« Reply #1305 on: December 11, 2013, 03:58:24 PM » |
Another thing is that the random select seems to pick Roy a little too often.
« Reply #1306 on: December 11, 2013, 04:10:24 PM » |
I'd assume it's the same as playing music in normal Brawl. Just slap them in the proper folder, with the proper name.
The songs should play... Unless they did something to mess with that. But why would they?
Speaking of that...I replaced the Hyrule Field theme with Ballad of the Goddess, and the song became all static.
NNID: Cha0sKnight 3DS FC: 4768-7680-2509
« Reply #1307 on: December 11, 2013, 04:10:36 PM » |
Anyone else noticed the glitchy Up Bs in Turbo Mode? Particularly Samus, but I've done it with Snake and Wolf too, where they do the Up B and when canceling into another attack, they go flying off the top of the screen almost like hitting a weak and damaged character with a screw attack in a 1P mode or something, only it's the character attacking that gets launched. Probably has something to do with momentum when leaving the ground. It doesn't kill you or anything, but it's just unusual and inconvenient when trying to combo, not that I can very well anyway, although I had one pretty badass one on the Metroid Prime Frigate with Samus earlier where I just switched between Screw Attack, UAir, and FAir (flamethrower) and the stage happened to flip right as I did a DAir and launched Charizard straight down. It was pretty sweet. 
« Reply #1308 on: December 11, 2013, 04:36:10 PM » |
Happened to me with Mario twice.
« Reply #1309 on: December 11, 2013, 04:47:46 PM » |
Speaking of that...I replaced the Hyrule Field theme with Ballad of the Goddess, and the song became all static.
this was happening to me too but no just with the hyrule field theme, seems you cant replace any music with project M...... EVEN THOUGH IT WORKED PERFECTLY IN THE PREVIOUS VERSION FUUUUUUUUU *SHOT*
Never underestimate the power of the ass. 
« Reply #1310 on: December 11, 2013, 04:51:03 PM » |
this was happening to me too but no just with the hyrule field theme, seems you cant replace any music with project M...... EVEN THOUGH IT WORKED PERFECTLY IN THE PREVIOUS VERSION FUUUUUUUUU *SHOT*
Just defrag your SD card. This is quite a common occurrence when music is replaced.
« Reply #1311 on: December 11, 2013, 04:51:37 PM » |
I replaced the Skyloft music with the All Star theme from melee it worked fine
« Reply #1312 on: December 11, 2013, 04:54:06 PM » |
this was happening to me too but no just with the hyrule field theme, seems you cant replace any music with project M...... EVEN THOUGH IT WORKED PERFECTLY IN THE PREVIOUS VERSION FUUUUUUUUU *SHOT*
I replaced a ton of songs and it's worked fine for me so far. Haven't put Ballad of the Goddess back on there though. I need to do that. I wonder why they removed it. I would say maybe because of copyrights related to something released after Brawl or something like that, but the stage is still there so... ?
« Reply #1313 on: December 11, 2013, 04:54:57 PM » |
I replaced the Skyloft music with the All Star theme from melee it worked fine
Might still be a good idea to format your SD Card...
After backing everything up of course.
Also something to keep in mind. If I recall, Melee stages have a file size limit on the BRSTMs. Check the file sizes of the BRSTMs you want to use.
« Reply #1314 on: December 11, 2013, 04:59:02 PM » |
this was happening to me too but no just with the hyrule field theme, seems you cant replace any music with project M...... EVEN THOUGH IT WORKED PERFECTLY IN THE PREVIOUS VERSION FUUUUUUUUU *SHOT*
I only moved a song (Peach's Castle) to Waluigi Pinball instead of Mario Circuit. replaced all but 2 of Green Hill Zone's songs so I could put the perfect chaos stage on it; brought in 2 songs for Lylat Cruise (Battle with Clockwerk and PSASBR: Dr. Nefarious); brought in 2 songs for Warioware Inc (Mr. Patch, Witchy World, and PSASBR: Alden's Tower Phase 2); copied the Metal Mario Theme so it plays every time on that stage; put one song on Shadow Moses Island (The Villa theme from Perfect Dark); and put in 1 song for Temple (Koloktos Battle) after I changed it to Temple of Time. I had no trouble at all... unless yer talkin about replacing the music in general. if you wanna do that, remove the brstm first, reload the folder, then put the new one in. had that trouble before; never had it again. I think it has something to do with "data collision" when one brstm is pushing out the other.
 Switch FC: SW-4190-2933-4524
« Reply #1315 on: December 11, 2013, 05:15:28 PM » |
Lol I wasn't any good at Project M anyway, so why did I expect to be good at Turbo Mode 
« Reply #1316 on: December 11, 2013, 05:46:00 PM » |
Thats strange, I have no probs with my music, I just backed up the brstm I had for 2.6 and formatted the sd.
After that, I moved those brstm's back to 3.0 by first deleting instead of replacing the ones with similar names (cuz replacing a file makes it go static), and all of the music works fine.
« Reply #1317 on: December 11, 2013, 06:08:36 PM » |
Thats strange, I have no probs with my music, I just backed up the brstm I had for 2.6 and formatted the sd.
After that, I moved those brstm's back to 3.0 by first deleting instead of replacing the ones with similar names (cuz replacing a file makes it go static), and all of the music works fine.
my [nonpatented] method in summary
 Switch FC: SW-4190-2933-4524
« Reply #1318 on: December 11, 2013, 06:09:25 PM » |
these guys are pretty good. its a nice livestream, practicing for apex http://www.twitch.tv/smashstudiosalso, on a stream i was watching, olimar seemeed to do nothing in turbo mode.
Quotes: Not all people have the luxury of being able to buy things whenever they want.
Some people are barely scraping by in the economy.
Modding has made you guys so spoiled.
« Reply #1319 on: December 11, 2013, 06:20:34 PM » |
lol I just beat classic mode with Roy and weird things are happening. I get Mario's trophy at the end and it's playing a scene from Subspace. Now it says congratulations with classic in the top left corner and Ds22 name in the bottom right.
I hope you guys complete this feature someday even though it's a very small issue lol
You're... not supposed to play P:M on Singleplayer. I don't know what you bloody expected to happen, but good thing SOMEONE predicted people like you.
  Climaxing to a jump scare would be pretty great.