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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking => Stages => Topic started by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 07:48:34 PM

Title: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 07:48:34 PM

Things to know:
- I prefer to work alone, Im not against collab projects but when too many people get involved in these things it gets chaotic.
- I honestly dont give a damn if you take my work and edit it in anyway after I release it, as long as I'm collabed I dont care. So go nuts
-I rarely do requests
-I make way too many Sonic stages
-A hack labeled with [Custom] is entirely modeled by me, this is my main focus as of right now.
-I will not be doing anymore model imports, any stage I make from now on is to be hand made from scratch. I dont get the same enjoyment out of importing I did when I build stages. Just feels less fun.

Some of my stages are gone forever thanks to Mediafire deleting my account, I have no way to put them back up, if you do have a file of mine, please PM me the file and I'll reupload it.

also, I suggest using my brawl vault page it has more pictures then this
it can be found over there
For videos: (


Sonic vs Shadow Final

Accepted Games:
-Sonic The hedgehog 1-3
-Sonic and Knuckles
-Sonic Adventure
-Sonic Adventure 2
-Sonic The Hedgehog 4

_________________________________________________ ______
Sonic vs Shadow Final[Custom]
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Chemical Plant[Custom]
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Radical Highway [Imported]
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Mystic Ruins
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Aquatic mine
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Space Colony ARK
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
The Doomsday
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Radical Highway
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Sky Rail

Brawl Hacks- Sky Rail ( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Metal Harbor


Video: Brawl Hax- Metal Harbor ( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Sonic v.s. Shadow v2

( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Splash Hill Zone
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Pumpkin Hill (hyrule temple)


Brawl SSE Stage- Pumpkin Hill ( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Death Egg (Online Training)


video: Brawl SSE Stage- Death Egg Zone. ( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Green Hill Zone (The Plains)


Video: Brawl- SubSpace Green Hill level. ( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Lost World Castle

( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Lost World
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
(SA2) Sonic V.S. Shadow


Download: (
_________________________________________________ ______
Sandopolis Zone

( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Genocide City


Download: (

_________________________________________________ ______
Aquatic Ruin

( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Hill Top Zone
( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Mystic Cave Zone

Download: (

_________________________________________________ ______
Ice Cap Zone


Download: (

_________________________________________________ ______
Sky Sanctuary Zone
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Mushroom Hill Zone
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Hidden Palace Zone

( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Lava Reef Zone (Download Fixed)
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Marble Garden Zone

( (



-Proper Kyuubi Room animations

I did all the stages relavant to the Naruto Storyline. The only stages I couldn't included either had too many mdl0's, or were unplayable due to polygons model parts covering the camera, which is a minor issue with a few of these stages.

Each files contains:
-The Stage (duh)
-A hacked .rel file

_________________________________________________ ______
Hokage Mansion

( (

Video: Brawl Hax- Naruto Ryujinki Stages (
_________________________________________________ ______
Konoha v2

( (

Video: Brawl Hax- Naruto Ryujinki Stages (

_________________________________________________ ______
Valley of The End (Sky World)

( (
*Download Fix*

Brawl Hacks- Naruto Clash of Ninja Stages (
_________________________________________________ ______
Kyuubi's Chamber (Distant Planet)


With Animations(Thanks to ds22) (

Brawl Hacks- Naruto Clash of Ninja Stages (
_________________________________________________ ______
Konoha Square(Mario Bros.)

( (

Brawl Hacks- Naruto Clash of Ninja Stages (
_________________________________________________ ______
Akatsuki Base Inside (Summit)

Video: Brawl Hacks- Naruto CoN Akatsuki Base ( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Akatsuki Base Outside (75m)

Video: Brawl Hacks- Naruto CoN Akatsuki Base ( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Konoha (Final Destination)
Video: Brawl hacks- Naruto Clash of Ninja Stages ( (
_________________________________________________ ______
Ichiraku (Online Training)
Video: Brawl hacks- Naruto Clash of Ninja Stages ( (


Regular, Unrelated

The only Brstm you'll ever need: (

Stage List
-BloodLust battlefield
-Aurora Bridge
-Assault Great Fox
- World of weegee
-Death Boat
-Cryptic Ruins
_________________________________________________ ______
( (
_________________________________________________ ______
BloodLust Battlefield

( (

Video: Custom Brawl Hacks - BloodLust Battle Field. (

WITH platforms: (

_________________________________________________ ______
Aurora Bridge

( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Assault Great Fox
( (

Normal DL: (
In Space: (

video: Brawl Hacks- Great Fox Assault (

_________________________________________________ ______
World Of Weegee

#Invalid YouTube Link# (

_________________________________________________ ______
Death Boat

( (

_________________________________________________ ______
Cryptic Ruins

( (


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Pinutk™ on August 06, 2009, 07:55:00 PM
OMG!!!!!!!! Oizen you're back!!!! Where were you?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 08:00:45 PM
OMG!!!!!!!! Oizen you're back!!!! Where were you?


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Plasmakirby on August 06, 2009, 08:01:41 PM
glad to see you back. you should really look into the new attack hacks. you could make some cool ones.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 08:05:26 PM
glad to see you back. you should really look into the new attack hacks. you could make some cool ones.

Attack hacks O.O. Crap I gotta learn somthing new... again.

I became an admin in one month, better get cracking at what ever that is.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Shukaku on August 06, 2009, 08:21:15 PM
Yay,you're back.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: TheFirstZero on August 06, 2009, 08:39:51 PM
Awesome I've been meaning to get these stages and making music for them. & may I suggest Frigate Orpheon for Death Egg? Preferable the S&K version, and/or if it's possible to remove parasite queen & just leave those scan line things? I dunno just an idea.

>.< Links aren't working for me, do you mind putting them up on mediafire or megaupload?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Pinutk™ on August 06, 2009, 08:42:24 PM
OMG!!!!!!!! Oizen you're back!!!! Where were you?

Cool! Welcome back! =D

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 09:35:59 PM
Awesome I've been meaning to get these stages and making music for them. & may I suggest Frigate Orpheon for Death Egg? Preferable the S&K version, and/or if it's possible to remove parasite queen & just leave those scan line things? I dunno just an idea.

>.< Links aren't working for me, do you mind putting them up on mediafire or megaupload?

I used to use Media Fire, I swiched to Mybloop for convenience. Mega upload smells.

if Mybloop doesn't work soon I'll go back to media fire.
EDIT: Turns out mybloop is discontinued.





Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 09:40:20 PM

I am now missing most of my stage textures.

If any downloaded them and still has them, I'd appreciate if you sent them to me.
My lap top did infact crash a 5th time.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: catgowoof on August 06, 2009, 09:51:24 PM
That sucks

Glad too see you back though.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 10:16:06 PM
Luckly all of my character textures were still on my media fire, but I lost almost the entire Sonic Project.

Once again, If anyone has one of the missing files, please contact me.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 11:20:16 PM

Aquatic Ruin is done, Uploading now.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 06, 2009, 11:24:54 PM
*Looks in here*

Hey, I had downloaded most of your Sonic stages! (I didn't get Hidden Palace, though...)

I can get the links to you tommorrow. My wii/SD card is being used at the moment to rip a wii iso.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project.)
Post by: Shrooms on August 06, 2009, 11:28:53 PM
Those are really nice! My favorites are Marble Garden Zone and Ion Rob.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: Oizen on August 06, 2009, 11:33:40 PM
Those are really nice! My favorites are Marble Garden Zone and Ion Rob.

Ion-rob was just a fluke. I remember I was just doing random plug-in's and it happened.

*Looks in here*

Hey, I had downloaded most of your Sonic stages! (I didn't get Hidden Palace, though...)

I can get the links to you tommorrow. My wii/SD card is being used at the moment to rip a wii iso.

Much obliged, if I can get them all back I'll keep doing Sonic Project.
but if I'm missing one, I guess its no big deal.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: DSX8 on August 06, 2009, 11:58:42 PM
well, i have 1 of ur textures... Sky Sanctuary Zone texture... i can send that to u ASAP if u like! =D

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 12:02:56 AM
well, i have 1 of ur textures... Sky Sanctuary Zone texture... i can send that to u ASAP if u like! =D

I would.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: DSX8 on August 07, 2009, 12:04:41 AM
well, i have 1 of ur textures... Sky Sanctuary Zone texture... i can send that to u ASAP if u like! =D
I would.

aight, well i just sent it to ya!!  well time to grab DEATH BOAT now since mybloop was a [censored] and closed.... so, NOW I CAN GET IT! i really like it

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 07, 2009, 08:53:10 AM
Here you are!

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: Jolti on August 07, 2009, 09:29:52 AM
Well, I see that RoyMaster has uploaded your stages, OizenX, but if any of them isn't in that file, I will upload it as far as I had downloaded all your stages. Let me know if I can help you, then.

Nice Aquatic Ruin, BTW. ^^ Did you solved the problem with Flying Battery's sky on Halberd?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 07, 2009, 09:34:45 AM
Well, I see that RoyMaster has uploaded your stages, OizenX, but if any of them isn't in that file, I will upload it as far as I had downloaded all your stages. Let me know if I can help you, then.
I don't have Hidden Palace, so if you could upload that...

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin ( Most textures restored)
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 10:08:16 AM
Thanks for that.

At least all the good ones are back, If any one has my hidden palace please upload it and give it to me.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin ( Most textures restored)
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 12:04:00 PM

I just lost a bet to a friend, now I have to make them a texture of their choice.
Samurai Pizza Cats.


Its Hideous....


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin ( Most textures restored)
Post by: deathstar45 on August 07, 2009, 01:35:18 PM
I believe this is your Hidden Palace. mofo_ of smashboards posted this link:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin ( Most textures restored)
Post by: catgowoof on August 07, 2009, 02:18:49 PM
I believe this is your Hidden Palace. mofo_ of smashboards posted this link:

I was just about too post a link as well lol.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures- Aquatic Ruin ( Most textures restored)
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 02:39:22 PM
Good, all textures recovered.

Working on Death egg (Frigate Orpheon)

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: PAVGN on August 07, 2009, 03:11:34 PM
I'm glad to see you back, If you still need ideas for your Sonic project I can give you some ideas.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: AwesomeTurtwig on August 07, 2009, 07:18:30 PM
I love mystic cabe so much :D

I'm glad to see you back, If you still need ideas for your Sonic project I can give you some ideas.

btw, I've seen you on youtube PAVGN. Thanks for subbing.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 11:21:05 PM
All suggestions are taken into consideration.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 07, 2009, 11:36:51 PM
I was looking into making an Oil Ocean out of Big Blue, but I really suck with texture stuff. I could probably change the water and the sky, but iunno about the rest. I couldn't even find the actual track....

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 07, 2009, 11:49:23 PM
I was looking into making an Oil Ocean out of Big Blue, but I really suck with texture stuff. I could probably change the water and the sky, but iunno about the rest. I couldn't even find the actual track....

Big Blue moves too much for Oil Ocean don't you think?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 07, 2009, 11:52:56 PM
Big Blue moves too much for Oil Ocean don't you think?
Well, I was thinking it could be an F-Zero track in the middle of Oil Ocean Zone... It looks the most like it, imo.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jolti on August 08, 2009, 02:54:28 AM
Maybe Launch Base for Big Blue? Machines and metal environment everywhere, water...

Some ideas:

Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1: Sandopolis Zone
New Pork City: Casino Night Zone
Battlefield: Sky Sanctuary Zone (the very top, where the Master Emerald is, you know)
Final Destination: Doomsday Zone
Shadow Moses: Metropolis Zone (if there is some way to put out the snow storm)

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Tyeforce on August 08, 2009, 01:28:13 PM
I have some ideas for Sonic stages for you, but they're not from the Genesis games...

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 08, 2009, 02:07:33 PM
Im going to stop making Sonic Stages for a while and make the music for each sonic stage I've already made for now.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: PAVGN on August 08, 2009, 02:12:34 PM
I was looking into making an Oil Ocean out of Big Blue

Damn It, That was one of my ideas too.

Well I was going to tell you the rest of my ideas but you just said that weren't going to make them for awhile.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 08, 2009, 02:32:47 PM
Im going to stop making Sonic Stages for a while and make the music for each sonic stage I've already made for now.
I already have 2 Sky Sanctuary Songs, Mushroom Hill, and Ice Cap. But I suppose more variations couldn't hurt!

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Tyeforce on August 08, 2009, 02:35:43 PM
Im going to stop making Sonic Stages for a while and make the music for each sonic stage I've already made for now.
Okay. Well, if you're interested when you're done with the music, the stages I had in mind were Egg Fleet from Sonic Heroes as a Rainbow Cruise texture, and Canon's Core (the part where you fight Biolizard with Shadow) as a Frigate Orpheon texture... But I think you're only doing Genesis stages, so...yeah. =P

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 08, 2009, 03:21:11 PM
I've only done one song before this, Forest Maze from Super Mario RPG.

Never got around to releasing it.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jolti on August 08, 2009, 04:32:08 PM
Im going to stop making Sonic Stages for a while and make the music for each sonic stage I've already made for now.
Okay. Well, if you're interested when you're done with the music, the stages I had in mind were Egg Fleet from Sonic Heroes as a Rainbow Cruise texture, and Canon's Core (the part where you fight Biolizard with Shadow) as a Frigate Orpheon texture... But I think you're only doing Genesis stages, so...yeah. =P
Well, you said it, OizenX said that he only will do classic stages, but also he said that we can make other stages as well, so if you feel doing them, go ahead, hehe.

In my case, I want to do...

- Sandopolis Zone (Sonic & Knuckles) / Arid Sands (Sonic Unleashed) - Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1
- White Acropolis (Sonic 2006) - Shadow Moses
- Camelot Castle (Sonic & the Black Knight) - Castle Siege
- Megalo Station (Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity) - Port Town
- Pumpkin Hill (Sonic Adventure 2) - Luigi's Mansion
- Windmill Isle (Sonic Unleashed) - Delfino Plaza
- Tropical Jungle (Sonic 2006) - The DK stage from Melee (don't know its name in English, sorry)
- Emerald Town (Sonic Battle) - Onett
- Some Sonic & the Black Knight stage from Eldin's Bridge
- The sea (Sonic Rush Adventure) - Pirate Ship

...but I suck at this. -_-U I'll do a stage hack in the time anyone else could do ten of them. D:

At least OizenX made some of the ideas I had in mind, like Lava Reef, Sky Sanctuary, Marble Garden and Ice Cap, and it seems that they're much better than I would do them ever. xD

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 08, 2009, 05:07:31 PM
I just made the song Dreams of an Absolution.

Music is way easier then textures.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Tyeforce on August 08, 2009, 06:23:21 PM
Im going to stop making Sonic Stages for a while and make the music for each sonic stage I've already made for now.
Okay. Well, if you're interested when you're done with the music, the stages I had in mind were Egg Fleet from Sonic Heroes as a Rainbow Cruise texture, and Canon's Core (the part where you fight Biolizard with Shadow) as a Frigate Orpheon texture... But I think you're only doing Genesis stages, so...yeah. =P
Well, you said it, OizenX said that he only will do classic stages, but also he said that we can make other stages as well, so if you feel doing them, go ahead, hehe.

In my case, I want to do...

- Sandopolis Zone (Sonic & Knuckles) / Arid Sands (Sonic Unleashed) - Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1
- White Acropolis (Sonic 2006) - Shadow Moses
- Camelot Castle (Sonic & the Black Knight) - Castle Siege
- Megalo Station (Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity) - Port Town
- Pumpkin Hill (Sonic Adventure 2) - Luigi's Mansion
- Windmill Isle (Sonic Unleashed) - Delfino Plaza
- Tropical Jungle (Sonic 2006) - The DK stage from Melee (don't know its name in English, sorry)
- Emerald Town (Sonic Battle) - Onett
- Some Sonic & the Black Knight stage from Eldin's Bridge
- The sea (Sonic Rush Adventure) - Pirate Ship

...but I suck at this. -_-U I'll do a stage hack in the time anyone else could do ten of them. D:

At least OizenX made some of the ideas I had in mind, like Lava Reef, Sky Sanctuary, Marble Garden and Ice Cap, and it seems that they're much better than I would do them ever. xD
I would make them myself, but I suck at textures. My only two textures are just simple copy/pastes and recolors. ._.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 08, 2009, 10:59:47 PM

^Where you can find music for these stages.


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Tyeforce on August 09, 2009, 10:39:32 AM

^Where you can find music for these stages.



Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 09, 2009, 10:43:41 AM

^Where you can find music for these stages.




That's exactly where Im getting my Mp3's :)

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 09, 2009, 11:08:03 PM
My next texture is going to be on the blog, its one of the removed Sonic Stages.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 09, 2009, 11:29:33 PM
My next texture is going to be on the blog, its one of the removed Sonic Stages.
What happened to Death Egg?

Removed... Wood Zone?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 09, 2009, 11:40:08 PM
My next texture is going to be on the blog, its one of the removed Sonic Stages.
What happened to Death Egg?

Removed... Wood Zone?

You'll find out tomarrow.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jolti on August 10, 2009, 09:31:08 AM
Wow, Genocide City on Delfino Plaza, sounds weird at first (basically because of that darkness, instead of the sunny original stage) but when you look the pictures on KC and remember that this stage had some watery zones, you know that this is a good choice, hehe.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: wilttilt on August 10, 2009, 09:37:01 AM
So I just noticed Oizen's post count, and then I was like WTF?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: dRage on August 10, 2009, 09:49:48 AM
As admin you can edit your postcount.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 10, 2009, 10:09:02 AM
As admin you can edit your postcount.

or other people's post counts, so don't make me angry

*death stare*

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: wilttilt on August 10, 2009, 10:19:18 AM
Ah! By the way, Oizen, didn't you want to see Pichu? He's finished.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 11, 2009, 10:19:48 AM
To keep this place updated, Right now I am working on a few non Sonic Textures for the blog.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 12:23:20 AM
Since sandopolis zone seems to be a re-occurring suggestion, I'll do it. expect to be up some time.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jolti on August 12, 2009, 01:59:42 AM
Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1, I suppose. Great idea, Sandopolis would be a good stage to play in.

Did you solved that sky problem with the Halberd stage to do Flying Battery?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 09:38:42 AM
I thought I fired you from this...

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 12:25:03 PM
I thought I fired you from this...

Your the old Sonic Project. Notice the new logo Sonic {Project}

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 03:27:22 PM
I thought I fired you from this...

Your the old Sonic Project. Notice the new logo Sonic {Project}

Well then...


From the Sonic {Project}. I also claim rights to the Sonic [Project].

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 03:31:00 PM
I thought I fired you from this...

Your the old Sonic Project. Notice the new logo Sonic {Project}

Well then...


From the Sonic {Project}. I also claim rights to the Sonic [Project].

To bad, I already copyrighted Sonic {Project} you cant fire me from it.


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 03:33:45 PM
I thought I fired you from this...

Your the old Sonic Project. Notice the new logo Sonic {Project}

Well then...


From the Sonic {Project}. I also claim rights to the Sonic [Project].

To bad, I already copyrighted Sonic {Project} you cant fire me from it.


I hope you're aware of our little "deal." I'll see you in court son.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 03:37:04 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 03:40:07 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 04:17:01 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Its my name, I came up with it. The proof is that I actually have a texture page, you don't

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 04:20:24 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Its my name, I came up with it. The proof is that I actually have a texture page, you don't
My, my, it appears you've somehow hacked my page to be yours. That's a lifetime prison.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 12, 2009, 06:41:18 PM
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

But Diddy Kong will be Oizen's attourney! He's never lost a case!

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 07:08:19 PM
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

But Diddy Kong will be Oizen's attourney! He's never lost a case!

That homosexual monkey can't even pronounce a singe word in the English dictionary, hell, he can't pronounce any word from any country. He'd just attack Oizen, the judge, and possibly my attourney, and I just to look for bananas.

My ass he's never lost a case.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 07:21:50 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Its my name, I came up with it. The proof is that I actually have a texture page, you don't
My, my, it appears you've somehow hacked my page to be yours. That's a lifetime prison.

lol, too bad most of my textures have my name or logo hidden in them :P

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 07:26:39 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Its my name, I came up with it. The proof is that I actually have a texture page, you don't
My, my, it appears you've somehow hacked my page to be yours. That's a lifetime prison.

lol, too bad most of my textures have my name or logo hidden in them :P
Yeah, the Sonic Project logo WITHOUT the braces.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 07:27:56 PM
I can't let you do that Shadow.
It really doesn't matter, I have the right to sue you for copying the name of my company by just adding braces to the name. Phoenix Wright will be my attourney, thank you.

Its my name, I came up with it. The proof is that I actually have a texture page, you don't
My, my, it appears you've somehow hacked my page to be yours. That's a lifetime prison.

lol, too bad most of my textures have my name or logo hidden in them :P
Yeah, the Sonic Project logo WITHOUT the braces.

No, the original OizenX logo.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Gazoinks on August 12, 2009, 07:34:34 PM
...What the heck is going on?  :srs:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 07:35:56 PM
...What the heck is going on?  :srs:

Shadow is trying to steal Sonic Project.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RAWRzilla on August 12, 2009, 08:06:38 PM
OizenX is the ONLY person I've ever seen advertising and posting materiel under the name "SONIC Project." I scour very nearly EVERY texture hacking website daily, saving whats good and ignoring what isnt. I've only ever seen OizenX posting stuff like this. It's his trademark, and he does it beautifully.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 08:36:14 PM
Added the Classic Sonic texture.


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Hakumen on August 12, 2009, 10:28:02 PM
I quit the sonic project.  :af:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Oizen on August 12, 2009, 11:14:11 PM
...What the heck is going on?  :srs:
I'm currently suing Oizen.
OizenX is the ONLY person I've ever seen advertising and posting materiel under the name "SONIC Project." I scour very nearly EVERY texture hacking website daily, saving whats good and ignoring what isnt. I've only ever seen OizenX posting stuff like this. It's his trademark, and he does it beautifully.
You've been living in a dark-shadowy rock son.

Oizen, consider yourself deadsued.

Fine, you can have the Sonic Project. But you won't be getting all of my textures.

Have fun.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Gamez1985 on August 14, 2009, 12:21:46 AM
Since you guys know how to skin Super Sonic, could someone make a Super Shadow to go along with all of the other Shadow skins out there?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Oizen on August 14, 2009, 12:23:45 AM
Since you guys know how to skin Super Sonic, could someone make a Super Shadow to go along with all of the other Shadow skins out there?

You can't see the red through the glow. Just by editing the .pac's of Super sonic you can edit the gloves, eyes,souls of the shoe, and how bright Super Sonic Glows.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Hakumen on August 14, 2009, 04:28:09 PM
One question, did you make Sonic's eye lids the same color as his arms, mouth (Lulz SA2 Sonic)?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Darkoak8 on August 14, 2009, 09:35:53 PM
Is Genocide City gonna get released? because I really wanna play this,  BTW Oizen did you hear how Mastaklo found a way to edit Sonic's texture for Silver to make him white? I thought maybe you could revamp yours because your Silver texture is the best I've ever seen
You can check out the Silver thing here

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: TheFirstZero on August 14, 2009, 11:30:25 PM
Hey the Hidden Palace texture has only the dialga & cresselia of Spear Pillar, the first one says it's a corrupt file, also the Lava Reef download is a blank folder.  :kdance:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Oizen on August 14, 2009, 11:44:43 PM
Hey the Hidden Palace texture has only the dialga & cresselia of Spear Pillar, the first one says it's a corrupt file, also the Lava Reef download is a blank folder.  :kdance:

:3 just noticed that.  Fixing soon.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project) - Classic Sonic
Post by: Oizen on August 14, 2009, 11:52:27 PM
A Texture I said I would try long ago....  :>.>:


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: wii on August 15, 2009, 12:16:36 AM
man, your stage textures are awesome! :happy: ill be sure to download them. dont really have any stage textures except for 2 cus my memory card is full =/  but some stuff can be deleted.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: catgowoof on August 15, 2009, 12:52:30 AM
Hey the Hidden Palace texture has only the dialga & cresselia of Spear Pillar, the first one says it's a corrupt file, also the Lava Reef download is a blank folder.  :kdance:

:3 just noticed that.  Fixing soon.
I've got a Hidden Palace Zone Texture that's not corrupt.  Do you want the link to that?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: nate14 on August 15, 2009, 04:29:33 PM
sup guys im new around here and i was wondering where the stage texture download for Genocide city went lulz

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: catgowoof on August 15, 2009, 05:03:09 PM
sup guys im new around here and i was wondering where the stage texture download for Genocide city went lulz
There isn't one yet.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 15, 2009, 05:31:23 PM
^Due to akward transparencies.

I noticed the umbrellas were transparent in the stage but you could still stand on them.

and I think a building is missing.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 15, 2009, 06:15:03 PM
Sandopolis looks pretty nice. What's next?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Plasmakirby on August 15, 2009, 08:27:33 PM
i kno you want to do classic sonic games, but would sonic R be considered a classic game? i wanted to suggest Radical City on New Pork City, and Radiant Emerald on any stage you think fits

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jolti on August 15, 2009, 08:49:32 PM
IMHO, New Pork City would be more as Casino Night / Carnival Night / Spring Yard, don't you think?

I'm asking this one more time, I hope that I'm not boring (probably not the best word to define it, my English sucks, but you get the idea xD) with it: are you planning to finish Flying Battery, Oizen? That stage is very popular and the Halberd would make it very well, but you said that its sky was giving you some problems. If you won't continue it, can you share the rest of the stage parts so we can finish it, please?

Nice Sandopolis Zone, as always, hehe. I just love that retro, 16-bit-ish aspect.

And finally, when can we enjoy that Genocide City? Truth said, I was planning to do Apotos in Delfino Plaza, but you convinced me to use Genocide City instead. xD

I hope that my messages won't seem as "gimme gimme gimme"... D:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: mohammad on August 15, 2009, 10:34:09 PM
marble garden + silver + classic sonic = Downloaded :D

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: T-800 on August 16, 2009, 08:14:37 AM
Is Genocide City gonna get released? because I really wanna play this,  BTW Oizen did you hear how Mastaklo found a way to edit Sonic's texture for Silver to make him white? I thought maybe you could revamp yours because your Silver texture is the best I've ever seen
You can check out the Silver thing here
I have to chime in and agree with this.  The only thing OizenX's Silver lacked was the proper color, and revamping it to have the proper colors AND all the awesome details already in there would be huge.

As it stands now we just have the options of Pink Silver or White Sonic. :laugh:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 16, 2009, 10:19:39 AM
Is Genocide City gonna get released? because I really wanna play this,  BTW Oizen did you hear how Mastaklo found a way to edit Sonic's texture for Silver to make him white? I thought maybe you could revamp yours because your Silver texture is the best I've ever seen
You can check out the Silver thing here
I have to chime in and agree with this.  The only thing OizenX's Silver lacked was the proper color, and revamping it to have the proper colors AND all the awesome details already in there would be huge.

As it stands now we just have the options of Pink Silver or White Sonic. :laugh:

Still not the proper color. It's a really, really light blue.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: T-800 on August 16, 2009, 10:59:53 AM
Well, it's still a major improvement over pink at anyrate.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Gamez1985 on August 16, 2009, 01:05:44 PM
I love your textures OizenX!

Although I've said it before, I figured I would mention is again: The texture you created called "Robot Sonic" that as the "unused" robot in the tube beside Metal Sonic in Sonic Adventure 1 was the boss "Silver Sonic" in the Death Egg Zone of Sonic TH 2. (Name was confirmed and referred to several times in the SatAM comic book line.)

I know you probably already knew that Oizen, especially since I tried sending you a PM on it one time. But I figured I would drop that info down for any other possible Sonic fans in here :) And for maybe if you wanted to update the name of your texture :)

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: SalaComMander on August 16, 2009, 02:02:57 PM
You know, since you made a Race Suit Sonic, you should make a Race Suit Shadow!

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Segtendo on August 16, 2009, 03:14:55 PM
I could possibly help w/ music. I made BRSTMS out of the original music from the Genesis.
I've done Aquatic Ruin, Hill Top, Mystic Cave (both), and will do more if needed.
I could upload them later

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 16, 2009, 03:44:47 PM
Well, I started an Oil Ocean on Big Blue. I ran into a little problem though - I can't find where the blue sky is! I found the top part of the 'dome', but you see blue skies for a lot of the track. I'd really like to change this to orange...

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Segtendo on August 17, 2009, 08:54:34 AM
I know I have a texture for Angel Island on Rumble Falls. Is that yours Oizen?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 17, 2009, 09:51:54 AM
I know I have a texture for Angel Island on Rumble Falls. Is that yours Oizen?
No, I sort of do remember who made it.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2009, 01:21:35 PM
I haven't made angel island yet.

I haven't started on the next texture yet. But I do have some other textures getting released soon.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: TheFirstZero on August 18, 2009, 09:35:23 AM
I know you haven't done Flying Battery because of it's similarity to Halberd, but do you think you could make a clear blue sky for halberd to make look just like it?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 18, 2009, 11:04:43 AM
I know you haven't done Flying Battery because of it's similarity to Halberd, but do you think you could make a clear blue sky for halberd to make look just like it?
I tried Hallbread. It scared me. The sky didn't work and the ship was freaky.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: PAVGN on August 18, 2009, 03:39:08 PM
Well, I started an Oil Ocean on Big Blue. I ran into a little problem though - I can't find where the blue sky is! I found the top part of the 'dome', but you see blue skies for a lot of the track. I'd really like to change this to orange...

I think you can only edit the sky If you change the .clr0 files.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: RoyMaster4 on August 18, 2009, 03:42:02 PM
I think you can only edit the sky If you change the .clr0 files.
I don't think it had any CLR0 files...

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: PAVGN on August 18, 2009, 03:46:57 PM
I don't think it had any CLR0 files...

Well a friend of mine had the same problem and was only able to change the top of the sky, So you could only see what was different If you looked up with the unrestricted camera hack. Other then that, I was told that you can't change the water and sky in most stages unless you edit the .clr0 files.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on August 19, 2009, 11:46:23 PM
For anyone wondering, I'm pretty much done with brawl textures for now.

I'm not quitting however, I have some Summer Homework that needs to be done.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: TK421 on August 20, 2009, 07:27:18 PM
Awh....I need Genocide City Zone Download and then I'll be content with my own crap.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Bubbleman on August 25, 2009, 09:47:09 AM
Are you taking any requests? Adult Simon (Gurren Lagann) for Marth would be cool.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Hakumen on August 25, 2009, 10:14:26 AM
Are you taking any requests? Adult Simon (Gurren Lagann) for Marth would be cool.

YOU. Request this in the sub-board, now.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Jamez on August 26, 2009, 11:19:50 AM
Fix download link for Aquatic Ruin Zone plz D:

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: vcvmajinken on August 31, 2009, 03:11:35 PM
sorry to bother you but most of the photos that you show us are broken

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 09, 2009, 03:31:35 AM
you probably wont like photobucket either then since your images are broken lol

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Oizen on September 12, 2009, 07:38:07 PM

I hate Photobucket

I hate my life

I hate this


Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Muigi on September 12, 2009, 08:40:50 PM
Copy and paste the links to the images, people.  They'll work then.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Sonic Project)
Post by: Kef on September 12, 2009, 10:25:27 PM
When are your images working man?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Genocide released
Post by: Oizen on September 13, 2009, 12:05:21 AM
I switched all the stages to image shack.

I'm going to do the characters now.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Genocide released
Post by: hypermetalsonic on September 13, 2009, 12:32:23 AM
I've always hated the Desert Zone lv, so I refuse to use it >;\ (still turned out great though!)
And that Mystic Cave is friken EPIC!!

might as well get the Marble Garden and Mushroom hill :)

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Image fixed)
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 13, 2009, 10:48:05 PM
dam those stage textures are so sick!!! glad u re uploaded the images

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures (Image fixed)
Post by: swerpee on September 14, 2009, 09:46:13 PM
Do you have a syaoran texture? if so, can you put a link up for downloading it? i thot i saw a syaoran texture by you somewhere, but the download link didnt work :(

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Oizen on September 14, 2009, 10:26:24 PM
I still have it, I just lost the image when Photobucket and myBloop simultaneously screwed me.

I'll put it up and P.M. it to you.

and added Lost World.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: T-800 on September 15, 2009, 07:45:21 PM
I noticed that you removed Silver from your lineup, might I inquire the reason for this subtraction?

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Oizen on September 15, 2009, 07:46:15 PM
I noticed that you removed Silver from your lineup, might I inquire the reason for this subtraction?
There is a better one by the Sonic-tard on ESH.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: T-800 on September 15, 2009, 08:21:25 PM
The only thing that was better about that one was the color.  Yours had the dark eyelines and the details to the gloves and shoes were much cleaner and crisper.

I think if you gave it a revamp you'd have the definitive version.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Oizen on September 15, 2009, 09:31:41 PM
The only thing that was better about that one was the color.  Yours had the dark eyelines and the details to the gloves and shoes were much cleaner and crisper.

I think if you gave it a revamp you'd have the definitive version.

I'll Think about it.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Segtendo on September 16, 2009, 04:40:08 PM
Here are BRSTMS you could use
Aquatic Ruin Zone (
Hill Top Zone (
Mystic Cave Zone (2-player) (
Mystic Cave Zone (
Lava Reef Zone, Act 1 (
Marble Garden Zone, Act 1 (
Sandopolis Zone, Act 1 (
Sky Sanctuary (
I made these a while ago, never posted them :P

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Oizen on September 17, 2009, 06:49:27 PM
Here are BRSTMS you could use
Aquatic Ruin Zone ([url][/url])
Hill Top Zone ([url][/url])
Mystic Cave Zone (2-player) ([url][/url])
Mystic Cave Zone ([url][/url])
Lava Reef Zone, Act 1 ([url][/url])
Marble Garden Zone, Act 1 ([url][/url])
Sandopolis Zone, Act 1 ([url][/url])
Sky Sanctuary ([url][/url])
I made these a while ago, never posted them :P

Music is too easy, I stop doing cause I can't really update the blog with it.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Segtendo on September 17, 2009, 06:52:52 PM
Lol ok.
I understand :D

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Lost World
Post by: Oizen on September 18, 2009, 06:04:16 PM
I haven't done this in a while, so I'll tell anyone who cares what I've been up to.
Metal Overlord - Sonic

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Oizen on September 20, 2009, 01:12:57 AM
and updated.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Kaye Cruiser on September 20, 2009, 11:50:53 AM
Aquatic Ruin stage link leads to Sandopolis download. Fix please? :<

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Oizen on September 20, 2009, 03:37:22 PM

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Darkoak8 on September 21, 2009, 03:51:08 PM
Hello OizenX your Sonic textures are an inspiration their amazing, so I have a question how do you apply that shiny metallic sheen to your Metal Sonic related textures like Neo,Silver,Mecha etc.  The reason for my asking this question is I wish to know if this is a possible way to create an Emerald Sonic, using the shine and just adding the necessary Black, Green, Yellow, and Blue

an example would be this picture I created on Adobe Flash, the colours would be rather simple

I could probably do this myself but I would need some Sonic Texture editing tips.  If you can help please let me know, and if this is absolutly impossible please let me know

thanx in advance

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Oizen on September 21, 2009, 04:22:03 PM
To make sonic all shiney, I just play around with env01.

I'll make it.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Darkoak8 on September 21, 2009, 04:46:12 PM
Oh thank you so much ^^ I'm sure it will turn out Awsome!

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Oizen on September 21, 2009, 08:16:07 PM
Oh thank you so much ^^ I'm sure it will turn out Awsome!
I made it and it looks great. Since I need blog updates it will be there.

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Darkoak8 on September 21, 2009, 08:28:13 PM
AWSOME! but blog? as in the kittykorp/meowmix front page? or something else? because I would instantly download

Title: Re: OizenX's Textures Neo Metal Sonic
Post by: Oizen on September 21, 2009, 08:38:34 PM
AWSOME! but blog? as in the kittykorp/meowmix front page? or something else? because I would instantly download

yes... the KC:MM blog...

Title: Re: ÖizenX's Texturez- Emerald Sonic
Post by: [StackSmash] NRool on September 22, 2009, 10:41:48 AM
Love em' or hate em'

You has talent, mah boy

Title: Re: ÖizenX's Texturez- Emerald Sonic
Post by: Aezthin on September 22, 2009, 06:23:16 PM
Dayum. These textures are GOOD

Title: Re: ÖizenX's Texturez- Emerald Sonic
Post by: chaos on September 22, 2009, 08:33:19 PM
Oizen is my kinda guy... I need a sonic fan texture maker ^_^ goob job OizenX

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: Emerald Sonic
Post by: axr44 on September 26, 2009, 08:12:23 PM
You could make the Angel Island from SA DX using battlefield or final destination, tell me what do you think plz.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: Jack-O-Lantern
Post by: Oizen on October 01, 2009, 04:23:14 PM
Update :D

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: LostWorld Castle + Soap Shoes Sonic
Post by: Oizen on October 04, 2009, 02:31:59 PM
2 more textures added.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/04 LostWorld Castle + Soap Shoes Sonic
Post by: PAVGN on October 04, 2009, 03:22:40 PM
The Lost World Castle looks awesome! I hope you plan to do something with the underground/Lava part of Castle Siege. I would totally download all three Castle Siege .pac files If you did.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/04 LostWorld Castle + Soap Shoes Sonic
Post by: SKLLedOne on October 04, 2009, 07:05:49 PM
You know, there was a lava stage that was also connected to mystic ruins on SA. Maybe you could base the lave phase after that?

Also, a texture of Radical Highway from SA2 would be really cool on Green Hill Zone.  I loved that stage.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/04 LostWorld Castle + Soap Shoes Sonic
Post by: Oizen on October 04, 2009, 10:05:18 PM
You know, there was a lava stage that was also connected to mystic ruins on SA. Maybe you could base the lave phase after that?

Also, a texture of Radical Highway from SA2 would be really cool on Green Hill Zone.  I loved that stage.

Its a cool thought, and I can make it. But GHZ and Radical Highway don't have much in common. And, you can't change the color of the sky in Green Hill zone.

I do want to make Radical highway, but there is no stage that really goes with it, and I don't like using custom stage parts.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/04 LostWorld Castle + Soap Shoes Sonic
Post by: PAVGN on October 05, 2009, 02:43:19 PM
I do want to make Radical highway, but there is no stage that really goes with it, and I don't like using custom stage parts.

You don't have to make Radical Highway, It's already been made on Port Town Aero Drive and Custom Stage Parts. So there's no reason to make It again.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 05, 2009, 07:21:25 PM
Sub Space emissary texture + video added.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: RoyMaster4 on October 05, 2009, 08:24:48 PM
Wow, that is just epic. Only things to make it better are badnik-textured enemies and GHZ music.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 05, 2009, 08:26:20 PM
Wow, that is just epic. Only things to make it better are badnik-textured enemies and GHZ music.

I don't know where the SSE bad guys are in the ISO. or the SSE's music brstms.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: RoyMaster4 on October 05, 2009, 08:31:46 PM
I don't know where the SSE bad guys are in the ISO. or the SSE's music brstms.
SSE music is in the same place as all the other music. I think that stage's song is Y02...

As far as the enemies, I'm not sure either. Maybe it's one of the adventure pacs, like the bosses are? Not sure.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: ItalianStallion on October 05, 2009, 11:18:19 PM
According to the list, the brstm for "Plains" is Y02

Y02 - Subspace Emissary ~ Step: Plains

you already kno how to change songs so im not even gonna go there but wow ozzy good job now to find a good song for this stage hmmmm :>.>:.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: mnsg on October 06, 2009, 05:18:03 AM
Wow, that is just epic. Only things to make it better are badnik-textured enemies and GHZ music.

I don't know where the SSE bad guys are in the ISO. or the SSE's music brstms.

From what I've seen, the enemy textures are in multiple PAC files.  Of course, the Primid textures seem to have their very own PAC file.  Don't know where it is though.

Anyway, let's say that you wanted to make a Blue Koopa Troopa.  You need to find each and every PAC file that contains the archive, EnmPatapataBrres, if you want to make that texture for all the Subspace Emissary stages that feature Koopa Troopas.

So far, I've found:
060001.pac - 060004a.pac
200001.pac - 200003a.pac

Note: Not all of those mentioned PACs contain enemy textures.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 06, 2009, 01:08:21 PM
Since this SSE stage went over well, I might make another one some time. Anything to do something a bit different then usual.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: chaos on October 06, 2009, 05:03:21 PM
where do I put it in the stage folder on my SD do I rename it

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 06, 2009, 05:06:44 PM
where do I put it in the stage folder on my SD do I rename it


>melee if its a regular stage

> adventure if its an SSE stage.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: chaos on October 06, 2009, 05:08:28 PM
ok so I don't have to rename the files

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 06, 2009, 05:11:41 PM
ok so I don't have to rename the files
I never change the names of any of my files. I only label the .zip file they are in.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: chaos on October 06, 2009, 05:12:57 PM
ok but I downloaded the files from your youtube account and it gave me a 070001.pac a 070001a.pac and a 070002.pac so I was just wondering thanks

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Segtendo on October 06, 2009, 05:56:22 PM
That Green Hill SSE stage is made of win. :af2:

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: chaos on October 06, 2009, 06:31:24 PM
yes it is epic if you add music to it too

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: RoyMaster4 on October 06, 2009, 07:47:16 PM
ok but I downloaded the files from your youtube account and it gave me a 070001.pac a 070001a.pac and a 070002.pac so I was just wondering thanks
Put those in the adventure folder, they're named properly.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: ItalianStallion on October 07, 2009, 02:55:32 PM
Since this SSE stage went over well, I might make another one some time. Anything to do something a bit different then usual.

thats great news ozzy, great news

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Segtendo on October 08, 2009, 06:30:14 PM
Just an FYI on your first post.
You have the Naturo Kirby hat picture on the Mr. K Kirby hat picture.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on October 08, 2009, 06:43:08 PM
Didn't notice that... I'll find the actual image later.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: ManikDX on October 22, 2009, 08:25:41 PM
Hi, I'm not sure if i already posted this but I have a request, could you make a Hyper Shadic on Sonic? here's a pic

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 10/05 Sub Space Emisssary - Green Hill
Post by: Oizen on November 05, 2009, 09:45:45 PM

So I can find it for tomarrow's update.  :af:

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Oizen on November 06, 2009, 03:15:15 PM
Deathy Eggy

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: chaos on November 06, 2009, 03:35:50 PM
Hey you should check out mine and Kyzons sonic post in the PSA section

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: mnsg on November 06, 2009, 09:15:30 PM
Doesn't it seem pretty funny that we've both been doing Subspace Emissary related textures, and yet our targets have been different?  You've been focusing on the stages themselves, while I've been focusing on the enemies that appear on the stages.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: freezinboi280 on November 06, 2009, 09:56:13 PM
Death Egg looks great! i'll definately have to try that one out =]

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: BadGuy on November 07, 2009, 03:32:18 AM
Could you make a scourge texture for sonic? Nobody has done it yet and it's the perfect color replacement for green sonic.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: darklink94 on November 07, 2009, 04:04:02 AM
Hi OizenX !
I tried Death Egg but my game froze, is it because i'm on PAL ?
And could you post the .pac file for Super Sonic animations ? Thanks.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Segtendo on November 07, 2009, 08:40:14 AM
Could you make a scourge texture for sonic? Nobody has done it yet and it's the perfect color replacement for green sonic.

Well, the gallery has a Super Scrouge:

That Death Egg looks fuggin' epic :af:

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Carlos#1 on November 09, 2009, 03:30:01 PM
Could you make a scourge texture for sonic? Nobody has done it yet and it's the perfect color replacement for green sonic.
I'll try to do it

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Oizen on November 09, 2009, 04:18:57 PM
I'm going to keep making textures for SSE stages, I also made a guide on how to do it yourself.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on November 09, 2009, 08:00:15 PM
A lot of VERY VERY epic textures. Thank you so much.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 09, 2009, 09:08:43 PM
I'm having the same problem as darklink94. When it goes to load the training room screen, it freezes.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Oizen on November 09, 2009, 09:17:23 PM
I'm having the same problem as darklink94. When it goes to load the training room screen, it freezes.

I'll look into it, though I have heard that PAL brawl has problems with this.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 09, 2009, 09:26:07 PM
Oh, forgot to mention that I'm not on PAL version.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Oizen on November 09, 2009, 09:30:38 PM
Oh, forgot to mention that I'm not on PAL version.

Well I downloaded the file I put in there and it worked just fine, are you using the latest version of Gecko OS?

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Phoenix Dark on November 09, 2009, 09:44:09 PM
Oh, forgot to mention that I'm not on PAL version.

Well I downloaded the file I put in there and it worked just fine, are you using the latest version of Gecko OS?

I actually wasn't. Haven't used my wii in a while, and didn't think to do that. Just got the newest version. I'll check and see if it works for me this time, in a bit.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: suic on November 10, 2009, 06:36:22 PM
so oizenX, given that you found out how to make a basically pure white sonic, is it possible to use that same texture color to make the shoes pure white rather than pinkish? or is there some sort of lighting issue that isn't editable by merely changing the texture color?

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: Oizen on November 10, 2009, 06:38:57 PM
so oizenX, given that you found out how to make a basically pure white sonic, is it possible to use that same texture color to make the shoes pure white rather than pinkish? or is there some sort of lighting issue that isn't editable by merely changing the texture color?

Never actually tried the shoes, but it should work.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/06 Sub Space Emisssary - Death Egg
Post by: suic on November 10, 2009, 06:54:45 PM
sweet tyvm.  I am thinking of making a version of super shadow with blue instead of red highlights and was wondering.  Good job btw.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin Hill
Post by: Oizen on November 10, 2009, 07:41:27 PM

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: ItalianStallion on November 10, 2009, 08:41:21 PM
wat that [censored]s so sick lol is this a replacement for Temple? ps: the rap is super sexy lol

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: vcvmajinken on November 11, 2009, 07:38:13 AM
please made a version of pumpkin hill for flat zone or the online training, the temple rocks too much

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Segtendo on November 11, 2009, 07:44:28 AM
So THIS is why you asked for a better version of A Ghost Pumpkin's Soup.
It looks so awesome!

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Muigi on November 11, 2009, 09:29:58 AM
Okay, NOW I'm curious.

How does one replace Brawl's normal multiplayer stages with the SSE stages?

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: darklink94 on November 11, 2009, 11:43:57 AM
please made a version of pumpkin hill for flat zone or the online training, the temple rocks too much

Check out the new Alternate Stage Loader 1.1, it would resolve this problem. :)

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: vcvmajinken on November 11, 2009, 04:22:36 PM
please made a version of pumpkin hill for flat zone or the online training, the temple rocks too much

Check out the new Alternate Stage Loader 1.1, it would resolve this problem. :)
It´s a code or a program? I´ts because I want to be in a great placee waiting for combats in  online and with codes I might be banned

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Oizen on November 11, 2009, 04:52:14 PM
1. No one gets banned from hacking Brawl, due to its lack of a leader board.
2. Its a code.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: freezinboi280 on November 11, 2009, 09:08:16 PM
wow I love all your SSE stages so far. Pumpkin Hill is definately replacing Temple =]

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: vcvmajinken on November 12, 2009, 07:53:14 AM
1. No one gets banned from hacking Brawl, due to its lack of a leader board.
2. Its a code.
Ok thanks, can you give me a link to your tutorial for made SSE stages?

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: darklink94 on November 12, 2009, 09:38:56 AM

Here's the official thread.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: vcvmajinken on November 12, 2009, 04:53:56 PM
thanks if I converse it succesfully I´ll inform you oizenX

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Oizen on November 16, 2009, 07:22:54 PM
= in a texture slump

Not sure what to make right now.

Suggestions please.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: ItalianStallion on November 16, 2009, 07:29:26 PM
can u do the rayquaza stage? i heard its been [censored]ty n no one has managed to get it working

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Segtendo on November 17, 2009, 06:54:41 AM
Have you ever tried making either Wing Fortress from Sonic 2 or Flying Battery from Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Halberd?

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Oizen on November 17, 2009, 08:10:02 PM
Have you ever tried making either Wing Fortress from Sonic 2 or Flying Battery from Sonic 3 & Knuckles on Halberd?

That didn't go well, but I never tried the SSE Halbred.


Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: shadowsquid86 on November 17, 2009, 08:56:41 PM
You're free to use mine as a base, it's already set to the Temple.

Looking forward to it. The boss of Wing Fortress really ticked me off. >:[

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Oizen on November 17, 2009, 08:58:00 PM
You're free to use mine as a base, it's already set to the Temple.

Looking forward to it. The boss of Wing Fortress really ticked me off. >:[

I'll put it on Hallbred, if thats possible.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: shadowsquid86 on November 17, 2009, 08:59:54 PM
The only thing is that I've only seen one person edit the sea below. Red clashes with picture-esque blue skies, I'm afraid. >_>

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/11 Sub Space - Pumpkin hill
Post by: Oizen on November 18, 2009, 09:14:37 PM
The only thing is that I've only seen one person edit the sea below. Red clashes with picture-esque blue skies, I'm afraid. >_>

No, I am taking the halbred from the SSE stages, and inserting it into the regular Halbred stage.

Apparently tourny[censored]s don't like halbred cause it "moves"

I'll use the boss stage of it with this song as a brstm

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: Oizen on November 30, 2009, 07:59:20 PM
Excuuuuusee mee Bump.


Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: ItalianStallion on November 30, 2009, 08:24:29 PM
well excuuuuuse me princessth

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: Pik on December 05, 2009, 05:48:40 AM
I love that show so much

i'm serious.

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: hughie on December 06, 2009, 06:28:58 AM
The best sonic texture hacker ever, just posted

Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: ItalianStallion on December 07, 2009, 02:15:35 AM
oizen quit slacking!!


Title: Re: ::ÖizenX's Textures:: 11/30 Cartoon Link
Post by: guapified on December 07, 2009, 07:07:21 AM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/14 Jak
Post by: Oizen on December 15, 2009, 05:56:43 PM
Jak and Daxter!

The texture that was overshadowed by some fight.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/19 Roy Mustang
Post by: Oizen on December 19, 2009, 05:01:27 PM
Flame Alchemist added.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/19 Roy Mustang
Post by: Oizen on December 19, 2009, 08:41:57 PM
My texture page views... they're....


OVER 9000!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/19 Roy Mustang
Post by: devingeneral1992 on December 21, 2009, 12:41:03 PM
Hey Oizen, any pics of your Syaoran texture? I really liked the Tsubasa series, so I got all excited when I saw someone made a texture of him! :P

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/19 Roy Mustang
Post by: Oizen on December 21, 2009, 05:42:57 PM
Hey Oizen, any pics of your Syaoran texture? I really liked the Tsubasa series, so I got all excited when I saw someone made a texture of him! :P
Oh right, I never did put that picture back up.

Lemme take a new one.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/22 Scar
Post by: Oizen on December 22, 2009, 11:29:10 AM
Added Scar, from Full Metal Alchemist.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/22 Scar
Post by: Gamez1985 on December 23, 2009, 09:28:54 AM
I believe the names of your "Neo Metal Sonic" and "Metal Overlord" are off.

I'm sure the 'Neo Metal Sonic' was actually called the Metal Overlord
Your Charizard hack referred to as 'Metal Overlord' was actually called Metal Madness.

Anyway, that's how I remember it. You may want to double check your names is all.
IMG link here:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/22 Scar
Post by: Oizen on December 23, 2009, 09:35:06 AM
I believe the names of your "Neo Metal Sonic" and "Metal Overlord" are off.

I'm sure the 'Neo Metal Sonic' was actually called the Metal Overlord
Your Charizard hack referred to as 'Metal Overlord' was actually called Metal Madness.

Anyway, that's how I remember it. You may want to double check your names is all.
IMG link here: [url][/url]

Neither of them were given names, and I just searched google. "Neo Metal Sonic" gets a lot of pictures of him.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Oizen on December 25, 2009, 02:37:04 PM
Christmas stuff added.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: angelbless on December 25, 2009, 08:37:31 PM
GReat textures :) thxs a lot. Btw Hidden Palace Zone´s link is dead :(

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Marth on December 25, 2009, 09:38:57 PM
Wow its been a long while OizenX remember me we made Mr.K together ):

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Oizen on December 25, 2009, 10:18:40 PM
Wow its been a long while OizenX remember me we made Mr.K together ):


I remeber that, I made that hat 6 months ago.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: ItalianStallion on December 28, 2009, 03:21:38 AM
whos Mr. K?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: catgowoof on December 28, 2009, 04:12:17 AM
whos Mr. K?
Luigi = Mr. L sooo, Kirby = Mr. K.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: smashmaniac2008 on January 18, 2010, 04:29:51 PM
you haven't made a texture in a while what's up with that?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Oizen on January 19, 2010, 12:23:24 AM
you haven't made a texture in a while what's up with that?

I reserve the right to remain lazy.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 19, 2010, 01:27:49 AM
why the [censored] are u bein lazy oizen. one of my favorite texture hackers bein a couch potatoe lol

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: smashmaniac2008 on January 19, 2010, 04:17:05 AM
lol if you remain lazy you'll get ugly go to the gym boi lol.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Oizen on January 28, 2010, 10:26:08 AM
why the [censored] are u bein lazy oizen. one of my favorite texture hackers bein a couch potatoe lol

Okay okayy >_>

Finals = Over


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Androidd Prince on January 28, 2010, 12:10:18 PM
Moogle texture.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Uncle0wnage on January 28, 2010, 08:22:35 PM
^ on pikachu^

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Oizen on January 31, 2010, 10:48:35 PM
To anyone who really cares, I'm trying to get out of the texture slump I'm in right now.

I haven't a clue what a Moogle is, suggested something I know please :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: Kaye Cruiser on January 31, 2010, 11:01:53 PM
Well there seem to be several types :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 12/25 Christmas Zelda + Toon Link Elf
Post by: ItalianStallion on February 01, 2010, 12:44:11 AM
omg dont make that please. thats really stupid. lets see how about a texture for Shadow Moses. theres been one that i kno which didnt really catch my eye u kno

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Oizen on February 01, 2010, 07:18:51 PM


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: matteron on February 01, 2010, 08:09:12 PM
I paid attention to WEEGEE  ;D

The only problem is that there is a small chance that someone will get turned into a weegee, because it looks so real :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Kaye Cruiser on February 01, 2010, 08:22:30 PM

Because Pako from Stack Smash already is. A little too much if I might add. ¦D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Oizen on February 01, 2010, 10:40:48 PM

Because Pako from Stack Smash already is. A little too much if i might add. ¦D


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: ItalianStallion on February 02, 2010, 01:20:05 AM
ok that [censored] is really disturbing

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Protoman.EXE on February 02, 2010, 03:56:30 PM
You stole my idea right from my head! I was going to make a Weegee stage! Oh well, you used a different picture... nvrmnd. Its awesome though!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Asuka on February 02, 2010, 07:22:58 PM

Looks a little difficult to find out the parts where you can actually step on though... but is muthaf*ckin' "realistic" weegee XD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Oizen on February 02, 2010, 07:33:24 PM
Its the nose, moustache, cap and cap brim, and the hunch on his back.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: flammable on February 02, 2010, 08:18:14 PM
im ambitiously waiting for ur Fai texture :3 i love Tsubasa, u shuld do i txture for sheisiro, and a psa, that wuld be EPIC

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Oizen on February 02, 2010, 09:49:15 PM
im ambitiously waiting for ur Fai texture :3 i love Tsubasa, u shuld do i txture for sheisiro, and a psa, that wuld be EPIC

I was waiting for some parts to be removed from Marth, which they are now. So I can finish it, I fogot about that one tbh.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Yoshi6852 on February 03, 2010, 08:24:26 PM
It's safe to say you like sonic is it not?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: flammable on February 03, 2010, 08:36:38 PM
im ambitiously waiting for ur Fai texture :3 i love Tsubasa, u shuld do i txture for sheisiro, and a psa, that wuld be EPIC

I was waiting for some parts to be removed from Marth, which they are now. So I can finish it, I fogot about that one tbh.

so was that a yes on seishiro?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: Oizen on February 03, 2010, 08:51:24 PM
im ambitiously waiting for ur Fai texture :3 i love Tsubasa, u shuld do i txture for sheisiro, and a psa, that wuld be EPIC

I was waiting for some parts to be removed from Marth, which they are now. So I can finish it, I fogot about that one tbh.

so was that a yes on seishiro?

Well I'm not a PSA person, and I don't intend to ever learn how to do it. But I don't mind a texture of him. But  it defiantly be from his appearance in the OADs of Tsubasa Chronicle. I've never watched the anime he originally came from.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/01 World of Weegee
Post by: flammable on February 05, 2010, 11:47:50 PM
im ambitiously waiting for ur Fai texture :3 i love Tsubasa, u shuld do i txture for sheisiro, and a psa, that wuld be EPIC

I was waiting for some parts to be removed from Marth, which they are now. So I can finish it, I fogot about that one tbh.

so was that a yes on seishiro?

Well I'm not a PSA person, and I don't intend to ever learn how to do it. But I don't mind a texture of him. But  it defiantly be from his appearance in the OADs of Tsubasa Chronicle. I've never watched the anime he originally came from.
neither hav i ive just read the tsubasa books up to like v.16, all i know is that he has a magic eye, hunts twins vampires named kamui and subaru?, taught syoaran how to fight and could do tight-ass oni sh*t. i might try making a halfass psa

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: 02/07 SA2 Costume Shadow
Post by: Oizen on February 07, 2010, 01:02:03 AM
Added stuff.

Love it or don't.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: Oizen on February 14, 2010, 03:51:13 PM
I'm doing a vertex hack of:


Its going well, I'll post a pic soon.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: Segtendo on February 14, 2010, 03:54:44 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: joem3693 on February 14, 2010, 04:30:02 PM
for a second i thought that was the vertex hack lol

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: smashmaniac2008 on February 14, 2010, 08:22:22 PM
lol project werehog? that sounds epic.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: SalaComMander on February 14, 2010, 09:03:36 PM
Just the other day I was thinking "Someone should make a hack to turn Donkey Kong into the Werehog" Is that what you're doing?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: Oizen on February 14, 2010, 09:12:03 PM
Just the other day I was thinking "Someone should make a hack to turn Donkey Kong into the Werehog" Is that what you're doing?

*EDIT: I'll try Donkey Kong actually. :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: Katakiri on February 14, 2010, 10:56:07 PM
*Bowser laugh* Go for it! ^_^b

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Project Werehog
Post by: SalaComMander on February 15, 2010, 01:10:20 PM
Want to know how I got the idea? In the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic has an attack that if used in mid-air, looks very similar to Donkey Kong's forward-aerial (and also "meteor smashes" the opponent (and is also the funnest attack in the game))

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 19th Suigetsu
Post by: Oizen on February 19, 2010, 03:47:41 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 19th Suigetsu
Post by: joem3693 on February 19, 2010, 05:54:03 PM
nice are you going to revamp it?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: Oizen on February 21, 2010, 06:22:33 PM
Model Hax!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: random SSBB player on February 21, 2010, 06:29:39 PM
EPIC!!! :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: joem3693 on February 21, 2010, 08:21:46 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: Oizen on February 22, 2010, 08:35:46 PM

Previews for mah Naruto CoN pack.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: dingo on February 22, 2010, 08:59:15 PM
Awkward up taunt

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: Ayzer on February 22, 2010, 09:08:13 PM
How i want to sink my teeth into this sooo bad!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 22nd Model Hack Final Valley [Beta]
Post by: janfeae on February 22, 2010, 10:36:14 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Oizen on February 23, 2010, 07:56:47 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: GaarAlizée on February 23, 2010, 09:35:25 PM

they meet marvellous and
I wait could do the stage of the Akatsukis

Downloading :happy:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Aeon70 on February 24, 2010, 06:18:33 AM
What's the PAL code for the Online training room ?
If there's not, could you put the death egg zone on the Frigrate Orpheon, I tryed myself but it doesn't crash my wii  :(

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: wii on February 24, 2010, 08:44:08 AM
Damn, those stages are really awesome. I better get up to date with these new kind of hacks >_< i dont think anyone is really interested in textures any more unless they come with vertex hack or model hack.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Alphatron on February 24, 2010, 09:21:36 AM
Not true. People still like good textures.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: DMN666 on February 24, 2010, 07:18:19 PM
Damn you make those stages for like NPC or that Pikmin stage.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Oizen on February 24, 2010, 08:30:43 PM
I tried some more stages:
1.Chunin Exam stadium.
Problem: No possible camera angle makes this stage playable

2. Akatsuki Base
Problem: The Statue has a very strange shine file, and make it look terrible.(Fixable)

3. Great Ninja Monument
Problem: No Camera angle is playable.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: joem3693 on February 25, 2010, 09:17:09 AM
so does that mean you might be able to do the akatsuki base?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Miacis on February 25, 2010, 02:00:51 PM
It's not possible to use these with the Stages of the Expansion Code, is it ?  :-[

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Vish on February 26, 2010, 09:53:41 PM
I was vertice editing my Yusuke texture's hair, and in the process, realized that it looked like Roy.

So I put the short hair on your Mustang texture and:


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: lordshadows on February 26, 2010, 10:18:07 PM
I was vertice editing my Yusuke texture's hair, and in the process, realized that it looked like Roy.

So I put the short hair on your Mustang texture and:


Now that together looks awesome!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: FairKnight on February 26, 2010, 10:47:02 PM
Dude, mind if I release a texture I made of your Kohona? (its very good trust me)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Oizen on February 27, 2010, 12:01:45 AM
Dude, mind if I release a texture I made of your Kohona? (its very good trust me)

Nothing is stopping you, just credit me for the original model import.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: FairKnight on February 27, 2010, 09:49:54 AM
Ohh and by the way, try the forest at night and the Shrine stage, that would be epichax

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Textures:: Feb 24 Konoha and Ichiraku models
Post by: Oizen on February 27, 2010, 06:53:51 PM
I was vertice editing my Yusuke texture's hair, and in the process, realized that it looked like Roy.

So I put the short hair on your Mustang texture and:


Groovy. :D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on February 28, 2010, 08:26:54 PM
More Naruto CoN stages.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: matteron on February 28, 2010, 09:00:19 PM
Downloads ^^ yay, also I made a thread for the solo pikmin

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: SilentSchemer on February 28, 2010, 09:20:40 PM
Ooo, I like the CoN stages, way to go OizenX! :D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Ayzer on February 28, 2010, 09:21:18 PM
BEAST! Oizen, Do you use/play Naruto Shippuden CON Revolution 3? Or Do you have somewhere else where u import your stages? I Love that game btw.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on February 28, 2010, 10:16:02 PM
BEAST! Oizen, Do you use/play Naruto Shippuden CON Revolution 3? Or Do you have somewhere else where u import your stages? I Love that game btw.

Yeah I've played it, I'm not a crazy Naruto fan, but I have played Clash of Ninja 3, and I'm the most familiar with it out of the list of games that use mdl0s.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 01, 2010, 05:11:12 PM
Nice job Oizen, btw, I made a nighttime stage for the outside Akatsuki base too ;) I think it looks just as good if not a tad better then my first nighttime hack of Kohona. And I fixed up the textures on Akatsuki Inside. Im in a meeting so I wont be able to post pics but I should post them by tomorrow (if thats okay with you) :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: SilentSchemer on March 03, 2010, 04:24:40 PM
OizenX, just in case if you weren't aware. In the "Akatsuki Base Inside (Summit)" there's this open gap there that if you walk on there you fall off the stage. It's on both sides. I provide this pic so you know what I'm talking about. Hope that helps.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on March 04, 2010, 01:35:32 AM
OizenX, just in case if you weren't aware. In the "Akatsuki Base Inside (Summit)" there's this open gap there that if you walk on there you fall off the stage. It's on both sides. I provide this pic so you know what I'm talking about. Hope that helps.

Setting the collision date was very hard for that one, I couldn't really see where I was placing it at all due to all the spikes. :<

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Nollonger on March 10, 2010, 08:10:11 PM
Dude i love your stuff! the Naruto CoN is amazing!  The thing is the Final Valley freezes EVERY time after the match...I love your stage and i dont want to get rid of it but i also don't want to have to reset the wii everytime i use it.  Are you going to continue work on it?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on March 10, 2010, 09:10:57 PM
Dude i love your stuff! the Naruto CoN is amazing!  The thing is the Final Valley freezes EVERY time after the match...I love your stage and i dont want to get rid of it but i also don't want to have to reset the wii everytime i use it.  Are you going to continue work on it?

I've fixed it, and it is scheduled to be released in the final pack.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Nollonger on March 11, 2010, 01:31:56 PM
Yay! thanks for answering and keep up the good work!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: DMN666 on March 12, 2010, 02:37:53 PM
God mode.

Most of the stages are like this.Please fix the aksuki base because i find it stupid that you fall under that stage.
Also can you make it like a little more back like pass there red pole thing?(im just asking)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: ItalianStallion on March 12, 2010, 02:46:17 PM
akaitsu base 75 is [censored]n amazing i love it thanks

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on March 12, 2010, 10:06:18 PM
Random notes about Naruto CoN stage pack 3.

-Kyuubi's Chamber 100%
-Konoha Square 100%
-Valley of End *Fix* 100%
-Hokage's Mansion -working- Possible swap with somthing else.

Changes made to Valley of the End:
-Much larger then before
-Freeze fix
-Water materials
-Characters further back on Water fall.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Ayzer on March 12, 2010, 10:18:08 PM
Nice. When does it come out?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on March 12, 2010, 10:20:26 PM
Nice. When does it come out?

As of right now Sunday.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 12, 2010, 11:15:01 PM
Great Work Oizen :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 13, 2010, 07:19:06 PM
Oh I forgot to tell you about this, Kohona has a little problem in which if you make some textures whitish or very light, the main building in the background takes on the textures of the trees (for some odd reason) and also if you import any models to it (like rain) then the 2D buildings in the background take on the wrong texture and it looks very weird however it looks normal in Brawlbox

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 11:35:31 AM
Nice. When does it come out?

As of right now Sunday.
Nice, very nice.
BTW, did you get to move the Kyuubi in the Kyuubi's Chamber stage?
Because I found a CHR0 for him and I wanted to know if you already had found it yourself.
(And while looking in the Naruto Shippuden CoN Revolution 3 ISO, I found something very disturbing.
A fully white picture of Mickey Mouse to be precise (and a fully white picture of some kind of alien.))

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 1st Akatsuki base Models
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2010, 12:33:22 PM
Nice. When does it come out?

As of right now Sunday.
Nice, very nice.
BTW, did you get to move the Kyuubi in the Kyuubi's Chamber stage?
Because I found a CHR0 for him and I wanted to know if you already had found it yourself.
(And while looking in the Naruto Shippuden CoN Revolution 3 ISO, I found something very disturbing.
A fully white picture of Mickey Mouse to be precise (and a fully white picture of some kind of alien.))
Do the CHR0 files even work in Brawl?

and no the fox doesn't move.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2010, 01:03:44 PM
Oh rite


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 01:04:55 PM
I think it should work.
Also, the link for Valley of the End is wrong.
It's a duplication of Konoha Square.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2010, 01:09:31 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 01:58:36 PM
Tried the CHR0 ingame, it froze.
So that's a no go.
Also, I fixed the Pokemon trainer position/Entry position so that Pokemon trainer will work.
If you want it, I could post it here.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 14, 2010, 02:38:12 PM
For some strange reason, it seems Kohona Square has absolutely no floor (from the link you posted) If you could, can you fix it cause its the only thing thats like kinda weirding out something im working on

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 03:36:46 PM
I had no problems with Konoha Square, other then the camera being annoying at some points.
Also, I spotted WeeGee in the crowed of Konoha Square.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 04:28:57 PM
Double post for fix/awesomeness.

First of all, Valley of the end Entry/PokeTrainer fixed:

Second of all, Kyuubi's Chamber with an animated Kyuubi :af2: :

Third, I packed them with the files that were in the original download, so you already have all the files needed.

EDIT: I found out that the Kyuubi animation stops after a while.
Don't know why...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 14, 2010, 04:34:54 PM
Well I guess the Kohona square is due to the Night Texture hack I made, mind if I send it to you so you can see whats wrong with it? (ds22)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 14, 2010, 04:44:06 PM
Well I guess the Kohona square is due to the Night Texture hack I made, mind if I send it to you so you can see whats wrong with it? (ds22)
Sure, send it over.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2010, 09:35:17 PM
Double post for fix/awesomeness.

First of all, Valley of the end Entry/PokeTrainer fixed:

Second of all, Kyuubi's Chamber with an animated Kyuubi :af2: :

Third, I packed them with the files that were in the original download, so you already have all the files needed.

EDIT: I found out that the Kyuubi animation stops after a while.
Don't know why...

So the CHR0 files DO work, maybe I'll dig up Valley of ends for the WaterFall.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on March 15, 2010, 08:26:13 AM
Double post for fix/awesomeness.

First of all, Valley of the end Entry/PokeTrainer fixed:

Second of all, Kyuubi's Chamber with an animated Kyuubi :af2: :

Third, I packed them with the files that were in the original download, so you already have all the files needed.

EDIT: I found out that the Kyuubi animation stops after a while.
Don't know why...

So the CHR0 files DO work, maybe I'll dig up Valley of ends for the WaterFall.

Yup, you can (didn't know the waterfall used a CHR0).
You have to tweak it up some bit and if you resized anything, you'll also have to fix the X/Y/Z translations.
Also, the animations don't seem to loop.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: SalaComMander on March 15, 2010, 06:20:18 PM
Just wondering, any update on that "Project Werehog"? I'm kinda psyched about it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 15, 2010, 11:41:29 PM
Just wondering, any update on that "Project Werehog"? I'm kinda psyched about it.
I haven't forgot about that. But its going to take a while, I'm still not that efficient with vertecies. (Though In all honesty, I have been putting it off for model stuff)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: SalaComMander on March 16, 2010, 12:49:12 PM
Just wondering, any update on that "Project Werehog"? I'm kinda psyched about it.
I haven't forgot about that. But its going to take a while, I'm still not that efficient with vertecies. (Though In all honesty, I have been putting it off for model stuff)
That's ok, I got a lot of other stuff to...wait for first.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Lord_of_D: on March 16, 2010, 04:57:02 PM
nice job with the stages, a bit simples, but they are awesome!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 16, 2010, 05:27:00 PM
If your still on the CON3 ISO mind doing warehouse, intersection, and the hidden lead front gate?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Aeon70 on March 19, 2010, 10:57:25 AM
Maybe genocide city would better mach for new pork city

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 19, 2010, 06:38:07 PM
If your still on the CON3 ISO mind doing warehouse, intersection, and the hidden lead front gate?

I'm done with the Naruto CON pack, working on somthing else.

1. Learn how to use the CPK extractor
2. Getting a Copy of the M&S Iso
3. ???
4. Profit!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Ayzer on March 19, 2010, 06:42:20 PM
Oh I forgot to say this when you released your third set.
I just noticed that you Put Luigi In Konaha Square.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: FairKnight on March 19, 2010, 07:11:59 PM
Ohhh alright, I guess Ill start doing some CON stages of my own, goodluck with the new ISO, what new game are you moving onto btw?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Oizen on March 20, 2010, 03:40:50 PM
I was interested in Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic games.

Mostly for Radical Highway. BUT THE CPK EXTRACTOR IS MEAN.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: angelbless on March 21, 2010, 02:07:52 PM
Any idea why I keep getting a Black Screen on Distant planet? :(. I put the rel and the .pac files in their places. First time I got this problem. Just Distant Plante with black Background :P

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: Blue Surge on March 25, 2010, 07:22:54 PM
Hidden Palace doesn't work. It says error reading file when I try to extract the stuff.  :srs:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: RyuujinZero on March 27, 2010, 02:32:50 PM
STGTENGAN_1.PAC is corrupt.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 14th Konoha, Kyuubi and Vally of End Models
Post by: jman on March 27, 2010, 03:50:12 PM
Weegee Stage's FTW is off the scale i cant handle it (

this stage made me create the stage folder in my SD card
not just looks great plays great to lol

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Oizen on March 27, 2010, 10:43:15 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Lord_of_D: on March 28, 2010, 04:28:07 PM
O:, interesting stage, downloading :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: FETKun on March 29, 2010, 11:37:45 PM
I love the new Splash Hills Zone! We need more stages like this on different spots of the Zone....

Can I request/suggest some ideas for this?
-Maybe expand it more onto the bridge, or to the very far right edge
-Alt version of this at the normal stage battle area for lulz

BTW, in the mid section there seems to be collision data that I'm running into? It only gets in the way when using certain attacks... it appears to be stuff from the section of the normal area that breaks away. Any fixes for that? o_o;;;

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Lord_of_D: on March 30, 2010, 11:11:17 AM
as i said, the splash hill zone sux :(, i think what you most improve a bit the stage, but i have a little question, how did you made stages? i want to try make one :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: dingo on March 30, 2010, 11:14:09 AM
as i said, the splash hill zone sux :(, i think what you most improve a bit the stage, but i have a little question, how did you made stages? i want to try make one :)

You shouldn't say a stage sucks without knowing how annoying it is to make one. It's not like he just threw this together. Amazing work as always Oizen.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Lord_of_D: on March 30, 2010, 11:28:03 AM
as i said, the splash hill zone sux :(, i think what you most improve a bit the stage, but i have a little question, how did you made stages? i want to try make one :)

You shouldn't say a stage sucks without knowing how annoying it is to make one. It's not like he just threw this together. Amazing work as always Oizen.
sorry ten for it, i dont know what make a stage was too hard, but oh well, i just want to know how to make one

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Oizen on March 30, 2010, 01:30:02 PM
I really don't care that if you don't like it, but it does bug me that you don't know how to do it yourself, but have the gull to criticize some one elses.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: RevengeHunter on March 31, 2010, 05:51:04 PM
There is a glitch when playing as Pokemon Trainer on Valley of the end. The Pokemon can't move until they get hit and the cpus do nothing and the camera doesn't follow you, it only follows the cpu. But when you choose an independent pokemon everything works normal.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Darkoak8 on March 31, 2010, 07:50:15 PM
Amazing work as usual OizenX ^^ just one complaint, when using the Hyper Sonic Moveset, if sonic is in the air and you use the B homing attack, he goes in his ball jumps to the center of stage like he's suppose to, but the game freezes when he comes in contact with the invicible obsticle, it isn't that big a deal considering I rarely use the Hyper Sonic moveset, but it is kinda annoying when I forget about the glitch and fight a CPU Sonic with the moveset :P

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: RevengeHunter on April 02, 2010, 08:09:48 PM
Nvm I managed to fix Final Valley. That means no more Pokemon Trainer freezing! If anyone is interested get it here Basically I edited the spawn points (that was causing the pkmn freezing) so now all characters now start standing on the stage instead of dropping out of the sky. This also means that all characters have their entrance animations back. And Pokemon Trainer actually can walk now. You still need the module file from the original package. And thanks for the great stage OizenX!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Oizen on April 04, 2010, 10:24:53 PM
damned bandwith >_>

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: T-800 on April 04, 2010, 10:35:37 PM
Splash Hill Zone is pretty cool but the spawn points when there's four players messes up and kills one of the players at the beginning.

I don't know much about this stage stuff so I don't know if that can be fixed or not but I thought I'd let you know.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: March 28th Splash Hill Zone.
Post by: Oizen on April 05, 2010, 09:59:33 PM
My bandwith is increasing T_T

It WAS at 102%

now its at 106%

excuse me while I make a crap load of image shack links.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 7th: Sonic V.S. Shadow v2 model stuff
Post by: Oizen on April 06, 2010, 08:51:08 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 15th Edward Elric v2
Post by: Oizen on April 14, 2010, 09:20:59 PM
Date of up.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 15th Edward Elric v2
Post by: Vish on April 14, 2010, 09:22:57 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 15th Edward Elric v2
Post by: Oizen on April 15, 2010, 09:51:06 PM


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: Oizen on April 24, 2010, 10:29:08 AM
I forgot about my topic lol.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: dingo on April 24, 2010, 10:51:24 AM
Lol you've been the only one to post anything here this month pretty much.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: Oizen on April 24, 2010, 03:36:39 PM
What do ya mean?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: dingo on April 24, 2010, 04:18:17 PM
You posted a few updates without any response on them.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: Oizen on April 24, 2010, 05:58:05 PM
Brawl vault makes these pages obsolete anyway :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: dingo on April 24, 2010, 05:59:22 PM
True enough.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: April 23rd Assault Great Fox.
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on May 02, 2010, 04:45:29 PM
I managed to get the Kyuubi's Chamber animation to loop properly.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Oizen on May 02, 2010, 09:24:47 PM
Date of the upping.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Feanor on May 03, 2010, 12:02:57 AM
This new Ed version is amazing but... the sword is shorter is it? It may look better, while playing it's more a problem than anything else.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: dingo on May 03, 2010, 12:09:50 AM
It seems shorter because I put the blade on his wrist. So yeah the hitbox is shorter so in my opinion this is better for the more in-your-face Marth players since you can hit the tipper at closer range. Plus his forward smash now hits with the tip below ledges.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: wii on May 03, 2010, 12:48:33 AM
the corneria stage is sick. does the stage file contain the textures for the new ship? i wanted to try re texturing it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: ItalianStallion on May 03, 2010, 02:47:21 AM
all jokes n spam aside, nice job on the new hax oizen.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Segtendo on May 03, 2010, 08:36:50 AM
Awesome Metal Harbor. :af2:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Oizen on May 03, 2010, 12:57:10 PM
the corneria stage is sick. does the stage file contain the textures for the new ship? i wanted to try re texturing it.

Well yeah... With out the textures the ship would probably be invisible or a white model.

They might be packaged with the model data. I forgot.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Raziek on May 06, 2010, 01:02:14 AM
It seems shorter because I put the blade on his wrist. So yeah the hitbox is shorter so in my opinion this is better for the more in-your-face Marth players since you can hit the tipper at closer range. Plus his forward smash now hits with the tip below ledges.


I really like the texture, but I have a policy against textures that modify the actual character or stage in any way.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to make a longer blade that retains the original hitbox placement, would you?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: dingo on May 06, 2010, 05:37:37 AM
It seems shorter because I put the blade on his wrist. So yeah the hitbox is shorter so in my opinion this is better for the more in-your-face Marth players since you can hit the tipper at closer range. Plus his forward smash now hits with the tip below ledges.


I really like the texture, but I have a policy against textures that modify the actual character or stage in any way.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to make a longer blade that retains the original hitbox placement, would you?

Someone would have to vertex the blade to be on his wrist then. That way the bones don't change. It wouldn't be easy.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 3rd Metal Harbor and Edward Elric (Final)
Post by: Raziek on May 06, 2010, 12:07:13 PM
It seems shorter because I put the blade on his wrist. So yeah the hitbox is shorter so in my opinion this is better for the more in-your-face Marth players since you can hit the tipper at closer range. Plus his forward smash now hits with the tip below ledges.

Well, that is unfortunate. I hope someone is willing to take up this challenge, it's a very well-done texture that I'd like to use.


I really like the texture, but I have a policy against textures that modify the actual character or stage in any way.

I don't suppose you'd be willing to make a longer blade that retains the original hitbox placement, would you?

Someone would have to vertex the blade to be on his wrist then. That way the bones don't change. It wouldn't be easy.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 09, 2010, 09:54:59 PM
Rails? In my Sky?Its more likely then you think.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: dingo on May 09, 2010, 10:31:48 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 09, 2010, 10:38:57 PM
Find me a moment in a Sonic game where Tails is in his plane spinning like an idiot and I'll do it

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: dingo on May 09, 2010, 10:58:48 PM
@ :35

Double Barrel roll.even though we did this already

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Mewzard64 on May 10, 2010, 05:22:31 AM
Sky Chase Zone!!!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Segtendo on May 10, 2010, 08:54:01 AM
Congrats, you are my favorite Sonic hacker. :af:
Your custom stages from SSE are awesome.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: wii on May 10, 2010, 11:00:26 AM
damn, ur thread is catching up to mine XD i really dont know how you have the time to create so many things. I love your stages, probably the best stage hacker i know.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 10, 2010, 03:34:03 PM
Thanks wii.

I'm thinking about making the Green Forest stage where Sonic and Shadow fight.

I've seen a few models that will work.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: dingo on May 10, 2010, 03:39:46 PM
Thanks wii.

I'm thinking about making the Green Forest stage where Sonic and Shadow fight.

I've seen a few models that will work.

Don't forget the cage where Big is locked up in.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 10, 2010, 03:42:02 PM
Thanks wii.

I'm thinking about making the Green Forest stage where Sonic and Shadow fight.

I've seen a few models that will work.

Don't forget the cage where Big is locked up in.
Find me a big the fatass model.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: FlamingHerpes on May 10, 2010, 05:23:13 PM
Looks great man,ma favorites afcourse Epic ELRICH ,mkay

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Queen Chrysalis on May 10, 2010, 09:39:58 PM
Hey can you make wacky work bench from sonic cd?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 10, 2010, 10:04:02 PM
Wacky Workbench....

that boss was a b*tch...

I'm working on something Right now, but I haven't made a classic in a while. I'll think about it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Queen Chrysalis on May 10, 2010, 10:12:57 PM
ok what cha working on

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Segtendo on May 11, 2010, 08:29:19 AM
I gave suggestions from SSE stages. One can be Sky Deck and one can be Final Egg. I think both would be cool. Not sure if he's doing it though.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 11, 2010, 01:27:41 PM
I gave suggestions from SSE stages. One can be Sky Deck and one can be Final Egg. I think both would be cool. Not sure if he's doing it though.

Take a good look at the SSE Sky Deck you suggested.

Now take a closer look at:

Sky Rail was much more elaborate then Metal Harbor, since I had to build Sky Rail. =w=


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 11, 2010, 04:53:41 PM
Sonic Project is over.

New name: (

Because Since I started that project and now, 5 billion things came up with the word Project in it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: PAVGN on May 11, 2010, 05:59:10 PM
Sonic Project is over.

New name: ([url][/url])

Because Since I started that project and now, 5 billion things came up with the word Project in it.

Sonic Stage Collection is a better name anyway.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Segtendo on May 11, 2010, 07:26:02 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 11, 2010, 07:59:16 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: _Data_Drain_ on May 11, 2010, 08:04:21 PM
Yeah... That new name is better... It makes my think of Sonic Mega Collection... :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Segtendo on May 12, 2010, 04:05:31 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
"I'll make you eat those words!"

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: ShadowSnake on May 12, 2010, 04:08:50 PM
I love your new stage skyrail, its so amazing! :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 12, 2010, 04:47:19 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
"I'll make you eat those words!"
"There's no time to play games, you won't even get the chance"

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Segtendo on May 12, 2010, 07:03:19 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
"I'll make you eat those words!"
"There's no time to play games, you won't even get the chance"
"Let's do this."

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Oizen on May 12, 2010, 07:43:49 PM
"FAKER? I think your the fake hedgehog around here"
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake.
"I'll make you eat those words!"
"There's no time to play games, you won't even get the chance"
"Let's do this."
"I promise you, Revenge!"

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May10th Sky Rail
Post by: Triple Seven on May 12, 2010, 11:43:20 PM
"Random Sonic Quote"

But seriously, these are awesome. Was actually hoping you'd consider a White Jungle/Whatever It's Called for the Other Side themed level. Best of luck.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 13, 2010, 03:19:25 PM
update sorta. I've already Started Sonic v Shadow 1, this was just a request I did.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: DrKoala on May 13, 2010, 03:35:42 PM
Sonic vs Shadow 1? You mean the one in the jungle?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: dingo on May 13, 2010, 03:40:43 PM
Yeah. He's said this before and posted a youtube link of there area on the previous page.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: DrKoala on May 13, 2010, 03:44:04 PM
...nevermind then. I was just to lazy to look at the previous page.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: PAVGN on May 13, 2010, 04:28:43 PM
What's Sonic vs Shadow 1 going to replace?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 13, 2010, 04:46:52 PM
What's Sonic vs Shadow 1 going to replace?
Don't know yet.

I'm going to start giving more options.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: misterpimp5757 on May 13, 2010, 08:00:37 PM
nice bride.  the snowy version is pretty cool itself...i like this stage...too bad its a banned stage though lol.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 13, 2010, 08:01:48 PM
Sonic v.s. shadow is going to be delayed.

I found somthing I'd rather spend time on, and if it works out it will be awesome.

nice bride.  the snowy version is pretty cool itself...i like this stage...too bad its a banned stage though lol.
Please note,  that I will NEVER in my life follow tier lists.

They're dumb.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: dingo on May 13, 2010, 08:07:00 PM
Lowest Tier FTW. Seriously...tier =/= good player.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Segtendo on May 14, 2010, 09:01:03 AM
Screw the tiers. I play how I want!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 15, 2010, 04:14:20 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Beyond on May 15, 2010, 04:26:02 PM

Hasn't that been made before?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Segtendo on May 15, 2010, 04:26:31 PM
Win for Hidden Palace.
@ BeyondYou
Mewtwo2000 finished a 2D version for someone

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 15, 2010, 04:27:19 PM

Hasn't that been made before?

Yes yes and no.

1. Version 1 by me
2. 2D version by Mewtwo2000

mine is going to be 3D.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Beyond on May 15, 2010, 04:29:25 PM

Hasn't that been made before?

Yes yes and no.

1. Version 1 by me
2. 2D version by Mewtwo2000

mine is going to be 3D.

It seems like everyone is trying to make stuff in 3D these days...  :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 15, 2010, 04:30:48 PM
I hate 2D stages, their too easy.

but their very convenient for making 3D parts.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: ShadowSnake on May 20, 2010, 05:21:26 PM
Your new stage aurora bride is pretty epic... along with everything else.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 12th Aurora Bridge
Post by: Oizen on May 22, 2010, 12:38:05 PM
zomg thanks for the comment.

(people do this sorta lame comment to revive their thread. >_>)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 23, 2010, 06:42:41 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Segtendo on May 23, 2010, 07:52:45 PM
Oooooh, The Meaning of Truth. Gotta put this on Falcon Destination.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Sennin on May 23, 2010, 08:14:14 PM

I don't believe it.

Awesome Sage Naruto, his revamp looks much better.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 23, 2010, 09:07:12 PM
You should believe it...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: dingo on May 23, 2010, 09:20:20 PM
*steals for stage idea*

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 24, 2010, 11:33:56 PM

Zomg previewz

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: joem3693 on May 25, 2010, 05:10:24 AM
what's that supposed to be?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 25, 2010, 03:37:38 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: RyuujinZero on May 25, 2010, 05:58:27 PM
Give him a ponytail and he'd be good to go

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 25, 2010, 07:03:14 PM
He has one, just isn't visible.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 27, 2010, 09:46:01 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: nuclear432 on May 28, 2010, 03:52:50 PM
You're Sky RAil dosen't work. It's just the same onett except that some parts of the model are black.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Oizen on May 28, 2010, 04:05:03 PM
You're Sky RAil dosen't work. It's just the same onett except that some parts of the model are black.
Video begs to differ, if it doesn't work for you its probably your mistake.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: nuclear432 on May 28, 2010, 04:41:01 PM
You're Sky RAil dosen't work. It's just the same onett except that some parts of the model are black.
Video begs to differ, if it doesn't work for you its probably your mistake.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 23rd Sage Naruto... BELIEVE IT!
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on May 29, 2010, 03:12:19 PM
You're Sky RAil dosen't work. It's just the same onett except that some parts of the model are black.
Video begs to differ, if it doesn't work for you its probably your mistake.

No. Not probably. There's a video of it. So it obviously works.

Just try to figure out what you did wrong.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 30rd Lin Yao and Greed
Post by: Oizen on May 30, 2010, 09:49:58 AM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 30th Lin Yao and Greed
Post by: Oizen on May 30, 2010, 05:32:51 PM

^ Custom stage I'm working on.

I plan to make one more custom stage before going back to other things.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 30th Lin Yao and Greed
Post by: Beyond on May 31, 2010, 12:52:26 PM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: May 30th Lin Yao and Greed
Post by: Oizen on June 01, 2010, 07:03:47 PM

Get your towels ready it's about to go down (yeah, shawty)
Everybody in the place hit the [censored]in deck (yeah, shawty)
But stay on your mother[censored]in toes
We runnin this, let's go

[Chorus (T-Pain)]
I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
Everybody look at me cause I'm sailin on a boat (sailin on a boat)
I'm on a boat (I'm on a boat)
I'm on a boat
Take a good hard look at the mother[censored]in boat (boat, yeah)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Oizen on June 01, 2010, 09:57:18 PM
ANGST update

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 01, 2010, 09:59:03 PM
im on a boat niggaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Robz on June 02, 2010, 02:52:13 AM
He's On a Boat! Holy SAKURAI!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on June 02, 2010, 11:43:48 AM
Oizen, I've ported your last stage to Battlefield so no rel file is needed. Check the blog for the links, if they work (not tested) you should update the vault with them ^^U

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: DMN666 on June 02, 2010, 11:46:15 AM
Phuck you Oizen.
I wanted to actully make a Boat!And by Boat i mean a cruse.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Oizen on June 02, 2010, 12:59:27 PM
Oizen, I've ported your last stage to Battlefield so no rel file is needed. Check the blog for the links, if they work (not tested) you should update the vault with them ^^U

I like bulding things on FD, its easier. anyway I'll up them.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on June 02, 2010, 01:11:51 PM
I build them on FD too, but I convert them when finished so they can work in multiple stages

In this case, someone intended to use more than one battlefields and having yours with a rel file, the others can't work.

Anyway, with that port, the file still works as final destination. It's just an extended version, the FD functionability is not affected ^^U

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on June 05, 2010, 01:13:29 AM
OMFG I cannot wait for IMONABOAT!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Oizen on June 12, 2010, 04:08:22 PM


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 12, 2010, 04:13:44 PM
radical highway?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Segtendo on June 12, 2010, 04:25:58 PM
radical highway?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: June 2nd Blood Lust Battlefield
Post by: Oizen on June 12, 2010, 04:48:16 PM
radical highway?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: Oizen on June 13, 2010, 04:20:17 PM
More previewz.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: NecroMasterX on June 13, 2010, 04:38:20 PM
Cool RH oizen. Still perfer mine cause you fight on the road.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: FairKnight on June 13, 2010, 06:47:26 PM
you fail to fail at producing fail hacks *what?*

anyways you won  a week of internets for Radical Highway

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: Oizen on June 13, 2010, 09:57:36 PM
Cool RH oizen. Still perfer mine cause you fight on the road.
You mean a retexturized version of CF's final smash :P

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: ShadowSnake on June 13, 2010, 10:30:47 PM
Oh crap your making radical highway, NecroMasterX is gonna be pissed... -.- Look promising though, but then again all your sonic stages are, lol.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: Oizen on June 14, 2010, 05:04:44 AM
Oh crap your making radical highway, NecroMasterX is gonna be pissed... -.- Look promising though, but then again all your sonic stages are, lol.
Was he the guy who told me not to do it?

I only did it because he was telling me not to =P

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: NecroMasterX on June 14, 2010, 10:11:07 AM
I don't hate your radical highway, I just hate the fact that your not on the road. It's more like radical bridge now.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: ShadowSnake on June 14, 2010, 12:45:20 PM
@ OizenX

hey whadda ya know Necro wasnt pissed, but yeah i agree you should add some roads. other than that it looks perfect.   :af2:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: dingo on June 14, 2010, 12:58:32 PM
You know if Oizen put his stage on the road then it would be the same stages with different crap. And more then likely Oizen would get all the attention for his version do to being more well known especially for Sonic stages and NMX wouldn't be recognized much.

It's better this way unless NMX wouldn't mind being overlooked for his work.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: Oizen on June 14, 2010, 01:25:50 PM
I don't hate your radical highway, I just hate the fact that your not on the road. It's more like radical bridge now.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: hughie on June 14, 2010, 01:34:56 PM
Radical Highway is Radical.
Also watched chao in space 2
The first was better.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: PREVIEWS OF RADICAL HIGHWAY
Post by: SoniKupo on June 14, 2010, 02:55:17 PM
Still my fav Sonic texture hacker.

Radical Highwayyyy. Probably another awesome stage which I can't play on. :(


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: Oizen on June 15, 2010, 09:32:30 PM
That highway is radical.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: dingo on June 15, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

It's clearly a radical bridge above a highway that is radical.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on June 16, 2010, 08:26:27 AM
Congrats for Radical Highway :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: hughie on June 16, 2010, 09:04:56 AM
I always wondered why there are no cars, but robots and jets.
Is it really that radical?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: Segtendo on June 16, 2010, 11:34:48 AM
This is your best piece of work Oizen. Well done. Love it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: JUNE 16- Radical Highway.
Post by: Oizen on June 16, 2010, 11:46:22 AM
This is your best piece of work Oizen. Well done. Love it.
Stages are gonna be like this more often, since I finally understand how to port things into other stages, and animations.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Oizen on July 29, 2010, 12:08:07 AM
So I took a month break, big deal...


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 29, 2010, 12:14:58 AM
So I took a month break, big deal...


Nice stage, downloaded this on the vault before i went on the post. You should totally make alphonse next.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Legendary Super Mario on July 29, 2010, 12:46:08 AM
Now that you've made that awesome Doomsday Zone... I couldn't be happier with Brawl!

Great job!   :sonic:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on July 29, 2010, 08:48:30 AM
I've noticed a pattern where none of your stages that I've tried work for me, so I'm not going to even bother giving The Doomsday Zone a try.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: hughie on July 29, 2010, 12:53:40 PM
Why did you put Doomsday over Luigi's Mansion.
Now i have to pick between Radical Highway and The Doomsday because im too lazy to use rels D:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Kaye Cruiser on July 29, 2010, 01:47:58 PM
Why did you put Doomsday over Luigi's Mansion.
Now i have to pick between Radical Highway and The Doomsday because im too lazy to use rels D:

Lucky for you, I'm NOT. XD

rel file to put either Doomsday or Radical Highway on Green Hill. :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 29, 2010, 09:55:56 PM
Where can I find Edward Elric with a staff? Sorry if this isn't the right place for asking... but I think I remember seeing one out there?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: ­ on July 30, 2010, 12:33:28 AM
here's my response to your new stage:


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Oizen on July 30, 2010, 04:03:13 AM
Why did you put Doomsday over Luigi's Mansion.
Now i have to pick between Radical Highway and The Doomsday because im too lazy to use rels D:
I honestly thought people used that code that let you have more then one hack on each stage.

I mean I do ._.

and if you don't, you could just take the entire 5 seconds it takes to make a .rel file, and put it where ever you want.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: ♤♡◇♧ on December 10, 2010, 11:19:05 AM
Sorry for bumping a thread deserted for more than 5 months, but I wanted to show this:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on December 10, 2010, 05:33:03 PM
Why did you put Doomsday over Luigi's Mansion.
Now i have to pick between Radical Highway and The Doomsday because im too lazy to use rels D:
I honestly thought people used that code that let you have more then one hack on each stage.

I mean I do ._.

and if you don't, you could just take the entire 5 seconds it takes to make a .rel file, and put it where ever you want.
Speaking for myself here, but it's kinda hard to use a code that isn't available in PAL.

Granted, stages never work in PAL anyway, but still.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Oizen on December 10, 2010, 05:50:49 PM
Sorry for bumping a thread deserted for more than 5 months, but I wanted to show this:

Not bad, not bad at all.

Though I stopped using this topic because lets face it, brawl vault killed the entire page idea.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: July 29th The Doomsday
Post by: Enigmatic on December 10, 2010, 09:55:04 PM
Sorry for bumping a thread deserted for more than 5 months, but I wanted to show this:

Not bad, not bad at all.

Though I stopped using this topic because lets face it, brawl vault killed the entire page idea.

I still find plenty of use for the pages; it helps users know about updates, future plans, communicate ideas involving what they are working on, and other stuffs. I would love if you used your page :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: Oizen on December 12, 2010, 10:19:24 PM
I added previews for a stage I'm bringing back from my scraps.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: Segtendo on December 14, 2010, 04:08:55 PM
Oh look, Hidden Palace.
I see Knuckles right there in the middle.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: Enigmatic on December 21, 2010, 12:41:11 AM
So Oizen, any progress?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: Oizen on December 22, 2010, 12:12:25 AM
So Oizen, any progress?

Better stands, placement of a few things, and of course the master emerald.

I'll probably finish tomarrow.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: GameWatching on December 22, 2010, 01:09:20 AM
you should add 3D models for the BG stuff

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: Oizen on December 22, 2010, 01:27:38 AM
you should add 3D models for the BG stuff
Got any in mind?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: Emerald Altar Previews
Post by: GameWatching on December 22, 2010, 01:35:58 AM
you should add 3D models for the BG stuff

Got any in mind?

this one (can be vertexed, it only have one polygon) ?

found in the STGEDIT_0

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: FEB 25th Aquatic Mine!
Post by: Oizen on February 24, 2011, 10:28:58 PM
Added Aquatic Mine.

oh and the emerald altar is still happening, its just annoying to work with.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: FEB 25th Aquatic Mine!
Post by: KTH on February 25, 2011, 05:38:27 PM
Good job with Aquatic Mine, it's beautiful.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks:: FEB 25th Aquatic Mine!
Post by: Helix on March 05, 2011, 12:14:53 AM
Aquatic mine looks nice.

How's emerald alter coming along ?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 06:30:38 PM

Meh, I miss my pages and my views.



Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: KTH on January 07, 2012, 07:32:30 PM
I waited so much a new stage by you.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 07:38:22 PM

My SA2 import options are limited at the moment though.

I found some old files on X-cult, and 2 of them I'm making into stages, unfortunately, the rest of the links there are dead.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Albafika on January 07, 2012, 07:47:08 PM
Why do you open your Desktop in a Tab? (

Anyways, looking good! S.A. 2 is too epic.. Where'll the platform be?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 07:49:41 PM
Why do you open your Desktop in a Tab? ([url][/url])

Anyways, looking good! S.A. 2 is too epic.. Where'll the platform be?

Because I needed it for assigning textures to the 3ds model.

and IDK, I'm looking into ways of making it less flat right now.

also, here's my other other stage far less progressed than metal harbor

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: KTH on January 07, 2012, 08:12:34 PM
We need more Sonic stage and the preview is so sexy. What happened for Hidden Palace? Please, don't tell me is dropped.

Oh, and here a idea :

From SSF2.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Segtendo on January 07, 2012, 08:14:40 PM
Brawl needs more SA2 :af:
I actually wizzed through Hero Mode today, minus the battle between Sonic and Shadow at the end :srs:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 08:39:06 PM

Im gonna have to learn how to port files from SA2 D:

and Here's an ingame pic:
Not sure why its so dark, and I think I got the size ratio roughly right.

What I've done:
Actually made collsions :D
-Replaced the static water with a water model from brawl.

all thats left is throw some junk on it and fix the lighting.

oh and Someone should totally put this on Samus (

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 07, 2012, 08:45:32 PM

Im gonna have to learn how to port files from SA2 D:

and Here's an ingame pic:
Not sure why its so dark, and I think I got the size ratio roughly right.

What I've done:
Actually made collsions :D
-Replaced the static water with a water model from brawl.

all thats left is throw some junk on it and fix the lighting.

oh and Someone should totally put this on Samus ([url][/url])

Hey it's night out, jk. =D

Nice work, Oizen. :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 11:00:24 PM

I am happy to announce for the most part, the stage is finished.

You can expect it soon. =D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 07, 2012, 11:02:22 PM

I am happy to announce for the most part, the stage is finished.

You can expect it soon. =D
Yahoo, I'm now happy. =3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Segtendo on January 07, 2012, 11:22:48 PM
Dayam. That was fast.
Now. What to replace...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Oizen on January 07, 2012, 11:42:37 PM
Dayam. That was fast.
Now. What to replace...
Well I built it over my old Metal Harbor, so its still on Big Blue.

But with all the new stage slots and what not, does that even matter anymore?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import (Jan 2012!)
Post by: Segtendo on January 07, 2012, 11:46:56 PM
Good point :srs:
Forgot about that.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 08, 2012, 01:36:04 AM

Put up the DL for it.

I know its not exactly perfect. But I'll improve it if better import strategies/info comes out.

So enjoy it as it is.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: DoctorFlux(Mariodk) on January 08, 2012, 02:33:09 AM
one stage is really much needed of all from SA2: something with this song :D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Segtendo on January 08, 2012, 09:04:28 AM
one stage is really much needed of all from SA2:
[url][/url] something with this song :D

br3 and DSX8 WERE working on it as a collab, but something was wrong with a building or something.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 08, 2012, 10:44:27 AM

Yay, Mewtwo says he'll help tweak my stage to make it look better.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 08, 2012, 10:47:11 AM

Yay, Mewtwo says he'll help tweak my stage to make it look better.

Yeah, I tested it out and the character I was using was bright. D:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on January 08, 2012, 10:47:49 AM
Megasex! I love SA2 so much

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on January 08, 2012, 11:50:06 AM

Yay, Mewtwo says he'll help tweak my stage to make it look better.


That's me xD

I'll try to get it updated for this Tuesday.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: BlackJax96 on January 08, 2012, 12:38:15 PM

Do it. :srs:

And have Mewtwo help you with the lighting XD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 08, 2012, 01:22:39 PM


Do it. :srs:

And have Mewtwo help you with the lighting XD

I'm kinda hoping he only has to help me once, and I can do it myself from then on. No offense, but I'd prefer not to have to bother him each time xD

oh and, hell yes.

Provide me with the SA2 model, and I'll spit out a working stage. :af:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 08, 2012, 01:25:50 PM
What is this.. an import?

Is that why the lighting looks so weird and like it's night time?

Did you try just adding a day time lighting from a Brawl stage such as.. Green Greens for example?

Is it not as simple to fix?

What I would do is, just null the normals on all the textures, or at least the ones that matter.

If not, just edit the materials.

If you don't know how to do all that, then I guess that's what Mewtwo is gonna help you with?

What I found shocking, is that you didn't add shadow models.. They're so simple to add.. Specially since your stage is completely flat, it should take seconds.

Nice job by adding that water. That's the one you used in Metal Harbor right? I believe it's from SSE.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 08, 2012, 01:41:43 PM
What is this.. an import?

Is that why the lighting looks so weird and like it's night time?

Did you try just adding a day time lighting from a Brawl stage such as.. Green Greens for example?

Is it not as simple to fix?

What I would do is, just null the normals on all the textures, or at least the ones that matter.

If not, just edit the materials.

If you don't know how to do all that, then I guess that's what Mewtwo is gonna help you with?

What I found shocking, is that you didn't add shadow models.. They're so simple to add.. Specially since your stage is completely flat, it should take seconds.

Nice job by adding that water. That's the one you used in Metal Harbor right? I believe it's from SSE.


I use that water whenever I need moving water, I used it for the original Metal harbor I made ages ago.

and I've been out of business for a long time, I didn't even know we could do shadows xD
I'm looking into these things now, and metwo said he'll have a crack at it tomorrow.

If you're disappoint, just wait for version 2.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 08, 2012, 02:31:38 PM


I use that water whenever I need moving water, I used it for the original Metal harbor I made ages ago.

and I've been out of business for a long time, I didn't even know we could do shadows xD
I'm looking into these things now, and metwo said he'll have a crack at it tomorrow.

If you're disappoint, just wait for version 2.

*Waits for v2*

I am not disappoint, sir.

I think this stage would be a good time for you to learn the Shadow System, since it's phlat and all.

If you want an easier exit, just learn Mewtwo's Shadow System Tool, which takes seconds.

By the way, the fight in the video was pretty [censored]ing epic. Towards the end, when you start throwing weapons at Pingas, and he blocks you, then you shoot him with the Super Scope, he blocks again, then you both jump, then you kill him upwards.. Very nice.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 08, 2012, 03:09:39 PM


anyway, I've started to set up the inside of the Ark

But I plan on learning more about shaders, shadows, and lighting before its released. =D
(and maybe throw some crates on it so its not flat)

*reads how to use M2000's shadow tool*

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on January 09, 2012, 04:10:45 PM
Started fixing the stage:


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 09, 2012, 04:12:29 PM
Started fixing the stage:



It looks better. =3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: KTH on January 09, 2012, 04:36:01 PM
Started fixing the stage:



Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Dark Aura on January 09, 2012, 04:48:11 PM
So Oizen, didn't you say you'd be making more than one part of Metal Harbor? What other parts did you have in mind?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 09, 2012, 05:22:12 PM

Rotate the entire thing 90 degrees, and the edge of that with the water. IDk if swimmable yet.

thats kinda annoying.

Rotate it the other way 90 degrees and by the cylinder things? Definitely be less flat like that.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on January 09, 2012, 06:22:30 PM
Here's the fixed stage. I was gonna make that rotation thing, but it's all up to you.

Basically, has new shaders/normals, the right size and position without the need of moving it, shadows, some shadow for the plane, and slightly changed STPM, camera and death values.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Segtendo on January 09, 2012, 06:23:53 PM
I just noticed.
That's the area where Tails and Eggman fight for the first time *facepalm*

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 09, 2012, 06:34:02 PM
I just noticed.
That's the area where Tails and Eggman fight for the first time *facepalm*


To be correct, its the model from the scene where tails lands the plain and fights eggman, not the actual model for the stage you fight on.

But lets face it, Metal Harbor = Weapons Bed = Eggman Vs Tails

Metal Harbor is the most popular of the three, so I went with that.

Here&#039;s the fixed stage. I was gonna make that rotation thing, but it&#039;s all up to you.


Basically, has new shaders/normals, the right size and position without the need of moving it, shadows, some shadow for the plane, and slightly changed STPM, camera and death values.


You rock!! =V

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 09, 2012, 06:49:46 PM


To be correct, its the model from the scene where tails lands the plain and fights eggman, not the actual model for the stage you fight on.

But lets face it, Metal Harbor = Weapons Bed = Eggman Vs Tails

Metal Harbor is the most popular of the three, so I went with that.
It was fun shooting at Tails/Eggman in their machine. :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Segtendo on January 09, 2012, 07:02:13 PM
It was fun shooting at Tails/Eggman in their machine. :3
I can easily beat that in less than 30 seconds =D
Well, the first battle I can. The second time's a [censored] with Eggman's laser.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 09, 2012, 07:16:03 PM
I can easily beat that in less than 30 seconds =D
Well, the first battle I can. The second time's a [censored] with Eggman's laser.
That's sorta easy to dodge, I hated the capsule, because it explodes and causes alot of damage...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import Released!
Post by: Oizen on January 09, 2012, 08:31:59 PM

New vid for Mewtwo's fix. =D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 13, 2012, 01:09:55 PM
Very nice stages, I love them all
Please continue with your magic
and make more Sonic Adventure 2
stages, Can't wait to see what you'll
do next!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 14, 2012, 05:52:15 AM
Very nice stages, I love them all
Please continue with your magic
and make more Sonic Adventure 2
stages, Can't wait to see what you'll
do next!

Its this:

But I'm facing the issue with a closed stage.

Idk what to do here, should I just make the ceiling tangible so you can die? :|

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Infernape on January 14, 2012, 11:15:13 AM
Ill b waiting for that one....

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 14, 2012, 12:35:49 PM

But I'm facing the issue with a closed stage.

Idk what to do here, should I just make the ceiling tangible so you can die? :|

That wouldn't be a problem if you pulled the stage close enough to us (the players) and if you edit the CamLimit0N Y axis bone and the Dead0N Y axis bone to go along with it. Edit it to your liking, to where it doesn't show the ceiling, therefore characters will just die upwards, rather than them going through a [censored]ing ceiling.

These stages don't really hype me, and I'm probably not getting it. I'm just giving you feedback and solutions to your problems.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 14, 2012, 06:44:13 PM

Its this:

But I'm facing the issue with a closed stage.

Idk what to do here, should I just make the ceiling tangible so you can die? :|
In my opinion you should make the ceiling  tangible so you don't have characters bouncing around up and down when they get hit, but it's your stage do what ever you want :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Segtendo on January 14, 2012, 06:50:06 PM
I say do what Enzo said and make the ceiling and sides the death zones.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 14, 2012, 08:34:13 PM
I say do what Enzo said and make the ceiling and sides the death zones.

The sides wont be an issue, since the stage is pretty long actually.

I'll have to break the scaling a little for that to work, but its better then having ceiling in your face.

Now if only I could figure out whats wrong with the material. :|

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Haseyo on January 14, 2012, 09:18:00 PM
I love your SA2B stages. I hope Green Forest makes its way soon :D

I kind of like the idea of having the ceiling, but anyone running Brawl+ or Brawl- (any hitstun modification) can experience some huge up+tilt / up smash ownage until they manage to break out. As we have plenty of walk-offs + ceiling death stages...I vote for the ceiling to say. Should be interesting.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 15, 2012, 06:27:48 AM
I love your SA2B stages. I hope Green Forest makes its way soon :D

I kind of like the idea of having the ceiling, but anyone running Brawl+ or Brawl- (any hitstun modification) can experience some huge up+tilt / up smash ownage until they manage to break out. As we have plenty of walk-offs + ceiling death stages...I vote for the ceiling to say. Should be interesting.

Since making that version would really take no time at all.

I'll make a death match version. Lol.

Also, I think I figured out a way to bypass the strange floor error, I already know custom models can work, so I'll just remake the floor.

Shouldn't be that hard.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 15, 2012, 04:24:39 PM

Here's a preview of what I'll be making after I finish up with the ARK.

Its not SA2 sadly =[

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: hughie on January 15, 2012, 04:30:27 PM

Here's a preview of what I&#039;ll be making after I finish up with the ARK.

Its not SA2 sadly =[
I don't see anything sad with this.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 15, 2012, 04:33:16 PM

Here's a preview of what I'll be making after I finish up with the ARK.

Its not SA2 sadly =[


Where did u get the model from?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Segtendo on January 15, 2012, 04:35:40 PM
Has to be from something Steam or GMod related cuz one of the object names has "SMD" in it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 15, 2012, 04:57:37 PM
Has to be from something Steam or GMod related cuz one of the object names has "SMD" in it.

Ripped and imported from portal.

I spent all day learning how to do it, might make a guide for it but idk.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 15, 2012, 05:26:57 PM
Chocolate Cake over Kirby.

Chocolate Cake over Battlefield.

Chocolate Cake over Delfino Plaza with rel file included.

Chocolate Cake. Fox, Metaknight, Peach, Falco. No items. Final Destination.

I'm done.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 15, 2012, 06:15:05 PM
Chocolate Cake over Kirby.

Chocolate Cake over Battlefield.

Chocolate Cake over Delfino Plaza with rel file included.

Chocolate Cake. Fox, Metaknight, Peach, Falco. No items. Final Destination.

I'm done.


Final Pasternation would be fun, but Im just gonna make a portal stage xD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Segtendo on January 15, 2012, 06:19:36 PM
Chocolate Cake over Kirby.

I'll fund it if I have to :srs:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Enigmatic on January 15, 2012, 06:28:01 PM
Giant chocolate cake over Groudon in the pokeball.

I'm done.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Segtendo on January 15, 2012, 08:39:41 PM
Giant chocolate cake over Groudon in the pokeball.

I'm done.
Chocolate cake over everyone.
Cuz yes.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Haseyo on January 15, 2012, 09:08:17 PM
Portal stage over Delfino Plaza sounds tasty. No cake pun intended.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 16, 2012, 01:13:09 PM
I'm not rushing you or anything but when will the stage when tails and eggman fought for the second time be released?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 16, 2012, 03:13:05 PM
I'm not rushing you or anything but when will the stage when tails and eggman fought for the second time be released?

Eh within a week or so.

I dont like to release everything at once. Especially with how dead the blog has been.

speaking of the blog,

shameless self advertising:

(I promise I wont get dragged into anymore side projects until the ARK is finished) xD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 28, 2012, 02:44:28 PM


I got good news and bad news.

Bad news:

Due to Megaupload dying, I dont think I'll be able to finish the ARK, I accidentally'd the model I downladed, and I cant re-get it from the link on X-cult due to megaupload being seized by the government for no reason.


.bsp porting seems to be working. There are a few mipmaps, but nothing I can't fix.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 28, 2012, 02:50:10 PM


I got good news and bad news.

Bad news:

Due to Megaupload dying, I dont think I'll be able to finish the ARK, I accidentally'd the model I downladed, and I cant re-get it from the link on X-cult due to megaupload being seized by the government for no reason.


.bsp porting seems to be working. There are a few mipmaps, but nothing I can't fix.

I will totally download that...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 28, 2012, 02:50:57 PM


I got good news and bad news.

Bad news:

Due to Megaupload dying, I dont think I'll be able to finish the ARK, I accidentally'd the model I downladed, and I cant re-get it from the link on X-cult due to megaupload being seized by the government for no reason.


.bsp porting seems to be working. There are a few mipmaps, but nothing I can't fix.
I'm sorry to hear about the ARK :( and about the primid from SADX, in what location would we be fighting in?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 28, 2012, 03:00:57 PM
I'm sorry to hear about the ARK :( and about the primid from SADX, in what location would we be fighting in?

I've come up with 2 places so far.

Down the stairs and into the snake mouth thing

and outside the main stair way. Which would be phlat.

I'll proably do both. Also ignore the horrible sky in it, HL:2 uses sky boxes, which is weird.

I'll probably substitute for a brawl model.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 28, 2012, 03:10:46 PM
Will You be making it in night time version or in day time?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 28, 2012, 03:13:44 PM
Will You be making it in night time version or in day time?

Textures are for the day time.

And unfortuantely its just the pyramid, not the emerald altar.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 28, 2012, 08:04:38 PM
Oh and because of your ARK thing umm, when do you think the pirimid will be done? (im not rushing you or anything)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 28, 2012, 09:38:12 PM
Oh and because of your ARK thing umm, when do you think the pirimid will be done? (im not rushing you or anything)

Its going very well actually.

I should have a working model up in a few hours.

Of course then I need to add shadows, collisions, spawn points.

I'd say I should have it done by tomarrow night.

Heres a rather dated screenshot

I already fixed the mismaping snake head.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 29, 2012, 02:11:58 AM
Whatever that temple is, it's getting me aroused.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Haseyo on January 29, 2012, 07:11:42 AM
I think it's from SA1. Can't remember the name for the life of me since it's hard to play 1 again after 2, especially 2:Battle.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Segtendo on January 29, 2012, 10:43:06 AM
I think it's from SA1. Can't remember the name for the life of me since it's hard to play 1 again after 2, especially 2:Battle.
It's from Sonic Adventure, when you're in the past.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 29, 2012, 11:32:22 AM

For the most part this stage is done. =D

I just have to figure out how the shadow tool works.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: SwingSet on January 29, 2012, 06:45:55 PM
umm also here's the cut scene i was looking at, it shows a good view of the pirimid
will you make it will make it within this area only?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 29, 2012, 07:06:03 PM
umm also here's the cut scene i was looking at, it shows a good view of the pirimid
will you make it will make it within this area only?


*goes back to lighting*

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 29, 2012, 11:17:08 PM

As promised I have a copy pretty much working in game.

though the entire shadow thing still eludes my understanding

The playing field:
There will only be one, This model was kinda large after getting it to brawl format, so to keep it working with the dynamic SD code I didn't include some of the larger textures. But I picked an area where you couldn't see any deformations.

The highest platform:

Its possible to go higher  with some of the more floaty characters, but the camera wont show it, its also possible to go on the other side and die. I wouldn't reccomend it xD

The lowest point:

About there.

Happy to say its not flat.

Lighting will definately change, and I'll keep working on shadows.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on January 30, 2012, 12:18:41 AM
I'm liking it, now to think on what version to download. :3

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Haseyo on January 30, 2012, 05:43:01 AM
Sweet! I love how it's on the actual pyramid and not just background to a flat surface. I'll have to make room for this one ;o

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 30, 2012, 06:54:06 PM
Lighting will definately change, and I'll keep working on shadows.

For this type of stage, it would be a good time to learn how to use the Shadow Tool made by Mewtwo.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 30, 2012, 06:57:56 PM
For this type of stage, it would be a good time to learn how to use the Shadow Tool made by Mewtwo.

I wish I understood how it works.

Its so uninformative. Is there a tutorial for it lying around?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: ItalianStallion on January 30, 2012, 07:05:16 PM
Is there a tutorial for it lying around?

I believe there is. Just tried looking for it under the Programming Guides and Stage Guides, but couldn't find it since everything is re-organized now.

Guess just try asking Mewtwo himself. He did make it after all, lol.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Metal Harbor/Weapons Bed Import v2!!
Post by: Oizen on January 31, 2012, 12:32:33 AM

Here's some previews of my projects after the Ruins:

Sonic vs Shadow v3 (Currently still in .bsp format)

^ I'll try to spice it up by making it endlessly move.


This was actually the first .bsp file I imported into brawl successfully, though I never really felt like making it into a stage.

But meh, I'll  finish it

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Haseyo on January 31, 2012, 06:44:57 AM
I have Minecraft Island, but I'd love to upgrade to a bigger island :D
I just pray you don't make every single block able to be grabbed. Not sure if the other guy intended it to be that way, but it's kind of annoying trying to kick someone but you grab a random ledge where near an edge.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on January 31, 2012, 09:20:30 AM
wow sonic vs shadow looks nice

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on January 31, 2012, 12:44:38 PM
I have Minecraft Island, but I'd love to upgrade to a bigger island :D
I just pray you don't make every single block able to be grabbed. Not sure if the other guy intended it to be that way, but it's kind of annoying trying to kick someone but you grab a random ledge where near an edge.

As funny as that be.

Its a full model.

and a rather good one too.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: SwingSet on January 31, 2012, 01:17:00 PM
Will the sonic vs shadow stage have a verticle version and a horizontal version?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on January 31, 2012, 04:44:04 PM
Will the sonic vs shadow stage have a verticle version and a horizontal version?

I was actually only going to make an animated horizontal version.

as in the platform is always moving. idk how well thats going to go over, but they're will be a non-animated version too.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Haseyo on January 31, 2012, 06:21:57 PM
If possible, I would really like a some-what fast version requiring bunny hoods to keep up. Those would be very funny fights, and it would feel like the actual game.

I'm no stage designer, I don't know what effort it takes, but if it's easy, I'd love it :D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Ikuto on January 31, 2012, 06:44:15 PM

I was actually only going to make an animated horizontal version.

as in the platform is always moving. idk how well thats going to go over, but they're will be a non-animated version too.
Thanks for doing the sonic vs shadow stg. Anyways so one ver will move and another won't?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on January 31, 2012, 07:41:39 PM
Thanks for doing the sonic vs shadow stg. Anyways so one ver will move and another won't?


Its as simple as deleting the animation file. I dont imagine everyone would like having to run to fight.

News for the ruins:
-Ruins are now wider then they were before, trying to fit the original aspect ratio better
-Lighting is finished
-(very bad) shadows are working, of course I'll fix them.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: X on February 06, 2012, 05:41:57 PM
You should make two versions of the Sonic vs Shadow stage.
One that's slow enough for slower characters to fight on, and another that slower characters will have to use the bunny hood in special brawl to play on.
I'd also suggest waiting until the countdown before starting the animation, otherwise everyone will instantly die. But I'm sure you've already thought of all of this, ahaha.
(I hope that made sense >.>)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on February 07, 2012, 06:03:58 PM
You should make two versions of the Sonic vs Shadow stage.
One that's slow enough for slower characters to fight on, and another that slower characters will have to use the bunny hood in special brawl to play on.
I'd also suggest waiting until the countdown before starting the animation, otherwise everyone will instantly die. But I'm sure you've already thought of all of this, ahaha.
(I hope that made sense >.>)

Already thought of that.

I'll have the characters spawn on a plat form that doesnt move, which would dissapear after about 10-15 seconds.

Oh and The Temple is done.

I'm making the video now.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Haseyo on February 07, 2012, 06:51:32 PM
Whurrr mai Temple bees at.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: ForOhFor Error on February 07, 2012, 08:18:58 PM
I have Minecraft Island, but I'd love to upgrade to a bigger island :D
I just pray you don't make every single block able to be grabbed. Not sure if the other guy intended it to be that way, but it's kind of annoying trying to kick someone but you grab a random ledge where near an edge.
Srry about that. I could update it not to have that pretty easily.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Haseyo on February 07, 2012, 08:45:21 PM
That'll be awesome :o Then I could have two Minecraft stages!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on February 07, 2012, 08:53:14 PM

My mine craft stage is just going to be the map for Garry's mod ported to brawl.

I'd post a link to what it looks like in GM but website seems to be down, and expect the Ruins up sometime tonight.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;New previews MysticRuins, MineCraft SonicVsShadow
Post by: Oizen on February 08, 2012, 12:14:26 AM

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: SwingSet on February 08, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
YES mystic ruins is released!!!
My Life is Complete!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 10, 2012, 06:39:12 PM


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: ItalianStallion on February 10, 2012, 07:20:28 PM
What in the [censored] is that man?

By the way, Mystic Ruins is a great place to snap some shots in.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on February 10, 2012, 07:29:39 PM
What in the [censored] is that man?

That thing would be a creeper, which are from Minecraft.

They love to destroy things by exploding.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 10, 2012, 09:36:30 PM
What in the [censored] is that man?

By the way, Mystic Ruins is a great place to snap some shots in.


My next stage is minecraft.

So I'm gonna add some minecraft mobs to the stage to spice it up.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 10, 2012, 10:05:04 PM

Welp thats the playing area.

I need to make the sky fit I know, but thats coming later.

Upon looking at the picture,I  realized some textures were upside down.

Its fixed now.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 10, 2012, 10:32:57 PM
I am excite. Having all bombs + creeper texture over bob-ombs = winsauce.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Albafika on February 10, 2012, 11:00:31 PM
Minecraft scares me.... That aside, this is looking good!

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 13, 2012, 05:05:23 PM (

Not really a stage hack but...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 14, 2012, 10:21:29 PM

Does this lighting look Mine-Craft-y? >.>

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on February 14, 2012, 10:23:54 PM

Does this lighting look Mine-Craft-y? >.>

It doesn't look bad. It looks okay for that MineCraft.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 15, 2012, 05:34:33 AM
Good enough for me!
(please pretty please :3 )

But if you do want perfection, I think Minecraft skies have blocky clouds, like this:


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 15, 2012, 04:19:53 PM

I just dont have models like that.

I'll see what I can do.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 15, 2012, 05:04:31 PM
I'll take it with a sky full of skulls that say "The end is nigh!"
I...I wants dat Minecraft.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 16, 2012, 05:38:14 PM

Wonder if anyone will see it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 16, 2012, 05:58:45 PM
Creepin' Creepers are always creepy.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on February 16, 2012, 07:44:02 PM
Hide yo houses.
Hide yo stash.

Cuz da Creepers be blowin' up yo stuff.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 19, 2012, 06:09:58 PM

You guys should know that Im very bad at working on the same thing for long peirods of time

This week's side project

its gonna play exactly like Coenria. Except in space. with Star Trek stuff.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 19, 2012, 07:07:47 PM
Oh :( Okay. That looks neat too ^^;

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 19, 2012, 07:17:28 PM
Oh :( Okay. That looks neat too ^^;

Minecraft will still probably be done first. lol

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: SwingSet on February 19, 2012, 07:20:18 PM
any news on Sonic vs shadow? :)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Haseyo on February 19, 2012, 07:34:35 PM

Minecraft will still probably be done first. lol


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on February 19, 2012, 08:20:20 PM

You guys should know that Im very bad at working on the same thing for long peirods of time

This week's side project

its gonna play exactly like Coenria. Except in space. with Star Trek stuff.

I totally forgot you liked Star Trek.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 19, 2012, 08:41:22 PM
any news on Sonic vs shadow? :)

Oh, I was messing around with that model.

and forgot to scale it down in 3dsmax.

So I had to make everything .009 the orignal size, which bb didn't like so it corrupted itself.


Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: dRage on February 20, 2012, 05:57:51 AM

You guys should know that Im very bad at working on the same thing for long peirods of time

This week's side project

its gonna play exactly like Coenria. Except in space. with Star Trek stuff.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

I'm probably alone with this but I'm more excited for this than your other projects xD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on February 20, 2012, 09:19:36 AM
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

I'm probably alone with this but I'm more excited for this than your other projects xD
you are not alone i love star trek gonna have to get this stage

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 20, 2012, 11:53:46 PM
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

I'm probably alone with this but I'm more excited for this than your other projects xD

Too bad thats actually Voyager. Though Voyager is probably my favorite series of out of all of them.
Star Trek Voyager Intro (

Orignally, i did use Enterprise, but the model was too complex for .dae format.

Though I just found out theres an Enterprise model for Garry's mod (

I could easily make a version with it too.


Wolfen and Arwing into Shuttles 8D

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: dRage on February 21, 2012, 07:05:09 AM

Too bad thats actually Voyager. Though Voyager is probably my favorite series of out of all of them.
Star Trek Voyager Intro ([url][/url])

Orignally, i did use Enterprise, but the model was too complex for .dae format.

Though I just found out theres an Enterprise model for Garry's mod
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

I could easily make a version with it too.


Wolfen and Arwing into Shuttles 8D

Awwwww D:

I only watched the movies and a few eps from the original series as a kid. Never really got into the newer series so I can't tell the ships apart xD

Oh well, as long as it's Star Trek I'm looking forward to it =]

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Albafika on February 21, 2012, 07:24:21 AM

You guys should know that Im very bad at working on the same thing for long peirods of time

This week's side project

its gonna play exactly like Coenria. Except in space. with Star Trek stuff.
That's looking great. :srs:

How big will the Stage be compared to Corneria, though?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on February 21, 2012, 12:31:43 PM
That's looking great. :srs:

How big will the Stage be compared to Corneria, though?

About the Same Length,

Voyagter is a little longer, and a little shorter than Corneria.

Basically, its so close i didnt even need to change the death boundaries

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 10, 2012, 11:47:22 PM

Hey guise,

Here's an update on what I'm doing.

Atlas and P-Body, Not stage related (http://"")

Voyager's pretty much done, though the Enterprise version isn't even started yet.

and back to the Sonic fans, Flame Core, awesome graphics, horrible game.


Not entirely sure where Im going to make the stage, and I do have the sky box, but I didnt include it in this import.

As for MineCraft, expect that done sometime this week.

(assuming the blog doesnt explode)

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on March 11, 2012, 07:14:07 AM
Graphics of 06 weren't even very good though. 

Though still, it'll be nice to see what you do with both Voyager and Flame Core.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 11, 2012, 12:28:09 PM
Graphics of 06 weren't even very good though. 

Though still, it'll be nice to see what you do with both Voyager and Flame Core.

The graphics were awesome for the stages, most of these textures were over 1000x1000 when I got them.

The characters, badniks, and NPCS were horrid, and how stiff and poorly animated they were didn't help.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on March 11, 2012, 12:43:43 PM
I've actually wanted to try out it suckiness sometime for myself cuz I never had a 360/PS3 when it came out.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 11, 2012, 12:45:37 PM
I've actually wanted to try out it suckiness sometime for myself cuz I never had a 360/PS3 when it came out.

Its worth the price you can get it for now, its like 4-5$ at Gamestop.

Just make sure you bring a book to read when you play it for the load times.

They're 20 seconds long, and there are a lot of them.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 11, 2012, 06:51:20 PM
Flame Core update:

Probably gonna be flat.  I cant really add much to it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on March 11, 2012, 06:54:07 PM

Its worth the price you can get it for now, its like 4-5$ at Gamestop.

Just make sure you bring a book to read when you play it for the load times.

They're 20 seconds long, and there are a lot of them.
I've seen the terrible load times and the glitches.
It's a shame, really. Ruined what could've been a good game.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 11, 2012, 07:38:29 PM
I've seen the terrible load times and the glitches.
It's a shame, really. Ruined what could've been a good game.

It really is a rush job of what would of been Sonic Adventure 3.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Segtendo on March 11, 2012, 07:43:11 PM

It really is a rush job of what would of been Sonic Adventure 3.
That's true.
Man, I'm getting off-topic. Damn us Sonic fans v:

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Mystic Ruins released!
Post by: Oizen on March 11, 2012, 07:45:14 PM
That's true.
Man, I'm getting off-topic. Damn us Sonic fans v:

Sonic the Hedgehog - Hatsun (

^ This guy makes the game worth it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on March 12, 2012, 08:29:53 AM
^what the heck? 0.o

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 13, 2012, 05:39:21 PM
Minecrafttttttttttt /le drool again.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 13, 2012, 09:31:11 PM
But if you do want perfection, I think Minecraft skies have blocky clouds, like this:


If you're running the old versions or on low settings, yes it has flat clouds like that.

Minecraft doesn't even look like that. Isn't that the earlier Minecraft stage for Brawl?

I seriously think that you have never once played Minecraft.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on March 13, 2012, 11:28:04 PM
can't add a platform to flamecore?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 14, 2012, 05:42:30 AM
Recently, no I haven't but it's still a cool game and I like the blocky-ness of it. If they changed the clouds then...gross.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2012, 10:35:58 AM
can't add a platform to flamecore?

I could, but I prefer to keep things as canon as possible.

If you're running the old versions or on low settings, yes it has flat clouds like that.

Minecraft doesn't even look like that. Isn't that the earlier Minecraft stage for Brawl?

I seriously think that you have never once played Minecraft.

I'm having a hard time remaking the clouds as they are in mine craft. Right now they're 3D blocks in the sky.

If anyone has any suggestions for it, I'd love to hear them



Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: KTH on March 14, 2012, 05:41:49 PM

Does BEN it's a model or a 2D background?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on March 14, 2012, 05:44:41 PM
what the heck is with that video, i agree with KTH super creepy

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 14, 2012, 06:32:02 PM
BRAWLED.wmv ([url][/url])

Lol, That made me laugh big time. xD

You should add text saying "You shouldn't have done that."


Does BEN it&#039;s a model or a 2D background?

what the heck is with that video, i agree with KTH super creepy

Well it's suppose to be a creepy stage. xD

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 14, 2012, 07:55:25 PM

Does BEN it's a model or a 2D background?

Full 3D model

I knew I had to do something with it when I found it.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Segtendo on March 14, 2012, 08:26:57 PM
Oh [censored].
That's freaky...

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Albafika on March 15, 2012, 02:00:21 PM
Lol, that's some quality video right there.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: KTH on March 15, 2012, 02:35:20 PM

Full 3D model

I knew I had to do something with it when I found it.

Interessing. Where did you found him? Or you have ripped him?

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: SwingSet on March 17, 2012, 05:53:57 PM
Are you planning to finish flame core first?
just asking

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 18, 2012, 05:11:11 PM
Interessing. Where did you found him? Or you have ripped him? (

Oddly, no one seems to be using my conversion tutorial from this large source of models.

Are you planning to finish flame core first?
just asking

Yeah, Right now the order is

Voyager (Complete) > Flame Core (Untested) > Sonic Vs Shadow (kinda rage quit after all my work corrupted itself)

The Enterprise model is being annoying, so I think I might just make an Enterprise version later and Release voyager tomarrow.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: KTH on March 18, 2012, 07:07:00 PM

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Oddly, no one seems to be using my conversion tutorial from this large source of models.

Me want the link please.

Title: Re: ::OizenX's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Previews of Voyager, MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 18, 2012, 10:15:59 PM
Me want the link please.

A rather large requirement list is the problem.

Now, its all free, but if you want to fully utilize Garry's Mod you'll need Hl2:E2 and CS:S

But this is where I got the model for Mystic Ruins Temple Pyramid thing. (

maps are a different story, but they're a lot easier.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 18, 2012, 10:26:45 PM

Voyager is up btw

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Lord_of_D: on March 20, 2012, 07:16:10 PM
O: minecraft, if you can make a stage like that do you think you can make a replic of a Doom map? :happy:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 20, 2012, 08:02:37 PM
O: minecraft, if you can make a stage like that do you think you can make a replic of a Doom map? :happy:
He didn't make the model, he just ported it from Gmod to Brawl.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 20, 2012, 08:11:34 PM
Just wondering; is there a bsp editor out there? if so, then that means tf2 stages could be coming. in your tut you said hightower looks the most promising, right?

>implying we need characters
  >implying we need good characters to rig the models on

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 21, 2012, 05:12:10 AM
Just wondering; is there a bsp editor out there? if so, then that means tf2 stages could be coming. in your tut you said hightower looks the most promising, right?

>implying we need characters
  >implying we need good characters to rig the models on

Thats actually going to be my next project....

Im trying to make a character between every stage

and tf2 maps are rather large, I haven't really perfected a way to get them brawl sized yet. But I'm working on it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Segtendo on March 21, 2012, 07:10:41 AM
Everytime I see Spy, all I think about is him saying "Gentlemen."

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 21, 2012, 08:16:10 AM
Everytime I see Spy, all I think about is him saying "Gentlemen."


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 21, 2012, 05:32:50 PM
Holy crap! O.O didn't know you were working on Spy. (if that's what the pic means) Do you have a character planned to rig over? If not, personally, i say Sheik. Also, the RED and BLU classes share the same model, right? then it would be easy to make the BLU spy. i'm guessing all you gotta do is export the BLU textures and swap them.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 21, 2012, 06:29:17 PM
Holy crap! O.O didn't know you were working on Spy. (if that's what the pic means) Do you have a character planned to rig over? If not, personally, i say Sheik. Also, the RED and BLU classes share the same model, right? then it would be easy to make the BLU spy. i'm guessing all you gotta do is export the BLU textures and swap them.

Rig by similar moveset is a horrid Idea.

I'm trying to find someone with a similar body frame to him.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 21, 2012, 09:44:13 PM
Spy over Sheik is by far the dumbest thing I've heard all day.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Segtendo on March 21, 2012, 09:45:47 PM
Spy over Sheik is by far the dumbest thing I've heard all day.
But he turns into a woman :srs:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 21, 2012, 10:26:23 PM
I already assumed Spy would be over Snake o.O

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 21, 2012, 10:32:02 PM
I already assumed Spy would be over Snake o.O

I've already started rigging Spy to snake xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 22, 2012, 12:29:05 AM
I was thinking Snake too. Sure Snake's probably gonna end up with a lot of imports over him, but it's his fault for being so manly.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 22, 2012, 01:26:02 AM

I spent most of my time making Spy have a Brawl T-Pose, which is actually a lot of work for Tf2 Models, who have their arms down at their side, and bent. Its annoying having to move the vertecies into place perfectly.


Snake and Spy share a similar build, so this looks like it'll be a promising rig.

Also, I think I might make a topic for character imports tommarrow, and that'll be where I discuss my future Brawl Fortress 2 project. But as for now, I'll use this thread.

and since I didnt even know it was possible when I made Atlas and P-Body, I'll make sure that Spy, (and those two bots) get a metal shader.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 22, 2012, 01:46:48 AM
You do realise you could've just rotated the bones instead and get the same result, right?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 22, 2012, 04:57:02 AM
You do realise you could've just rotated the bones instead and get the same result, right?

But with the way bones are, I end up having to delete them. Unless you want little white diamonds sticking out of Spy :|

and if you use the Detach by ID thing, the model looses its skin.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 22, 2012, 04:58:24 AM

But with the way bones are, I end up having to delete them. Unless you want little white diamonds sticking out of Spy :|

and if you use the Detach by ID thing, the model looses its skin.
Eh fair enough

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 22, 2012, 08:43:13 AM

I had this strange idea to Rig Sniper Over link, and replace the Master Sword with the Bushiwaka, the Shield with the Razor Back, the Bombs with Jarate, and the Bow with Huntsman.


Of course I could do the same with a Demoknight, without the Bow replacement.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 22, 2012, 06:16:00 PM
I was thinking the exact same thing! It's perfect! :af: and btw, it's BushWacka. not BushIWacka. Do you plan on importing more? Like Heavy? He seems to fit on Ganondorf. (especially because there was a vertex hack of him.)

@Tommo: Ok now that's just rude that you called a not so good idea from me Dumb. >:(

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Segtendo on March 22, 2012, 06:17:17 PM
Redpwnage, it's called opinions. Everyone can have one.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 22, 2012, 06:53:46 PM

I had this strange idea to Rig Sniper Over link, and replace the Master Sword with the Bushiwaka, the Shield with the Razor Back, the Bombs with Jarate, and the Bow with Huntsman.


Of course I could do the same with a Demoknight, without the Bow replacement.
I always envisioned Demoknight on Ike because two-handed sword. I love that Sniper Link idea a lot, but probably stick to the default Kukiri. I just wonder how putting the tallest class on one of the shorter characters will work out.

@Tommo: Ok now that's just rude that you called a not so good idea from me Dumb. >:(
I called your idea bad, not you. Someone seems insecure...

By the way yes Heavy would be a good fit on Ganondorf, except that his legs are about half the length. RTB was gonna import him over Donkey Kong, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet. But meh, they're both good ideas.

Redpwnage, it's called opinions. Everyone can have one.
Damn right.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 22, 2012, 07:13:23 PM
For heavy on Ganondorf, size mods usually solve everything. nuff said. but over Donkey Kong? I don't think it wouldn't make sense because he'd be was moving on fours and punching and throwing like an ape.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 22, 2012, 07:20:17 PM
For heavy on Ganondorf, size mods usually solve everything. nuff said. but over Donkey Kong? I don't think it wouldn't make sense because he'd be was moving on fours and punching and throwing like an ape.
You mean he's not an ape?


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 22, 2012, 07:29:02 PM
Well, that sorta is the only thing that counts. UNLESS WE EDIT HIS MOTIONETC! :D But still, i say he's better over ganondorf with a size mod if necessary as he's slow, heavy, and quite powerful. Besides, i think this ( should be his neutral special or his side taunt if we ever PSA him. but since it's an instant kill. i say better off as taunt (attack), but is that even possible? well Luigi has a taunt attack. maybe it's possible to encode anyone to do a taunt attack.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 22, 2012, 09:24:42 PM (

Use this thread to discuss my character imports, this one will remain here for stages.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 25, 2012, 01:10:17 AM

Guys, I'm gonna be delaying Flame Core and Mine Craft if you don't mind.

Because this


Simple, a while back I found what would probably be the worst sonic fan game I've ever seen.

but..... it has models I can convert to 3ds from Sonic Adventure 2. Additonally, I may use an entirely different model for Sonic vs Shadow if I can find it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 25, 2012, 01:12:18 AM


This is amazing!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 25, 2012, 08:13:54 AM

Alright, I'll let this one slide.  :kdance:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on March 25, 2012, 09:08:29 AM

Guys, I'm gonna be delaying Flame Core and Mine Craft if you don't mind.

Because this


Simple, a while back I found what would probably be the worst sonic fan game I've ever seen.

but..... it has models I can convert to 3ds from Sonic Adventure 2. Additonally, I may use an entirely different model for Sonic vs Shadow if I can find it.

no thats cool you should get a model of prototype of the ultimate life form and make him animate the background

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Segtendo on March 25, 2012, 10:14:22 AM
Is the fight gonna take place in the shrine? :af:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 25, 2012, 11:30:12 AM
Is the fight gonna take place in the shrine? :af:

Probably not.

The background  from the shine is kinda boring.
and I figured out how to fix that odd shading thing, which was bugging me with the long lost ark model. I wonder if I can find that again somewhere...

anyway, a near perfect port to brawl box

I honestly never knew the walls were blue xD

anyway, there is a Biolizard model with it, but its not rigged, Im gonna see if I can rig some of his parts to charizard or something, then put him in the background.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 25, 2012, 11:34:28 AM
Too bad there's no quicksand option to add to stages, or that would be really epic. I suppose if any sand part is in it, it'll act as a fall-through/pit?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Oizen on March 25, 2012, 12:01:14 PM

I just want to take this guy and shove a space colony up his ass if you know what I mean >:C

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: Haseyo on March 25, 2012, 12:18:17 PM
Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that.
Second he went outside, I was just thinking "...[censored]ing owch. Time to put it out of its misery."

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES;Voyager Released! MineCraft, and FlameCore
Post by: SSJ Is Clueless! on March 25, 2012, 01:01:20 PM

I just want to take this guy and shove a space colony up his ass if you know what I mean >:C

freaking cool and i nver new the walls were blue either

and really one of the worst i deas any one can have is shove somethin really huge up there butt and crash at 800 miles per hour in the earth and kill every one on that planet

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: BriefCasey795 on March 25, 2012, 04:29:39 PM
^agrred. i also never the knew the walls were blue as well. and when i first saw the biolizard, when it's head suddenly appeared. it scared me, and i used to hide from that part lol

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: ShadowSnake on March 25, 2012, 04:42:49 PM
Biolizard in brawl eh? That is legit.

Liking the new stage imports man.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 25, 2012, 04:54:05 PM

I just want to take this guy and shove a space colony up his ass if you know what I mean >:C

Wow, I'm really liking this one. :3

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: the98pika on March 25, 2012, 05:31:42 PM
([url][/url]) I just want to take this guy and shove a space colony up his ass if you know what I mean >:C

Awesome job, is he going to throw those dark energy ball thingy's during the fight?
would be epic lol but i don't mind because this stage is freakin awesome :D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: ItalianStallion on March 25, 2012, 07:19:32 PM

I don't know what the [censored] that is, but that looks so sexy.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: Oizen on March 25, 2012, 08:14:40 PM
I don't know what the [censored] that is, but that looks so sexy.

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: Last Story - Boss - The Biolizard (69) (

It will have Chaos/Master Emeralds

it Will not have angry old guys on monitors flying everywhere.

and this

Gonna remake my old one with this.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: Segtendo on March 25, 2012, 08:27:12 PM
Radical Highway!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on March 25, 2012, 08:58:38 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: Oizen on March 25, 2012, 09:12:41 PM

Those buildings aren't going to be in the revamp. :C

So Im gonna have to move that billboard or delete it.

Not sure if its the actual place where its used. But that movies too epic not to be here

(Besides you can hardly see any of this from where you stand)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Previews of Biolizard/Canon's Core
Post by: Oizen on March 26, 2012, 12:02:28 AM (


That was easy.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on March 26, 2012, 12:59:11 AM
love it. i have both versions over the two different mushroomy kingdom stages.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Haseyo on March 26, 2012, 06:04:34 AM
I'll definitely get that revamp. Old one was a little too big for my likes.
Playtime is ovaaaaa

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: SwingSet on March 26, 2012, 02:12:17 PM
Very nice revamp on radical highway
did you get my PM by the way?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on March 26, 2012, 04:06:48 PM
Oizen, I'm sorry but I've had to revamp your revamp.


I've also made a new playable spot, so you can see the chaos thing from near.


I'll list you why I've decided to revamp your revamp.

1- The lighting

I don't like the lighting shown in the blog. This is your picture:


I guess the balloon is enough to compare.

2- Texture problems

Some of the textures are palleted and your model wasn't expecting them. So, things like the Sonic Team thing in the background looked weird:


This is how it looks in my revamp:


Also related to textures, some of them needed some UV change, like the arrows in the ground. They look better now.

3- Mirrored Stage

Your stage was mirrored. The texture issue doesn't let it notice it well, but the Sonic Team thing is inverted in your version. I've fixed that, without changing how the stage is played. Basically, the battle area was symmetric, so...

4- No Shadows

I don't mean hedgehogs, but character shadows. You did a great job in your last stage with shadows, don't understand why this one has no shadows now.

5- Pokemon Trainers

Well, not very important, but the trainers weren't very well placed... I've put them behind the actual fighting area now.

6- Chao in Space

It's cool to see that in the background instead of the Chao Cola thing. But it's too far, and I've thought it would be more visible in a new optional playable area.

So, that's it. Of course, I'm not gonna make a new entry with the new revamp, but it would be cool if you updated the kcmm thread with the new versions and info about them, and put me as a collab and such.

Not trying to get protagonism or something, it's just that I love SA2 too, but I don't like when a stage like this is just not perfect enough. It still isn't with my changes, but in my opinion, it looks better now. And, if some SA2 fan thought like me, then he may be satisfied now. Just trying to help, you know.

Also, we're teammates, we must try to keep the team at its best, if you get trouble, or lazyness, or something when staging, you can always count on me. I'll always gladly help you finish or pulish things. (


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 26, 2012, 04:16:55 PM


I dont really bother with things so far off the screen you cant see them lol.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 26, 2012, 06:54:24 PM

Canon's Core time:

The model itself is pretty interesting, I think for effect the pillars are slanted:
I can easily straighten them, but there's still no back to the temple.

I could always take that part out of the model, rotate it and make the other side that way but I don't think that would look good. I'll give it a shot, but if this version of it doesnt make into the final cut, you know why.

This is where I'm thinking about placing the first fight
Platforms being solid ground, and I'll rig Bliz's head and neck to Charizard's and make it a moving platform. I think that be pretty bizzare.

For the next version, there wont be a biolizard, and it will be the center of the sand pit, with floating platforms in the middle. Normally I dont approve of adding platforms to stages, I like to be as original as possible, but I think this place could really use them

And to answer any questions, yes I will be redoing Space Colony ARK with Biolizard's ass fileld up with my space colony, might make Sonic and shadow's Animations more Interesting, but I'll work on that later.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Haseyo on March 26, 2012, 08:42:30 PM
Love the road version of the stage!

Also love the idea of making his head a platform, lol. Would be cool if you made the quicksand a pit (fall-through) so the platform has more meaning as well.

You know, I'm really surprised no one has made anything from City Escape, you know, the most popular stage in the whole game xD Not really saying I'd want one, but so far I've just about seen every stage but that one. Too mainstream?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 26, 2012, 09:55:59 PM

Two people told me they were working on City Escape back in december.

since then I haven't seen any progress, or work on it in the slightest.

I will steal it and do it myself if I have to :|

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 26, 2012, 10:32:52 PM

Two people told me they were working on City Escape back in december.

since then I haven't seen any progress, or work on it in the slightest.

I will steal it and do it myself if I have to :|
I sorta think they gave up working on it...

Nice progress on Canon's Core. ^^

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: DSX8 on March 26, 2012, 11:36:34 PM
I sorta think they gave up working on it...

Nice progress on Canon's Core. ^^
last thing i knew bout city escape.. i gave BR3 the fixed model and everything... i havent even seen him since then... so as sorceress says...

i gave up on it, so go on and take it oizen

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on March 27, 2012, 12:45:04 AM
So when are we getting a pumpkin hill revamp? hehe

That was the first stage I ever downloaded and it's still in my roster :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 27, 2012, 04:27:54 AM
Eggman dances (

I want someone to animate this^

It be amazing for a stage.

last thing i knew bout city escape.. i gave BR3 the fixed model and everything... i havent even seen him since then... so as sorceress says...

i gave up on it, so go on and take it oizen


So when are we getting a pumpkin hill revamp? hehe

That was the first stage I ever downloaded and it&#039;s still in my roster :)

It could really use one couldn't it? If I can find a model, maybe.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Haseyo on March 27, 2012, 06:46:37 AM
Some ghost animation would be fun, and that skeleton cow animal walking around.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: SwingSet on March 27, 2012, 09:24:57 AM

Two people told me they were working on City Escape back in december.

since then I haven't seen any progress, or work on it in the slightest.

I will steal it and do it myself if I have to :|
You must steal City Escape
listen to your conscience broh xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Segtendo on March 27, 2012, 09:41:50 AM
Those two were DSX8 and br3. br3 hasn't done any hacks in a while.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 27, 2012, 11:24:34 AM

Guess I'll do City Escape after Canon's core.

I'll try to make it so mewtwo doesn't have to revamp it this time, though there doesn't seem to be any UV errors in it.

Anyway, can someone link to that city escape model folder from so long ago?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 27, 2012, 11:38:08 PM

Lookie what I found.

idk if I'll bother with this guy or not, he's not very memorable from the game xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 27, 2012, 11:54:52 PM

Lookie what I found.

idk if I'll bother with this guy or not, he's not very memorable from the game xD

Egg Golem, sweet!!!
I loved battling him as Sonic and Dr. Eggman.

Edit: Can u rip the place u fight King Boom Boo?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 28, 2012, 12:26:39 AM

I'm not actually ripping these, Lemme show you.

Blitz Sonic - My Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Stages Originals (All ripped by me!) (

^ People port the stages to a Crappy game called BlitzSonic,

I port them into 3dsmax, and put them in brawl. I wish I knew how to port, but I dont. So I'm gonna stick with doing this =v


Ignore the bad lighting, the sky is just really far off.

But thats enough searching for models, I'm gonna focus on what I have.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 28, 2012, 12:32:31 AM

I'm not actually ripping these, Lemme show you.

Blitz Sonic - My Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Stages Originals (All ripped by me!) ([url][/url])

^ People port the stages to a Crappy game called BlitzSonic,

I port them into 3dsmax, and put them in brawl. I wish I knew how to port, but I dont. So I'm gonna stick with doing this =v


Ignore the bad lighting, the sky is just really far off.

But thats enough searching for models, I'm gonna focus on what I have.

I heard about BlitzSonic.

1:05 They ruined Chao Garden. D:<
3:01 Chao Lobby needs some fixing, the floor is incorrect...

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 28, 2012, 12:34:36 AM
I heard about BlitzSonic.

1:05 They ruined Chao Garden. D:<
3:01 Chao Lobby needs some fixing, the floor is incorrect...

They ruin a lot of things actually, which is why I should really learn how M2000 fixed the errors in Radical Highway.

But for the most part, they're salvageable with my skills.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 28, 2012, 12:39:29 AM

They ruin a lot of things actually, which is why I should really learn how M2000 fixed the errors in Radical Highway.

But for the most part, they're salvageable with my skills.
I see. :-\
But u do a good job making those stages.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 28, 2012, 03:24:56 AM
[censored]ing Blitzsonic.

I'd prefer Egg Golem as an interactive stage with hazards personally.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 28, 2012, 04:56:50 AM
[censored]ing Blitzsonic.

I'd prefer Egg Golem as an interactive stage with hazards personally.

I could try to rig his arms to a character and have him push you off :|

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 28, 2012, 06:02:31 AM
Not worth the effort

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 28, 2012, 10:47:26 AM

I know.

He's not that important of a boss, and honestly he feels unnecessary right after the Ghost.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 28, 2012, 12:16:24 PM

I know.

He's not that important of a boss, and honestly he feels unnecessary right after the Ghost.
Well it was made by Dr. Eggman, lol.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Hero © on March 28, 2012, 01:42:48 PM
That theme in the Egg Golem Boss gave me nostalgia, whats the theme called?

Can't wait to see that beach stage from Sonic Adventure 1.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 28, 2012, 02:09:45 PM
That theme in the Egg Golem Boss gave me nostalgia, whats the theme called?

Can't wait to see that beach stage from Sonic Adventure 1.

I believe it's the Egg Golem Battle theme, lol. xD

Sonic Adventure 2 Music- Egg Golem Battle (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: SwingSet on March 28, 2012, 08:52:34 PM
First a Radical highway revamp :)
Egg Golem, Emerald Coast, and City Escape?
-Thank you  :happy:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: deadname mcredactedface on March 29, 2012, 01:40:12 PM

He's not that important of a boss, and honestly he feels unnecessary right after the Ghost.
I like Egg Golem... I just mean this is something that needs fully-customisable stage hazards, otherwise it's just yet another single-platform FD-like stage.

I believe it's the Egg Golem Battle theme, lol. xD

Almost every song on the soundtracks for both Sonic Adventures have their own name, not the name of where they play ingame.

I believe the track in question is called "Masters Of The Desert".

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: ✿Zelia✿ on March 29, 2012, 02:13:46 PM
Almost every song on the soundtracks for both Sonic Adventures have their own name, not the name of where they play ingame.

I believe the track in question is called "Masters Of The Desert".
Well I didn't know for the real name. I just thought putting Egg Golem theme would be much faster then looking for it's real name. But anyways u win this one sir.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on March 31, 2012, 07:03:40 PM

I'm having issues rigging Biolizard's neck.

I'm not really sure what happened but its not working as well as I hurt.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on April 02, 2012, 11:44:01 AM

The bad:
This week is busy for me, there wont be any stage updates beyond this

The Good:
Spring break is next week, so I'll make sure to push Biolizard through, and probably finish up the Spy.

The more good:
I've got a killer sub right now, its delicious.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Segtendo on April 02, 2012, 12:17:45 PM

The more good:
I've got a killer sub right now, its delicious.
It's so delicious that it's going to kill you? O.o

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on April 03, 2012, 11:22:18 AM
It's so delicious that it's going to kill you? O.o




Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on August 05, 2012, 06:51:11 PM

I've actually made progress on something :O

My god, that symbol on the floor was such a pain, I had to make the texture pretty much from parts of the textures on Texture Resource. Then I had to UV map it to make it not tile.

You'll also notice that I deleted the quicksand, I plan on adding it back and animating it as a separate model so it moves, and transparency if possible.

Probably wont have the biolizard in it after all. he doesnt seem to like rigging.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Haseyo on August 05, 2012, 07:51:43 PM
I was hoping it wasn't dropped :D
Shame about Bio but that's okay. Still a solid stage

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Segtendo on August 05, 2012, 08:03:39 PM
Been needing another Sonic stage.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Albafika on August 07, 2012, 07:49:52 AM
Is that the Stage where Shadow acts all heroic and [censored] and takes on the lizard thingy?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Haseyo on August 07, 2012, 09:27:15 AM
It wasn't heroic as much as it was the "[censored] you, I'M THE REAL ULTIMATE LIFE FORM [censored]!"

He got all kamikaze heroic in the outside area.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Segtendo on August 07, 2012, 11:54:10 AM
Is that the Stage where Shadow acts all heroic and [censored] and takes on the lizard thingy?
Damn straight it is.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Radical Highway revamped!
Post by: Oizen on August 14, 2012, 08:36:33 PM
Is that the Stage where Shadow acts all heroic and [censored] and takes on the lizard thingy?

Yep. I have the model for the lizard thingy too, i just cant rig him.

Also, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time. Attempt to make a stage entirely from scratch in 3DS Max.
While I want to keep the genesis look, the buildings in the back are going to probably get an entire new texture.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the Cannon's core will be my last import, cause imports are just too boring.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 15, 2012, 08:38:17 PM
Lookin' very nice. Just seeing the preview put the song in my head. Definitely will add once it's done.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 15, 2012, 10:45:03 PM

Ignore the water, Im just using a stock sky right now

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 15, 2012, 10:49:59 PM
Anything but the dreaded pink fluid of death.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 15, 2012, 10:51:31 PM
I say make the water the same color as the "fluid" in the BG.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 15, 2012, 10:55:25 PM
I say make the water the same color as the "fluid" in the BG.

Good idea, though I'm going to just make a new texture for the water, and place it on top of the current water.

Seeing as the current water doesnt actually rely on the textures for color.


Pretty much done with Chemical Plant, somehow making models yourself goes so much faster.

Just gonna port it to Green Hill, and put it up on the blog some time.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 16, 2012, 08:37:59 AM
Awesome, can't wait for ze release :D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 16, 2012, 08:58:48 AM
Chemical Plant Preview [Custom Model] (

Some more previews. Going to schedule this for tomarrow,  as long as Mann vs Machine doesnt keep me from putting the finishing touches on it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 16, 2012, 12:32:52 PM
Will it come with the original version BRSTM and the Generations (Modern) Mix?

Sonic Generations Music: Chemical Plant Zone (Modern) (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: ItalianStallion on August 16, 2012, 12:40:28 PM
Chemical Weed Plant Zone!

You just inspired me into finishing the version we were working on.

Cool story bro.

Good luck to ya sir!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 16, 2012, 12:40:43 PM
Will it come with the original version BRSTM and the Generations (Modern) Mix?

Sonic Generations Music: Chemical Plant Zone (Modern) ([url][/url])

Does it matter?

Both of them are in the vault, and I never make my own music.

Chemical Weed Plant Zone!

You just inspired me into finishing the version we were working on.

Cool story bro.

Good luck to ya sir!

As to you.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 16, 2012, 01:12:19 PM
I wasn't aware they were, my apologizes. I should've checked first.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2012, 09:46:51 AM

Not sure if its just me, but I cant seem to download any of the Chem plant brstms

or even navigate Brawl vault.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 17, 2012, 10:05:56 AM
Oizen, here.,t5qr4jtdyht3ycy (,t5qr4jtdyht3ycy)
Both Chemical Plant songs from Generations.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2012, 10:53:59 AM
Oizen, here.
[url],t5qr4jtdyht3ycy[/url] ([url],t5qr4jtdyht3ycy[/url])
Both Chemical Plant songs from Generations.

Well, theres nothing stopping me from making the video now.

Thanks seg.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 17, 2012, 11:46:59 AM
No problem. Just call me whenever you need a BRSTM :P

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2012, 12:03:27 PM

Finished touching up the lighting. The video has been recorded.

I'll upload it when I dont need the internet tonight.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: ItalianStallion on August 17, 2012, 12:50:01 PM
Looks delicious. Nice job on the lighting lady.

Now I can't wait to see how it actually plays..

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2012, 01:09:21 PM
Looks delicious. Nice job on the lighting lady.

Now I can't wait to see how it actually plays..

I can proudly say for once CPU's dont freak out on it.

Brawl Hacks- Chemical Plant Zone (

I'm hoping to do Hydrocity zone like this, but I want to see how well Chemical plant is recieved.

and most likely do it regardless of that.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant preview
Post by: Oizen on August 17, 2012, 11:40:28 PM (


oh and this.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 18, 2012, 08:29:18 AM
Glad to see someone importing some classic Sonic stage. Green Hill wasn't enough :v

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: DoctorFlux(Mariodk) on August 18, 2012, 08:29:56 AM
Glad to see someone importing some classic Sonic stage. Green Hill wasn't enough :v

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 18, 2012, 08:45:45 AM
Glad to see someone importing some classic Sonic stage. Green Hill wasn't enough :v

Considering how many times Green Hill has been brought back, I actually find it very underwhelming to see it in Brawl or Generations.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 18, 2012, 10:04:50 AM


This is what I've got going for Hydrocity zone right now. Going to try and make it longer.
It will have water, but it will not have swimming. I've learned from my Aquatic Mine that Brawl swimming is incredibly clunky.

I'm open to any suggestions on what other gimmicks to add to this

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 18, 2012, 10:10:56 AM
Oooh. I like how you included the slide.

Considering how many times Green Hill has been brought back, I actually find it very underwhelming to see it in Brawl or Generations.
Agreed. I understand why it'd be in Generations, but it doesn't have to have a reference in every friggin' game.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 18, 2012, 10:40:49 AM
I was upset that it was in the 3DS Generations as well. That could've been a better slot for another stage.

Anywho, I like the lack of swimming idea here, granted I like it in Aquatic Mine.

The only gimmick that would neat is making it so the slide actually causes you to slide down, but I'd imagine that's impossible. If you can make it so the water rises and sinks here and there, that would be cool. If it's not swimmable then it could just be an effect, ya?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 18, 2012, 11:16:56 AM
I was upset that it was in the 3DS Generations as well. That could've been a better slot for another stage.

Anywho, I like the lack of swimming idea here, granted I like it in Aquatic Mine.

The only gimmick that would neat is making it so the slide actually causes you to slide down, but I'd imagine that's impossible. If you can make it so the water rises and sinks here and there, that would be cool. If it's not swimmable then it could just be an effect, ya?

I'm probably not going to use the water you see in the 3ds max preview.

I've never really had a good time making brawl accept semi transparent textures. So I'm probably going to use brawl water, which I cant really animate.

and I added a floating platform that lets you get to the very top, which will open up a bit more, trying to make this stage giant.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 18, 2012, 11:21:41 AM
Awesome, I love bigger stages, as long as each character can fairly reach any point.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 19, 2012, 04:31:04 AM

-Slide Rings
-Bridge Posts
-Floating platform
-Rest of the background.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: ItalianStallion on August 19, 2012, 12:12:35 PM
Dude I'm not a Sonic fanboy at all, but oh man that Hidrocity Zone stage is sexy as [censored]. Love the colors, and atmosphere it has.

Carry on, sir.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 19, 2012, 12:29:25 PM
Here. (
The remix from the Project Chaos, all looped.

Just ask if you want the actual songs from the game.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 19, 2012, 05:18:08 PM
Would be neat if the water actually flowed out of the slide (just effects).
Looks boss as-is still.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 19, 2012, 05:47:26 PM
Would be neat if the water actually flowed out of the slide (just effects).
Looks boss as-is still.

I'm looking into animated textures right now.

I doubt I'll be able to do something like that, but I'm hoping to make a Hydrocity zone looking waterfall.

if animated textures dont work, I can always go do the basic frame by frame model swap method.

[url][/url] ([url][/url])
The remix from the Project Chaos, all looped.

Just ask if you want the actual songs from the game.

Why thank you official source of all music.  ^-^

Dude I&#039;m not a Sonic fanboy at all, but oh man that Hidrocity Zone stage is sexy as [censored]. Love the colors, and atmosphere it has.

Carry on, sir.

I'm not really a fanboy either, at least my entire attitude towards anything would only make me a "casual enjoyer" compared to some of the more out there people.

Back to modeling a pissed off shark missles.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 19, 2012, 06:26:06 PM
I was wondering what that green thing was, but now I see it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 19, 2012, 07:10:50 PM

Why thank you official source of all music.  ^-^


Back to modeling a pissed off shark missles.

Is that what the little model is at the corner of your picture?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 19, 2012, 09:09:35 PM
Is that what the little model is at the corner of your picture?

That was him in his early stages, yes. I tend to make things in untextured form first, then texture them last

This is what he looks like right now.


Though I need to unwrap him to make proper textures.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 19, 2012, 10:26:48 PM
Will they be background or will they like float around the stage as a temp platform when it appears, like Arwings do on various Starfox stages, just a straight line in this case.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: LegacyWolf on August 20, 2012, 07:17:14 AM
Very nice stage. That slide looks like fun. You say it seems easier to create your models in 3ds max?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 20, 2012, 07:52:38 AM
Very nice stage. That slide looks like fun. You say it seems easier to create your models in 3ds max?

Way back when, I used to go model hunting through out things like the SSE or other games with MDL0's, like my older version of Radical Highway is proof of that.

But because we can import things from 3ds now, I can just make models as I need them, and make sure the texutre mapping isn't horrible too.

Its a little longer of a process but the pay off is worth it.

Plus I've always wanted to learn how to make awesome 3d models, so this is pretty good practice.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: LegacyWolf on August 20, 2012, 04:01:29 PM
I agree with that.

I've found that model hunting may not be as convenient as it sounds, so I should probably start this myself. Your Hydrocity zone is proof of how useful it can become.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 05:59:44 AM

Started rebuilding the stage on Newpork.

Shouldn't be long before its ready.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Forte on August 21, 2012, 08:21:55 AM
These Sonic stages are turning out really great. Your recreations keep all looks and vibes of the original but in a brawl sort of way, if that makes sense.

I'm curious though, after creating the stage models in 3ds, how do you get them to stay in the position you want? I move my created models in 3ds using the Move tool, but once I export them in BrawlBox their positions are all messed up.
- Forte

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 09:11:08 AM
These Sonic stages are turning out really great. Your recreations keep all looks and vibes of the original but in a brawl sort of way, if that makes sense.

I'm curious though, after creating the stage models in 3ds, how do you get them to stay in the position you want? I move my created models in 3ds using the Move tool, but once I export them in BrawlBox their positions are all messed up.
- Forte

I bypass that by first exporting it as a .obj, importing it as a single mesh, and then using the detach by material script.

Somehow, this keeps all the objects from going back to 0,0,0

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 09:29:17 AM
These Sonic stages are turning out really great. Your recreations keep all looks and vibes of the original but in a brawl sort of way, if that makes sense.

Yeah, how it's not just some 2D import with some platforms. It actually feels like a recreated stage, like Legacy's Casino Night Zone. Both very nice. I didn't want to fill up my stages with all Sonic stages, but it may be the case xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 10:19:05 AM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 10:47:04 AM
Shiny indeed. How are the Sharpedo's coming along?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 03:40:49 PM
Shiny indeed. How are the Sharpedo's coming along?

Its official name is Jawz, apparently.

He hasn't really been touched, he'll be the last thing to put into brawl, right now I'm trying to figure out this odd platform glitch  that causes characters to blow up.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 03:46:59 PM
That sounds ridiculously entertaining to watch, lol.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: LegacyWolf on August 21, 2012, 04:11:57 PM
Again, great-looking stage you got there.

I had the same problem with the characters blowing up. Happened when I was making Planet Namek. Turns out the collisions glitched, so I re-created them. Not sure if that helped. >.>

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 04:29:36 PM
Again, great-looking stage you got there.

I had the same problem with the characters blowing up. Happened when I was making Planet Namek. Turns out the collisions glitched, so I re-created them. Not sure if that helped. >.>

I ended up just scrapping the platform moving. It was too unnessescary to fix


Oizen has learned how to add bones!


I didnt realize the propellers were so dis-proportioned. ._. *fix*

That being said, I'm now more tempted to take on a zone with a moving background.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 04:33:10 PM
Angel Island Zone, when Eggman sets it on fire?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 04:36:27 PM
Angel Island Zone, when Eggman sets it on fire?

Fire is more of a animated texture thing ._.

I'm thinking more like.... Metropolis or Sky Sanctuary.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 04:42:45 PM
Are you looking more into animated enemies or just random background stuff?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: SwingSet on August 21, 2012, 06:42:39 PM
Really looking forward to hydrotic city zone.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 07:27:33 PM

I almost started crying out of happiness when a CPU used the platform I placed to get to the highest point of Hydrocity Zone.

For once they're not broken T_T

Sorry this is getting a little emotional.



This stage is nearing completion. Haven't really decided on what to do next, or even if I should for a while.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 21, 2012, 07:39:26 PM
Lol, it's amazing when CPUs even manage to jump over some obstacles in many stages.

As for what to do next...since you like this whole custom stage thing, and probably don't want to overwhelm Sonic all at once, think of a series you like from a 2D game and see if you can bring it to life. Maybe not even a game, perhaps an anime series.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 21, 2012, 08:29:04 PM
Did someone mention Metropolis?

[censored] YES DO IT. I love that zone with a passion.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 21, 2012, 08:47:42 PM
Did someone mention Metropolis?

[censored] YES DO IT. I love that zone with a passion.

If only I could put slicers in it, and make them as annoying.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 10:48:40 AM

Stage is pretty much done.

Reply for the video is made, and it ended up being put on Mario Kart.

So naturally, you'll have a video of it whenever youtube loves me.
and I used the awesome Project Chaos remix seg provided, =p

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 11:01:57 AM
The best preview is seeing it on mah Wii D;

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 12:12:47 PM
Brawl Hacks- Hydrocity Zone (


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 12:40:27 PM
Ermahgerd it looks wonderful. So simple, yet one of the best stages I've seen yet.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 03:23:52 PM (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Chemical Plant release. Hydrocity zone preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 03:27:39 PM
I was just talking about that in my head. I pronounce it "Hydrossity." I feel like if it were Hydro-city, it would've been spelled Hydro City Zone. Welp I got a new SSP to create. TO THE LAB

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: ToadKart on August 22, 2012, 04:13:12 PM
Putting on my SD card ASAP. My Sonic stage count is now up to 15. Loving these classic stages!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: SwingSet on August 22, 2012, 04:26:35 PM
Damn This stage is so damn epic. Did you model this yerself as well as Chemical Plant zone?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Segtendo on August 22, 2012, 04:33:06 PM
Damn This stage is so damn epic. Did you model this yerself as well as Chemical Plant zone?
He did both.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 05:56:55 PM
Damn This stage is so damn epic. Did you model this yerself as well as Chemical Plant zone?

Sure did, and I think I'm going to try custom modeling that Sonic Vs shadow fight in SA2. Everything I make from now on is going to be by scratch in 3DS max, no stealing from The Model's resource =p

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 06:00:39 PM
The final one? Will you be doing anything...exciting to it? It's honestly just a flat stage with meteors everywhere.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 06:02:45 PM
The final one? Will you be doing anything...exciting to it? It's honestly just a flat stage with meteors everywhere.

Tempted to see what happens when I force a brawl fight to constantly be running to the right.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 06:12:18 PM
Now THAT will be fun. Perhaps start off on a platform, enough time for Bunny Ears to spawn (all Ears, on high) then lower the platform and dash for your life.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Segtendo on August 22, 2012, 06:41:06 PM
But what if you don't play with items?
Although I do think that there's a special Brawl with the bunny hood.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 06:44:54 PM
But what if you don't play with items?
Although I do think that there's a special Brawl with the bunny hood.

I dont really plan it to go that fast

just slow movment to the right, and near when a platform is offscreened, it will fall down to earth, (then magically reappear to the far right, but you dont need to know that =p)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 06:46:31 PM
There is a special Brawl with that, I only use invis so I totally forgot.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Ikuto on August 22, 2012, 06:48:58 PM
so you actually took my suggestion and making sonic vs shadow now? *note: im Judai64 in youtube* Nice anyway you should make 3 versions.
1.Just it staying still
2.It going at a decent speed.
3.1 one sonic has to actually use his speed XD!
actually edit: 4 versions one where it stands still and slowly by slowly it keeps accelerating then off to a running speed.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Solar99 on August 22, 2012, 07:03:51 PM
1.Just it staying still
Wouldn't that be really boring considering it's really just a platform in the middle of space? :/

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 22, 2012, 07:05:38 PM
so you actually took my suggestion and making sonic vs shadow now? *note: im Judai64 in youtube* Nice anyway you should make 3 versions.
1.Just it staying still
2.It going at a decent speed.
3.1 one sonic has to actually use his speed XD!
actually edit: 4 versions one where it stands still and slowly by slowly it keeps accelerating then off to a running speed.

I've already made it twice, why not a third time? xD
Wouldn't that be really boring considering it's really just a platform in the middle of space? :/


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Haseyo on August 22, 2012, 07:20:12 PM
Final Destination was the first stage I ever replaced.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Solar99 on August 22, 2012, 07:22:12 PM

Hey. Never said that was any better.  :P

By the way excellent on the Hydrocity Zone stage.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 11:38:50 AM

This is turning out to be painfully easy to model



Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Segtendo on August 23, 2012, 11:40:28 AM
It'll be done in no time :P

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Haseyo on August 23, 2012, 11:59:07 AM
I'm probably going to get this just so I can have an excuse to use the Generations Mix of "Vs Shadow"

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on August 23, 2012, 11:59:39 AM
Hey Oizen (

With this your last work (hydrocity) would have been perfect.

I've made this shadow model, you can incorpore it to your stage for free. It doesn't include a shadow for the floating platform though.

( (


One more thing. If you make your stages over slots different from Final Destination (in this case, STGKART.pac), if you care and do not put any important part in modeldata[0] (not present in STGFINAL) but only modeldatas 1,2 and 101, your stage will be compatible with that stage and STGFINAL at the same time. If you switch modeldatas 0 and 2 in Hydro City, you'll increase compatibility. You know there are people that, if the stage doesn't work over final destination, they don't know what to do and stuff. Just telling.

Btw, the stage is really nice, congrats  :kdance:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 12:14:21 PM

After messing around with 3dsMax, I managed to make the Meteorites in the stage look more rockish, and not just perfect spheres.


yaaaaaaaaaaay. Since this stage is destined to be boring and flat, might as well put as much detail into the model as possible right?

Hey Oizen

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

With this your last work (hydrocity) would have been perfect.

I&#039;ve made this shadow model, you can incorpore it to your stage for free. It doesn&#039;t include a shadow for the floating platform though.


[url][/url] ([url][/url])


One more thing. If you make your stages over slots different from Final Destination (in this case, STGKART.pac), if you care and do not put any important part in modeldata[0] (not present in STGFINAL) but only modeldatas 1,2 and 101, your stage will be compatible with that stage and STGFINAL at the same time. If you switch modeldatas 0 and 2 in Hydro City, you&#039;ll increase compatibility. You know there are people that, if the stage doesn&#039;t work over final destination, they don&#039;t know what to do and stuff. Just telling.

Btw, the stage is really nice, congrats  :kdance:

From my last few experiences with your shadow tool, I'm kind of afraid of it.

I have no idea how to make anything that complex. As for the compatibility thing, I might as well look into doing that sometime, all my stages are originally built on Final Destination anyway. I'll see if I can touch this stuff up with it later.

But as for right now I'm busy with 3DS max making giant parts of a space colony.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: ItalianStallion on August 23, 2012, 12:21:06 PM
Don't you just have the best team mate in the whole entire world?

Also, that "It's Free!" picture made me laugh.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 01:13:20 PM
Don't you just have the best team mate in the whole entire world?

Also, that "It's Free!" picture made me laugh.

It has its benefits

though the entire team aspect in brawl hacking has been dead for a long time =p

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 01:38:21 PM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 23, 2012, 02:05:17 PM
Space indeed.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 04:12:27 PM

All thats left is a [censored] ton of animating.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 23, 2012, 04:22:05 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 04:26:42 PM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 23, 2012, 04:38:27 PM
I'm actually hyped for this stage after that preview.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: SwingSet on August 23, 2012, 05:36:26 PM
Z0MG!! So hyped for this stage!! I was a big fan of this game and this stage itself. Outstanding job modeling and textureing Oizen. Kudos to you Sir!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 23, 2012, 07:35:13 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 07:46:10 PM

I've made this stage twice, you'd think I'd have one by now.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 23, 2012, 07:47:08 PM
Do you want the Generations version? :P

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 23, 2012, 07:50:13 PM
Do you want the Generations version? :P


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 23, 2012, 07:50:34 PM
I certainly do.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 23, 2012, 07:57:02 PM (
Have a ball.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 23, 2012, 08:10:14 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: SwingSet on August 23, 2012, 09:01:26 PM
Still looking forward to this.  :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 09:36:57 AM

I have the super flat motionlses version done, which pretty much plays like a extended final destination.


Probably gonna reduce the size of the meteorites.

Also might look into a glow effect for the earth, though thats something I've never done.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 12:40:20 PM

Tried making the platform move indefinately, brawl CPUs and the over all game dont seem to approve of it.

so glitchy.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: SwingSet on August 24, 2012, 02:33:28 PM

I have the super flat motionlses version done, which pretty much plays like a extended final destination.


Probably gonna reduce the size of the meteorites.

Also might look into a glow effect for the earth, though thats something I've never done.
I cannot believe my eyes  :patrick:

Keep the progress comming. 

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 04:49:03 PM

Gonna scrap the idea of it moving, lets just say no matter what I do, it typically ends in spontaneous death.

Stage is over FD,and Its pretty much already done, gonna see to adding a few cosmetic touches though.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 24, 2012, 05:24:58 PM
It would be cool if if every 30 seconds, you would see Sonic and Shadow racing across the screen. Like the torpedoes, just with shoes.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 05:41:22 PM
It would be cool if if every 30 seconds, you would see Sonic and Shadow racing across the screen. Like the torpedoes, just with shoes.

I'll think about that.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: SwingSet on August 24, 2012, 07:32:25 PM

I'll think about that.
Wouldn't that be easy scinse Sonic and Shadow already have their own animations?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 08:45:38 PM
Wouldn't that be easy scinse Sonic and Shadow already have their own animations?

Shadow doesn't, and I'd have to credit someone else if I used them.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 24, 2012, 08:54:46 PM
If you want to use the assist trophy, he might not have much to work with. However, if you use a Shadow over Sonic and use an animation from a moveset, that could work.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 09:00:33 PM
If you want to use the assist trophy, he might not have much to work with. However, if you use a Shadow over Sonic and use an animation from a moveset, that could work.

But thats a lot of people to credit, and when crediting comes along so does drama. :|

I typically try to keep my works as solo as possible because of that.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Segtendo on August 24, 2012, 09:01:23 PM
Then you could always go without the characters in the background and do that some other time. It's not necessary.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Haseyo on August 24, 2012, 09:25:28 PM
Yeah, it was just a little thing to throw in there. I won't lose any sleep over it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 24, 2012, 10:56:28 PM
[Brawl Hacks] Sonic vs Shadow Final (

I have no idea why the earth and space fade in like that, but it goes with the BRSTM, and I actually kinda like it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Evice on August 25, 2012, 10:35:25 AM
[Brawl Hacks] Sonic vs Shadow Final ([url][/url])

I have no idea why the earth and space fade in like that, but it goes with the BRSTM, and I actually kinda like it.

That stage looks wicked nice! Can I suggest having the Earth slowly turn?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 25, 2012, 10:44:33 AM
That stage looks wicked nice! Can I suggest having the Earth slowly turn?


It would have to be REALLY slow. Its not like you fight in accelerated time-space.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Forte on August 25, 2012, 11:12:03 AM
Wow, you work fast. The model turned out nice, although the UV mapping on the stars seem off. Maybe its just the texture?

Can I suggest having the Earth slowly turn?

I support this idea; you could even animate the stars to move like they did in SA2. Both tasks shouldn't be to difficult with the use of srt0 animations.
- Forte

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 25, 2012, 11:23:51 AM
Wow, you work fast. The model turned out nice, although the UV mapping on the stars seem off. Maybe its just the texture?

I support this idea; you could even animate the stars to move like they did in SA2. Both tasks shouldn't be to difficult with the use of srt0 animations.
- Forte

Its not off.

Its just the SA2 space texture itself
Not really much to work with. I noticed through the video it looks way too patterned. I'll mess around with it before the final release tomarrow.
I'm just gonna, scrap using the SA2 space texture. Find a good one on Google and work with that.

Heres a reference vid

Sonic vs. Shadow II (

As you can see the space in the actual version isn't that great either. Luckily I've got enough time to make it look better. Thanks for the feedback.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 25, 2012, 12:21:21 PM

New space texture.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Hydrocity Zone Release SonicvShadow preview
Post by: Oizen on August 25, 2012, 06:44:39 PM (

Was gonna wait til midnight to post, but I need to take care of some things, so Im doing it now

This is the version in the video, in order to make the earth move, I'll have to remake the model, same goes for making the space better. Im not really happy with anything I can make for that.

I'll do it later.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Ikuto on August 25, 2012, 06:54:37 PM
NO, no moving ver :( anyway otherwise cool. :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: ItalianStallion on August 25, 2012, 09:20:33 PM

But thats a lot of people to credit, and when crediting comes along so does drama. :|

I typically try to keep my works as solo as possible because of that.

Extremely good point over here.

Anyway, you're definitely growing as a Stage Hacker, Weedzen.

Keep it up!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on August 26, 2012, 09:30:16 PM
this is a super awesome stage! incredibly accurate. but was there something you  could do about the star texture?

o wait, you fixed it from the video. now it's perfect.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Oizen on August 27, 2012, 05:15:53 PM
this is a super awesome stage! incredibly accurate. but was there something you  could do about the star texture?

o wait, you fixed it from the video. now it's perfect.

Video really doesn't do the stage justice.

But I can't really go any higher quality considering I've been burning it to a DVD-R, then ripping it on my computer.

Not as good as a capture card.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: metatrongrhm on August 27, 2012, 08:23:21 PM
oh...i thought id already replied to this thread...oh well, im tracking it from now...good work oizen :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Oizen on August 29, 2012, 10:34:26 PM
 Well, I haven't updated this thread because I wanted to get Heavy out of the way, and now that he's pretty much done. I'll be returning to my preferred styled of hacking.

For my next stage, I'll be taking a break from the Sonic Stage collection.

From what it looks like, I'll be making a stage for Fullmetal Alchemist. While there really arent a lot of FMA fans in brawl hacking, I still want to make this. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: metatrongrhm on August 30, 2012, 07:49:47 AM
YES... I've only watched Brotherhood, but it was pretty awesome.
There's already a stage based on the gate(whatever it's really called), which I currently have over FD... It isnt very good... Would you mind getting a replacement(I guess this is a request for The Gate stage)?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Oizen on August 30, 2012, 10:56:34 AM
YES... I've only watched Brotherhood, but it was pretty awesome.
There's already a stage based on the gate(whatever it's really called), which I currently have over FD... It isnt very good... Would you mind getting a replacement(I guess this is a request for The Gate stage)?

That be so easy.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Forte on August 30, 2012, 02:56:54 PM
FMA stages in brawl, eh? Sounds promising.

Anyways, the Rockbell's house is looking pretty neat for a WIP. I'm anxious to see what you'll make of this stage, since I'm a bit of a FMA fan myself. r)
- Forte

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: KTH on August 30, 2012, 03:46:32 PM

That be so easy.


Risenbool? Awesome.

But did you know : (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Oizen on August 30, 2012, 04:27:15 PM
Risenbool? Awesome.

But did you know : [url][/url] ([url][/url])

That model suuuuucks. (and is inaccurate in some aspects)

Though I am using it as a reference.

and using some youtube videos of Brotherhood

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Haseyo on August 30, 2012, 04:51:17 PM
I know nothing from FMA except a talking suit of armor, but my friends will be excited for this. So, I shall hype in their absence.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release
Post by: Segtendo on August 30, 2012, 04:53:01 PM
Oizen. Your stage is already looking better than the PSP model :P

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release Resembool preview
Post by: KTH on August 30, 2012, 06:27:52 PM
Oizen, you think it's possible to make auto mail in real life? :srs:
I would like to change my arm into a sword.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release Resembool preview
Post by: Oizen on August 30, 2012, 09:16:06 PM
Oizen, you think it's possible to make auto mail in real life? :srs:
I would like to change my arm into a sword.

Screw automail, I want alchemy to be real. :srs:

Not really sure whats up with the tree.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release Resembool preview
Post by: metatrongrhm on August 31, 2012, 08:50:51 AM
That looks pretty cool :)
And I've remembered... Is your sig from Darker than Black?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release Resembool preview
Post by: slawter on September 06, 2012, 05:48:54 PM
I'm not a particularly big fan of anime but my friend got me watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood which I've just finished watching and it's brilliant. I'm looking forward to your Resembool stage and I hope you do more FMA themed ones :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; Sonic vs Shadow final release Resembool preview
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 12:53:22 AM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: xxWutzMercyxx on June 17, 2013, 01:24:07 AM
You already know this but Pokemon Stadium ;)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 01:30:07 AM
You already know this but Pokemon Stadium ;)

I have no idea how to rig the monitor.

Maybe if I beg a certain #150 2k he'll help me with that xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: xxWutzMercyxx on June 17, 2013, 02:09:31 AM
Or my good chap DSX8. He made a stage that uses multiple monitors ingame and it looks great.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 02:27:46 AM

From my 3 source images This is a very basic layout on how the arena will look. without the 2nd levels so far.

Obviously I have lots to do.

But not tonight.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 17, 2013, 03:51:10 AM
ohhh that spotlight-lighting is awesome. the floor reminds me of Robz' KC-MM club. Wish that guy was still around.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 17, 2013, 08:47:36 AM
Oh [censored] you actually started doing this after I went to sleep last night lol cool man nice start!

Yeah, there is a lot to do for sure, good luck with it all look forward to this for sure.

And I see Mario is still having an orgasm..

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 02:05:44 PM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: KTH on June 17, 2013, 02:39:48 PM
You did a really nice job Oizen, you win you know.
I just wouldd like how you going to make the lighting effect and the people.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on June 17, 2013, 02:45:34 PM
If you need help, you could ask DSX8 or Mewtwo to do the screen in the background.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Syeo on June 17, 2013, 02:54:03 PM


I knew that someone is going to make this stage.
Hm, it reminds me on this Kirby Stage where Mario & Luigi are as eastereggs in the audience.

Aren't there rumors that Little Mac will be announced, too? This stage might be a hint.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 17, 2013, 02:54:13 PM
If you need help, you could ask DSX8 or Mewtwo to do the screen in the background.
yeah i know how to work with the screens, i believe M22k does too.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 04:19:35 PM
yeah i know how to work with the screens, i believe M22k does too.

Expect a PM from me.

Later. No point in dealing with that until all the models and textures are done.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 17, 2013, 06:57:17 PM
sure thing. ill be waiting till then, cause this will be a pretty epic stage u got there

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 09:53:22 PM

Today's progress.

Im Not sure how to go about a 2d Crowd. I thin I'll just put in empty chairs.

Its not like SSB4 is here so the crowd woudln't be in right? Right? :D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Shun_One on June 17, 2013, 10:21:56 PM
Looks nice. I'm amazed you got that much from the little we saw of it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 17, 2013, 11:28:35 PM

Today's progress.

Im Not sure how to go about a 2d Crowd. I thin I'll just put in empty chairs.

Its not like SSB4 is here so the crowd woudln't be in right? Right? :D
that is not bad at all :o

and yea, should be no crowd due to the poly limit for brawl is, that might over-do it majorly lol
i could help u with the stage lighting, and texture animations if needed.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 17, 2013, 11:37:08 PM
that is not bad at all :o

and yea, should be no crowd due to the poly limit for brawl is, that might over-do it majorly lol
i could help u with the stage lighting, and texture animations if needed.

That would be great, I've never messed with animated textures. It would help with the Smash bros ring which I think its meant to rotate.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 17, 2013, 11:44:58 PM
you can't include a crowd texture like in the pokemon stadium 2 stage?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 17, 2013, 11:51:25 PM

That would be great, I've never messed with animated textures. It would help with the Smash bros ring which I think its meant to rotate.
yeah i can do all of that, plus the moving spot lights and stuff.

if u can get like all of that set up for me, i can work on that asap while u do the other stuff (probably make it as a separate model)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 18, 2013, 12:32:50 AM
you can't include a crowd texture like in the pokemon stadium 2 stage?

Yay fuzzy 2 dimensional Pixelated People in the backgrounddddd

yeah i can do all of that, plus the moving spot lights and stuff.

if u can get like all of that set up for me, i can work on that asap while u do the other stuff (probably make it as a separate model)

I'd rather not until I have everything in place.

Oddsd are Im going to remake it 4 or 5 times while figuring out how to make the upper layer.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 18, 2013, 12:42:37 AM
Well, it doesn't look awful. (

at 3:36, they show a stage with a little bit of a crowd.

or maybe something like a simplified version of the crowd in DSX8's Williamette Parkview Mall?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 18, 2013, 12:45:02 AM
I'd rather not until I have everything in place.

Oddsd are Im going to remake it 4 or 5 times while figuring out how to make the upper layer.
ah ok, that makes sense. ill be patiently waiting then my fellow good sir :vyse:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Leon Exodio on June 18, 2013, 02:39:02 AM
cant wait for this stage

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 18, 2013, 02:46:34 AM

Sakurai made this picture just for me.

It now looks like it has no ceiling with a night sky behind it. Yayy this actually makes my life easier.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 18, 2013, 12:06:34 PM

Holy [censored] little boy take a breather man you are on fire sir!

This is turning out nicely for sure, but that logo needs more sex and loving.

Also, that picture Sakurai posted on the Smash Dojo definitely made me think of you.

In a heterosexual way.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 18, 2013, 04:18:37 PM

Well things will obviously look better rendered in brawl.

3ds max has a way of making texture quality look bad.

But it still needs work, but I'll work on that later. I'd rather model the entire thing before finalizing the textures.


Went with the seats approach, I messed around with the 2d Crowd idea, coudln't really make it look good.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 18, 2013, 08:50:20 PM
ah, it's cool. your model looks great! you progress so quickly. haven't been this excited for a stage in a while.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 19, 2013, 01:51:15 AM

Starting Building the more finalzed parts in brawlbox


See I told you 3ds max hated textures.

I am now entering the "why is this crashing the game" phase of stage hacking.


I made a huge mistake while modeling it. Each bar of the beams have 16 sides. That sent the poly count mad high. Removed them and crashing fixed. Just gotta redo the beams.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 19, 2013, 09:58:34 AM

I'm actually quite impressed man. I'm not gonna lie.

Also, at your other post, you know you're a good stage hacker when you can solve your own mistakes as to why its causing a freeze. Good job!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 19, 2013, 03:49:00 PM

I'm afraid to put the giant TV in.

But I must.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 20, 2013, 05:26:24 PM
only pic ill show... dont want to ruin anything else.. still working on the lighting.  (disabled the tv for the time being)


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on June 20, 2013, 05:28:59 PM
Shouldn't the ring be bigger?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 20, 2013, 07:56:44 PM
Shouldn't the ring be bigger?
ask oizen. its his stage, so im not gonna rescale it unless he asks, or does it himself.

2 new pics approved by oizen. enjoy

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: SonicBrawler on June 20, 2013, 08:28:26 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 20, 2013, 09:29:34 PM
Effing awesome! the pinks in the smash bros. sign should be more muted. maybe include the 'cool' colors in the reference picture to break it up a little. For right now, the smash bros. sign (the pink one) looks a bit busy in the background.

the beams and the speakers are the coolest! the rate of your progress is so impressive.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 20, 2013, 10:06:08 PM
Looks nice so far in game and all.

Just a thought. I'm not really feeling the 2D image background, but its probably temporary.

One thing though, you guys should probably use the Pokemon Stadium 2's background ModelData. It would be perfect for this, and even work off of the lighting from there I would say, gives it that same night feel, since apparently the version on Smash Bros Wii U has no ceiling.

Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 20, 2013, 10:37:39 PM
Looks nice so far in game and all.

Just a thought. I'm not really feeling the 2D image background, but its probably temporary.

One thing though, you guys should probably use the Pokemon Stadium 2's background ModelData. It would be perfect for this, and even work off of the lighting from there I would say, gives it that same night feel, since apparently the version on Smash Bros Wii U has no ceiling.

Keep up the good work!

That is an interesting idea.

I just made that skybox in 2 seconds by inverting a sphere. I never intended for it to be finalized.

Shouldn't the ring be bigger?

I'd think so.

But thats a simple bone scale. Its kinda hard to porportion things to brawl in 3ds max. I actually imported Luigi's model as a baseline and its still annoying.

Effing awesome! the pinks in the smash bros. sign should be more muted. maybe include the &#039;cool&#039; colors in the reference picture to break it up a little. For right now, the smash bros. sign (the pink one) looks a bit busy in the background.

the beams and the speakers are the coolest! the rate of your progress is so impressive.

A simple Texture edit. I'll mess around with it later

As we still havent seen the actual banner in a clear shot yet. I think I did pretty well.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 22, 2013, 02:33:38 AM
progress... vertex coloring disabled since they hide the textures.

new sky and stars, light shows will be enabled! (maybe if i can pull it off)


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on June 22, 2013, 06:13:41 AM
So, combining skills, huh?

Looks pretty nice, I hope it doesn't get lag, it looks like there's many elements in there.

Nice work guys!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 22, 2013, 06:39:31 AM
So, combining skills, huh?

Looks pretty nice, I hope it doesn't get lag, it looks like there's many elements in there.

Nice work guys!
well, there's some stuff thats gonna have to get changed to lower poly... but its mostly using low poly objects, and stuff from brawl.

last i tested, it didnt cause any lag yet.

new pics! enjoy :P


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on June 22, 2013, 08:23:03 PM
I thought the boxing ring was the only floor on the stage. I've been looking at the trailer over and over again and I think it is.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 22, 2013, 08:40:07 PM
we'll never kno if thats the only floor or not... but we put it in anyways

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 22, 2013, 09:21:01 PM
I thought the boxing ring was the only floor on the stage. I've been looking at the trailer over and over again and I think it is.

I've done my research sir.


Additionally I have another project going
Unforutunately, it wasnt supported by fans and was cancelled

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on June 22, 2013, 09:25:42 PM
Ah I see now. I think you should make the ring a little bigger.

Also, dat Dr. Wily stage. :happy:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on June 22, 2013, 09:35:37 PM
But.. I thought you hated Megaman :srs:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 22, 2013, 09:38:28 PM
But.. I thought you hated Megaman :srs:

I feel the same way about it as I do Kingdom Hearts.
Hate? No
Think its an over rated series? Yes :v
I enjoy the games, but they're not the godsends people make them out to be.

That said, the visuals of the Wily stage are just too much to pass up on.

I mean look at that its awesome.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: superben2008 on June 22, 2013, 10:45:09 PM
that ring looks awesome. cant wait for it to be finished. good job.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: SwingSet on June 23, 2013, 01:13:56 AM
I feel the same way about it as I do Kingdom Hearts.
Hate? No
Think its an over rated series? Yes :v
I enjoy the games, but they're not the godsends people make them out to be.

That said, the visuals of the Wily stage are just too much to pass up on.

I mean look at that its awesome.
My God..  This looks an exact replica. Verry well done ;D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: xxWutzMercyxx on June 23, 2013, 03:06:40 PM
^ That's a screen grab of the actual stage on the Wii U version not an actual import XD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 23, 2013, 03:41:06 PM
^ That's a screen grab of the actual stage on the Wii U version not an actual import XD

Cant REALLY call it an import either.

since its being made, not imported.


For a Pretty much flat stage, there is a lot going on inside the model.

Gonna finish up the platforms before I do anything else on the castle.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: KTH on June 23, 2013, 04:24:38 PM
You did a really job for the stage of Megaman but the Castle is kinda weird.
Maybe you can do like xxWutzMercyxx did? A 2D castle? And for the moutain you can make a 3D one.

About the projector you can take the one from New Pork City.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 23, 2013, 04:29:12 PM
You did a really job for the stage of Megaman but the Castle is kinda weird.
Maybe you can do like xxWutzMercyxx did? A 2D castle? And for the moutain you can make a 3D one.

About the projector you can take the one from New Pork City.

The more I look at it, the more I'm starting to think it IS 2d.

And I've thought about it, but I've decided to do the castle dead last, and do the platforms mountain and sky first.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: xxWutzMercyxx on June 23, 2013, 05:08:03 PM
Dude is yours' is way better forget mine XD Yea the castle is 2D and I can give you the castle texture and 2D model it'll be quick but you don't need to. Also Pokemon Stadium 2 has some good searchlights to use ;)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 26, 2013, 06:59:55 PM

DSX8 made that arena larger.
Getting pretty fancy if I do say so myself.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: iwantgames on June 26, 2013, 09:43:21 PM
can't wait for this stage to be released, it's great.

posting to complement and find thread faster when updates come, way better than having to search.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 27, 2013, 05:42:37 AM
heh well, ur gonna have to wait longer anyways ;D

finally got the text to show properly on the screen, and stage no longer shakes if transforming! removed some text from the msbin file. Need to revamp the fog and lighting again cause it got corrupted -.-

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 27, 2013, 10:25:12 AM

Fixed an issue with the file you sent me this morning

Notice in your second screenshot how the monitor is transparent and you can see whats behind it.

Easy fix :v

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: KTH on June 27, 2013, 11:54:20 AM
I love the progress. I think the stage need more VIS0 animation for the public and the fire.
And need some light for the projector.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on June 27, 2013, 12:59:28 PM
not to mention an audience that flails their arms rapidly

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 27, 2013, 04:51:44 PM

Fixed an issue with the file you sent me this morning

Notice in your second screenshot how the monitor is transparent and you can see whats behind it.

Easy fix :v
i knew i was forgetting to do something to that.. x.x

ill most likely make a recording of this stage later tonight.

I love the progress. I think the stage need more VIS0 animation for the public and the fire.
And need some light for the projector.
not to mention an audience that flails their arms rapidly
we decided not to add a crowd cause it would cause lag majorly, so no crowd. as for extra lights, we might be able to add some in.

under Oizen's orders, i CANNOT make a video... but here's some nice, lovely pics ;D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 28, 2013, 03:43:44 AM

Lookin Fancy.

Especially like the charizard fading into the abyss on the screen.

To everyone else, DSX8 and I have learned that screens are very evil in this game :D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 28, 2013, 07:45:52 AM

Lookin Fancy.

Especially like the charizard fading into the abyss on the screen.

To everyone else, DSX8 and I have learned that screens are very evil in this game :D
hohoho that they r evil.. xDD

anyways... did some more spotlight position fix's.. and now i've added some lights to those light posts on the metal bars.
and a gif of the animations so far.. talk about long uploading process.. @_@.. u have to download the .gif
( (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: KTH on June 28, 2013, 12:19:36 PM
we decided not to add a crowd cause it would cause lag majorly, so no crowd. as for extra lights, we might be able to add some in.

Damn, You can't take by example the public from Pokémon Stadium 2 and animate it with 2/3 frames?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Puraidou on June 28, 2013, 12:43:57 PM
Damn, You can't take by example the public from Pokémon Stadium 2 and animate it with 2/3 frames?
You want a beautiful stage with a crappy audience? No thank you...

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on June 28, 2013, 12:46:26 PM
You want a beautiful stage with a crappy audience? No thank you...
I wouldn't call the audience "crappy". At least they are there. Otherwise the stage would feel dead. :/

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: KTH on June 28, 2013, 01:30:19 PM
You want a beautiful stage with a crappy audience? No thank you...
I mean as base and edit the texture.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on June 28, 2013, 02:54:07 PM
so cant wait for this stage

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 28, 2013, 05:46:59 PM
I wouldn't call the audience "crappy". At least they are there. Otherwise the stage would feel dead. :/

They're crappy.

Want me to prove it.

Ok fine.

^Pokemon Stadium crowd, in all their glory

^The SSB4 Crowd.

Its not happening.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Puraidou on June 28, 2013, 06:06:41 PM
I mean as base and edit the texture.
Not worth the trouble.

I wouldn't call the audience "crappy". At least they are there. Otherwise the stage would feel dead. :/
They're crappy.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 28, 2013, 06:40:07 PM
Damn, You can't take by example the public from Pokémon Stadium 2 and animate it with 2/3 frames?

They're crappy.

Want me to prove it.

Ok fine.

^Pokemon Stadium crowd, in all their glory

^The SSB4 Crowd.

Its not happening.

as oizen said... not gonna happen!

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on June 28, 2013, 07:52:21 PM
they just want this feeling so badly

Tekken 4 -Hwoarang tribute-The Strongest Iron Arena (

edit: i just realized how similar these stages are. crazy.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on June 28, 2013, 09:45:15 PM
wish there was a real audience tho, but there would be so much lag to the point of freezing

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 28, 2013, 10:10:05 PM
well it already causes small lag when doing 4 player matches.. but ya... .-.

anyways.. new pics.. screen display is always set as "on" now instead of coming and going.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on June 29, 2013, 07:31:07 AM
stage is coming along nicely. if i get cbliss working, i just might have to get my little mac skin for CF again

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on June 29, 2013, 10:38:04 PM


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 29, 2013, 11:00:28 PM

You stole my joke :srs:

But it looks good.

I'm honestly ready to call it done. Except it needs one last touch.

Shadows! So easy with Brawl Box vertexing. Sucks that brawl shadows suck

I'll do it when you send me the latest file.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on June 30, 2013, 07:32:11 AM
u gotta link me to that specific ganondorf moveset hack. I want 2 movesets in one!
on another note, the stage looks amazing! it just needs an option to have the audience seats be stood on.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 30, 2013, 02:16:07 PM
*Is disappointed you cant see the sky*

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Angelglory on June 30, 2013, 03:45:26 PM
I know it's a little late for this, but found a pic that shows another angle of the stage


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on June 30, 2013, 08:30:33 PM
I know it's a little late for this, but found a pic that shows another angle of the stage


The ramp looks much different here. Its a perfect diagonal slant.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on June 30, 2013, 08:40:35 PM
Did I see Wheatley-Knight?
[censored] YES.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 30, 2013, 09:25:50 PM
Did I see Wheatley-Knight?
[censored] YES.


I am dissapoint.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on June 30, 2013, 10:22:41 PM
What did I do? :oshi:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on June 30, 2013, 11:19:30 PM
What did I do? :oshi:

Did I see Wheatley-Knight?
[censored] YES.

Portal 2 - I'm in space! (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on June 30, 2013, 11:26:02 PM
I'm sorry.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 01, 2013, 02:18:13 AM
*Is disappointed you cant see the sky*

I havent a clue what you're talking about

I see skies of blue



Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 01, 2013, 03:19:40 AM
needs a better texture tho mate.. it just doesnt look good in that shot ._.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: BlueBrain on July 01, 2013, 03:53:44 AM
how many vertices does every chair have?
IMO it shouldnt have more than 12, and have them be a basic L shape...

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 01, 2013, 04:16:12 AM
how many vertices does every chair have?
IMO it shouldnt have more than 12, and have them be a basic L shape...
the chairs r all L shape... and they're pretty low poly.. its the metal poles and stuff thats like.. major.. i already made it drop 50% in faces with them, and any lower they would look all deformed.

the only issue im having atm is the pokemon stadium 2 sky objects.. they just dont want to work in game at all, even when set up correctly..

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: BlueBrain on July 01, 2013, 05:24:34 AM
i mean have the vertices like this:

double that

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: ItalianStallion on July 01, 2013, 06:37:46 AM
Yeah the sky definitely needs a better texture, that's for sure. In the end, its you guy's decision since its your stage, just my opinion.

Everything else is great though.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on July 01, 2013, 07:31:32 AM
thisll go great in my stage selections. I need an arena with no platforms or time/space gimmicks.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 01, 2013, 11:17:01 AM
needs a better texture tho mate.. it just doesnt look good in that shot ._.

I agree.

But the current Pstadium sky  we were using needs help :c

(but apparently you already fixed it so Im just beating a dead horse here)


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 01, 2013, 03:27:00 PM

I agree.

But the current Pstadium sky  we were using needs help :c

(but apparently you already fixed it so Im just beating a dead horse here)

ya... i "did" fix it.. but after messing with its materials, its not showing up again now... so now bleh..

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 01, 2013, 04:22:48 PM
ya... i "did" fix it.. but after messing with its materials, its not showing up again now... so now bleh..

I could make a slightly less low poly. Better textured sky?

*crashes the game*

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 01, 2013, 06:41:28 PM
Do w/e u have to do, just to make the sky perfect :3

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 01, 2013, 06:55:13 PM
Do w/e u have to do, just to make the sky perfect :3

Here's the issue though.

the first sky I made looked much better, but it made the file crash.

It think we're pushing it pretty hard. I'll work on it the best I can tonight.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 01, 2013, 07:46:51 PM
Hmm really? Well that sucks.. Ill try to get the PS2 sky to work again later i guess

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 01, 2013, 11:48:05 PM

Today's changes:
-The Arena now has a more Spot Light look to it

-The Skybox has been changed/updated
Still needs work though. Feel like its tiling a bit too much

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 07, 2013, 08:50:56 PM

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on July 07, 2013, 08:56:58 PM
Oizen. What is that song? :srs:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 07, 2013, 09:14:52 PM
Oizen. What is that song? :srs:

Im sorry. I cheated on you with DSX8 as official BRSTM maker.

Though it was his idea.


Blog post: (

Blog posting for hacks is dead, but it feels wrong not to do it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on July 07, 2013, 10:09:48 PM

Im sorry. I cheated on you with DSX8 as official BRSTM maker.

Though it was his idea.


Blog post:
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Blog posting for hacks is dead, but it feels wrong not to do it.
im so so SOO sorry seggy... after he heard the 2 brstm's i made for this stage... he asked me to be his personal brstm maker now, cause i roll like that ;o

Quote from: Oizen
DSX8 and I snuck into Nintendo’s Headquarters in Japan and uncovered this super secret leaked version Super Smash Bros 4. It was quite a feat too, DSX8 Had Iwata in a headlock while I cracked the safe and made off with this piece of SSB4. Sakurai chased us while we were getting away, but he tripped. Ironic, huh? Well now I’m posting it here for the world to see!
lol made my evening x3

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on July 07, 2013, 10:25:19 PM
I'm not offended. I was just curious.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on July 07, 2013, 10:49:31 PM
I'm not offended. I was just curious.

Dats the joke.

But Fancy Punch out dubstep goes well with it

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on July 07, 2013, 11:10:36 PM
once i get this stage im puttin polygon man's theme on it. no matter how cool the punchout themes are, I feel it needs epicer music. in other news: amazing stage. no legitamate complaints whatsoever. an illegitamate complaint would be the lack of a proper audience, but thats already been explained. im gonna enjoy this stage. think i'll .rel it over battlefield

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: SwingSet on July 29, 2013, 12:02:53 AM
Oizen, I hope you don't hate my guts for asking this. But a long while ago you were working on a BEN stage for Final Destination, if I recall correctly. And it looked about done. Is their something left that's holding you back from releasing it? Or are you only keeping it for a personal use? Sorry if it's a bother to ask. >_<

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: masterx97 on August 25, 2013, 02:34:58 PM
Hey I know im a noob and I don't know what im probably doing but how do you use this stage to replace another for example Pokémon Stadium 2 like is there a way for me to use this over that without having to get a code to add more stage icons on the SSS.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on August 31, 2013, 04:37:29 AM
Hey I know im a noob and I don't know what im probably doing but how do you use this stage to replace another for example Pokémon Stadium 2 like is there a way for me to use this over that without having to get a code to add more stage icons on the SSS.
if ur talking about the SSB4 stage... then it plays fine over Pokemon Stadium 2.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: SlyLoki on December 05, 2013, 08:14:54 AM
can someone give me konoha square and akasuki hide out outside the link is dead

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 19, 2014, 12:38:35 AM

Remember me?

Well DSX8 contacted me, and we kinda decided to retackle the Boxing ring project, as there are more than one picture of the boxing ring now. I'll also be rebuilding it with my much-improved modeling skills, which should honestly remove the lag issues the last one had. A lot of things in that are a lot more high-poly than they need to be.

Im working on it right now, no real screenshots yet, so thats that.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on April 19, 2014, 01:01:16 AM
we've also recaptured sakurai for textures... so now he cant escape from us..


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on April 19, 2014, 01:12:43 AM
i thought you guys snuck into Nintendo of Japan headquarters and stole the secrets.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 19, 2014, 01:33:42 AM
i thought you guys snuck into Nintendo of Japan headquarters and stole the secrets.


You see this is just a cover story. We've actually just uncracked the finalized version.

But its so amazing its taking a while to....decompress on my computer. Yes thats it.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: SlyLoki on April 20, 2014, 10:44:07 PM
can someone give me konoha square and akasuki hide out outside the link is dead please i really need them can  you help me oizen or anyone with the stages

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on April 20, 2014, 10:49:32 PM


You see this is just a cover story. We've actually just uncracked the finalized version.

But its so amazing its taking a while to....decompress on my computer. Yes thats it.
mum's the word

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 21, 2014, 11:36:19 AM
Hey I was also wondering are you going to add people and also make a little Mac version of the stage since there are two versions of the actual stage :)

Post Merge: April 21, 2014, 11:38:28 AM
Sorry for the double post I forgot to mention can you add a collision were you can jump on the string of the ring like a trampoline and bounce off it ? That would be awesome :D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on April 21, 2014, 11:53:03 AM
Me thinks you're a little too obsessed with Little Mac.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 21, 2014, 11:55:42 AM
Nah I tend to change my profile pic when I finish that characters psa like if I'm going to go back to Greninja then just change it to him lol :laugh:

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 21, 2014, 01:36:18 PM
Hey I was also wondering are you going to add people and also make a little Mac version of the stage since there are two versions of the actual stage :)

Post Merge: April 21, 2014, 11:38:28 AM
Sorry for the double post I forgot to mention can you add a collision were you can jump on the string of the ring like a trampoline and bounce off it ? That would be awesome :D

In order:
People: No.

Unless you guys want extreemly low res pixealted people everywhere, because I think thats all brawl would be able to handle.

Punch out version: Sure, Though the emblem will take a bit of work, its ultimately just swapping 4 textures. But Right now I'm remodeling a lot of stuff.

Current changes:
-The Arena's ropes, and the metal beam things in the back have been completely remade, They're significantly lower poly now. This should fix the lag issues the old one had. The benches will also recieve this treatment.

-Making the outer floor more like the ssb4 version: (

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 21, 2014, 01:42:55 PM
Yea I don't mind 2d or low pixelated people I'm cool with that and if you import low pixelated people that'll be great for me and the team of moders for project smash4 :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on April 21, 2014, 01:47:54 PM
-Making the outer floor more like the ssb4 version: (
just as long as the platform collisions lead to offscreen, you can put in a waluigi version of the stage for all i care. last i checked that was a bit of a problem.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 21, 2014, 01:52:13 PM
just as long as the platform collisions lead to offscreen, you can put in a waluigi version of the stage for all i care. last i checked that was a bit of a problem.

I plan to.

Keep in mind that the first version was built off like, 3 secreen shots and the original trailer.

I literally had no idea what the ground looked like.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 21, 2014, 01:54:03 PM
Oh yea brw nice work :) and if you add low pixelated people or 2d I'm down with that as long as the stage is like ssb4 then I'm good :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 21, 2014, 04:33:17 PM

Well, Thats enough work on it for now.
-Deleted a LOT of Backfaces on the furthest stands, should help preformance
-Added new side pathways, I promise their textures wont suck this time
-The Arena is now about 30% larger, along with the rest of the stage being about 40% larger.
-Improved arena textures curtosey of BerserkerOx

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on April 21, 2014, 05:12:26 PM
Yes. Looking a lot better. I always did feel the original's ring wasn't big enough.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Gamma Ridley on April 21, 2014, 05:23:01 PM
If you're really concerned about reducing lag and improving performance, you could probably get away with removing these bars and replacing them with flat planes, then texturing on the bars using transparency and such.


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 21, 2014, 05:59:47 PM
If you're really concerned about reducing lag and improving performance, you could probably get away with removing these bars and replacing them with flat planes, then texturing on the bars using transparency and such.


Thought about it.

Trying to make it again with boxes (its already significantly less) instead of cylinders this time, the last ones were needlessly high poly. If it still lags after this then I'll just make them 2D shapes. I typcially like to avoid using 2D objects though.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on April 21, 2014, 06:15:37 PM
ur not the only 1 that wants to avoid 2D objects.. they dont give that 3D feel if the camera moves.. thats just me tho

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 21, 2014, 09:40:26 PM

Got textures and stuff.

Thats enough for tonight.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 21, 2014, 10:00:00 PM
Nice :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Tabuu Forte Akugun on April 22, 2014, 11:19:06 AM
That looks great, Oizen. Can't wait to use this! ;D

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 22, 2014, 12:01:10 PM
Ik can't wait till it he adds people but it will be very low picked but I hope no one else minds it :)

If he adds the people that'll be great :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Sir Ethan on April 22, 2014, 01:15:28 PM
I can't use it

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 22, 2014, 05:17:34 PM
Use what?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 22, 2014, 07:37:12 PM
I can't use it

You might have a uneeded rel or something.

I honestly have no problems using the old version at all. Other than a bit of lag.

But that'll all be fixed up in the new version Im sure. I'll make sure of it.

Anyway, new [censored]


More of a stadium look on the outer stands.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on April 22, 2014, 08:03:36 PM
Nice it looks great and lol new[censored]

Post Merge: April 22, 2014, 08:05:13 PM
Sorry for the double post but if you are going to add low pixelated people which I'll like will they be around the box if your doing that that is :)

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Segtendo on April 22, 2014, 08:19:49 PM
You seem too excited.
Slow down on the posting, man. Your cover, at least, half a page of posts.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 22, 2014, 08:39:34 PM

Jesus christ I'll add a pixel crowd.

Its not that exciting.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on April 22, 2014, 09:15:36 PM

Jesus christ I'll add a pixel crowd.

Its not that exciting.
hell i can just give u a zombie crowd w/o the glowing eyes... xD

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 23, 2014, 06:19:00 AM
hell i can just give u a zombie crowd w/o the glowing eyes... xD

I was thinking about making everyone in the audience a render of Hank Hill.

But zombies would work

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on April 23, 2014, 06:20:13 AM
zombie hank hills… and maybe a bobby

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on April 23, 2014, 02:23:46 PM
You seem too excited.
Slow down on the posting, man. Your cover, at least, half a page of posts.
Or too obsessed of turning Brawl into SSB4...

You might have a uneeded rel or something.

I honestly have no problems using the old version at all. Other than a bit of lag.

But that'll all be fixed up in the new version Im sure. I'll make sure of it.

Anyway, new [censored]

More of a stadium look on the outer stands.
Shouldn't the ring be more square?

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Oizen on April 24, 2014, 04:00:52 AM

Incredibly low res pixel people.


Anyway, its been handed off to DSX8 now, so.... He might use his own thread if he has any updates.

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: DSX8 on May 13, 2014, 06:54:01 PM

enjoy folks~


Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Chaos_Knight on May 13, 2014, 07:42:07 PM
Dat crowd....

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: Bad Box Art Mega Man on May 13, 2014, 07:48:36 PM
my sides are split in half at he sight of the crowd. i will enjoy this

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: powerofthe17 on May 13, 2014, 08:59:37 PM
The crowd is awesome nice work! ;D I can't wait till it's released

Title: Re: ::Oizen's Brawl Hacks::STAGES; SSB4 Boxing Ring
Post by: questionthemajority on July 20, 2014, 07:38:39 PM
Is there any place where we can still download the World of Weegee stage? The link's been broken for some time now and I'd love to have that one again.