JOJI has been busy!
Their website has some very useful codes! They ask that their codes not be posted on other websites.
Some example codes:
BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition allows for 242 moveset slots and their associated cosmetic data! See
this for an example.
The SoundBank Expansion System and Hitbox Sound Effect Change System got bug fixes!
And BrawlEx Clone Engine Final Smash Music Fix (RSBE.Ver) actually works with the SoundBank Expansion System enabled!
This means "105 moveset CSS (still requires more research to work though)" is obsolete:
Minor Brawlex improvement!Brawlex can now hold up to 105 slots in the CSS! (Previously 100)
New Limitation if this is used:
Using this modification without unlocking all characters in Brawl will likely cause a crash.
Unfortunately CSSRoster.dat seems hardcoded to only accept 100 slots. Brawlex ignored the added slots after adding them via a hex editor. Well at least this covers the CSS portion of getting to 105 slots. Here are the files (use the two included files to replace the ones in sc_selcharacter.pac -> MiscData30): next idea is to isolate and remove the CSSRoster.dat dependency from BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x's sora_menu_sel_char.rel so the custom random and custom css codes can be used once again with Brawlex for loading more than 100 CSS slots. This is not going well however.
At least PhantomWings told us what changes were made for alt CSP loading in BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x. PhantomWing's posts are helpful for learning how to edit modules.
The external CSP loader more or less stands as it's own unit inside sora_menu_sel_char.rel (Common3's MiscData[13].rel file). The only reason it's paired up with the CSS Roster Expansion is that their hook points both happen to be in there.
I'm pretty booked for this coming weekend and the next, so I don't think I'll be able to help you any time soon, but if you'd like to look into it yourself, you can take a look at the module in ResourcesCommon3 of the 2.0.0.x package and try to extract the changes yourself. There are 3 things that you'll need to copy out from the module into a vanilla sora_menu_sel_char.rel module. The hook is at section[1] 0x1109C while the corresponding hook routine is at section[7] 0x0. There's also a directory string at section[5] 0xE40 that you'll need to copy and/or change depending on where you want to load from.
Best of luck.
And "GLITCH WORKAROUND - Using the BX CSS Roster Expansion will prevent Final Smash music for Luigi, Peach, and Dedede from playing" is obsolete:
We finally have a workaround for the "Using the BX CSS Roster Expansion will prevent Final Smash music for Luigi, Peach, and Dedede from playing" glitch although it's not ideal.
Final smash music is stored as seq instead of the normal strm type in smashbros_sound.brsar. Brawlex's CSS Roster Expansion allows other seq files to play properly (like the Starman music) but not final smash music. Diddy Kong made the
enable SEQ hacking - SEQ music bypass hack which solves this problem. It is possible to change the seq references to a strm file in smashbros_sound.brsar with Brawlbox and a little hex editing. He also wrote a nice guide for making these kind of changes:, Smash Custom Music already has the final smash brstms (although you now have the ability to chose whatever .brstm you want)!
Dedede: Kong: important things I want to emphasize:
1. You'll need to replace your .iso's smashbros_sound.brsar with an edited one (preferred), use
File Patch Code 4.1 or above (possibly unstable), or use Riivolution.
2. Replacing the final smash brstm files with ones already in Brawl will use up some of your space for music.
3. I had one PSA (Flame Orbitar Pit) play Donkey Kong's Final Smash music after making this edit so I changed the PSA to fix the inappropriate sound.
See the SEQ music bypass hack information on the Brawl Vault download page for more benefits and drawbacks. You can manually edit the .brsar if you want to do things differently than Diddy Kong.
Note: Probably incompatible with SoundBank Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]
Post Merge: January 15, 2019, 04:57:25 AM
Duplicating my BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI] notes here:
Thanks for posting Lillith! I previously used the unstable BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x anyway so this is perfect for me! I can confirm the character select screen (CSS) portion of BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition (RSBE.Ver) works with both a real Wii and Dolphin. In my current setup shown below, I am able to use 101 CSS slots!
Important notes regarding BrawlEx Clone Engine v2.0.0.0 Extended Edition (RSBE.Ver):
1. This is based on BX CSS Expansion v2.0.0.x and has its limitations. There will be significant lag on real Wiis when loading character selection portraits. This problem is minor on Dolphin Emulator though.
2. There are 2 versions of bx_fighter.rel included in the download on JOJI's website. One is for using special characters (ex. Warioman) and the other does not use them. I haven't tested the special character version but it seems to modify some of the incomplete slots for characters not included in the final roster. This can cause problems if you've already repurposed those slots with elevated config files. The non-special character version had no problem with my elevated config files.
3. Now that a large number of movesets can be used in Brawl, there isn't much room for character names announced by the announcer. I've already replaced all of the Wiimote SFX and some unused sounds for 100 announcer names. I foresaw running out of space so I decided to remove them. I did this by redirecting or replacing the announcer names, "The Winner Is..", and team color names with blank audio files. I plan on seeing if the SoundBank Expansion System v1.4 works with announcer names in the future.
4. The "Ready to fight" bar is definitely in the way now so you may want to check out
How to move the "Ready to Fight" bar offscreen5. If you plan on using the Fake slot for characters, the corrupted path bug is still around but the path has changed:
* Bowser - for some reason Bowser is unaffected by this bug. The Fake slot works as expected.
* Mr. Game and Watch - Rename your .pcs to FitFighterEDEx.pac
The extension change is important. Brawlex expects a .pcs named as a .pac
Place FitFighterEDEx.pac in ...\fighter\Gamewatch\FitGameWatchfightereeex\FitFighterEEEx.pacfighteredex
If you care about transforming or P:M All-star mode, place the normal Fake .pcs AND .pac in their expected locations too.
* All other characters - Rename your .pcs to FitFighterEDEx.pac
The extension change is important. Brawlex expects a .pcs named as a .pac
Place FitFighterEDEx.pac in ...\fighter\*\Fit*Fakefighteredex
Replace * with the character's name.
If you care about transforming or P:M All-star mode, place the normal Fake .pcs AND .pac in their expected locations too.
Images (The sideways names are an experiment unrelated to Brawlex. I wanted to include names without obscuring images. I simply changed sc.selcharacter.pac -> MiscData[30] -> 3DModels -> MenSelchrCname4_TopN -> Bones -> MenSelchrCname4_TopN -> nameNEn's rotation to (0,0,-90) and translation to (8.5,2,-0.3)).
Max potential slots adapted to my setup:

Current setup (101 moveset slots exceeds the previous max of 100 moveset slots!):

I'm liking what I see so far and this is going to be my new default setup!
Post Merge: January 15, 2019, 05:02:08 AM
And I keep losing this so added to OP:
Official font for CSP Names