i just gave SMBZ mario v4 13 votes more cuz of he is even more done then Naruto is -just fix some stuff on the SMW cape glide for cape up-B -make FS for normal/cape(only Psaing) and that is also almost done -fix the main model´s textures -make other models for this psa -done
Please make SMG2 Mario and SMG2 Playable Luigi (aka Mario with Luigi's head and clothes) compatable with the moveset.

If you want, I can send you SM64 Mario (the version I haven't released yet because I want to update Luigi as well and release at same time like before) so you can make him compatable, or maybe I'll do it personally after SMBZ v4 release.

At the part where you said that something needed to be removed for Luffy and showed him swimming, anyone can figure out from that sentence and picture that Luffy can't swim. lol
Since Naruto is winning by a long shot, I'm going to have to download him even though I don't watch the show or really care that much about him, but I've realized that his moveset is going to be one of the best movesets on the vault.