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Question: Goku v2  Beta DL Link here do you like the Moveset so far?
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    « Reply #10455 on: July 28, 2014, 06:15:54 PM »

    MarioDK. Why not "cheat" and use Beyond's Goku textures and go from there? Better than nothing.Opposite for me. GIMP is confusing as hell, but it does have some neat features that Photoshop doesn't.
    i tried
    too newbie to UV mapping for that
    and can´t use beyond´s model cuz of many problems with the model itself + wanted a unedited DBZ BT3 model to use for the moveset model so goku will be 100% perfect in arm/leg size and not vertexed to fit a brawl charater´s bones and so on
    and beyond´s texture is only for the Buu Saga costume Sad (plus a brawl styled logo for Namek saga)
    +it needs to be updated to aswell cuz it seems beyond used more time on vegeta´s texture then Goku´s
    (mainly on the chest texture) and face
    needs also for the other outfits aswell
    « Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 06:21:47 PM by Mariodk » Logged

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    « Reply #10456 on: July 28, 2014, 06:17:42 PM »

    You did it with the Buu models (even though you screenshot the models and UV'd the model screenshots).

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    « Reply #10457 on: July 28, 2014, 06:25:57 PM »

    You did it with the Buu models (even though you screenshot the models and UV'd the model screenshots).
    yep but they was easy
    since i found a texture easy to UV map after
    but beyond´s is hard
    also on Goku´s saiyan armor arm is also

    but if i got the texture from beyond 100% perfect to the new model

    i still needs for:
    -SSJ4 Parts
    -Normal form Hair(since beyond used just the BT3 textures on hair)
    -Return from Namek Cloth
    -the outfit between time champer&cell games(the one i just posted a image one)
    -End of DBZ/GT Cloth(they are basely the same but recolours) since the old one from goku v1.5 kinda sucks

    here is my final ideas for how SSJ mode/Kaioken will work& Goku´s special attacks:
    Special attacks:
    -N-B: Kamehameha: just like the older version nothing changed just effects+goku will now look up/down while charging if you press up/Down(if i can get it to work)
    -Side-B: Goku's Meteor Combination(based on the anime´s mostly look up on youtube) but will not end the combo with a kamehameha but will end the combo with a Air attack
    -up-B: a Revamped Instant Transmission: no matter what direction you teleport you will always teleport the same range(will use the same coding for this for the next shadow moveset)
    so if i set the teleport range to like 5 meter it will always be 5 meter even if press Up+one of the sides so it will be 2.5 meter up and 2.5 meter to the side
    -Down-B Ground: afterimage will work like a counter but with better coding and stuff
    -Down-B Air: Instant Transmission again but will work like a Homing attack
    you will teleport to the nearest and do a Air attack(ofc with a range limit)
    teleport to the side of the stage and charge up a Spirit bomb
    and you can choose to throw the spirit Bomb or absorb it and do Dragonfist(dragonfist you have to hold "A" for use it)
    you will also be able to choose where to Throw it or where to hit with Dragonfist
    by move a GFX between some hitbox bones i made just for this

    spirit Bomb will not have a killer Knockback on last hit but it will do alot of dmg like 150% dmg and can be shieled for some of it
    since this time it will be easyer to hit with
    but Dragonfist will be a oneshot hit since it is a smaller hitbox so it will be a 999% dmg hit

    it will basely be a SSJ mode you can active anytime you want
    but kaioken will dmg youself over time 2% per second
    + after next "B" attack kaioken will dmg you even more and kaioken ends

    Kaioken´s/SSJ mode "B" attacks will be:
    N-B(kaioken): kaioken 20x kamehameha: Basely Normal mode´s Kamehameha but Full charged up from the start: dmg your self 15% but kamehameha will dmg 3%x10% DMG
    N-B(SSJ mode): Super Kamehameha: basely a  Bigger&stronger wave
    Side-B: Goku's Meteor Combination but ending with a kamehameha like as the anime
    up-B: use Instant Transmission as many times you like (= 2 times on kaioken since kaioken ends after the first) will dmg yourself 20%
    Down-B: Instant Kamehameha (as a counter if on ground or as homing attack if in Air)
    but the wave will only dmg 1x10% dmg and be as strong as the weakest charge on normal mode´s N_B
    FS(SSJ mode):
    still charge up spirit bomb but will only do Dragonfist and it will be bigger hitbox

    how to active SSJ mode:
    use Kaioken and get hurt for 60% dmg total from Kaioken
    and do a "B" attack onces you got 60% dmg from kaioken
    so you will be flashing yellow and Kaioken(down-taunt) will be replaced with SSJ mode
    or get Smashball and use N-B and hold down after
    so kinda 3x FSes
    SSJ mode will stay for as long as vegeta´s

    « Last Edit: July 28, 2014, 07:18:08 PM by Mariodk » Logged

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    « Reply #10458 on: July 28, 2014, 07:35:50 PM »

    I like this, now people will actually use the kaioken mode

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    « Reply #10459 on: July 28, 2014, 08:26:30 PM »

    here is my final ideas for how SSJ mode/Kaioken will work& Goku´s special attacks:
    Special attacks:
    -N-B: Kamehameha: just like the older version nothing changed just effects+goku will now look up/down while charging if you press up/Down(if i can get it to work)
    -Side-B: Goku's Meteor Combination(based on the anime´s mostly look up on youtube) but will not end the combo with a kamehameha but will end the combo with a Air attack
    -up-B: a Revamped Instant Transmission: no matter what direction you teleport you will always teleport the same range(will use the same coding for this for the next shadow moveset)
    so if i set the teleport range to like 5 meter it will always be 5 meter even if press Up+one of the sides so it will be 2.5 meter up and 2.5 meter to the side
    -Down-B Ground: afterimage will work like a counter but with better coding and stuff
    -Down-B Air: Instant Transmission again but will work like a Homing attack
    you will teleport to the nearest and do a Air attack(ofc with a range limit)
    teleport to the side of the stage and charge up a Spirit bomb
    and you can choose to throw the spirit Bomb or absorb it and do Dragonfist(dragonfist you have to hold "A" for use it)
    you will also be able to choose where to Throw it or where to hit with Dragonfist
    by move a GFX between some hitbox bones i made just for this

    spirit Bomb will not have a killer Knockback on last hit but it will do alot of dmg like 150% dmg and can be shieled for some of it
    since this time it will be easyer to hit with
    but Dragonfist will be a oneshot hit since it is a smaller hitbox so it will be a 999% dmg hit

    it will basely be a SSJ mode you can active anytime you want
    but kaioken will dmg youself over time 2% per second
    + after next "B" attack kaioken will dmg you even more and kaioken ends

    Kaioken´s/SSJ mode "B" attacks will be:
    N-B(kaioken): kaioken 20x kamehameha: Basely Normal mode´s Kamehameha but Full charged up from the start: dmg your self 15% but kamehameha will dmg 3%x10% DMG
    N-B(SSJ mode): Super Kamehameha: basely a  Bigger&stronger wave
    Side-B: Goku's Meteor Combination but ending with a kamehameha like as the anime
    up-B: use Instant Transmission as many times you like (= 2 times on kaioken since kaioken ends after the first) will dmg yourself 20%
    Down-B: Instant Kamehameha (as a counter if on ground or as homing attack if in Air)
    but the wave will only dmg 1x10% dmg and be as strong as the weakest charge on normal mode´s N_B
    FS(SSJ mode):
    still charge up spirit bomb but will only do Dragonfist and it will be bigger hitbox

    how to active SSJ mode:
    use Kaioken and get hurt for 60% dmg total from Kaioken
    and do a "B" attack onces you got 60% dmg from kaioken
    so you will be flashing yellow and Kaioken(down-taunt) will be replaced with SSJ mode
    or get Smashball and use N-B and hold down after
    so kinda 3x FSes
    SSJ mode will stay for as long as vegeta´s

    With all things that are unbelivibly powerful, theres always a downside, which brings me to my last question, will you atleast make a seperate version to where you dont damage yourself from the kaioken or ssj modes?

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    « Reply #10460 on: July 28, 2014, 11:35:29 PM »

    I want to know your coding for the Down B Air (Instant Transmission), I'm doing something extremely similar.

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    « Reply #10461 on: July 29, 2014, 02:57:35 AM »

    how i do my UVmapping:

    -unwrap UVW modifier
    -select a portion you want to be mapped together
    -see what shape it'd fit best (planar, cube, cylinder, etc)
    -in the modifier, there're buttons with those names, use the best fitting
    -rotate the box/cylinder/plane/whatever around until it's rotation fits the piece you are mapping
    -use the "fit" button to make it fit your selection.
    -deselect the shape's button, but don't deselect your model yet
    -now go into edit and move your selection to somewhere it won't bother you
    -repeat until everything is mapped
    -now it's time to organize and resize
    -press edit
    -use select by element for easier selecting
    -use the free transform tool for easiest working
    -most important keys while editting are:
    shift: maintains proportions when resizing/locks to a single axis
    ctrl: keeps the selection completely centered when resizing, otherwise, it centers the oposing side.

    useful tools in edit mode:
    "target weld": sometimes your selection will have some broken vertices (green lines mean they are not welded) use this to select a vertice, move it around and auto-weld it to the vertice you drop it on
    <-> :there's a button that looks like that, it alligns all selected vertices horizontally, it's important everything is welded properly, it will ignore loose vertices.
     |  : same as above, but vertical.

    and that's all i do when UVmapping, i'm sure there are a lot more things you can do, but i've had enough with these basic things, you learn fast, in no time you'll be better than me at this, you also learned to rig, right? almost nobody had prior experience at rigging, only at model editting, and that had to be learned at some point too... so yeah, you get the point.

    that was one long post...

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    « Reply #10462 on: July 29, 2014, 06:28:37 AM »

    I want to know your coding for the Down B Air (Instant Transmission), I'm doing something extremely similar.
    With all things that are unbelivibly powerful, theres always a downside, which brings me to my last question, will you atleast make a seperate version to where you dont damage yourself from the kaioken or ssj modes?
    [/quote]maybe i will do that but not sure cuz of how to active SSJ mode you needing to get dmg from kaioken
    but i will get Goku moveset for project:M but it will not be 100% same moveset
    still close
    since i will make a SSBF2 like moveset(or close to it) for P:M

    also wanted Goku for Project:M (maybe some of my other movesets aswell like SMBZ mario)

    but for now instead of ask if XXXX PSA working for Project:M
    just try it out for your self just by replace the P:M files with my moveset files
    if it freeze then it dont work and if it works then it works

    but Goku will be my First PSA that will have a version meant for Project:M aswell

    Post Merge: July 29, 2014, 06:35:35 AM
    how i do my UVmapping:

    -unwrap UVW modifier
    -select a portion you want to be mapped together
    -see what shape it'd fit best (planar, cube, cylinder, etc)
    -in the modifier, there're buttons with those names, use the best fitting
    -rotate the box/cylinder/plane/whatever around until it's rotation fits the piece you are mapping
    -use the "fit" button to make it fit your selection.
    -deselect the shape's button, but don't deselect your model yet
    -now go into edit and move your selection to somewhere it won't bother you
    -repeat until everything is mapped
    -now it's time to organize and resize
    -press edit
    -use select by element for easier selecting
    -use the free transform tool for easiest working
    -most important keys while editting are:
    shift: maintains proportions when resizing/locks to a single axis
    ctrl: keeps the selection completely centered when resizing, otherwise, it centers the oposing side.

    useful tools in edit mode:
    "target weld": sometimes your selection will have some broken vertices (green lines mean they are not welded) use this to select a vertice, move it around and auto-weld it to the vertice you drop it on
    <-> :there's a button that looks like that, it alligns all selected vertices horizontally, it's important everything is welded properly, it will ignore loose vertices.
     |  : same as above, but vertical.

    and that's all i do when UVmapping, i'm sure there are a lot more things you can do, but i've had enough with these basic things, you learn fast, in no time you'll be better than me at this, you also learned to rig, right? almost nobody had prior experience at rigging, only at model editting, and that had to be learned at some point too... so yeah, you get the point.

    that was one long post...
    i always do:
    1st: Clear UVW mapping
    then: make 3ds max to make the UV maping or use the UVW map modifer
    and then unwrap UVW map
    sometimes it turns out good and sometimes its basely impossible
    i was lucky on Super buu/Kid buu and the others i have done it on
    but on Goku im not so lucky

    but Making textures
    i have been trying to try to make it and infact learn it same way i did with basely anything else on smash modding/programing
    but textures is alot harder then rigging/vertexing/modeling
    i think i just can´t use photoshop or any image editing programs good
    only thing i can do in textures is recolours

    the reason for i learned to start to make moveset
    was i wanted Goku and so on
    and the reason for i learned rigging&vertex and edti models
    was i needed moveset
    and ofc i have tried to learn to make textures but only can do recolours or textures like that goku with jacket outfit
    « Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 06:48:33 AM by Mariodk » Logged

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    « Reply #10463 on: July 29, 2014, 08:33:03 AM »

    for texturing, be sure to look really carefully at how shading is done, i am currently working on my first texture from scratch ever, and it's actually looking nice.

    everyone can learn anything as long as they want to, and don't give up Cheesy

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    « Reply #10464 on: July 29, 2014, 08:57:21 AM »

    for texturing, be sure to look really carefully at how shading is done, i am currently working on my first texture from scratch ever, and it's actually looking nice.

    everyone can learn anything as long as they want to, and don't give up Cheesy
    i think i will be Uploading Goku´s new Model here (on the first post that never got finished xD but working on that after some of my WIPs)
    so can ppl also make they own alts and so on while i working on the moveset

    but i will only accept brawl styled textures models to be in the moveset pack
    + them who make them will also be as colab. on the moveset pack too

    and as for the moveset
    for now im still alittle unsure if over Ike or over Pit since i anyway have to Redo the PSA files

    if over Ike:
    it will be easyer to have bone physics on him but it is possible on pit too
    and Sonic brawler is easyer able to port him over his own slot
    + if Project:M version i dont have to get ride of pit so we can also use Waluigi over pit

    if over Pit: SFX pack is already made(not TFS yet and not sure if ppl have made japanese voice) and i know one have ported my goku to his own slot and his own SFX/GFX too

    but no matter what he will get his own slot for BrawlEX but idk if for Project:M
    or i will possible replace Goku over Roy if P:M version (and if filesize&stuff for it)

    cuz as i see it(just my opinion) Roy is just Marth who got the Fire Flower with Fire version of Marth´s attack
    Roy should have been a alt just like as Doctor mario is with Mario
    « Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 12:33:15 PM by Mariodk » Logged

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    « Reply #10465 on: July 29, 2014, 09:07:09 AM »

    for texturing, be sure to look really carefully at how shading is done, i am currently working on my first texture from scratch ever, and it's actually looking nice.

    everyone can learn anything as long as they want to, and don't give up Cheesy
    It's motivation and interest that is my problem, when I work on a hard for a long period of time, I have to start forcing myself to continue because by then I've lost the motivation. Tongue

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    « Reply #10466 on: July 30, 2014, 11:01:56 AM »

    im releasing the Goku models here(aswell as on first post)
    in .FBX/.dae/3ds max(2014) .max files/even mdl0 files ready with model changers and to test in brawlbox formats

    credit to: LJstar for helped me with getting the Saiyan Armor´s Arms right and they look really close to vegeta´s arm texture

    its not the moveset or animations just the models
    and if anyone will do alts i will only accept brawl styled onces on the moveset pack and you will be added to the colab.
    i have asked starwaffles now and he was replyed he said if found no one he will do it after his WIPs

    also even if i was able to do brawl texture styles+UV mapping for it
    i kinda still wanted someone else to do it while i work on the moveset itself

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    « Reply #10467 on: July 30, 2014, 01:35:35 PM »

    this is the moment I've been waiting for

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    « Reply #10468 on: August 03, 2014, 02:09:28 PM »

    Some textures I ripped from a DBZ game. They look really good and maybe if someone is good with remapping and making HD textures can fix these and Also try to do the Alt costumes the same way.


    Just trying to help

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    « Reply #10469 on: August 03, 2014, 02:19:32 PM »

    Some textures I ripped from a DBZ game. They look really good and maybe if someone is good with remapping and making HD textures can fix these and Also try to do the Alt costumes the same way.


    Just trying to help
    thanks but also needing for the other outfits but this is a start
    if using this texture or beyond´s goku texture will still have the same problem:
    still needs for other outfits and they needs to fit in the same style and kind of textures so they fit with each other in the texture style

    new poll up
    and its about them i have WIP/planed to work on
    as i already got brawl styled texture(or ateast HD/realistic texture cuz of luffy is from pirate warriors) or dont needing texture for at all since its a charater that will be ruined if a Hi-res texture(The Surprice moveset) or else it wont be a moveset for "insert the name here"
    and the hints is:
    -the moveset will get 5x Tools&weapons to use for attacks(that can be upgraded&broken while ingame by N-B and be used too much)

    -Down-B will be placing TNT

    -Finalsmash will be: building a house(alittle like the villager´s FS in smash4 but alot of Green things&TNT to end the FS and explode the new built house) lets call the FS for Creative mode XD

    -the moveset does not needing any Recolours/Alts models at all only 1x texture/model
    since there is alot of websites where you can download a texture for just that Model
    but the textures for that model is called Skins for that game

    -the game the moveset is from is basely on any consoles+Pc but nintendo (sadly since the game will work alot better on wii U with gamepad then on PS/Xbox/tablets)
    « Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 02:42:01 PM by Mariodk » Logged

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