I Dont Take Requests & Dont Do Brawl Mods anymore Maybe Sm4sh modz later
« Reply #9283 on: January 11, 2013, 07:34:48 PM » |
 [/spoiler I want this 
The thing that pisses me off about Project: M the most is that Sheik's chain doesn't tether ledges anymore. WHY THE NERF? :/ If only hacking Brawl paid bills.
« Reply #9284 on: January 11, 2013, 07:39:37 PM » |
That is if KTH can get the filesize low enough for SMBZ v4. 
NNID: Cha0sKnight 3DS FC: 4768-7680-2509