Yeah, I was planning on doing that.
I also though about giving them their slightly modified textures like Miacis suggested but yeah I'm not doing over 160 new textures.
But I will probably still replace the costumes with some default placeholders on the next version of kit.
I tried an Ike rel over Mr. Game & Watch and a Snake rel over Olimar, they both work flawlessly.
Awesome! Thanks for testing.
It does work on PM or whatever mod you want to use, just gotta know how to GCT Edit. Which most people here fail miserably at.
Anyways Marth works he will just use FitMarth03.pac as blue team, not the purple one or whatever it currently is.
Chard, Squirtle, and Ivy my guess is they have a code affecting them.
Here are the original Costume offset for said characters.
0x80455620 804553AC Charizard
0x80455630 804553B8 Squirtle
0x80455640 804553C4 Ivysaur
First column is memory address second is the value at that address.
So using the search feature on your text file
search for 804553AC [chard], and replace with 80455334
search for 804553B8 [squirt], and replace with 80455334
search for 804553C4 [Ivy], and replace with 80455334
It should work now.
aight... so... i got it all working (sort of) only problem... is that it's not showing the new csp's... it does show a few things though... red team luigi is the *green 02* csp... but plays my red team luigi character)
when not on team brawl... i select red luigi... and it actually plays the orange luigi... idk if that helps describe my situation or not (i hope it does)
i have a different css menu so i did the whole...
"Here is what to replace:
-char_bust_tex_lz77 [CSPs]
-MiscData[90] [StockIcons]"
i see the them in brawl box... which makes me think it has something to do with the codes... i put everything that was included in the download (codes) into my gtc... is there something i missed?
and yes i did spend a good 3 hours going through all of my fighter folders making sure i had hacks for every (00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09) slot all with good previously tested .pcs and .pac files...
did i forget something?
should also mention i use gecko...
edit- confirmed that it does have something to do with me entering my codes...
i have no clue what i didn't do...
gonna try remaking my gct again...
edit2- tried again... making double sure that i didn't mess up... and still same result
question is now... are there any complications between this? and my other codes? the only thing i can think of is ASFink's custom css menu... does this not work with that?
You're problem here is that either you don't have or messed up putting in this code.
Beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been? get on skype.
Idk try it! But it would probably freeze.
If you don't care about the SSS stockicons then just use the default Dark Flaming Blue. If even default freezes then you messed up something else.
If even regular costumes freeze then it is not related to cBliss.
If you're using stage expansion check your customstage files.
Don't forget you need the Result portraits as well.
\pf\menu\common\char_bust_tex\MenSelchrFaceB000 - 460
The XML in the Riivo Kit is already Stage Expansion compatible.
If you don't know how to .rel port stages then that's another case.
Glad it works for you on dolphin now.
As for the GCT files you can only use ONE.
Idk why you tried to convert the GCT back to TXT file.
You should just make a new text file and copy your codes there and THEN create a GTC file.
Here is a nice tut by me. =P
The common problem I see here, is people going about doing their own thing and failing miserably.
Here is a tutorial to GCT making by me. can also see many of you are using GCT Edit, why you don't have the original text files for your codes is beyond me, but you should really learn how to GCT Edit.
When using GCTEdit
Copy the TXT file [Bottom Left window]
Into a new notepad file and then follow the GCT tutorial by me.
I don't recommend the "Add code" button on GCTEdit.
You must ALWAYS check for duplicate codes; use the crt+f [find] function to search for dupes since most of the codes are going to be piled up in an unknown code chunk.
Also when you make a freezing post [<.<]
Say if silent or beep, where it froze, and what exactly were you trying to do.
Also might as well post your codes while you're at it...
I REALLY recommend people to have a text file for their codes, so you don't have to mess with GCTEdit.
And please I gave you a private folder for a reason.
If you have an old private folder
copy the contents if the old into the cBliss one and not the other way around. You guys seem to be forgetting files.
Mandatory files are:
sc_selcharacter.pac [Gecko Only]
sc_selmap.pac [Gecko Only]
common5.pac [Riivo Only]
MenSelchrFaceB000.brres - MenSelchrFaceB460.brres [BOTH Riivo and Gecko]
InfFace001.bress - InfFace470.brres [BOTH Riivo and Gecko]