« on: September 07, 2017, 05:32:57 PM » |
Probably works best with BrawlEx or PM's clone engine, but...
so, a Japanese hacker that goes by 'JOJI' seems to have figured how to do this. I had NO HAND in this at allI implore you to look into the site itself. http://ssbbhack.web.fc2.com/
On the sidebar you're looking for stuff at the bottom. Well, you don't have to look at the bottom of it, but that's where translated pages are.
In action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WQuWvlLKfc
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 02:30:31 PM by Lillith »
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2017, 08:42:35 PM » |
Does this include Sword Trials (I know I saw a trail in your video, I just wanted some clarification)? Or just custom ef_fighter entries? If I could get this figured out, I could type up an English tutorial.
Edit: I just looked up the page, and it does mean custom Sword Trails. I better get to looking at this!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 08:50:02 PM by KingJigglypuff »
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2017, 09:07:00 PM » |
Welp, if you wanted to go for a tutorial that'd be cool-- I suck at tutorials, haha.
Post Merge: September 07, 2017, 09:49:25 PM Heeeey, so more fun stuff~
SoundBank Expansion System Also, if you add a song using the CSE: Custom Sound Engine 2.5, you will not be able to add songs from ID 4000 to e4ff.
This ID is used as the SFX ID.
You can put a lot of sound effects, but because there is a capacity limit, be careful not to exceed the capacity of the group as much as possible.
In Super Sawndz, the size: 999968 has been confirmed to be in the log when the .sawnd file is displayed. It seems that it is OK if it does not exceed this.
For more info on these, they're around the bottom of the sidebar of the site linked~
welp darn now I need to edit all of my movesets and stuff so they use all this
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 02:26:11 PM by Lillith »
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2017, 04:48:36 AM » |
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2017, 08:23:51 AM » |
For the GFX Bank tutorial, a lot of it is unnecessary, especially with the REFF entries. You don't need to rename those. Even if you did, you'd have to hex edit the main REFF entries to use the updated names, or else the REFF effect won't even load the sub entries. For the moveset editing portion of it, there's only mentions of using BrawlBox v0.67, which I wouldn't recommend for certain Fighters ( see my Non-BrawlBox Friendly Fighters thread for details). It would be nice to see some promotion of PSA Compressor, as it can do everything BrawlBox v0.67 does with the stability of PSA. A TL;DR tutorial for it would be to rename your ef_fighter entry to ef_customXX and change any Graphic Effect command which uses the old ef_fighter ID to your new ef_custom00 ID. Same goes with Sword Trails, except you also need to rename the trail texture. For the SFX stuff, I'll have to look into it sometime. Edit: I kinda looked into the SFX stuff, but from what I read, you need a premade Snake SAWND (with all his sounds nopped out) the user made, but I can't seem to find it.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 10:59:33 AM by KingJigglypuff »
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2017, 02:53:48 PM » |
Ah, I think it's more like, you import stuff into Snake's existing file, then export as whatever new ID you're using-- the provided thing is only really necessary as an empty template that can be used.
Edit: Found it~ Bottom link on sidebar 'リンク'
Near bottom of page. 'SoundBank Expansion System用 Sawndファイル'
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 03:12:32 PM by Lillith »
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2017, 04:48:42 PM » |
Someone managed to link me, thanks though.
I've got the GFX stuff all figured out, so I'll type of a shortened tutorial in a bit. I just need to get the IDs in a readable format, as black text on a dark blue background is not okay.
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2017, 02:56:53 AM » |
If, for any reason, anyone was sceptical about the SFX portion on it~
...Still, hope to see all this being used to its fullest potential, haha.
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2017, 09:10:10 AM » |
This is amazing!
In short, this basically means we can now:
- Add extra effects to a PSA - Add sfx to a PSA without having to replace any pre-existing soundbank as long as we have the CSE
Is this correct? If I understood it right, then this is the most groundbreaking development for quite a while!
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2017, 02:43:22 PM » |
Well, it was already possible to do extra effects to a moveset ...or am i just misunderstanding ... uh... But yep! Definitely requires a bit of work to actually accomplish though, and I don't know how many people would actually take advantage of these things...
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2017, 06:53:12 AM » |
- Add extra effects to a PSA We can already do this, but with the Effect.pac Expansion System, we can do this without having to use an existing Effect.pac - Add sfx to a PSA without having to replace any pre-existing soundbank as long as we have the CSE Not quite. We can use new Soundbanks, that's correct, but CSE isn't needed. If you're using CSE, then you can't use Song IDs 4000 through E4FF, as those ID will be used by the Soundbank Expansion System.
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2017, 04:38:13 AM » |
JOJI's site has been updated with English pages, they can be found at the bottom of the sidebar.
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2017, 08:27:59 AM » |
I wonder if it's because of the sudden discovery by English users. Though now that some of the website's been translated, I've gotten to looking into the Custom My Music stuff, and I've figured out some of it. Here's what I've managed to figure out so far. There's three different code options for the main Custom My Music Engine. CMM:Custom My Music [JOJI]: Each stage of the CMM Setting Codes must be used, or the game will crash. This code also breaks My Music for non modded play.
CMM:Custom My Music (Not crash.Ver) [JOJI]: This code doesn't have the crashing issue, nor does it break My Music for non-modded play, but the My Music settings are not saved.
CMM:Custom My Music V2 [JOJI]: I'm not sure if v2 has the same issues as v1, but v2 enables My Music settings being saved. From what I'm understanding, it saves where Names are stored, but its settings are deleted if you make more than 107 Names. I'm not sure what it means when it says Names though. For the actual added tracks themselves, which is done by Stage Dependent Custom My Music Settings codes, in which each stage (with the exception of Mushroomy Kingdom) can have up to 15 tracks (this includes the vanilla tracks). Mushroomy Kingdom can only have up to 7 tracks (including vanilla). For this part, the Stage Specific Codes have 3 configs: The number of tracks subtracted by 1, the actual number of tracks, and the track IDs themselves. While I was able to add the My Music slot, the track doesn't play, as I don't know what to name the BRSTM. In addition to this, there's a bit of a limitation at the time. Said limitation is even if you're not adding tracks to other stages, you need all the My Music Settings codes in your GCT, or else when selecting the stage without its code inserted in My Music, no tracks will appear (they won't play, either), and you will be locked in that menu (the game strangely doesn't crash), forcing you to restart (you can still play on the stages themselves, they just won't have music). In addition to this, all tracks are automatically set to minimum occurrence if the main Engine code is inserted, but depending on the code, you can just manually alter the track occurrences again. The next part is the Custom New Music Title Engine. There's only one code this time, so there's no need to split it up. This part just enables you to actually give your added tracks titles via Track Specific codes. The Track Specific codes also have 3 configs: The track ID, the number of bytes your title has (Example: 1 Byte: AA, 2 Bytes: AABB, 3 Bytes: AABBCC, 4 Bytes: AABBCCDD), and the track's title in Hex (Example: Test = 54657374). There's also a My Music Initialization code for the vanilla tracks, but I'm not sure what it does exactly. I'd post the codes themselves, but I read a blip on the main page that they don't want their codes/images to be reproduced (not sure what the exact term is, as it's Google Translating Japanese to English) without permission. TL;DR: Adding tracks to My Music is possible, but there's a few hiccups which prevent it from being fully stable. -Tracks are automatically set to the minimum occurrence, but they can have their occurrences altered and saved (if not using the No Crash version of the Main Engine Code). -Due to me not knowing what to name the BRSTM files, your added tracks won't play. -You must have the My Music Configs for all stages, or else selecting the stage in My Music will lock you in. Their respective music will also not play. You can still play on the stages themselves, they just won't have music. Once I figure out what to name the new BRSTMs, I'll be making a tutorial on the matter. These codes date back to 2014, so who knows just how long all this has gone unnoticed for.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2017, 09:07:42 AM by KingJigglypuff »
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2017, 02:27:48 PM » |
I'd post the codes themselves, but I read a blip on the main page that they don't want their codes/images to be reproduced (not sure what the exact term is, as it's Google Translating Japanese to English) without permission. Ah, yes-- I'm going to edit my posts for that.
I still talk to myself! If anyone wants to use anything I've done, feel free to! But do tell me where you use it, I want to see the finished product! 