« Reply #240 on: April 07, 2011, 07:10:51 PM » |
I have never head of the game having a black screen before the intro... yikes.
What does the lone .bin file in the st folder do? I am using homebrew and am trying to get a set up going with custom stages. That file makes it so you can launch Gecko by going into the Stage Builder. If you go into Gecko or Riivolution from the System Menu or Homebrew Channel, you can delete it.
« Reply #241 on: April 08, 2011, 12:06:32 AM » |
ahhh thank you. I managed to get the sss working too. The only thing I need to do is fix the css. It has the "random" portrait for ivy, squirtle, and charizard, and freezes when the cursor approaches them. This however, cannot be due to your codes, being css and brawl+ related, so I will look up some old Brawl+ faqs.
Great work!
« Reply #242 on: April 08, 2011, 04:00:44 PM » |
I've send a PM to you Libertyernie,
I want to replace Rumble Fall P:M to Icicle Moutain (texture of Rumble Fall).
And replace Temple P:M to Battlefield Melee.
I've do but that freeze. :/
Now i want to change the music XD With code. Ice Climbers over Icicle Moutain and BattleField Melee over Battlefield.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 05:02:13 PM by KTH »
« Reply #243 on: April 09, 2011, 07:51:31 PM » |
If I fixed some stages would you consider using them? I've noticed some shoddy collisions and out inaccuracies for the melee remakes.
« Reply #244 on: April 09, 2011, 08:16:17 PM » |
I've send a PM to you Libertyernie,
I want to replace Rumble Fall P:M to Icicle Moutain (texture of Rumble Fall).
And replace Temple P:M to Battlefield Melee.
I've do but that freeze. :/
Now i want to change the music XD With code. Ice Climbers over Icicle Moutain and BattleField Melee over Battlefield.
Rumble Falls:M slot: Icicle Mountain (both) * 28708ceb 00000054 * 28708d2e 00002809 * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF00280B * E0000000 80008000 * 28708ceb 00000054 * 28708d2e 0000281B * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF00280B * E0000000 80008000
Temple:M slot: Battlefield (Melee) (both) * 28708ceb 00000056 * 28708d2e 00002809 * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002813 * E0000000 80008000 * 28708ceb 00000056 * 28708d2e 0000281B * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002813 * E0000000 80008000
If I fixed some stages would you consider using them? I've noticed some shoddy collisions and out inaccuracies for the melee remakes.
Yes, I would use them
« Reply #245 on: April 11, 2011, 10:30:53 PM » |
hmm, I hope that many people can offer discussion on the barrel. I don't have much time to test it out.
----tracklist woes
Is it specifically Phantom Wing's stage expansion thread that provides all the information on the track list modifier? I wish to know how to set what songs are played for a stage. In particular, which line dictates if a stage has only one song..? (or, has both of its two song slots play the same song).
In regards to boundaries, I suggest increasing the horizontal boundaries a bit for the SSE Factory. Throws seem to be a tad over powered. Given that most of the match is played in the centre, the ceiling for the Canyon seems a bit much as well. The inclusion of ledges at the top interrupt the match more than anything else I find. If there were no platforms present, I think the ledges would be justified.
Just suggestions though.
Edit: yarrr, I see that you explain the track list code with clarity. Thank you.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 11:18:30 PM by Szasz »
« Reply #246 on: April 12, 2011, 07:00:23 PM » |
hmm... i have everything set, except I am using WiiFlow. i have the codes as a txt file, adn set it up. i selected the codes and my iso of brawl. i have used the iso before. its fine. i selec a stage, adn the game freezes. i cant select ANY stage. its after i aded this. i cant figure otu the problem.
Quotes: Not all people have the luxury of being able to buy things whenever they want.
Some people are barely scraping by in the economy.
Modding has made you guys so spoiled.
« Reply #247 on: April 13, 2011, 09:47:23 AM » |
hmm, I hope that many people can offer discussion on the barrel. I don't have much time to test it out.
----tracklist woes
Is it specifically Phantom Wing's stage expansion thread that provides all the information on the track list modifier? I wish to know how to set what songs are played for a stage. In particular, which line dictates if a stage has only one song..? (or, has both of its two song slots play the same song).
In my Codeset.txt, you'll see codes like this: Sector Z: Y11 SECTOR Z - both slots * 28708ceb 0000005E * 28708d2e 00002809 * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002863 * E0000000 80008000 * 28708ceb 0000005E * 28708d2e 0000281B * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002863 * E0000000 80008000 That could really be written like this: Sector Z: Y11 SECTOR Z - first slot * 28708ceb 0000005E * 28708d2e 00002809 * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002863 * E0000000 80008000
Sector Z: Y11 SECTOR Z - second slot * 28708ceb 0000005E * 28708d2e 0000281B * 4A000000 90180F06 * 14000076 FF002863 * E0000000 80008000 Note that the tracklist modifier (not shown here) makes all the expansion stages use Big Blue's tracklist. The first code will play Y11.brstm instead of Big Blue (Melee) on Sector Z, and the second will play Y11.brstm instead of Mute City (Melee) on Sector Z. ---SSE
In regards to boundaries, I suggest increasing the horizontal boundaries a bit for the SSE Factory. Throws seem to be a tad over powered. Given that most of the match is played in the centre, the ceiling for the Canyon seems a bit much as well. The inclusion of ledges at the top interrupt the match more than anything else I find. If there were no platforms present, I think the ledges would be justified.
Just suggestions though.
I think there were ledges in the SSE canyon stage. It was a standalone battle stage as I recall. The SSE Factory boundaries I can change.
« Reply #248 on: April 13, 2011, 09:48:13 AM » |
hmm... i have everything set, except I am using WiiFlow. i have the codes as a txt file, adn set it up. i selected the codes and my iso of brawl. i have used the iso before. its fine. i selec a stage, adn the game freezes. i cant select ANY stage. its after i aded this. i cant figure otu the problem.
I don't really know what the problem is; sorry. I've never used WiiFlow before.
« Reply #249 on: April 13, 2011, 11:18:42 AM » |
my intro movie doesn't show up either... but that was when I made some changes in the tracklist mod, but it can't be the problem cuz, I use the snapshot hack so, I have to load the codes true a snapshot first, that;s what i've understand of the tut...lol
Edit: it doesn't work with the original codes too -_-
EDIT2: hmm it seams that my brawl can't load the intro because it can't be patched somehow, i've now include the file patch code in the snapshot, so it doesn't patch anything untill I sleect the snapshot, and now, I can load brawl again
Edit3: now I can't load any hacks anymore if I turned on the file patch code, even if I don't have the custom stages and stuffon my sd card >.< so, the only thing I can do now is, put the file patch code in my snapshot to avoid intro freezes lol -_-
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 07:54:03 AM by beatthat25 »
supreme kitten? Yes I am. Yeah. Brawl Fc: 0689-9748-1397
« Reply #251 on: April 16, 2011, 03:31:13 PM » |
Try making your MenSelmapPrevbase images smaller.
« Reply #252 on: April 16, 2011, 03:56:54 PM » |
never mind it did not work
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 04:04:08 PM by cyberdark »
« Reply #253 on: April 16, 2011, 04:09:34 PM » |
So what's Next? I don't see how you can top v3.0
« Reply #254 on: April 17, 2011, 02:12:49 PM » |
First off, this is really awesome. Everything works as it should for me, and it'just plain old great.
Got a question, though: How would you go about making a custom SSS out of your pack (textures from ASF1nk's Dark Blue SSS to be specific)? I tried manually importing each file from ASF1nk's dark blue SSS without changing any of the files in your pack, but it eventually froze Brawlbox when I tried to save. Just wanted to see if there was a better way so that I didn't have to worry about Brawlbox freezing again. Thanks if you can let me know on this.
Also, @cyberdark, try deleting FitPokeLizardonMotionEtc and FitPokeZenigameMotionEtc from the common5.pac. I know for a fact that they aren't used in multiplayer (for Ivysaur and Squirtle) but I have no clue if they have any effect on the SSE. Haven't seen any problems though...
Great job on this.