PROBLEM: Marth can't go over just anyone.
FACT: Marth can go over Ike with no problems.
FACT: Ike can go over almost anyone using the generic .REL file.
SOLUTION: Port Marth over Ike, port Ike over [censored]ty character using the generic .REL file.
I have a working Marth-soon-to-be-Roy over top of Ike right now. No glitches so far. Will post more soon.
Get hyped.
Edit: When I loaded up the newest Roy moveset ( ) and faced him against any character other than Marth, there are NO PROBLEMS! WHOOOOO! But, when I load him up and play against Marth, I can play normally, but... there is a sword glow coming out of his mouth. This did not happen when he was just normal Marth (before I changed him to Roy). Is there a reason? Does the moveset's .PAC do this for the old Roy, where it changed one of his sword glows to Issac's hair, and then attached it to his head? I am doing more testing, will keep you guys updated.
Edit 2: Shrank that sword glow down to 0.01 the original size. You can no longer see it. Glitches solved.
We have a working Marth over another character 100% port. Let me get all the info together, and then I'll release it.Edit 3: TO PUT ROY OVER IKE DO THE FOLLOWING:
1) Put these codes into your codeset:
File Patch Code v3.5.1 (NTSC-U) [Phantom Wings]
* E0000000 80008000
* 225664EC 00000000
* 0401BFE0 4858BE20
* 065A7E00 00000070
* 38A00067 38810020
* 3CE0805A 60E37C18
* 4BE52531 38A0007F
* 3883FFE8 38610020
* 4BE52521 38A00068
* 60E47C18 38610020
* 9421FF80 BC410008
* 38610088 4BA74DB9
* 7C7C1B78 2C030000
* 4082000C 38210080
* 4800001C B8410008
* 38210080 4BE524E5
* 38610008 4BA742E1
* 7C7C1B78 4BA741E8
* 040223E0 48585BC0
* 065A7FA0 00000028
* 80010044 3C608001
* 6063581C 7C001800
* 4082000C 7FDDC850
* 3BDEFFE0 93DB0008
* 4BA7A424 00000000
* 0401CD0C 4858B1F4
* 065A7F00 00000038
* 2C030000 4182000C
* 4BA7DD51 4BA74E04
* 80780008 2C030000
* 41820014 8118000C
* 7C634214 7C7B1850
* 48000008 8078000C
* 4BA74DE0 00000000
* 043EE9D8 48000014
* 043EEBD4 48000014
* 043D8B9C 48000018
* 043E9B4C 38600000
* 043E9D38 38600000
* 043D8C80 60000000
* 80000000 80406920
* 80000001 805A7C00
* 8A001001 00000000
* 045A7C10 2F525342
* 045A7C14 452F7066
* 80000001 805A7B00
* 8A001001 00000000
* 065A7B10 0000000F
* 2F525342 452F7066
* 2F736F75 6E642F00
* 041C6CE0 483E0D20
* 065A7A00 00000028
* 9421FF80 BC410008
* 3C60805A 60637B1F
* 4BE52931 B8410008
* 38210080 4BE52995
* 4BC1F2C4 00000000
* 065A7900 00000078
* 9421FF80 7C0802A6
* 9001000C BC810010
* 9421FF00 7C872378
* 54B2BA7E 7CD33378
* 38800000 9081000C
* 90810010 90610014
* 90810018 3880FFFF
* 9081001C 38610020
* 90610008 7CE43B78
* 38A00080 4BE529F5
* 38610008 4BA752A1
* 60000000 80210000
* B8810010 8001000C
* 7C0803A6 80210000
* 4E800020 00000000
* 043E399C 481C3F04
* 065A78A0 00000010
* 80BC0020 7CA59214
* 3A400000 4BE3C0F4
* 043DBAEC 481CBDE4
* 065A78D0 00000018
* 800302A4 2C130000
* 41820008 7E609B78
* 3A600000 4BE3420C
* 041CDF7C 483D9884
* 065A7800 00000098
* 818C0014 9421FF80
* BC410008 3D009034
* 61089D94 7C034000
* 4082003C 7C882378
* 3C60804D 60630000
* 3C80805A 60847B00
* 7CC53378 38C04200
* 80E40080 2C070000
* 40820014 60000000
* 480000B9 2C030000
* 41820010 B8410008
* 80210000 4BC26724
* 70A501FF 3868FFFF
* 3C80804C 6084FFFF
* 7C842A14 38A04001
* 38A5FFFF 8C040001
* 9C030001 2C050000
* 4082FFF0 B8410008
* 80210000 4BC2670C
* 141CCF90 483DA770
* 065A7700 00000048
* 9421FF80 BC410008
* 7FE3FB78 3C80805A
* 60847B00 38A00000
* 38C04000 480001E5
* 90640080 807F0008
* 907A0014 907A005C
* 907A0074 B8410008
* 80210000 807F0000
* 4BC25854 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
Ike has Marth's IC
* C2858928 00000003
* 2C040022 40820008
* 38800011 1C040038
* 60000000 00000000
Ike uses Marth's Sound Bank
* 4A000000 80AD89E0
* 14000088 00000013
* E0000000 80008000
2) Download Extract that .RAR file into your "[SD CARD DRIVE LETTER HERE]:\private\wii\APP\RSBE\pf\" folder
4) Enjoy our boy over Ike!
Bonus) For extra fun, follow the instructions that Phantom Wing posted to port Ike (a good character) over top of someone else!
Credit: The Model for Roy is made by BeyondYou. The Recolors are made by TehSqueeMistro. The Moveset is made by Thany as well as others. Most of the documentation I followed in order to patch this module was by Dantarion. All other stuff? Me. I'm awesome. =P
Now, if only Thany would make it so that Roy used external .BRSTM sound effects using the CSE v2.1...
EDIT 4: Notice the two different standing animations. =D