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    « Reply #915 on: June 20, 2016, 06:17:40 PM »

    Is there a way to fix the weighting glitch? Because there's a glitch where whenever I change the weight of ANY vertex, even though it works fine, if I save the file, then when I re-open the file, the vertices will be translated to weird places. I mean, there is a workaround where translating the vertices that are changed in weight will stop this from happening, but it's rather annoying to have to do this every single time. So is there a way to fix this?

    Also, is there any way to select a vertex and set the weight to a bone that it(Or another vertex you have selected) isn't weighted to? For example(This is just an imaginary example), if I had a tail model rigged to BustN and I wanted those vertices rigged to the TailN bone, would there be a way to do that in BrawlBox without selecting anything already rigged to the TailN bone? And if not, could this also be implemented?

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    « Reply #916 on: June 20, 2016, 06:32:14 PM »

    Is there a way to fix the weighting glitch? Because there's a glitch where whenever I change the weight of ANY vertex, even though it works fine, if I save the file, then when I re-open the file, the vertices will be translated to weird places. I mean, there is a workaround where translating the vertices that are changed in weight will stop this from happening, but it's rather annoying to have to do this every single time. So is there a way to fix this?

    Also, is there any way to select a vertex and set the weight to a bone that it(Or another vertex you have selected) isn't weighted to? For example(This is just an imaginary example), if I had a tail model rigged to BustN and I wanted those vertices rigged to the TailN bone, would there be a way to do that in BrawlBox without selecting anything already rigged to the TailN bone? And if not, could this also be implemented?
    ^Pretty much this.

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    « Reply #917 on: June 20, 2016, 11:39:03 PM »

    Is there a way to fix the weighting glitch? Because there's a glitch where whenever I change the weight of ANY vertex, even though it works fine, if I save the file, then when I re-open the file, the vertices will be translated to weird places. I mean, there is a workaround where translating the vertices that are changed in weight will stop this from happening, but it's rather annoying to have to do this every single time. So is there a way to fix this?

    Post before and after pictures, I can't seem to reproduce this problem.

    Also, is there any way to select a vertex and set the weight to a bone that it(Or another vertex you have selected) isn't weighted to? For example(This is just an imaginary example), if I had a tail model rigged to BustN and I wanted those vertices rigged to the TailN bone, would there be a way to do that in BrawlBox without selecting anything already rigged to the TailN bone? And if not, could this also be implemented?

    Just choose the vertex, choose the bone in the list/tree on the right, and then click + or set weight in the weight editor. Make sure the textbox next to either button isn't 0 as well.
    « Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 11:41:39 PM by BlackJax96 » Logged

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    « Reply #918 on: June 21, 2016, 06:08:43 AM »

    @windhunter7 Did you check "Update Mesh"?
    « Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 07:56:57 AM by ZuesLonk » Logged

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    « Reply #919 on: June 22, 2016, 01:09:51 PM »

    Post before and after pictures, I can't seem to reproduce this problem.

    Just choose the vertex, choose the bone in the list/tree on the right, and then click + or set weight in the weight editor. Make sure the textbox next to either button isn't 0 as well.

    You can reproduce it if you select vertices of both a single-binded object and a non-single-binded object and weight those vertices 100% to one bone; otherwise, you can't really reproduce the error. I know, because I have to do this with Blender importing, since I can't yet import rigging, unless it's single-binded. And vertexing the vertices before saving has made it not translate the vertices like that every time so far, for me, at least.

    Thanks for the info, btw, but is there a way to do it by selecting the vertices, the bone, and then typing the percent weight into the box to the left of "Set"? Because that's the way I normally do it.

    @windhunter7 Did you check "Update Mesh"?

    I don't even know what or where that button is? I cannot find it anywhere in the preview.

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    « Reply #920 on: June 22, 2016, 01:39:55 PM »

    Oh, I meant "Update Mesh Bind Pose" at the bottom panel, (when the model is in its bind pose and no animations are selected).

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    « Reply #921 on: June 23, 2016, 05:46:31 PM »

    Is there a way to define what settings the model will have for materials and shaders as a default? I'm importing characters into Mario Kart Wii and everytime I make a change to the model in 3ds Max I have to set them again and after a while it get's quite tedious, especially if making a lot of iterative changes.

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    « Reply #922 on: June 23, 2016, 06:15:13 PM »

    If you set the materials and shaders in 3DS Max, I'm pretty sure that should set the default.

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    « Reply #923 on: June 23, 2016, 06:25:15 PM »

    Is there a way to define what settings the model will have for materials and shaders as a default? I'm importing characters into Mario Kart Wii and everytime I make a change to the model in 3ds Max I have to set them again and after a while it get's quite tedious, especially if making a lot of iterative changes.

    Right click the model you've already imported and choose "Reimport Meshes". This will update the meshes of all the objects with the same name and add new meshes without resetting anything else.

    You can reproduce it if you select vertices of both a single-binded object and a non-single-binded object and weight those vertices 100% to one bone; otherwise, you can't really reproduce the error. I know, because I have to do this with Blender importing, since I can't yet import rigging, unless it's single-binded. And vertexing the vertices before saving has made it not translate the vertices like that every time so far, for me, at least.

    That did it. I'll go ahead and mark it as an issue on github, thanks.

    Thanks for the info, btw, but is there a way to do it by selecting the vertices, the bone, and then typing the percent weight into the box to the left of "Set"? Because that's the way I normally do it.

    Unfortunately you have to select the bone from the list, it will deselect the vertices if you pick it in the viewer. This can be fixed though.

    If you set the materials and shaders in 3DS Max, I'm pretty sure that should set the default.

    No, nothing other than an object's assigned texture is imported.

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    « Reply #924 on: June 23, 2016, 06:31:52 PM »

    That did it. I'll go ahead and mark it as an issue on github, thanks.

    Unfortunately you have to select the bone from the list, it will deselect the vertices if you pick it in the viewer. This can be fixed though.

    Sure, I just hope it can be fixed, cause it's kind of annoying.

    What I meant, btw, was not picking it from the list or not, though; I just meant can you type "100" in the box and have it work as if you typed 100 in the box after selecting a bone that it's already rigged to. Sorry if this sounds confusing.

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    « Reply #925 on: June 27, 2016, 08:02:04 AM »

    For the current Mario Kart Wii character I am working on I've editted the boneset in 3ds Max 2015 as the proportions weren't right and as a result I've had to edit the animations so the character looks correct. The animations look fine in BrawlBox v0.77 but when testing in game, on the Wii, if for instance the character finishes his jump animation before he hits the floor when falling, it will go into a random, deformed pose for the remainder of the fall. Is this an issue with BrawlBox or am I missing something when editting animations?

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    « Reply #926 on: July 20, 2016, 06:58:31 PM »

    2 more glitches that I keep forgetting to mention, because these particular glitches aren't as annoying:

    (Only in later versions of BrawlBox) Rendering polygons in the Preview Window that don't have vertex colors will almost always have it be one solid color, usually black or green.

    Deleting bones that don't have anything rigged to them can be deleted, but you can't delete more than about 2 or so bones at a time.

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    « Reply #927 on: July 30, 2016, 10:43:56 PM »

    Another glitch to report: If any vertices are rigged to more than one bone(By that, I mean any one vertex is rigged to 2 or more bones), then attempting to vertex them or port them to another .pac/.pcs file of the same character via the "Import New Object" method, both of these will end up exploding the parts that are rigged to multiple bones; the only way to avoid this explosion when attempting either of these is if the vertices are rigged to only one bone. I think this might be one of the more important glitches.

    Post Merge: July 30, 2016, 10:44:51 PM
    P.S. It drives me nuts all the time, especially since it limits porting single objects(a hat, an arm, etc.) to some extent... -_-
    « Last Edit: July 30, 2016, 10:44:51 PM by windhunter7 » Logged

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    « Reply #928 on: July 30, 2016, 11:34:14 PM »

    Yo whatup! Idk what is going on, but my brawl box keeps asking me that its not finding an octopus every time I open a .pac.

    This seems like a problem that would had been responded more than 18 times already, Im sorry.

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    « Reply #929 on: July 30, 2016, 11:37:39 PM »

    Octokit.dll? Yea. I get that every time too.

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