Kirby has Ike's IC-Constants
C2858928 00000003
2C040005 40820008
38800022 1C040038
60000000 00000000
Popo has Ike's IC-Constants
C2858928 00000003
2C04000F 40820008
38800022 1C040038
60000000 00000000
Nana has Ike's IC-Constants
C2858928 00000003
2C040010 40820008
38800022 1C040038
60000000 00000000
Only the second code will work. You cannot point two C2 codes at the same address and have them both run.
Thanks :3
...Erm...Which one did you mean by the second code? Only Popo's? Or...A second line within one of those 3 blocks of codes? Or that Popo's will work only without Kirby's being on as well? *has interpretation issues*
*confused* O__o'
I mean, I did try with only Popo's and not Nana's(Kirby was a separate test that froze on me as well) and I got a freeze while the stage tried to load...*mega confused* x__x
Or does that mean I have to get rid of the C2858928 00000003 line from either Popo or Nana? *giga confused*